Arts & Entertainment News

Arts and entertainment news covering the visual and performing arts, including photography, books and publishing, electronic games, events and concerts, movies, music, television and radio as well as information, products and services pertaining to arts and entertainment industry professionals.

Watch and Talk with Chefs Live on Christmas - ChefsLine Launches Live Stream Holiday Show

Watch and Talk with Chefs Live on Christmas - ChefsLine Launches Live Stream Holiday Show

ChefsLine launches the first ever live, on-demand cooking show this Holiday season with its interactive web stream show, Real Time Recipes. - December 13, 2007 - Chefs Line, Inc. Announces the Start of an African Entertainment Renaissance

Since its launch in September 2007, has gained traction and a growing following dubbed as “The Jamati Entourage.” As the only entertainment portal of its kind, is serving up daily doses of entertainment news, celebrity gossip, reviews, interviews and more. Founded... - December 13, 2007 - Diaspora Interactive Media Corp.

Digital Hype Entertainment Network to Launch Social Networking Site

Digital Hype ready to debut “My Hype” beta interactive social network platform. - December 13, 2007 - Digital Hype Magazine

World Wide Visionary Entertainment (WWVE) Inc Needs Investors and Brokers

World Wide Visionary Entertainment Inc, the first and official independent film studio company, film distributor and book publishing company (in Chattanooga, Tennessee) needs both public and private (accredited) investors, and as well as both registered and independent brokers, to back its... - December 13, 2007 - World Wide Visionary Entertainment Inc

Dawna Lee Heising Hosts "Eye on Entertainment" at the FULCAGE Show at Boulevard 3

Dawna Lee Heising Hosts "Eye on Entertainment" at the FULCAGE Show at Boulevard 3

David McNeil Directs “Eye on Entertainment” for the “Christmas with a Conscience” Charity Fashion Event. - December 12, 2007 - Eye on Entertainment

Fred Heim’s Fantastic Half-Scale Replicas Now on Display at Edaville USA

Edaville USA is creating a large-scale buzz this year with the unveiling of a number of Fred Heim’s working, half-scale replicas of popular construction vehicles. - December 12, 2007 - Edaville USA

ΜpGreek & MusicNOW Join the Thinkdigital Network

MpGreek ( and Musicnow (, the biggest Greek online music stores, as well as Mystage (, the site of the popular music contest, joined the Thinkdigital Advertising Network in a deal signed today. Under the agreement with Greased Networks, the owner of the... - December 12, 2007 - Greased Networks Inc

Midnight Coders’ Extends WebORB® for Java to Flex Clients and Drops Barrier to Entry

Midnight Coders’ Extends WebORB® for Java to Flex Clients and Drops Barrier to Entry

Midnight Coders announces immediate availability of a new version of WebORB® for Java. This edition is ideal for Rich Internet Application (RIA) developers who need to rapidly connect Flex, Flash and AJAX clients to Java backend server environments and require more than the standard features and functionality found in competing solutions. - December 11, 2007 - Midnight Coders, Inc.

Ohio Male Model Gets His Own Calendar

Vinny U., a new model to the male fitness industry, now has his personal 2008 calendar with the On Display Men Agency. - December 11, 2007 - On Display Men, LLC

Pet Club Community Editor Discovers Dharma with Pets

Not all dogs are gurus, but all gurus come back as dogs. Nearly three decades later, MJ Reynolds is rediscovering the truth within. She has been with Pet Club since its launch in 2006. Her columns focus on pets and spirituality. - December 09, 2007 - PetClub,LLC

Street Culture: the Best in Fashion, Music and Politics

Today Freshfeature has new stories and information on Prodigy, Under Crown, Diamond Co. and Vans, complete with pictures and Youtube coverage. - December 09, 2007 - Freshfeature

Destination Club Forums Exclusive Website is Now Open to the Public

Destination Club Forums, an online discussion forum for the destination club industry, is now open to the general public. The web site started as an exclusive invitation-only website for destination club members, however they recently began to allow non-destination club members to interact with... - December 08, 2007 - Destination Club Forums

French Designer Juliette Longuet in Palm Beach: Fashion for Autism

French Designer Juliette Longuet in Palm Beach: Fashion for Autism

Juliette Longuet will be releasing an exclusive preview of her 2008 spring/summer collection at Fashion for Autism event on December 28th at 2pm at BICE of Palm Beach. Fashion for Autism is a women’s only charity fashion benefit supporting the Autism Society of America, featuring a fashion... - December 08, 2007 - Juliette Longuet Ltd and Billboard Bands Wristbands to “Wrap” WHY’s Message on Club-Goers Nationwide

