Human & Civil Rights News
Raise the bar by learning about news related to human and civil rights. Find information about issues in the news regarding women’s rights, minority rights, gun control, human trafficking and access to education and healthcare.
America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals’ Professional of the Year 2016, Doni-Jo Minor-Munro Has Now Been Selected to be Included in the Honor Roll
Doni-Jo Minor-Munro of Santa Maria, California, esteemed member of America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals has now been selected to be included in the Honor Roll for her accomplishments in the field of American Indian Education Programs. - July 07, 2016 - America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals
UR2.Global Self-Esteem Project Showcasing the Arts Names Musician - Premik Russell Tubbs as Honorary Artist-In-Residence
UR2.Global names renown multi-instrumental musician, composer, arranger, and producer Premik Russell Tubbs as its 2016 Honorary Artist-in-Residence for its humanitarian project which showcases the ARTS to uplift the self-esteem of humanity. Premik has worked with Sting, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston,... - June 07, 2016 - UR2.Global
California Supreme Court Reverses Conviction of William Richards
Wrongful conviction based largely on discredited bite-mark science - June 03, 2016 - California Western School of Law
Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Touring Exhibit Opens in Atlanta
“Dr. Death” isn’t so unusual in the psychiatric industry – exhibit documents the pseudoscience and sordid history of psychiatry. - May 25, 2016 - CCHR Nashville
Speaksli EdTech Startup Selected as a Finalist in 2016 MassChallenge Switzerland
Speaksli, a 2016 finalist in the prestigious MassChallenge Switzerland startup accelerator program, is an EdTech startup focused on helping refugees in Germany acquire essential language and cultural integration skills. This release covers the growth in the size of the immigrant population and explains how the Speaksli animated language learning platform is the ideal solution to help refugees in Germany learn German so that they can comply with the 3-year mandate to keep their residency rights. - May 20, 2016 - Speaksli
Filmmaker Begins Pre-Production for Documentary: "The 33 Day War - The Hidden Truth" in an Effort to Determine How Does Peace Prevail
Hamid Karam's feature-length documentary will give people a voice who were affected by the war which took place in the summer of 2006, involving Lebanon and Israel. - May 08, 2016 - Hamid Karam Productions
To Commemorate Yom Hashoah Documentary Double Feature to Screen at the Museum of Jewish Heritage on May 3
Director Debbie Goodstein Explores Her Family’s History Over 70-Year Span in Separate Films Made 25 Years Apart - May 03, 2016 - Debbie Goodstein
Citizens Commission on Human Rights to Protest American Psychiatric Association Convention in Atlanta, Georgia
The annual convention of the American Psychiatric Association takes place May 14-18, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. On Saturday, May 14, members of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) are organizing a protest in the name of justice for mental health. Formed in 1969, today there are hundreds... - May 01, 2016 - CCHR Nashville
Doni-Jo Minor-Munro Has Recently Been Recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who
Doni-Jo Minor-Munro, of Santa Maria, California, has recently been recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of American Indian Educational Programs. In honor of her accomplishments and professionalism, Ms. Minor-Munro’s image was projected over Times Square, New York, on December 18, 2015. - April 27, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who
North Korea Ambassador Invited David Sugarman to the DPRK
David Sugarman invited to DPRK by Ambassadors during discussions about tensions surrounding North Korea. American Otto Warmbier and Sugarman’s connection to basketball also part of the discussion. - April 25, 2016 - SugarTime Records
Alan Roger Currie to Speak on College Campuses About Date-Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention
Author and Dating Coach Alan Roger Currie is going to collaborate with the Take Back The Night Foundation and speak to college students across the country to address how to diminish and ultimately eliminate incidents of date-rape and sexual assault on college campuses. The Take Back The Night Foundation was founded by Sexual Violence Prevention Expert and Activist Katie Koestner, who was featured on the cover of TIME Magazine in June 1991 as the first victim of date-rape to report it publicly. - April 21, 2016 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.
Threat Management Experts Present Violence Prevention Strategies at NACCHO'S 2016 Preparedness Summit
Specialists from the Violence Prevention Agency (VPA), Dr. Tau Braun, executive director of the VPA, Captain Bob Martin, senior advisor at the VPA, and Alissa Parker, co-founder, Safe and Sound Schools, will present evidence-based violence prevention strategies at NACCHO’s 2016 Preparedness Summit, “Planning Today for Rebuilding Tomorrow: Resiliency & Recovery in the 21st Century,” taking place on April 19–22, in Dallas, Texas. - April 19, 2016 - Violence Prevention Agency
Millions to Vote Against Two-Party Tyranny in 2016?
