Social Media News

Connect with news about next generation social media websites and applications, enabling users to create and share content or participate in social networking. Discover social media marketing best practices, awards, and influencers as well as products and services aimed at social media users and marketers.

Full Scale Media Would Like to Thank GUND, Inc. for Donating 75 Stuffed Toys to Their Project Night Night Initiative for Children

Full Scale Media Would Like to Thank GUND, Inc. for Donating 75 Stuffed Toys to Their Project Night Night Initiative for Children

Gund, Inc. donates 75 plush stuffed toys to Full Scale Media’s Creative Director Allison Kugel for Project Night Night initiative to help Long Island children through SCO Family of Services. - December 04, 2014 - Full Scale Media Group LLC

Gear Coop Reveals New Identity with Cutting-Edge Ecommerce Website and Revamped Branding

Gear Coop Reveals New Identity with Cutting-Edge Ecommerce Website and Revamped Branding

Sleek, Modern Design Unlike Any Other Website in the Outdoor Industry Encourages Visitors to “Live It.” - November 26, 2014 - Gear Coop

New Documentary About Personal and Planetary Health Goes Viral – Over 200,000 Views in 6 Days

New Documentary About Personal and Planetary Health Goes Viral – Over 200,000 Views in 6 Days

Absent Traditional Advertising, “Origins” Garners Worldwide Acclaim and Audience Via Grassroots, Social Media. - November 20, 2014 -

New Family Tree Board Game Promises to Help Strengthen Family Knowledge and Relationships Over the Holidays

New Family Tree Board Game Promises to Help Strengthen Family Knowledge and Relationships Over the Holidays

A recently launched online game design course on the learning portal offers anyone the opportunity to create their own genealogy family tree board game to generate friendly competition and open communication among family members during the holidays. - November 18, 2014 - Luanga Nuwame

Social Bookmarking on a Whole New Level

Bookmark your favorite links, be in the top 5 submitters of the month, get paid for it. For all those who want to share their daily dose of fun online with other users, Funicious Club now presents them with a great opportunity on their new website. The social bookmarking website is now online and users can share, publish and view interesting, useful and funny links via the website. - November 17, 2014 - Funicious Ltd

Clubhouse International Presents First-Ever USA National Clubhouse Conference

Clubhouse International Presents First-Ever USA National Clubhouse Conference

Clubhouse International, a non-profit organization coordinating a global network of Clubhouse Communities for people living with mental illness, today opened the very first USA National Clubhouse Conference, which is being held on Nov. 12-14, 2014 in Silver Spring, Maryland. Over 260 participants from approximately 100 Clubhouses from across America are expected to attend the conference, which focuses on how to create a national voice for the Clubhouse model of recovery from mental illness. - November 12, 2014 - Clubhouse International

The Kickstarter Citizens Need

Pureocracy just launched a kickstarter campaign to raise money for a new platform. The platform's mission is to: give people a voice to defend their rights, unite people worldwide for good causes, and hold politicians accountable. - November 04, 2014 - Pureocracy

Jacksonville Teen Launches Health and Fitness Website Dedicated to Helping Local Teens

Jacksonville Teen Launches Health and Fitness Website Dedicated to Helping Local Teens

Seventeen year old resident of Florida, has launched a website dedicated to providing information to fellow teenagers about nutrition, vegetarianism, and fitness. “” seeks to promote a positive lifestyle for teens. The creator, Brittany Jason, came up with the idea as a part of sharing her journey with other teens and empowering them with her message, "You’re beautiful; we all are." - November 01, 2014 -

Rainman Creative Primed to Pave the Digital Path with New Staff Hires

Four New Employees Added to Compliment Tremendous Growth in Client Base & Services - November 01, 2014 - Rainman Creative Adds Gamification Services to Its Social Networking Solution, who provides small businesses with software to build their own branded Facebook-style social network, today announced the addition of gamification tools to their popular Social Networking software platform The combination allows a web site owner to improve consumer loyalty and... - October 31, 2014 - Adds Bootstrap Support to Its Social Networking Solution, who provides small businesses with software to build their own branded Facebook-style social network, today announced full support for the popular “Bootstrap” CSS framework. The combination allows a web site owner to quickly create a responsive, mobility-friendly site... - October 31, 2014 -

