Human & Civil Rights News

Raise the bar by learning about news related to human and civil rights. Find information about issues in the news regarding women’s rights, minority rights, gun control, human trafficking and access to education and healthcare.

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Iowa State Fair with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Iowa State Fair with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

Abortion billboard trucks hit the streets of Des Moines in a campaign to bring a powerful pro-life message to Iowa voters in advance of the November 6 elections. - August 12, 2012 - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Northern Virginia with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Northern Virginia with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

"The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will drive large box trucks bearing graphic images of first-trimester aborted babies on the public streets of Northern Virginia from Monday August 6 to Sunday August 12 in an effort to educate voters about preborn children and what abortion does to them. - August 06, 2012 - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Colorado Springs with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Colorado Springs with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

"The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will drive large box trucks bearing graphic images of first-trimester aborted babies on the public streets of Colorado Springs from Monday August 6 to Sunday August 12 in an effort to educate voters about preborn children and what abortion does to them. - August 06, 2012 - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Support Building Bridges Between Americans of All Faiths

Support Building Bridges Between Americans of All Faiths

Based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area, Islamic Speaker's Bureau-DFW (ISB-DFW.ORG) is a 501c(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to educate about Islam, Muslims, their traditions, and contributions in the context of America’s history and cultural diversity, while building relations between American Muslims and other groups. Founded in 2011, ISB-DFW achieves its mission through education and community engagement at the grassroots level. - July 24, 2012 - Islamic Speakers Bureau-DFW

Canadian Film Chosen for Film Festival in New York City

After a long battle with Bipolar Disorder, Montreal filmmaker Costa Moshopoulos is chosen to premiere his short film at the Manhattan Film Festival. - June 16, 2012 - Fegari Entertainment

Writer Opens Doors for Discussion About Race Relations and Course for Humanity

Writer Opens Doors for Discussion About Race Relations and Course for Humanity

New contemporary fiction Sequence 77 by author Darin M. Preston dares to take a hard look into our past and exposes the atrocities of hate, and their exorbitant effect on one man. This is a gripping, provocative work that blends characters from a variety of backgrounds and ethnicities toward one goal of overcoming a very potent and unexpected danger. The book is available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook. - June 14, 2012 - Lucid Style Author Services

Postcode Route Planning to Help Raise £100,000 for Street Children

Rock UK uses Route Optimiser from Postcode Anywhere in UK fundraising challenge. - May 31, 2012 - PCA Predict

Planning for Exit Screening Miss Representation Sponsors McMillan, SAP and BIV

Planning for Exit, a firm that helps CEOs build the value of their businesses and increase the probability of a successful exit, announced today it will be screening the acclaimed documentary Miss Representation at the Scotiabank Theatre June 6, 2012 in Vancouver at 5:30 PM. Miss Representation... - May 10, 2012 - Planning for Exit

Mother's Day 2012 and the Legacy of Motherhood on Future Generations

Mother's Day 2012 and the Legacy of Motherhood on Future Generations

In response to the recent, April 18th 2012 Vatican reprimand of US Catholic Nuns and the approaching "Mother's day 2012," Michael Parish of Calcoic kicks off a "future generation rights campaign" calling for consumer boycotts and a declaration of non-violent war on the current generation's self centeredness and mishandling of this planet's resources and relationships as a trust account for future generations. - May 08, 2012 -

Teen Feminist Website Blacklisted as Occult and Pornography in Schools

Teen Feminist Website Blacklisted as Occult and Pornography in Schools

Teen feminist website Mookychick Online questioned the web filters used by education systems when it became hotlisted in US/UK schools and libraries for "occult" and "pornographic" content. - April 24, 2012 - Mookychick Online

Where the War on Women is Coming From

Where the War on Women is Coming From

The hundreds of pieces of legislation that have flooded state and federal governments, all seemingly shaming modern women, appear illogical during a crucial election year. Make sense of all the anti-pill and forced ultra-sound bills with a new book on the market. - April 23, 2012 - Blazing Sword Publishing, Ltd.

