Entrepreneurial Development News
Want to know how to succeed in business? Access entrepreneurial development news about leadership, launching side hustles, creating perfect pitches, developing a business mindset, managing projects and more. This section highlights influencers, seminars, events and opportunities that enhance an entrepreneurs’ ability to achieve success.
Verbalocity, Inc. Announces the Book Release of Living for the Weekday
What Every Employee and Boss Needs to Know About Enjoying Work and Life by Clint Swindall - May 22, 2010 - Verbalocity, Inc.
Successful Project Management: Former NFL Employee Defines How to Succeed on Projects
Tim D. Haider, American author, inventor, and businessman has just revealed in his new book, how each of us can improve our chances of leading successful projects in our own individual organizations. - May 20, 2010 - TDH & Associates, LLC
Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Books in Self Publishing for April 2010
Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten titles for April 2010. Alphabetically, its ten best performing self-published books for April were: * Acing the Interview, by Sandy Scardino * The Facilitative Leader, by Glenn... - May 19, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
NewJerseyStage.com Writer Hopes to Have Asbury Park's Rock 'N Roll Story Told
New Jersey author is trying to raise funds through Kickstarter.com to get his book covering Asbury Park's rock and roll history published. - May 11, 2010 - NewJerseyStage
Leading Self-Publishing Service Provider Outskirts Press Pays Authors $300 to Publish Books in May
The most exciting self-publishing promotion of the year sees $300 added to the author accounts of every writer who purchases a Diamond or Pearl book publishing package from Outskirts Press in May. - May 11, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Two New Titles in Spring 2010 for Susan Wingate
Award-winning novelist, Susan Wingate adds two more books, in one season, to her publishing list. - May 08, 2010 - Author Susan Wingate
Colorado Humanities and Outskirts Press to Reveal Published Anthology at the 2010 Student Literary Awards
Fifty-five Colorado students will become published authors and artists as they are honored during the seventh annual Student Literary Awards for their literary or artistic achievements in two international competitions. - May 05, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Spring 2010 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards Announced
NABE announces the winners of the Spring 2010 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. - May 04, 2010 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)
New Guide Book, Hiking Nevada’s County High Points, Describes the Adventure, Beauty and Solitude Found on Nevada’s Highest County Summits
In his new guide book, Hiking Nevada’s County High Points, published by Spotted Dog Press, Central Nevada resident and author, Bob Sumner, has put his life-long love of the desert into this historic adventure guidebook. - May 03, 2010 - Spotted Dog Press
Clark Hatch: Fitness Ambassador to Asia
In his new autobiography, successful fitness entrepreneur Clark Hatch tells how he expanded his first Tokyo gym into more than 120 state-of-the-art fitness centers in 14 Asian countries and around the world. - April 30, 2010 - Clark Hatch International
Leopold Szor's New Release is Compelling Dramas Exploring the Plight of Jews in Poland During the Holocaust, Published by Dog Ear Publishing
The year is 1942 and the world around you has come undone. You and everyone you know – parents, friends, neighbors – are hunted down and exterminated like vermin. What would you be willing to do to survive? Holocaust survivor Leopold Szor found a novel way to deal with the ghosts and memories: Read every work of fact or fiction based in that dark period and write plays to explore human emotion. - April 23, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing
Kidpreneurs Wins Gold
Serial entrepreneurs and constant advocates for the fostering of intelligent young minds, the Toren brothers have done something unique with "Kidpreneurs," by outlining the basic tools and strategies adults use to groom their businesses in a simple, straightforward manner that will allow any child to easily understand. - April 21, 2010 - Matthew Toren and Adam Toren
New Book Helps Companies Find "Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements"
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," by Linda Eve Diamond (Hollywood, FL) and Harriet Diamond (Atlantic City, NJ), is the latest in McGraw-Hill's "Perfect Phrases" series, offering hundreds of phrases for company announcements that stand out among the millions of messages that pass by our eyes each day. These company announcements are perfect for businesses large and small, and the book includes a special chapter for non-profits. - April 20, 2010 - Linda Eve Diamond, Ink
The 99th Match is Awarded Apex Reviews’ Highest Five Star Rating for Its Compelling Narrative and Relevance to Wrestling Today’s Challenges
Apex Reviews awarded The 99th Match its highest five star rating while its author recently met with more than fourteen hundred students at Brentwood High School where the story takes place to discuss career topics and wrestling with real life. - April 19, 2010 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
Cash4Books.net Partners with DonorsChoose.org to Turn Books Into Cash and New Classroom Supplies
Struggling classrooms around the country are getting an extra helping hand from Cash4Books.net customers with its new DonorsChoose.org Partnership. - April 15, 2010 - McKenzie Books, Inc.