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Founder and CEO Jack M. Pizzo Celebrates Over Two Decades in Publishing

Strathmore’s Who’s Who Founder and CEO Jack M. Pizzo Celebrates Over Two Decades in Publishing

Jack M. Pizzo was born in Flushing, New York. He attended Nasson College in Maine, majoring in Business. After his return to New York he worked in various industries including personal training and gym management, construction, bar and restaurant management, the automotive industry and physical... - October 30, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who

Innovation Direct™ Tabbed as Official Marketing Representative for Avatar Book Invention

An innovative new application designed to facilitate a method of social interaction, the Avatar Book, has been developed by Irving Diaz of Fort Worth, Texas. The invention’s unique design and format helps alleviate the level of potential awkwardness and discomfort typically involved in... - October 30, 2014 - Innovation Direct, Inc. Launches "Kilroy Was Here - Leave Your Mark on the World" for iPhone and iPad – the Future of Mobile Advertising Launches "Kilroy Was Here - Leave Your Mark on the World" for iPhone and iPad – the Future of Mobile Advertising

Kilroy Was Here is a free app allowing users to leave a see-through fingerwritten message or photo called a “Mark” at their current location - visible to viewers within 30 meters. Businesses are using the Kilroy Was Here App to drive traffic to their nearby locations. - October 24, 2014 -

Meet Emmy®-Award Winning Television Host Geoff Notkin in Tucson November 1-2

Meet Emmy®-Award Winning Television Host Geoff Notkin in Tucson November 1-2

Famous Meteorite Hunter Appearing at Two Downtown Events - October 24, 2014 - Aerolite Meteorites, LLC

Top PR Pros Headline #AllThingsSocial Oct. 28 at George Mason University: Harnessing the Power of Social Media

UN Foundation Vice President of Public Relations Aaron Sherinian headlines #AllThingsSocial career forum Oct. 28 at George Mason University. Sharing the podium are top PR professionals from H+K Strategies, Northrop Grumman, USAID and Share Our Strength. NBC's WRC-TV Anchor Angie Goff and GMU alumnus returns to campus to share insights on social media as global phenomena and expanding career opportunities. The event concludes with a unique "speed mentoring" Q&A session with students. - October 24, 2014 - GMU Comm Dept

Celebrities and Royalty Party of the Year, RUNWAY TV® Fall Launch & Rock That Fashion IX Event a Success

Celebrities and Royalty Party of the Year, RUNWAY TV® Fall Launch & Rock That Fashion IX Event a Success

On October 16th, Runway Media Group, along with A&M Productions, hosted Rock That Fashion IX at Lure Nightclub in Hollywood, CA. The star-studded event, was in celebration of the launch of RUNWAY TV® , RMG’s new state of the art, super-computer driven fashion channel, the release of the magazines Fall 2014 issue and L.A. Fashion Week. - October 23, 2014 - RUNWAY

fassforward Consulting Group Partners with Brand Strategist and Social Business Expert Justin Foster

fassforward Consulting Group Partners with Brand Strategist and Social Business Expert Justin Foster

fassforward Consulting Group is excited to welcome Justin Foster, author of "Oatmeal vs. Bacon: How to Differentiate in a Generic World", as their newest Sr. Strategist and Social Business expert. Foster has over 20 years in sales and marketing experience across all industries, has... - October 23, 2014 - fassforward Consulting Group

Register Tapes Unlimited Launched Visikard, a Smartphone App That Connects People with Local Businesses