Kat Kramer, Producer/Founder of "Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World," Says "Bully" and "Teach Your Children Well" Documentary Films Call Attention to Tragic Results

Kat Kramer, Producer/Founder of "Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World," Says "Bully" and "Teach Your Children Well" Documentary Films Call Attention to Tragic Results

Actress, singer, film producer and activist Kat Kramer, whose famed father film director Stanley Kramer was known for making socially conscious films, would make her Dad proud these days. In 2009, she founded a film series called “Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World” under... - April 04, 2012 - Kat Kramer Officials Celebrate Gay Pride Events at Service Academies, a social network for LGBT service members and their supporters, is proud to support the recent formation of LGBT clubs on campus at many of the nation’s military academies, and various Gay Pride events taking place this week as well. Cadets in uniform at Norwich University,... - March 28, 2012 -

Nonviolent Peaceforce Featured at High Level Briefing at the UN

Over 130 representatives of UN member States, Observers, UN officials and civil society representatives met Friday at the UN, for a high level briefing organized by the Permanent Missions of Belgium, Benin, Costa Rica and Philippines, to discuss broadening the concept of peacekeeping to include the contribution of civil society to the unarmed protection of civilians in conflict situations. - March 28, 2012 - Nonviolent Peaceforce

Occupy Sanford Movement is Preparing to Occupy Sanford Florida in Honor of Trayvon Martin

Occupy Sanford Movement is Preparing to Occupy Sanford Florida in Honor of Trayvon Martin

Occupy is making preparations to Occupy Sanford Florida this summer. “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” says President Barack Obama (at a recent press conference), referring to 17 year old Trayvon Martin that was killed by block watch captain George Zimmerman. - March 27, 2012 - occupy sanford

"The New Powwow Highway" - StagePeaks TV Production

TV mini-series by StagePeaks, adaptation of the new history of the American Indian Movement, by the author of the popular 1989 film "Powwow Highway." - March 15, 2012 - StagePeaks

UN Considering Civilians’ Role in Peacekeeping and Protecting Threatened Civilians - South Sudan Country Leader Returning to Testify

Several missions to the United Nations (UN) as well as other UN entities will focus on Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) as an effective tool for the protection of civilians and prevention of violence on March 16-23. The work of Nonviolent Peaceforce, a Minnesota-founded organization, will be... - March 13, 2012 - Nonviolent Peaceforce

New Book on Horizon About Premarital Counseling for Gay Couples

New Book on Horizon About Premarital Counseling for Gay Couples

A premarital guide of case studies illustrating real problems and creative solutions for the LGBT community published by ASD Publishing. - March 12, 2012 - ASD Publishing

I Am That Child Paints Real Faces of AIDS, Poverty, and Sexism as Encountered on Cameroon Mission

I Am That Child Paints Real Faces of AIDS, Poverty, and Sexism as Encountered on Cameroon Mission

What do Mission and Outreach really look like? How tall are they? Male or female? And when does "putting faith into action" mean reaching out far beyond our wallet or comfortable lifestyle? In I Am That Child, Elizabeth Geitz helps answer these questions as she fleshes out the human faces of AIDS, poverty and sexism as experienced first-hand in an orphanage in Cameroon, West Africa. - March 11, 2012 - Elizabeth Geitz, Author

Beacon Insurance Group Attending Boys & Girls Club Conference

Beacon Insurance Group is attending the 2012 Southeast Conference for the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The conference is being held from March 5th -8th in Myrtle Beach, SC at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center. Boys & Girls Club professionals from throughout the Southeast gather for... - March 06, 2012 - Beacon Insurance Group, Inc.

Carl Keyes Creates Safe House for Rescued Girls from Sex Slavery

Carl Keyes founder of Aid for the World, an international humanitarian-aid organization, is spearheading a project of a different kind of his own backyard: a safe house for young girls rescued from the sex-slave industry. - February 12, 2012 - Carl Keyes Aid For America

Discharged Under Don't Ask Don't Tell Six Years Later Service Member Reenlists

Discharged Under Don't Ask Don't Tell Six Years Later Service Member Reenlists

His dream of becoming a seagoing sailor was cut short by the discriminatory policy known as, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Now, William Norman is back and ready for action. Earlier this week he enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard. - February 09, 2012 -

Poetry Bar Launches On-Line Petition to Free Zhu Yufu

Poets twist the tail of the Chinese dragon to demand the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned poet and democracy activist, Zhu Yufu. - February 05, 2012 - The Camel Saloon

Author to Speak at Humanists of Georgia Meeting

Author to Speak at Humanists of Georgia Meeting

Scott Smith, author of "Legacy: The Secret History of Proto-Fascism in America's Greatest Little City," will speak at the Feb. 19 Humanists of Georgia meeting at Atlanta Freethought Hall. - February 02, 2012 -

Young Female Associate Slams Carl's Jr. Defense Team in Near Unanimous Verdict

Civil Rights attorney, Julie Mehrban and her client Alexander Johnson achieve a sweeping victory for the disabled against fast-food giant, Carl Karcher Enterprises, represented by Scott Ferrell of Newport Trial Group. Spectators of the trial noted Mehrban’s calm, skillful and assertive handling of the trial, and the destruction of virtually every element of the defense theory. - January 30, 2012 - Law Offices of Morse Mehrban, A.P.C.