John Manimas predicts millions of voters will write-in his name for the office of President in November 2016 because of the electorate's extreme dissatisfaction with the two-party tyranny. Manimas offers a new election system that uses vote donation and party coalitions to identify a legitimate new political majority. - April 07, 2016 - John Manimas Publishing
Attorney Alena Shautsova Wins Half-Century Old U.S. Citizenship Battle
New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova helped a life-long resident of Long Island to obtain proof of his U.S. citizenship. - April 05, 2016 - Law Office of Alena Shautsova
Full Court Press on Federal Justice Officials in Colorado
Prosecutors and Judges Could Not Withstand Judiciary Committee Investigation, Says A Just Cause - April 01, 2016 - A Just Cause
50 National Leaders to Participate in the Inaugural SOAR Community Summit on May 6, 2016
As many as 50 national leaders, an exclusive group of C-Suite Executives, Entrepreneurs, Community and Civic Leaders, will participate at the SOAR Community Summit, during the full day of panel discussions and presentations. - March 30, 2016 - SOAR Community Network
Gallery House Presents: Masks of Courage: Defying True Identity, an Exhibit That Creates a Journey Separating the Sense of Self Worth from External Attributes
This exhibit will take the audience through a journey that separates the sense of self worth from external attributes of identity, to ultimately confront the reality acid attack victims experience. The show challenges the collection of attributes that defines how people see themselves, and how others perceive them and to answer the question: Who am I? - March 23, 2016 - Gallery House
SPEAK OUT Art Show: Celebrate Earth Month with a Meaningful Art Experience Real Art for a Humanitarian Cause
To celebrate April the month dedicated to the Earth, Sexual Assault Awareness, Sexually Transmitted disease Awareness and Poetry, the Grace Divine Gallery with Sam Shakib bring together over 30 original large-scale artworks that speak to critical social issues including depression, suicide, abortion, sexual identity, gay rights, rape, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, stillbirth, PMS, pregnancy, fertility, harassment, sexual objectification and others in an art show titled, SPEAK OUT. - March 16, 2016 - Grace Divine Gallery
Sugarman Launches Otto Warmbier Campaign
David Sugarman launched into the political/social activism spotlight in 2013 after he launched the #BringBaeBack campaign to raise awareness for American Kenneth Bae, who is imprisoned in North Korea. Sugarman’s goal in creating this campaign was to create more public support for the release of Bae. Through this initiative, Sugarman has met with top-tier government, political and social figures that include US Representative Charles Rangel (NY-D), and Reverend Jesse Jackson. - March 16, 2016 - SugarTime Records
“The Promised Band,” Wins 2016 Cinequest’s “Best Documentary” and the Canon-Atomos Documentary Filmmaker Award
The world premiere of The Promised Band, directed by Jen Heck, took the 2016 Cinequest Film Festival by storm. After shaking up the conversation about peace, borders and friendship in the Middle East and packing theaters for four screenings, The Promised Band received two awards; Best Documentary... - March 15, 2016 - The Promised Band
SunFrog and OmniPeace Combine Fashion and Philanthropy to Help Build Schools in Africa
SunFrog Shirts announces a new alliance with the popular charitable website, OmniPeace. SunFrog, a leader and innovator in the T-shirt industry, was chosen by the charity organization for their expertise in printing and marketing for the now in-demand shirt designs. SunFrog will carry, and expand,... - March 14, 2016 -
Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois Gives an Exclusive Interview on AJC Radio’s Spotlight on Capitol Hill
Spotlight on Capitol Hill Gives Listeners an In-Depth Look at Initiatives and the Legislative Agendas of Our Elected Officials in Washington, D.C. - March 10, 2016 - A Just Cause
Oregon Legislature Advances Healthcare Coverage for Legally Residing Pacific Islanders with Whom the United States Has a Unique Treaty
With the passage of HB-4071 Oregon will provide a COFA Premium Assistance Program that allows health care coverage for COFA Pacific Islanders beginning in January 2017. The Oregon legislature unanimously passed a watershed health care program that will give 1500 adult COFA Oregonians, whose income falls below 138% of the Federal Poverty limit, Medicaid-like health insurance coverage. Oregonian COFA Islanders are eligible to sign up to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and COFA. - March 09, 2016 - COFA Alliance National Network