VisiKard helps users find cool things around them like restaurants, entertainment venues, nightlife and people. They can connect with and receive coupons, gift kards, and points from companies that want to win their business. People use the mobile device to redeem and manage the VisiKard-Merchant Loyalty and gift kards. - October 23, 2014 - Register Tapes Unlimited (RTUI)

Status Labs Helps Small Business Owners Protect Their Online Reputation with Best-in-Class Google Search Engineering Services

Status Labs, the premier online reputation management company, is helping small business owners protect their online reputation with its best-in-class Google search engineering services. For more information Status Labs’ best-in-class ORM and other services, and for a personalized quote, please visit - October 22, 2014 - StatusLabs

Collins + Company and New Media Hospitality Unite to Create New Digital Creative Agency - NuMedia

Collins + Company and New Media Hospitality Unite to Create New Digital Creative Agency - NuMedia

Award Winning Agency will be one of the largest full service digital marketing agencies in the Carolinas focused on performance driven ROI. - October 21, 2014 - NuMedia

#BrandNgoma Presents - Websites: The New Form of Branding in Broadcast Media

#BrandNgoma Presents - Websites: The New Form of Branding in Broadcast Media

Is launching a website the new form of branding in broadcast media? Perhaps, websites are serving a purpose in constructing identity in cyberspace as media professionals strive to bring attention to their work. - October 21, 2014 - BrandNgoma

Gayquation Introduces Webinar Series: The Straight Truth About Gay Dating

Gayquation Introduces Webinar Series: The Straight Truth About Gay Dating

This first of a series of webinars will delve into the reality of gay dating and the chances of finding true love, based on location, demographics, criteria, sexual role, "out" status, and other important factors. Insider knowledge directly from experienced and professional m4m matchmakers, along with an unfiltered opinion on unique situations and likelihood of capturing that elusive connection. - October 21, 2014 - Gayquation

Earth Mom to the Rescue

Earth Mom to the Rescue

Earth Mom offers an important new social media icon designed to provide the world with a means of motivating global commerce into becoming much more accountable for their environmental impact, to the citizens of the world who purchase their products. - October 17, 2014 -

Filmmaker Darla Rae to Help World War II Veteran Tell His Story of Honor and Love in "The French American"

Filmmaker Darla Rae to Help World War II Veteran Tell His Story of Honor and Love in "The French American"

Filmmaker to help WWII Veteran tell his story from 70 years ago. People took his money and didn't do the job, so now they're going to do it with the help of others. - October 16, 2014 - Film It Productions

Decatur, Georgia to Host The 2014 RISE Awards

Decatur, Georgia to Host The 2014 RISE Awards

Tickets are available now for individuals and groups planning to attend the awards gala. To reserve, visit - October 13, 2014 - eMediaCampaigns!

Pocono Modern Launch 2nd Kickstarter Campaign for New Retro Deck Playing Cards; Kickstarter Backers Begin Pledging Support

Pocono Modern announce new Kickstarter campaign for sleek Mid-Century Modern Playing Cards - The Retro Deck. - October 11, 2014 - Pocono Modern

Inbound Marketing Agency CMDS Launches Innovative, Locally-Optimized Website Platform

Inbound Marketing Agency CMDS Launches Innovative, Locally-Optimized Website Platform

Inbound Marketing Agency CMDS has announced the launch of a groundbreaking new website,, designed to propel local marketing initiatives into the future through innovative geographically targeted content. - October 10, 2014 - CMDS

New Social Network Gives Big Companies Free R&D While Consumers Speak Their Innovative Minds

To bring practicality full-circle in a marketplace resounding with good ideas falling on deaf ears a new site called Echo it will launch come November. The free social network will make it easier than ever to speak the truth about products and services and lend an innovative hand. - October 10, 2014 - Echo it LLC

