Social Media News
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Fire & Bone Project Releases New Wearable Miniature Skull Replicas from Real Animals, Including Dinosaur and Dire Wolf
Fire & Bone beautiful, miniaturized animal skulls have become popular with all kinds of nature and science lovers. The team's new set of skulls launching today is guaranteed to amaze fans with the inclusion of their first skull from a real dinosaur! Game of Thrones fans will also love the chance to own a skull derived from a real Dire Wolf (now extinct)! The cast metal skulls are made to wear or display like museum pieces. - September 10, 2014 - Fire & Bone
Alonus Fitness Wear Launches Kickstarter This Week
Momprenuer and new designer, Shawn Childers, launches revolutionary fitness clothing line created to "get behind every great woman." - September 10, 2014 - Alonus Wear
WRITECOVERY Creates Ambassador Program to Acknowledge Those Who Support a Mission of Recovery
WRITECOVERY, Inc. has created an ambassador program designed to acknowledge those who support a mission of recovery for those with personal challenges - September 09, 2014 - WRITECOVERY, INC.
KSDP Free Recording Studio, Free Music and Hugs Instead of Alcohol and Drugs: New Kickstarter Project
KSDP 830 AM, a small Public Radio Station off the coast of Alaska, has just launched its project “KSDP 830 AM Free Recording Studio” a crowd funding web site. Manager Austin Roof and Development Director Lauretta MacBeth want to be able to offer their young people alternative opportunities to alcohol and drugs by raising $25,000.00 through They want to create a recording studio that will be free to the children and anyone else who wants to use it. - September 04, 2014 - KSDP Aleutian Broadcasting Inc
Talent Pages Has Acquired and is Now Serving 250,000 Members, one of the top websites for talent networking and independent movie casting in the US, featuring actors, models, dancers, singers, musicians, comedians and other performers has recently acquired The site now has over +250k active members and over 1m visitors a... - September 04, 2014 - Talent Pages
American Diabetes Association (Savannah) and DonorCharge Launch
Savannah based DonorCharge and the American Diabetes Association's Savannah area office launch a new program that makes it easier for small local businesses to give back! - September 04, 2014 - DonorCharge
Muslim Coalition Denounces ISIS for Steven Sotloff's Murder
The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a coalition of several national and local organizations, today condemns a terrorist and anti-Islam group for a video purporting to show the gruesome beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff. The murder of innocent civilians is immoral,... - September 03, 2014 - USCMO
Two Guest Stars Join “The Black Larry David”
Veteran Actresses from Hollywood and London appear in web series based on “Curb Your Enthusiasm” - September 03, 2014 - Dwacon, Inc.
Fred Z. Poritsky of FZP Associates LLC Named a Constant Contact Certified Solution Provider
As a Certified Solution Provider, Fred has completed the Constant Contact Certification Program which provides training on the Constant Contact Toolkit™, marketing best practices, and business development. This training imparts industry-leading knowhow on marketing and services to create meaningful results for program participants and the clients that they serve. - September 03, 2014 - FZP Associates LLC
Easily Add Videos to Wordpress with the New VideoNab Plugin
VideoNab (mostly using magic...and perhaps software code) is a powerful WordPress plugin that scours YouTube searching for videos on any topic. Though the results do indeed feel like a bit of wizardry is involved, the concept itself is simple: Set the topic, choose a schedule for how often new videos are “nabbed”, and VideoNab’s filtering and aggregation software handles the rest. - September 03, 2014 - PaperTelevision
Inspiring Fundraiser Originates on Geoff Notkin’s “Club Space Rock” Forum
Money will send one forum member on meteorite hunt of a lifetime. - August 29, 2014 - Aerolite Meteorites, LLC
MerriBeth Farnham Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
MerriBeth Farnham of Cape Coral, Florida has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the fields of public relations and marketing. About MerriBeth Farnham Ms. Farnham is the owner of HD PR Group, a full service... - August 29, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide
Mountaineer Casino Claims Ice Bucket Challenge Record
Chris Kern, general manager of Mountaineer Casino, Racetrack & Resort, and his executive team braved 400 gallons of icy cold water to raise $1,050 for the ALS Association. - August 28, 2014 - MTR
Giving Diapers, Giving Hope Names New Executive Director
Giving Diapers, Giving Hope names Kim Rosas as Executive Director and Maria Moser as Director of Operations. GDGH is a not-for-profit cloth diaper lending service that has helped over 600 families since 2011. - August 28, 2014 - Giving Diapers, Giving Hope
Little Change in Alcohol Related Fatalities in Last 13 Years
Millions Spent on Advertising with Slight or No Results. - August 26, 2014 - AC3
Pakistan's Only Sports Portal Hits All Time High After 3rd Anniversary on Country's Indepence Day
Cricket is certainly one of Pakistan, India and South Asia's favorite sports and no website provides better local and international coverage than in Pakistan, the country's only sports portal specializing exclusive in cricket content. The site is happy to announce in just three years... - August 22, 2014 -
Matter Launches Matter Engine
New social segmentation tool helps brands identify and reach disengaged users, connects the dots between engagement and purchase data. - August 16, 2014 - Matter
Local Writer Seeks to Expose the Problems with Capital Punishment
With the number of botched executions mounting, local screenwriter and Indian filmmaker combine their skills to shine light on inhumane treatment with this international collaboration. - August 15, 2014 - CSO Publishing
LiveChime Announces Intercept Marketing, a Revolutionary New Way to Find and Connect with Leads in Social Media
LiveChime, a leading provider of real-time marketing solutions for small business, announced today the availability of Intercept Marketing, a unique way to find current conversations about products and services people are looking for in social media sites like GooglePlus, Twitter and FaceBook, and create live conversations to close the sale. - August 11, 2014 - LiveChime, Inc.