Starting this weekend and continuing throughout the month of December, including New Years Eve weekend, the Hungerthon and WHY’s (World Hunger Year) message of fighting hunger and poverty through the work of performing artists will be “wrapped” around the wrists of over 1 million... - December 08, 2007 -

Beauty Blogger Launches My Beautiful Troops

When troops come back from the field, creature comforts like scented soaps and lotions go a long way toward making them feel appreciated - December 08, 2007 - Andrea Kane

Designer Pages and Archinect Sharing News and Products

Designer Pages and Archinect Sharing News and Products joins forces with to fuel growth of unprecedented user-generated application for sourcing products in architecture and design. - December 07, 2007 - Designer Pages

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

The Windgate Collection, an archive of over 400,000 illustrations, is being offered for the first time. These images were all published between 1880 and 1924, “The Golden Age of Illustration.” The collection represents the work of over 1,500 individual artists and is an important historical document. It would be an ideal acquisition for a stock media agency or a university, library or arts organization. - December 07, 2007 - Creative Touchpoint

Day Trading Guru David Marsh Launches New Web Site, Offers E-Mini Trading Course

Day Trading Guru David Marsh Launches New Web Site, Offers E-Mini Trading Course

For nearly two decades day trading guru David Marsh has been successfully profiting from the Stock Market. Last month marked the launch of his new web site and E-Mini day trading course “The Tick Trader®”, which he hopes will help newcomers learn from his mistakes. - December 07, 2007 -

BudCase – the Ear Bud Keychain Case for iPhone, iPod, and MP3 Music Lovers

BudCase – the Ear Bud Keychain Case for iPhone, iPod, and MP3 Music Lovers

Extended Access, Inc. announces the BudCase, an innovative ear bud keychain case for the iPhone, iPod, and MP3 music lovers. The BudCase is designed to provide quick and easy access to ear buds anytime, anyplace, anywhere. - December 07, 2007 - BudCase by Extended Access, Inc.

A New Mom Finds a Creative Way to Give to Charity This Season

The New Mom's Best Babysitting & Parenting eBook was created to provide moms with helpful tips and raise money for charity. Available on, the 71-page downloadable book is full of tips, forms, advice and quotes to help mothers transition into parenthood. A portion of the proceeds will go to The International Rescue Committee, Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Drive Kids to be Fit. - December 07, 2007 - Lia Prewitt

Baby News for Claudia Black

Congratulations to Claudia Black on the birth of her son, born in November. - December 07, 2007 - Precision Talent

Operation GO! Ministries of Redemption World Outreach Center Presents Community Outreach Event, Holiday Hope

Operation GO! Ministries of Redemption World Outreach Center (RWOC) presents a Holiday Hope, a community outreach event sponsored by Redemption World Outreach Center and a coalition of partners. Holiday Hope provides a first-class Christmas meal and distributes 100,000 toys to those in need in Greenville County. This event puts the love of Christ into action. - December 07, 2007 - Redemption World Outreach Center

Larry King of CNN's Larry King Live Will be Master of Ceremonies for Kids Korps SuperStar Gala 2008

Kids Korps SuperStar Gala 2008 is pleased to announce the attendance of Larry King as the Master of Ceremonies to celebrate "A Constellation of Community Service". The Kids Korps children and parent volunteers depend on this gala each year to jump start the funding process for the following year's 1200+ charitable activities to over 250 receiving organizations. - December 07, 2007 - Kids Korps USA

Total Health For Life Launches eBook for Achieving Optimal Health, Fighting Disease and Reversing Aging

Total Health For Life Launches eBook for Achieving Optimal Health, Fighting Disease and Reversing Aging

The site The site's mission is teaching the "secret" of staying youthful, fit, and disease free, finding happiness within; and motivating people to take action "today" to start their own journey into "total health" of the mind and body -- then, most importantly, giving back by passing it on to others. It teaches and motivates males and females of all ages to live the best quality of life and to have a mindset for success at any endeavor. - December 06, 2007 - Total Health For Life, LLC

New Book for Churches Needing to Build

New Book for Churches Needing to Build

Few church leaders have the experience or training to navigate a building program in a manner that minimizes the risk and maximizes satisfaction with the resulting project. Written by an experienced church building consultant, "Preparing to Build" provides best practices and real world tips to help church leaders build with less stress, risk and cost. - December 06, 2007 - AMI Church Consulting Services