Aiding Reservations Too Remote to Reach

Aiding Reservations Too Remote to Reach

National Relief Charities (NRC) is issuing a call for aid to cover the cost of transporting goods to tribal programs located on remote reservations in 12 states. - January 16, 2012 - National Relief Charities

Living Small Press Publishes Exit City (Occupy the Whole Damned Thing) by British Arts Council Book of the Year Author Michael J. Alan

Living Small Press Publishes Exit City (Occupy the Whole Damned Thing) by British Arts Council Book of the Year Author Michael J. Alan

Says Living Small Press editor Delphine Cheney, "Alan's novel is a kind of Atlas Mugged. The corporate pandemic monetizes humanity, shifting rewards from creators and producers to gamblers and executive con artists. Occupy groups protest student debt, outsourcing, downsizing, backbreaking... - December 16, 2011 - Living Small Press

Tennessee Human Rights Day Celebration Showcases Future Leaders

International Human Rights Day occurs every year to commemorate the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations on Dec 10, 1948. - December 15, 2011 - United for Human Rights

Mary Cogar Receives Community Human Rights Award

The United National Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA) today recognized Mary C. Cogar, Clinical Director of Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (ASTT) with the Community Human Rights Award, 2011. In 1999, Dr. Cogar, a licensed psychologist joined with ASTT to assist... - December 10, 2011 - Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma

House Judiciary Committee to Workshop: Snyder Proposal to Address Human Trafficking

It's a topic many don't care to talk about, but the problem of human trafficking within the United States and especially in Florida really exists. Now, Representative William Snyder (Stuart, FL) wants to bring the issue to the forefront targeting the offenders, and shedding new light on a devastating crime plaguing the sunshine state. - December 09, 2011 - Representative William D. Snyder, FL 82

George Clooney’s Antigenocide Paparazzi: Introducing Speaker Jonathan Hutson to Suits and Spooks 2 Conference

Suits and Spooks 2 anti-conference: Shaping a Revolution in Security Affairs is pleased to announce that Jonathan Hutson, Director of Communications of the Enough/Satellite Sentinel Project will be one of the key speakers at the upcoming conference at the Waterview Conference Center on February 8, 2012. - December 07, 2011 - Taia Global Inc.

Tea Party Patriots and Conservatives Protest Senator John McCain's National Defense Authorization Act in His Home Turf, Tucson, Arizona

Tea Party Patriots and Conservatives Protest Senator John McCain's National Defense Authorization Act in His Home Turf, Tucson, Arizona

Conservatives protest the newly passed National Defense Authorization Act which allows for any US citizen to be held by U.S. military forces for an indefinite period of time with no Constitutional due process. - December 02, 2011 - Jeff Bales

Kammok Forms Strategic Partnership with the Organization Malaria No More

Kammok Forms Strategic Partnership with the Organization Malaria No More

Kammok Enters the Fight to End Malaria in Africa Through Product Sales and a Partnership with Malaria No More - November 30, 2011 - Kammok International

Alice Herz-Sommer, the Renowned Czech pianist and the Oldest Known Survivor of the Holocaust and the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, Celebrates Her 108th Birthday

Alice Herz-Sommer, the renowned Czech pianist and the oldest known survivor of the Holocaust and the Theresienstadt (Terezin) concentration camp, celebrates her 108th birthday this weekend. To honour her extra-ordinary life, Web of Stories is proud to present a wonderful video archive of Alice Herz-Sommer's first-hand experiences at Theresienstadt and how music helped her survive. The video stories are available free of charge for everyone to view at - November 25, 2011 - Web of Stories Ltd

Egyptian Expatriates Condemn the Use of Violence Against Egyptian Civilians

In light of the saddening turn of events that have taken place in Egypt over the past few days, the undersigned, Egyptian Expatriates, strongly condemn the use of force to silence the voices of the people of Egypt. The recent turn of violent events in Egypt is the consequence of the growing public... - November 23, 2011 - American Egyptian Strategic Alliance

Author, Carl A. Benson, Sr. Releases New Book to Get Races Talking the Truth to Each Other Again

Author, Carl A. Benson, Sr. Releases New Book to Get Races Talking the Truth to Each Other Again

Author and lecturer, Carl A. Benson, Sr. is pleased to announce his book, What Your Black Friends Don't Tell You. His purpose in writing this book is to get races talking the truth to each other again. - November 12, 2011 - Author, Carl A. Benson, Sr.