Connect the Dots on Flipkart.com
Rashmi Bansal's new book 'Connect the Dots' launches on Flipkart.com - April 15, 2010 - Flipkart.com
Book Loving Bargain Hunters’ Recession Survival Tool
“It’s the future of online used book shopping,” says founder and CEO Jim Smith of McKenzie Books, Inc., an internationally recognized online used bookseller. He is referring to their just-released website feature dubbed “BRAIN”, short for “Books Recently Added,... - April 09, 2010 - McKenzie Books, Inc.
Author Signed Copies of "Connect The Dots" by Rashmi Bansal Now at Infibeam.com
After the stupendous success of her earlier book Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Rashmi Bansal is back with her new release "Connect The Dots". Infibeam.com is the first online bookstore to have author signed copies of her latest book on entrepreneurs and their interesting lives. - April 09, 2010 - Infibeam.com
Spring Has Sprung Onto the iPad
MobiStories, digital books, ebooks and book apps for kids released its first iPad app just in time for the launch of the device. This digital board book includes narration, music, sound effects and multiple puzzles on every page. - April 02, 2010 - Still Motion Media
How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks - All for Free Teaches Online Tools and Methods to Create and Sell at No Cost
This new ebook by Jason Matthews is a guide for authors who want to promote their work in methods that are free. It covers creating an online platform, making and marketing ebooks, uploading to retailers and more without spending money in the process. - March 26, 2010 - Jason Matthews
Learn How to Self-Publish and Sell Books Online with jexbo Author Series
Jill Exler interviews self-published authors each week at http://www.jexbo.blogspot.com/ - March 17, 2010 - jexbo
Innovative, Alternative Funding for Small Business in New Guide Published by Outskirts Press
In her new release, The Small Business Owner’s Guide to Alternative Funding, published by Outskirts Press, veteran business consultant Karlene Sinclair-Robinson shares her years of experience with small business owners to educate them in new avenues of alternative funding and in the basic... - February 28, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Popular Wattpad Titles Now Available on Sony’s Reader™ Store
Wattpad, the world’s most popular ebook community, today announces an ebook distribution agreement with Sony Electronics. A selection of top unique Wattpad titles will be available on Sony’s Reader Store starting today. “We are very excited to bring popular Wattpad titles to new... - February 22, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
Outskirts Press Announces Leaving Your Home-Alone, by Author Mark Mehling
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Leaving Your Home-Alone: A Do-It-Yourself Step by Step Guide to Leaving your investment empty for months at a time by Mark Mehling, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 hardback w/ jacket in the House & Home / Do-It-Yourself / General... - February 21, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
iUniverse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for January 2010
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, has announced its top ten best-selling books for January 2010, according point-of-sale data from major U.S. booksellers. 1. Spinning Tails, by Jan Hornung; (History). More than thirty writers... - February 21, 2010 - iUniverse
jexbo Offers Self-Published Author Series on SmallBiz America Radio to Help Authors Sell Books Online
Jill Exler interviews different authors who self publish each week at www.SmallBizAmerica.com/jexbo - February 20, 2010 - jexbo
Speed New Drug and Medical Device Time to Market with Advice in New Book by Cerulean's Managing Director
FDA compliance guru, John Avellanet, shows biopharmaceutical and device executives how to speed time to market with new medicines and turn regulatory compliance into a competitive business advantage in his new book, Get to Market Now! Turn FDA Compliance into a Competitive Edge in the Era of Personalized Medicine. - February 19, 2010 - Cerulean Associates LLC
Celebrate Black History Month with Barack Obama in Pictures
To honor our first African American President and celebrate President’s Day, “Celebrating Barack Obama in Pictures" an interactive e-book for kids that can be downloaded to computer was released today. - February 15, 2010 - Still Motion Media
Two Dozen Christian Authors on Tour with TAKE ACTION! Publishing: Dare 2 Be
Announcement from TAKE ACTION! Publishing regarding the launch of the 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT), a national tour of Christian authors on fire for God and committed to using writing as a tool for Christian ministry. - February 15, 2010 - The TAKE ACTION! Network
Sylvan Dell’s Books Win Four Mom’s Choice Awards
Sylvan Dell Publishing's books received two gold and two silver awards from the 2010 Mom's Choice Awards in the children's picture book (Ages 0-9) category. Theses awards distinguish the books as best in family-friendly media, products and services. - February 11, 2010 - Arbordale Publishing
“A Beginner’s Guide To Blogging and Making Money Online” Book Released
The book “A Beginner’s Guide To Blogging and Making Money Online” co-authored by Varinder Taprial and Priya Kanwar published by Pustak Mahal, New Delhi, India has been released and is now available to buy online. This book teaches people how to start blogging and earning money on... - February 10, 2010 - Social Chakras
Wattpad Releases Q4 2009 Edition of Global Ebook Metrics Report
Android was the fastest growing while iPhone’s domination continued. - February 09, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