Helping Bags, a Local San Diego, CA Community Outreach Program Gives Back to the Homeless
Helping Bags was created as a local outreach program for the homeless of San Diego, CA to give free bags filled with essential items such as water, food, toilet paper, new socks, and other products needed to survive on the hard streets. - March 07, 2016 - Helping Bags
Author Alexis Nicole White Uncovers the Effects of Emotional Abuse Among Millennials in New Book, "The Covered"
Emotional Abuse is alive and well. Contrary to popular belief, emotional abuse is not just something that happens from parent to child, or occurs in teenage love affairs. Adult women face emotional distress in their friendships as well, daily, says Alexis Nicole White. - March 04, 2016 - Alexis Nicole White Media
Empty Most Prisons in One Generation by Reducing Criminal Activity Using Evidence-Based Science
Jeanine Joy, the Founder and CEO of Happiness 1st Institute, has extended her research into applying The Smart Way meta-cognitive processes and emotional guidance to the problem of crime. Criminology research supports her position that by changing the underlying psychology to healthier states, an... - February 01, 2016 - Happiness 1st Institute
Citizens Commission on Human Rights Shows the Truth Behind Holocaust Horrors
Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Nashville (CCHR Nashville) held a special briefing on The Men Behind Hitler in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27. - January 30, 2016 - CCHR Nashville
During Blizzard 2016, Chicagoans Slept Out for Homeless, Raised $18,000
Board members of a social services organization slept outdoors in Chicago to raise awareness and funds to help homeless. - January 30, 2016 - Care For Friends
U.S. Based Non-profit Launching GoFundMe Campaign to Combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Liberia
Through empowerment programs, books, crisis help, weekly group discussions, community activities, tutoring, and a place to stay during times of emergencies, Project READ will give Liberian girls a safe place to simply be girls and give girls wings to soar. - January 28, 2016 - Resources and Outreach for Liberia (ROL)
Local Lawn Care Company, Lush Lawn, Donates Water to City of Flint
Aaron Samson, the CEO and Founder of, local lawn care company, Lush Lawn, traveled to the city of Flint, January 21st 2016, to bring donated water bottles to the Flint Fire Station, located at 310 E. 5th St. - January 22, 2016 - Safari Tree
Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Doni-Jo Minor-Munro as a 2016 Professional of the Year
Doni-Jo Minor-Munro, of Santa Maria, California, has recently been recognized as a 2016 Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of American Indian Educational Programs. - January 20, 2016 - Strathmore Who's Who
Tennessee United for Human Rights Plans for MLK Day
2015 saw the formation of Tennessee United for Human Rights, and in 2016 the organization is taking things to a whole new level. - January 16, 2016 - United for Human Rights
Minneapolis-Based Business and Charitable Foundation Step in Where System Fails NYC First Responder and 9/11 Survivor
Gary Smiley, Rescue Paramedic with Battalion 31, was at the base of the North Tower when it collapsed on September 11, 2001. Today, he has nearly lost his home and health. He has filed a lawsuit in Federal court alleging he was discriminated against under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Homes for Heroes Foundation assisted him with a security deposit and rent. Mohawk Moving and Storage provided 100-mile professional pack-and-move from Albrightsville, PA to Franklin Park, NJ. - January 12, 2016 - Homes for Heroes
530 Fullerton Foundation Board Members to Become Homeless on January 22, 2016
Board members of a social services organization to become homeless to raise awareness and funds for operations. - January 07, 2016 - Care For Friends
New Book on Ruby McCollum Murder Case Released by Gadfly Publishing
“Ruby McCollum (August 31, 1909 – May 23, 1992) was a wealthy African-American housewife known for killing a prominent Caucasian doctor and Florida Senator elect in 1952 who she maintained had abused her and forced her to have sex and bear his child.” – - January 04, 2016 - Gadfly Publishing, LLC
Tennessee United for Human Rights Taking It to the Next Level in 2016
2015 saw the formation of Tennessee United for Human Rights, and in 2016 the organization is planning to take it to another level. - January 02, 2016 - Tennessee United for Human Rights
Citizens Commission on Human Rights Urges Victims of Brain Stimulation Abuse to Report
Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Nashville is urging friends and loved ones of those harmed by psychiatric brain treatment to report their stories. - December 31, 2015 - CCHR Nashville
International Institute for the Welfare of Humanity (IIWH) Publishes The Other Manifesto for Mankind
Washington-based International Institute for the Welfare of Humanity publishes a manifesto with people values and principles, The Other Manifesto ( Director Pedro Vandenhenft: "'The Other Manifesto' is the result of 12 years of research among a number of international... - December 28, 2015 - IIWH LLC
Arizona Flower Market Gives Away Roses in Exchange for Toys and Food Donations to Benefit The Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona Flower Market is supporting The Society of St. Vincent de Paul by offering a free dozen white roses to any customers between now and close of business on Christmas Eve, simply by bringing a donation of food or a toy. - December 23, 2015 - Arizona Flower Market
2015 Year in Review – A New Era for Human Rights in Tennessee
2015 saw the formation of Tennessee United for Human Rights, to carry out the work of the international organization United for Human Rights in the Southeast United States. - December 19, 2015 - United for Human Rights
Tennessee Human Rights Day Celebration Uplifting Future Generations
The Tennessee Celebration of International Human Rights Day took place in Nashville at the First Amendment Center on December 10th, 5pm – 7pm. - December 12, 2015 - United for Human Rights
Tennessee United for Human Rights Educating Artists
Tennessee United for Human Rights is spreading its message to artists through educational tools, hard-hitting videos and inspirational messages. - November 27, 2015 - United for Human Rights
Tennessee Human Rights Day Celebration to Honor Human Rights Champions
The Tennessee Celebration of International Human Rights Day will take place in Nashville at the First Amendment Center on December 10th, 5pm – 7pm. - November 14, 2015 - United for Human Rights
SNUFA Now Operational; Help SNUFA Improve Their Network and Build a Social Network for Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities Daniel Hood is a self-advocate and the founder of Special Needs United Friendship and Advocacy. Special Needs United Friendship and advocacy (SNUFA) is an non-profit organization intended to provide a online advocacy support... - October 20, 2015 - Special Needs United Friendship and Advocacy
Tennessee Celebration of International Human Rights Day to Take Place at John Seigenthaler Center
The planning committee for the Tennessee celebration of International Human Rights Day is pleased to announce the 2015 celebration will take place again at the John Seigenthaler Center. - October 03, 2015 - United for Human Rights
AIM Leader Will Speak at BSC Symposium
American Indian Movement (AIM) founder Clyde Bellecourt will present during Bismarck State College's three-day symposium "The '60s: Turmoil & Transformation" Nov. 3-5, 2015. He joins Pulitzer Prize winner Lawrence Wright, Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn, documentarian Lyn Novick, historian Dr. Geoffrey Wawro and many more. - October 01, 2015 - Bismarck State College
Community Comes Together in the Name of Peace at Nashville Church of Scientology
The Nashville Church of Scientology joined Churches of Scientology on six continents and hundreds of like-minded groups around the world in promoting International Day of Peace and its message, “Partnership for Peace—Dignity for All.” - September 25, 2015 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville
Mexico’s War on Drugs Exposed Through Art
Renowned Mexican artist Luz María Sánchez opens "detritus" in Houston, Texas examining Mexico's War on Drugs today at She Works Gallery. Sanchez is making an impact on Texas, recently being named the "Climate Change Art Commission" from Land Heritage Institue and a the exhibition of her epic piece on immigration entitled "diaspora" in San Antonio. - September 19, 2015 - AtravesARTE
A New Online Career Coaching and Employment Platform Makes Kenyan Job Search and Recruitment More Transparent and Efficient
Fuzu Limited launches an online career coaching and employment platform for Kenyan job seekers and employers. - September 18, 2015 - Fuzu
High Holy Day Call to Action: Rabbis Rally Congregants to Lobby for Aid to Syrian Refugees
On the eve of the Jewish New Year, more than 125 Reform rabbis across the U.S. and Canada will make a plea to the thousands of Jews observing Rosh Hashanah to call on political leaders to aid in the plight of the 11 million Syrian refugees fleeing the violence in their homeland -- the worst refugee... - September 12, 2015 - Temple Sinai