HIV Positive in the U.S. Military

HIV Positive in the U.S. Military, a social network for LGBT service members and their supporters, is proud to release a series of interviews from their members who served under Don't Ask Don't Tell. The second interview, from an HIV positive U.S. Navy E-4, Daniel Ianniello, spoke with about his career, gay Pride, and being diagnosed HIV positive. - November 11, 2011 -

Introducing, the Voice of the Citizen

Introducing, the Voice of the Citizen

Exclusive Video Footage of Occupy Boston on The footage is made up of interviews with occupiers telling their personal reasons for joining the protests and a Close-up view of... - November 09, 2011 -

Tennessee Human Rights Day Celebration Set for December 7

Human rights must be more than a dream. - November 05, 2011 - United for Human Rights

LadyBroadway Martina Sykes Lends Her Voice to Occupy Wall Street

UF graduate LadyBroadway Martina Sykes and friends joins Occupy Wall Street movement. - October 31, 2011 - Lady Broadway

Sales of New Fragrance Cali Blue to Help Build Fresh Water Wells in India and Africa

Sales of New Fragrance Cali Blue to Help Build Fresh Water Wells in India and Africa

A percentage of revenue generated from sales of new fragrance, Cali Blue, to be donated directly toward building fresh water wells in impoverished villages throughout India and Africa. - October 27, 2011 - AromaEarth

Stop the Traffic in Humans by the Network for Peace

Stop the Traffic in Humans by the Network for Peace

Network for Peace honors Media 4 Humanity and their founder, former TV reporter Melanie Siben, for their work to eradicate child trafficking in the United States. Media 4 Humanity attracts student interns from all over the country. More than 250 undergraduate and graduate students have undergone a rigorous internship program that prepares them to be leaders in the fight against modern-day slavery. Event details: October 26th at 6:30-9PM at Marymount School, Fifth Av at 84 St in NY. - October 26, 2011 - Network for Peace

Nobel Peace Prize Concert Launches New Website

The Norwegian Nobel Institute has launched a new website ( for the Nobel Peace Prize Concert. The website is the official place for media, sponsors and the general public to find the latest news on hosts and artists, Concert history, past performers, and how to buy tickets. In addition, the new site offers videos and photos of participating hosts and artists from current and past Concerts. - October 20, 2011 - UP There Everywhere

The AWARE/OWARE Project: African Art Collectives Adapt Ancient Game to Promote Female Empowerment

The AWARE/OWARE Project: Six South African art collectives adapt an ancient game to promote female empowerment. - October 19, 2011 - Art Works for Change

Occupy Resistance Network to Unify the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Occupy Resistance Network launches a social network for Occupy supporters in the fight against financial greed and corporate corruption. - October 15, 2011 - OccupyR

Egyptian Expatriates Condemn the Handling of the Maspero Demonstration on October 9th and Call for an Immediate Investigation and Swift Punishment for Those Involved

We, the Egyptian Expatriates, condemn the government handlings of the Maspero demonstration on October 9th. There must be an immediate investigation where the responsible parties are held accountable and convicted. It is our resolve to help Egypt remain on the path of progressive development as the center of peace and tolerance in the region. - October 12, 2011 - American Egyptian Strategic Alliance

NappyMuseTV Says Human Trafficking is Happening Right Here in America, and Not Just in Cambodia, Africa, and Russia

NappyMuseTV, Brooklyn, New York’s leading Human Rights WebTV Network, today announced human trafficking in not only taking place in Cambodia, parts of Africa, and Russia, but right here in the United States of America. - October 09, 2011 - NappyMuseTV

Family Drama Novel "Comes Out" on National Coming Out Day

Family Drama Novel "Comes Out" on National Coming Out Day

"Well With My Soul" (ISBN: 978-0-9836049-07) is Gregory G. Allen’s debut novel. This story of two brothers attempting to find peace in their complicated individual lives over a fifteen year period will be released by ASD Publishing on October 11, 2011. - October 08, 2011 - ASD Publishing

Planning Underway for Tennessee’s Human Rights Day Celebration

The planning for Tennessee’s Human Rights Day celebration has begun. - October 08, 2011 - United for Human Rights, World’s First Crowdfunding Site to Tie Artistic Projects and Business Ventures to Charitable Giving, Chooses Wells Bring Hope as a Featured Cause, World’s First Crowdfunding Site to Tie Artistic Projects and Business Ventures to Charitable Giving, Chooses Wells Bring Hope as a Featured Cause, new crowdfunding site that ties together artistic or business projects with charitable giving highlights Wells Bring Hope as a featured Cause at launch. Wells Bring Hope is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to drill for clean water wells in Africa. - September 26, 2011 - Crowdnetic

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