Kansas City, Big $500 Winner from Woody's Automotive Group's Monthly Facebook Charity Contest
Woody's is honored to congratulate for receiving enough Facebook votes to win the charity of the month contest sponsored by Woody's Automotive Group with locations in Kansas City, KS and Chillicothe, MO. - August 07, 2014 - Woody's Automotive Group
Becuzz Aims to Monetize "Likes" in New Social Network
Becuzz is a free app being developed to micro-fund small peer-to-peer wishes. - August 05, 2014 - Becuzz
Fitness & Nutrition Designers, Local Personalities, Coach Kelly LaCasse & Coach Michael LoColle to Begin New Morning Radio Show “Green Chocolate Bar”
Segments such as, “Hey, “IS THIS THING ON?” and “JUNK IN YOUR TRUNK” are designed to bust myths about fitness and nutrition and help the audience determine what is fact and what is fiction. - August 01, 2014 - Club Inhale Exhale
Reconiz Signals Next Step in Social Journalism Era with App Release
Reconiz is a microblogging, and social networking platform that empowers users to publish their own entertainment news content instantly. iOS users can download Reconiz for free on the iTunes App Store starting July 31. - August 01, 2014 - Reconiz, Inc.
Mountain Water Moves to Mo-Town
Keeper of the Mountains Foundation President Paul Corbit Brown announced today that he and KOTM board member Bill DePaulo will leave Charleston Tuesday afternoon, driving a 27-foot tractor-trailer rig laden with 1080 gallons of water, destined for the inner city of Detroit on Wednesday AM. The... - July 28, 2014 - Keeper Of The Mountains Foundation
Canadian Tech Firm LoginRadius Records 800% Growth Within One Year
With more than 260m social share views on its social platform each month and an extraordinary growth rate of 800% in just a year, Edmonton-based tech firm LoginRadius is in high spirits ahead of its second birthday. - July 27, 2014 - LoginRadius
Global Aerospace Plastics Market Worth $13.48 Billion by 2020 by Grand View Research, Inc
According to a recent report by San Francisco-based Grand View Research, Global Aerospace Plastics market is expected to reach $13.48 Billion by the end of 2020. - July 25, 2014 - Grand View Research
New Facebook App Called Spheres Creates Unique Personality Images
Spheres, a new facebook canvas app, generates artful, iconic images of users' personalities for sharing on facebook and other social media. - July 22, 2014 - E. Olson Writing
The Enterprises TV Show Examines Social Media in Corporate Relations
With so many platforms in which to engage the consumers, businesses are tasked with finding the best resources. - July 19, 2014 - Enterprises TV
The World Taekwondo Federation Dartfish.TV Channel Reaches a New Milestone with More Than 20K Videos Online
Dartfish, a video solutions provider, today announced that The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) Dartfish.TV channel had now reached more than 20,000 videos of competition fights, making it the largest video library of this kind in the World. To satisfy the demand for comprehensive coverage, WTF... - July 17, 2014 - Dartfish
Social Power Hour Hosts Its One Year Rooftop VIP Anniversary Party
Social Power Hour would like to invite you to their VIP Rooftop Anniversary Party. Admission is complimentary, but guests have the option to purchase a $40 wristband, which includes access to a 2-hour Deep Eddy Vodka sponsored bar and passed appetizers. - July 17, 2014 - Social Power Hour
"Hachette? Amazon? Bah!" Says Morgan Molthrop of Barataria Communications Who is Serializing Book "Andrew Jackson's Playbook: 15 Strategies for Success" on Facebook
To draw attention to the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans and his new business book about General Jackson's strategies, Morgan Molthrop publishes "where people actually read.” - July 15, 2014 - Barataria Communications
Symplur Announces New Social Media Analytics Product for Healthcare
Symplur announces their new healthcare social media analytics product called Symplur Signals. - July 14, 2014 - Symplur
Crowdbabble Launches LinkedIn Analytics Solution for Brand Marketers
Crowdbabble Launched Today a Comprehensive LinkedIn Analytics Solution to Help Brands Engage More Effectively with Customers on LinkedIn - July 11, 2014 - Crowdbabble Inc.