Author to Award Financial Assistance to Deserving Families
A Florida author is giving back to help families in need. With his new book, Saving Your American Dream, finance professional Jason Biro launches a campaign to provide direct financial assistance and one-on-one advice to help families save their homes and rebuild their finances. - February 05, 2010 - CRDG
Trafford Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Trafford, the pioneer in on-demand self publishing, has announced its top ten best-selling books for December 2009, according to point-of-sale data from major U.S. booksellers. - February 04, 2010 - Trafford Publishing
iUniverse Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major U.S. Booksellers. - February 04, 2010 - iUniverse
AuthorHouse Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major Booksellers - February 04, 2010 - AuthorHouse
jexbo™ Teams with Authors Digital to Help Authors Who Self Publish Sell Books Online
Self Published Authors Can Create, Market and Sell Audio Books Fast at jexbo.com/authorsdigital. - February 04, 2010 - jexbo
New eBook and Seminars Reveal How to Stop the Pain Associated with Poor Project Management and Accounting Systems
7 Procedures using integrated project management and accounting software are the keys to health and growth for project-driven companies - February 02, 2010 - Synergy Business Solutions
Wattpad Announces Availability for Apple iPad
Wattpad to be Available on the New Apple Device in March 2010. - February 01, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
New On-Demand Publisher in Search of Authors and Poets
Bloodstone Books, a new on-demand publishing house launched in Cambridge by a team of professionals from the world of traditional publishing, is offering new authors and poets a smarter, more cost-effective route to get their work into print. - January 28, 2010 - Bloodstone Books
To Usability Labs, and Beyond! New Book Explores Online User Experience Studies
Usability experts and authors Bill Albert, Tom Tullis and Donna Tedesco have launched the first guide for conducting large-scale user experience research using the Internet. Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-scale Online User Experience takes practitioners out of the ordinary... - January 28, 2010 - User Experience Alliance
MyDigitalFamily Releases New Book by Child Psychiatrist Urging Texting Ban While Parenting
Who even heard of texting five years ago? Now we have federal and innumerable state bans on texting (and cell phone use) while driving, providing yet another example of how we are a step behind in reacting to the explosive changes wrought by technology in our lives. But the impact of technology on our kids and families has been just as explosive and can be even more destructive than traffic accidents. So how about a texting ban while parenting? A doctor tells why and shows how. - January 27, 2010 - MyDigitalFamily
Learning About Money Can be Serious Fun
The Financial Fairy Tales series of books represent a new approach to Financial Education. By making learning about money serious fun, the books entertain as well as educate, whilst introducing children to important concepts such as saving, investment, honesty and enterprise. The first book in the... - January 27, 2010 - The Financial Fairy Tales
Complete Freedom of Choice – The Self-Made-Man Generation Book by "K" Gets Reviewed and Finds Confirmation in Another Book by a Known French Author
While K's book Complete Freedom of Choice gets its first independent review, a very popular figure in France, Jacques Attali, publishes a book confirming a lot of K's ideas found in his book. - January 27, 2010 - Mother Nation Publishing
Wattpad Partners with Lulu to Deliver End-to-End Solution for Writers
“The Wattpad Marketplace on Lulu.com” Helps Wattpad Writers Print, Sell and Promote Their Works - January 26, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
Infibeam Enters the Digital Books World with Its eBook Store Launch
India's largest online book store Infibeam.com launches its eBooks store with more than one lac titles. The store offers ebooks in several categories including fiction, non-fiction, computers, management etc. eBooks will be available for download in several formats like Adobe pdf, epub, Mobipocket reader, Microsoft lit and many more. - January 25, 2010 - Infibeam.com
Book Launch and Networking Party a Success
Local author Hueina Su, President of Denville-based Beyond Horizon Coaching, hosted a successful launch party of her new book “Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Souls: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others” in Sogo Sushi Lounge in Denville. - January 24, 2010 - Beyond Horizon Coaching
Pedalo Limited, Discover Writers Have Helped 100 Literary and Publishing Clients Promote Their Writing Online
Don't lose the plot, let your writing be discovered online! Pedalo Limited, West London web design and development agency have just launched their new sister site Discover Writers. - January 23, 2010 - Pedalo Limited, Discover Writers
Handbook for the One Day Traveller: Author Offers Hope to the Road Warriors of Business
British author Iain Moss has redefined business travel in his first book “The World One Day At A Time” published by Narra House Publishing. After years of travelling around the world on business but seeing nothing of it, Iain Moss decided to rebel against the same old routine of... - January 12, 2010 - Narra House Publishing
Announcing - Secrets of the Art of Persistence
A breakthrough in understanding the vital components which make up “Persistence” - as a catalyst for the realization of one’s goals, resolutions, and dreams. - January 06, 2010 - Secrets of Persistence