K-12 Education News
Get schooled on kindergarten through grade 12 education issues from technology, school initiatives and student recognition to research, equipment, products and services for teachers, students and staff. Learn about after-school programs, PTAs, PTOs, tutoring, test preparation, professional training and classroom resources.
Sonoma Academy Makes the Switch to Solar - Sonoma County School Goes Green, Saves Money
Sonoma Academy has switched-on a 208 kW solar power project on the north edge of its campus. The electricity produced from this system is projected to save over $1,280,000 for the academy over the next 25 years allowing that money to flow directly back into education. - January 12, 2016 - SolarCraft
CUE Connect Allows Remote Participation in 2016 National Conference
CUE is excited to announce that educators unable to attend the 2016 National Conference to be held March 17-19 in Palm Springs, California may do so by attending CUE Connect. This first CUE Connect will be held at the Orange County Department of Education’s Conference Center, in Costa Mesa,... - January 12, 2016 - CUE
CUE Will Present Screening of Underwater Dreams at 2016 National Conference
Panel Discussion with the Documentary’s Inspiration, teacher Allan Cameron following - January 08, 2016 - CUE
SANS Inc., Software and Network Solutions, Appoints Southeast Regional Manager
SANS Inc., Software and Network Solutions, has named Daniel Maaske to the position of Regional Sales Manager. Daniel’s responsibilities will include support of current SANS’ educational customers as well as new business development in the southeast region of the United States including... - January 06, 2016 - SANS Inc. Instructional Technology for Language Learning
Test Prep & Tutoring Goes Social
Test Prep & Tutoring Professionals, a group dedicated to folks in the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, and College Admissions Consulting Industry has launched a Social Community Site. The site will allow folks to build a profile, search jobs, share best practices, create forums, and access a free resource library. - January 06, 2016 - Association of Test Preparation, Admissions, and Private Tutoring
Writers of the Future Ends 2015 with Best Year Ever
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future hits national best seller list, receives starred review and celebrates 75 years of Golden Pen Award all in 2015. - December 31, 2015 - Galaxy Press
The Grammar Diva's Books Support Better Grammar for the New Year
It is that time of year again when resolutions for the New Year abound: lose weight, stop smoking, get to the gym more often, be kinder to your spouse or your kids—yet a study done by Match.com online dating shows that the two most important characteristics of a potential date are good teeth and good grammar. Speaking and writing contribute as much to a person's image as his or her physique and dental work. - December 30, 2015 - bigwords101
SKILLSdox and Udemy Collaborate to "SKILL UP" India
SKILLSdox Inc., an Ottawa Canada-based company, and Udemy, a San Francisco-based company, entered into an agreement to help expand Udemy’s overall online education offering across India’s mass population. - December 21, 2015 - betterU Canada
What Matters for Kids Announces the Expansion Into the Greater Casco Bay Maine Area
What Matters for Kids is proud to announce the expansion to the Greater Casco Bay Maine area in 2016. The planned expansion will bring new, science based educational opportunities to children and schools in the region, supplementing existing STEM programs. Carleen Barra and Julie Wagner founded... - December 19, 2015 - What Matters for Kids
Rebecca Ann Froning Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Rebecca Ann Froning of Springdale, Arkansas has been recognized as a Professional of the Year in 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About Rebecca Ann Froning Ms. Froning has over 30 years experience in... - December 16, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide
Isyjean P. Korenek Accepted Into the Legacy Elite Program by Strathmore’s Who’s Who
Isyjean P. Korenek, of Rockdale, Texas, has recently been recognized by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Education. In honor of her accomplishments and professionalism, Ms. Korenek has been accepted into the Legacy Elite Program. - December 11, 2015 - Strathmore Who's Who
Maureen E. Marshall-Jeffers Recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Maureen E. Marshall-Jeffers of Tinton Falls, New Jersey has been recognized as a Professional of the Year in 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About Maureen E. Marshall-Jeffers Dr. Marshall-Jeffers is... - December 11, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide
Shorecrest Prep Students Learn to Code with Parents During Hour of Code
Shorecrest Preparatory School’s Lower School learns foundational 21st century skills alongside parents and grandparents, demonstrating commitment to cutting edge technology education. - December 11, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School
STEREO LEARNING: A Shortcut to Solid Knowledge. An Interactive Presentation Launches Online.
In the first 20 minutes, it explains how preschoolers master big numbers and long operations. Then - how stereo learning supports them through school, prepares them to understand science and engineering, and introduces them to real computer programming. - December 10, 2015 - SIX PROJECTS
Raptivity to Mark Parent Company’s Silver Jubilee Year with Special Year End Discounts
Raptivity celebrates the 25th year anniversary of Harbinger Group with discounts as high as 70%. - December 09, 2015 - Harbinger Knowledge Products Inc.