VOCALCOM Effortless Contact Center Software Revolutionizes Contact Center Performance: AW Rostamani Takes Advantage to Accelerate Business Growth
AW Rostamani were looking for a Contact Centre Software Solution that provided multimedia functions with a Single Interface for all its agents. - July 03, 2014 - VOCALCOM
The Only 3 in 1 Platform Offering Networking, Crowd Funding, Revenue-Share Quotes for App Ideas Has Been Launched is launched, a unique 3 in 1 portal offering cofounders networking, crowd funding and revenue-share freelancer quotes for app ideas to support App ecosystem across the world. - July 02, 2014 - Launches New Private Social Network for Enterprise
Addence (, an enterprise social network and collaboration tool, has officially launched. Addence is an “Enterprise 2.0” startup that provides a new way for companies and organization to have their own private social networks. Addence offers customers a truly private social networking experience by offering a private website, database, and server. - June 29, 2014 - Addence
1CapApp Launches Generation II – A Live Text Streaming Platform
1CapApp delivers time-saving solutions for CART providers, captioners and court reporters who provide live text streaming for business meetings, classroom lectures, depositions, stadium captioning, as well as Adobe and WebEx collaboration. Broadcast Engineers are also excited about the dual output... - June 27, 2014 - 1CapApp, Inc.
The Truth About Ripoff Report, New Insider Video Released
Ripoff Report is releasing a new video series to dispel myths and inform consumers through insider interviews with Ripoff Report executives including Founder Ed Magedson, himself. - June 26, 2014 - Xcentric Ventures
Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel Seeks Indiegogo Crowdsourcing to Fund America’s First Undersea Luxury Hotel Prototype
Planet Ocean Underwater Hotel in Key West is using Indiegogo to fund its exciting prototype and, in return, offer spectacular perks to its Indiegogo supporters as they usher in a new era in undersea eco-tourism, exploration, and conservation. - June 26, 2014 - USAKW
Southwest Florida Residents to Benefit from Douglas Leugers & Company Joining The Great Home Giveaway
Doug Leugers of Douglas Leugers & Company Real Estate Advisors is one of hundreds of Real Estate Agents across the country who has invested in “The Great Home Giveaway” sweepstakes that will allow Southwest Florida citizens to enter for a chance to win one of sixteen $10,000 down... - June 25, 2014 - Douglas Leugers & Company
Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Residents to Benefit from Frank Littrell Joining The Great Home Giveaway
Local Realtor, Frank Littrell, Joins Hundreds of Agents across the Country in the first ever “Great Home Giveaway.” - June 25, 2014 - Douglas Leugers & Company
Vail Products Joins DUTV and Gamekeepers on Pursuit Channel
Vail Products of Horton, KS, a leading manufacturer of aftermarket severe-duty construction equipment attachments and land management tools, has forged a promotional partnership with Ducks Unlimited Television and Gamekeepers of Mossy Oak, which are set to begin their fall schedules on the Pursuit... - June 19, 2014 - VAIL Products
Family Social Network SquareHub Optimized for New Amazon Fire Smartphone
SquareHub, the private social network for families, is among the exclusive list of optimized launch day apps for Amazon’s eagerly anticipated Amazon Fire phone announced to the world on June 18, 2014. SquareHub is the only family social network that combines families’ abilities to... - June 19, 2014 - SquareHub Study Reports 66% of FIFA World Cup Players Are Everyday Expats. A Social Media Campaign is Launched to Follow the Life of FIFA Expats’ World Cup.
The study shows that the bulk of the expat players are located in countries where football championships are most celebrated such as England and Spain. launches a vibrant blog and social media campaign to follow the lives of the FIFA expat players that can be followed Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin by all expats around the world. - June 19, 2014 - Interexpat Ltd.
Car Fiend Test Drives the Porsche 918 Spyder
Driving the most expensive production Porsche ever made. - June 18, 2014 - Car Fiend
Local Realtor Carol Royse Joins a Select Group of Agents Across the US in the First Great Home Giveaway
Local Realtor, Carol Royse, has joined an elite group of top producing REALTORS across the Country in the first ever “Great Home Giveaway.” Carol Royse and the Carol Royse Team, has joined a group of top agents across the country who have invested in “The Great Home... - June 17, 2014 - Keller Williams Realty East Valley
Tech Marketing Company SociReach Gives Small/Medium Businesses Power to Dominate Social Media & Search Engines
Why social media is so very important for online business success & how smaller companies can have an army of 60,000+ people publish their company’s content across social media for just a smudge over a dollar a day. - June 17, 2014 - SociReach
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Launches Kickstarter Campaign
Self-funded start-up Lucky Dog Hot Sauce releases their new Día del Perro sauce exclusively through Kickstarter! - June 17, 2014 - Lucky Dog Hot Sauce
Local Realtor, Nancy Kowalik, Joins Hundreds of Agents Across the Country in the First Ever "Great Home Giveaway"
Enter to win one of sixteen $10,000 down payments, and one $100,000 grand prize to be used towards the purchase of your new home. - June 17, 2014 - Nancy Kowalik, Keller Williams Realty
Alicanto’s Automated SMB Marketing Tool Forges Alliances; Joint Marketing Campaigns Help Business Owners Attract More Customers
Alicanto, an automated online marketing tool, helps small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) join forces with nearby merchants to produce professional joint marketing campaigns. The unique marketing tool is designed to assist merchants in pooling resources and teaming up to produce highly targeted... - June 17, 2014 - Alicanto