Cards Against Urbanity Kickstarter – New Reward Tiers & Stretch Goal

The city design card game "Cards Against Urbanity" on Kickstarter is a big hit with urban planners and city lovers alike. In response to demand, the card sponsors GreaterPlaces and DoTankDC, have added new reward tiers: shipping to Canada and a three-deck set for gift-giving. There is also a new stretch goal: if the project hits $25,000, the deck will contain 420 cards (instead of 234). - October 10, 2014 - GreaterPlaces

The Next Social Media Management Tool to Watch Out for

Postific is one of the latest social media management and marketing dashboards that help businesses create a strong presence over social media. The social media management and marketing platform was created to primarily assist businesses on increasing social engagement and reaching out to more... - October 09, 2014 - Postific

Epiphanies Inc., SNHU to Host NH's Biggest Digital Marketing Conference

Epiphanies Inc., SNHU to Host NH's Biggest Digital Marketing Conference

Epiphanies, Inc., in partnership with Southern New Hampshire University, Constant Contact, and Flock Marketing, presents 6th annual "A-Ha!" Summit, Thurs. 11/13/14. Theme: “Dare. Play. Breakthrough.” Live in Manchester, NH, online anywhere, anytime via Digital Pass. Register now at! - October 03, 2014 - Epiphanies, Inc.

Datalicious Announces Sponsorship of .conf2014, Will Launch OptimaHub Advanced Marketing Analytics Platform

Datalicious Announces Sponsorship of .conf2014, Will Launch OptimaHub Advanced Marketing Analytics Platform

Datalicious to launch its marketing technology platform the OptimaHub and its partner program at The Fifth Annual Splunk Worldwide Users’ Conference. - October 03, 2014 - Datalicious

Informal Settlement Network - Working Together for Change and Using Social Media to Spread the Word

Informal Settlement Network - Working Together for Change and Using Social Media to Spread the Word

The informal settlement network is taking ownership, and taking action, and have created a Forum4Change. - October 02, 2014 - Forum4Change

iCM Dev Inc. Launches Tools for Tinder App – The Tinder Liker with Automatic Mode and Location Mode That Gets You Too Many Matches

iCM Dev Inc. has launched its most recent App, Tools for Tinder (TFT), which amplifies the Tinder experience by allowing TFT users to simultaneously save time and increase their number of matches. TFT starts by working hand in hand with the Tinder App to read the user’s Tinder... - October 02, 2014 - icm Development Inc.

Small Start-Up Company, Moonbow LLC, Launches Major Online Social Network:

Small Start-Up Company, Moonbow LLC, Launches Major Online Social Network:

Write it. Share it. And listen to real people read your work out loud. - September 30, 2014 - MOONBOW LLC

Brick Street Software to Participate at Connect 2014 Conference, Hosted by Partners at Kana in San Francisco

Brick Street Software to Participate at Connect 2014 Conference, Hosted by Partners at Kana in San Francisco

Brick Street Software, a pioneer in multi channel marketing management software, today announced the company’s participation in the Kana Connect 2014 Conference, taking place from September 21-24 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco. Connect 2014 is an opportunity for industry leaders, product experts, and peers to learn strategies for empowering the workforce and delivering world-class customer experiences. - September 23, 2014 - Brick Street Software

New Web Design Has Moved to Morristown, New Jersey

New Web Design Has Moved to Morristown, New Jersey

New Web Design has moved to 174 South Street in Morristown New Jersey with a desire to grow your business with professional marketing. - September 22, 2014 -

Rainman Creative to Present Social Media Session at Nonprofit Summit

Chief Creative Officer Veronica Lozano to Explore Social Listening at 2014 Summit: Download. - September 21, 2014 - Rainman Creative

Following $1.2MM Funding, Revolutionary 1-Click Video App Takes Launches September 21st