The Musical Comedic Genius of Sean Altman's Jewmongous is Making It's Way to the Ridgefield Playhouse

Sean Altman, in addition to being the founder and former leader of Rockapella, is part of a new breed of Jewish hipster comedy that includes Jon Stewart, Sacha Baron and Sarah Silverman. He is hilarious while drawing upon his Jewish heritage relating those bits of life we can all identify. He will do just that as he brings his “Jewmongous” to The Ridgefield Playhouse for Movies and the Performing Arts on Thursday, December 20 at 8 p.m. - December 06, 2007 - Ridgefield Playhouse

Epicocity Named National Geographic’s Best Online Adventure Flick

Two years in the making, Mission: Epicocity follows some of the best kayakers in the world as they travel to Zambia, Uganda, Chile, Argentina, United States and Canada where they perform breathtaking, death-defying kayaking drops, runs and freestyle moves. The nonstop action includes stunning footage of the biggest waterfalls ever successfully run in a kayak. - December 06, 2007 - The Heliconia Press

Revolutionary GayFLL Magazine is Online

GayFLL Magazine ( officially kicks off this week, with a revolutionary web site that has a free business directory, its own video shows covering community events, and professionally produced video commercials for GLBT businesses and organizations, in an effort to promote one of the largest GLBT communities/destinations in the world. - December 06, 2007 - GayFLL Magazine

Photographer Dani Brubaker Shoots Britney Spears

Photographer Dani Brubaker Shoots Britney Spears

Manhattan Beach California resident, fashion photographer, Dani Brubaker, shoots private portrait sessions with the queen of pop, Britney Spears and her two boys – Sean Preston and Jayden James. Ms. Spears admired Dani’s fashion photography, connected with the imagery and requested... - December 05, 2007 - Dani Brubaker

Actor Stephen Baldwin’s AsSALT Tour Brings an Extreme Message of Hope to Phoenix

His radical tour will spread an uplifting message to today’s hard to reach youth. - December 05, 2007 - The Breakthrough Ministry

New Photos of Kynt and Vyxsin - Reality TV Goth Couple Changing Attitudes, Turning Heads

Bil Brown, photographer, has new lifestyle photos relating to Kynt & Vyxsin - America's goth sweethearts. Alternative fashion and style is key to the lifestyle of these two racers. Fans love them. They have danced into the hearts and minds of the world and the new set of photos embraces their attitudes and style, and show the broad range of impact that these two racers have on popular culture. - December 05, 2007 - bilbrowndotcom

Reggae Nostalgia Wraps Network Deal with Musical Ambassador Music Group (MAMG)

Ft. Lauderdale Florida based Franco Nero and His Reggae Station “Reggae Nostalgia” has announced a landmark agreement between his team and promotion / distribution giant On the heels of his second year anniversary Live Broadcast Soiree “Reggae Nostalgia Fete Two" - Franco Nero becomes CEO of Reggae Nostalgia Radio. - December 05, 2007 - trenchtones

TringMe Introduces Flash-Enabled Web-Based SIP Phone - TringPhone

TringMe announces the first completely user configurable and light-weight flash-based SIP phone branded as TringPhone. The service is the first of its kind and it separates it from any other services claiming to be web-based SIP phone service for the following reasons: - December 05, 2007 - Tringme

IHT Joins Forces with

The International Herald Tribune has signed a content sharing agreement with online magazine Asia Sentinel. - December 05, 2007 - Asia Sentinel

Jim Rogers Blasts Chairman Bernanke in Hard-Hitting Interview with Jerri Lyn Ward on "I Object! Justice Examined"

Jim Rogers Blasts Chairman Bernanke in Hard-Hitting Interview with Jerri Lyn Ward on "I Object! Justice Examined"

On Thursday, December 6, 2007, an interview of the legendary investor, Jim Rogers will air on the radio talk show, "I Object! Justice Examined", airing on Right Talk Radio. Hear Jim Rogers blast Bernanke's recent statements before the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress made on... - December 04, 2007 - "I Object! Justice Examined"

TurnItUp Media to Launch New Video Advertising Model

TurnItUp Media to Launch New Video Advertising Model

New CPD (Cost per Download) advertising model is slated to show major improvement for advertising click-thru rates. - December 04, 2007 - TurnItUp Media, LLC