Revolutionary 1-click video capturing iPhone and Android app Takes teams up with 12 influential social media personalities to launch its latest version and create a documentary examining the cultural trend of “Living Online.” - September 21, 2014 - Takes Selects VJG Interactive as the Second Top Social Media Marketing Service for September 2014 has named VJG Interactive the second best social media marketing company for September 2014. VJG Interactive was selected due to their strong performance in the proprietary evaluation process. While there are thousands of firms competing to be the best, the rankings consist of only the 100 best companies offering a variety of search marketing solutions. - September 17, 2014 - Announces SEO.IN as the Top White Label SEO Agency for the Month of September 2014, the independent authority on online marketing, has named SEO.IN the best SEO reseller service for September 2014. Each month the independent research team at analyzes thousands of companies to decide which companies produce the most impressive solutions. The recommendations are updated on a monthly basis to account for the latest successes within the search engine marketing industry. - September 17, 2014 -

Slot-1 Achieves Net Zero Carbon Emissions & Celebrates Electric cars on Record Breaking 100% Electric Vehicle Tour

Slot-1 Achieves Net Zero Carbon Emissions & Celebrates Electric cars on Record Breaking 100% Electric Vehicle Tour

Alt. recording artist Rick Denzien inspires others to engineer their own jail break from fossil fuel on the “No Gas EV-olution” music tour. - September 16, 2014 - Slot One Entertainment, Inc.

Social Media's Model is Revamped by's "National Focus" Platform

Social Media's Model is Revamped by's "National Focus" Platform

Designed as an issue-oriented community to address individual rights and personal freedoms, the venture integrates Christian-based ethical and moral standards with like-minded SME businesses, to focus on our nation's value structure and disquieting societal issues.   - September 16, 2014 - 2BWARE Inc.

All-New Episodes of “STEM Journals” with Host Geoff Notkin Airing Now

All-New Episodes of “STEM Journals” with Host Geoff Notkin Airing Now

Television series just nominated for two Emmy Awards - September 16, 2014 - Aerolite Meteorites, LLC

Mazree Adds ROi to Its Network Aimed at Improving Supplier Communication in Healthcare

Mazree Adds ROi to Its Network Aimed at Improving Supplier Communication in Healthcare

ROi (Resource Optimization & Innovation), widely considered one of the most advanced and integrated provider-owned supply chain organizations in health care, has joined Mazree ( to enhance collaboration and communication with their suppliers. - September 15, 2014 - Mazree

OTL The Comp Ticket Underground Launches Photo Contest

OTL The Comp Ticket Underground Launches Photo Contest

OTL, the leading seat filler company in the US, catering to over 20,000 members in 16 markets, announced today a photo contest with chances to win a $500 gift card to Ticketmaster, as well as OTL memberships. OTL, is managed by Audience Resources, LLC and Worldwide Seats, LLC. Otherwise known as... - September 14, 2014 - OTL the Comp Ticket Underground Acknowledges VJG Interactive as the Tenth Top iPhone Development Firm for the Month of September 2014

The independent authority on web solutions,, has named VJG Interactive the 10th best iPhone custom development agency for September 2014. VJG Interactive was selected due to their impressive performance in the rigorous evaluation process. Thousands of companies are... - September 12, 2014 -

ChoozZer: the App to Make the Right Choices and Quick Decisions

ChoozZer is a unique application that lets you ask and answer anything. It is the most useful application especially to find out opinions of your friends or public in general. From choosing a proper product to your personal questions, others suggestion matter a lot to help you overcome the hassle. - September 12, 2014 - ChooZzer

Successfully Crowdfunded Blind Accessible Audio Game, Grail to the Thief, Now Available for Download

Successfully Crowdfunded Blind Accessible Audio Game, Grail to the Thief, Now Available for Download

For All To Play today announced the launch of Grail to the Thief, an interactive audio adventure for Windows, Mac, and Linux that can be played using only sound, without the need for visuals. Grail to the Thief was successfully crowdfunded through Kickstarter on May 4, 2014. Grail to the Thief can be purchased at as a DRM-free download for Windows, Mac, and Linux, with the mobile versions planned for release in late 2014. - September 10, 2014 - For All To Play

Press Releases 1,051 - 1,100 of 2,425