A Pet's World to Participate in the Tokyo Project

A Pet's World to Participate in the Tokyo Project

A Pet's World has been selected to participate in The Pet Fashion Week Tokyo Project in Japan January 2008. Over 40,000 people are expected to view the runway shows held over a two day period. - December 04, 2007 - A Pet's World

Celebrities "Go All The Way For A Stray" in New Calendar

Celebrities "Go All The Way For A Stray" in New Calendar

Little Pet Project, a company that uses sexy, sometimes nude images of women with their pets to raise awareness for homeless and abused animals, announced the release of their 2008 pictorial calendar. The calendar features celebrities such as Playboy model Debbi Davids, American Idol®... - December 04, 2007 - Little Pet Project, LLC Taking on the Travel Web Giants This Christmas

The best airfares and hotel rates are out there, patiently waiting - December 04, 2007 - Asian Airfares Group

By Design Events Wins Association of Bridal Consultant's Top Award

By Design Events Wins Association of Bridal Consultant's Top Award

Germantown, Maryland, Event Planning Company, By Design Events Places First in Annual Tabletop Design Competition - December 04, 2007 - By Design Events

Track Chic: from Quarter Midgets to NASCAR Race Team Management

Track Chic: from Quarter Midgets to NASCAR Race Team Management

Shawn Burger, a Quarter Midget racer, and her family are featured in Track Chic’s Women Behind the Wheels,, section this month. - December 03, 2007 - Track Chic, Inc.

Hearts of Gold Raises $265,000 for NYC’s Homeless Mothers & Children

“La Dolce Vita” Fall Fundraising Event, Emceed by CNN’s Soledad O’Brien & NBC’s Hoda Kotb, Brings Shelter Families a Brighter 2008 - December 03, 2007 - Hearts of Gold

Anime Directory Gives Webmasters Speed and Quick Listing

Many website listings exist today – but the ones pertaining to the Japanese Animation world never get any attention from their administrators. One new directory is out to change that. - December 03, 2007 - Anime Directory

$#! Wins Public Relations Award

Web Site Awarded an Honorable Mention in District Awards - December 03, 2007 -

Playhouse Tuesdays with Kid Capri Presents the Apple Bottoms by Nelly Fashion Show

On Tuesday December 4th, Playhouse Tuesdays @ The Spy Club with DJ Kid Capri will be hosting a fashion show for Apple Bottoms by Nelly. With the help of over 20 beautiful models, Apple Bottoms will display their new lines for the new season exclusively for the Playhouse Tuesdays crowd. - December 03, 2007 - AOS Entertainment

Give the Gift of Thought: Philosophy Talk Show Archive on Sale for First Time

Give the Gift of Thought: Philosophy Talk Show Archive on Sale for First Time

Philosophy Talk, the radio show that questions everything except your intelligence, is having a holiday sale. - December 02, 2007 - Stanford University, Public Affairs

Looking for A Holiday Story? Learn More About Holiday Trees Debuting in Pageant Fundraiser “Pageant of the Trees” Fundraiser

From “Viva Las Vegas,” to Disney’s ‘Pirates of the Caribbean,” and the award winning play “The Color Purple,” “attire” of these trees spans a wide range of themes. - December 02, 2007 - Santa Ana College

Spearmint Rhino and Lucky Boys Limo Will Offer Free Limousine Rides Home to Help Curb Drunk Driving in Albuquerque, N.M.

Spearmint Rhino has inked a deal with Lucky Boys Limo to offer guests a free limousine ride home Tuesday through Saturday nights to help combat drunk driving in Albuquerque. - December 02, 2007 - Spearmint Rhino Consulting Worldwide, Inc.

Celebrity Chef Jehan S. deNoüe Demonstrates Healthy Holiday Cooking on Stage at The Ridgefield Playhouse

The Thanksgiving turkey has been put to rest . . . along with the stuffing, creamed onions and pumpkin pie. So, what’s for dinner over the coming holidays? How about something different, something as pleasing to the eye as it is to the heart. Join Chef Jehan S. deNoüe, who has appeared on TV as well as doing live demonstrations around the country, as he conjures up a meal fit for the most discerning diner at The Ridgefield Playhouse on Tuesday, December 11 at 7:30pm. - December 01, 2007 - Ridgefield Playhouse

Sarasota Youth Opera to Hold Open House

Members of the Sarasota community will have the opportunity to get a sneak peek at the workings of the Sarasota Youth Opera. - December 01, 2007 - Sarasota Opera

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