Sports Field Safety Expert Mark Nicholls to Speak at National Athletic Directors/NIAAA Conference
TURFindustry CEO Mark Nicholls shares his field safety expertise with high school athletics administrators. - December 05, 2015 - TURFindustry
CUE Steps Up Support for 2015 Keeping Pace with K12 Digital Learning Report
CUE leaders provide input to shape the definitive Blended and Online Learning Report. - December 04, 2015 - CUE
Independent Black School Launches in Columbia, SC
Concerned parents launch independent Black school in Columbia, SC as a part of a global African-centered independent school district. - December 04, 2015 - Uhuru Academy FW
Linda Kaye Hartwig Recognized as a Top 100 Educator by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Linda Kaye Hartwig of Wyoming, Michigan has been recognized as a Top 100 Educator for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About Linda Kaye Hartwig Ms. Hartwig has almost 40 years experience in... - November 26, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide
Lansing Girl Invited to 2016 Junior National Leaders Conference
Lansing, Illinois honor roll student, Khmya Watts, invited to prestigious conference in Washington, D.C. - November 26, 2015 - Khyma Watts
New Multiplication Game to Help Kids Learn Times Tables (Math Grab)
Math Grab is the new fun multiplication card game that helps kids learn their multiplication times tables. - November 26, 2015 - Math Grab
Billy Gorilly Releases Cartoon Video to Teach Children Counting Backwards
Early learners can get the hang of counting down from 10 to 1 with this fun new cartoon video. - November 25, 2015 - Flying Kitten Music
Santa Fe Christian Schools Packs More Than 50,000 Meals to Fight Hunger in Africia
Santa Fe Christian Schools students, parents and community pack 50,502 meals through the 5th annual "Give Thanks, Give Back" service project to help fight hunger and aid in education in Africa. - November 25, 2015 - Santa Fe Christian Schools
Ashley Rhodes-Courter, Child Advocate and Author, to Speak at Shorecrest Preparatory School
Shorecrest Preparatory School’s Guardian ad Litem Service Club has invited Ashley Rhodes-Courter, child advocate and author, to speak at the Janet Root Theatre at Shorecrest Preparatory School. - November 25, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School
Prominent Catholic High School Enjoys Year-Round Playability of Sports Field After Switching to Synthetic Turf
Looking for year-round, multi-purpose use of its stadium field, Marist Catholic High School in Eugene, Oregon, switched from a grass field to a synthetic turf system from UBU Sports. - November 20, 2015 - UBU Sports
GO! Athletes Launches National Mentorship Program for LGBTQ Athletes
GO! Athletes has launched a national Mentorship Program to connect current and former student athletes who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, or queer (LGBTQ). The program is free and open to the public, and is currently accepting applications for both mentors and mentees at www.goathletes. - November 18, 2015 - GO! Athletes
Thomas Williams Designated as a Top 100 Educator by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Thomas Williams of New Orleans, Louisiana has been chosen as one of the Top 100 Educators for 2015 by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of education. About Thomas Williams Mr. Williams has over 40 years experience in the... - November 18, 2015 - Strathmore Worldwide
SANS Inc. SANSSpace™ LIVE Virtual Language Lab Enables More Flexible Language Learning
SANS Inc., Software and Network Solutions, has announced the introduction of SANSSpace™ LIVE, a live interactive virtual environment to support anytime, anywhere synchronous language learning. It will be highlighted this week at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages... - November 17, 2015 - SANS Inc. Instructional Technology for Language Learning
Bishop Verot a Top 100 Finalist in State Farm’s Celebrate My Drive Contest
Bishop Verot Catholic High School among Top 100 finalists in State Farm grant competition. - November 13, 2015 - Bishop Verot High School
Former Nelson Mandela Prison Guard Christo Brand to Speak at Shorecrest Leadership Lecture on November 17
Christo Brand, Nelson Mandela’s former prison guard and friend, will speak at the November 17th Willis Leadership Lecture at Shorecrest Preparatory School at 10:50 am. The Willis Leadership Lecture series invites four esteemed speakers annually to address the Shorecrest community. The theme... - November 12, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School
New Lunch “Create” Station Opens at Stanton College Preparatory School
Providing Duval County students with a new build-your-own bowl experience during school lunch. Fresh meals and culinary exploration are on the menu at Stanton College Preparatory School with the recently opened Create station offering made-to-order menu options. - November 11, 2015 - Chartwells K12 Duval
CUE Announces Hadi Partovi as Keynote Speaker for 2016 National Conference
CUE confirmed that entrepreneur, co-founder and president of Code.org® Hadi Partovi will Keynote the CUE 2016 National Conference, March 17-19, in Palm Springs, California. Hadi Partovi will deliver the keynote address during Friday’s General Session on March 18, 2016, from 8:00 - 9:45... - November 11, 2015 - CUE
National Watermelon Promotion Board and TEC Media Group Announce First Annual Student Art and Writing Contest
Students write catchy slogans and create stunning artwork to showcase the wonders of watermelon. Prizes include cash for student winners and for their teachers. - November 07, 2015 - TEC Media Group
International Kendama Competition - Mall of America
Sweets Kendamas hosts its 3rd annual International Kendama Competition at the Mall of America on November 15 (Finals). Pro players from around the world will compete head-to-head with local players to win the First Place $3,000 + Trip to the 2016 Kendama World Cup in Hatsukaichi, Japan. Locally (KARE11 and FOX9) and internationally televised to Japan (TV Japan), the event will be Livestreamed to the world. - November 06, 2015 - Sweets Kendamas, LLC
Private Bank of Decatur Adds "Ambassadors"
Jim Maxson and Carter Wilson join Board of Advisors for community bank. - November 06, 2015 - Private Bank of Decatur
Community Outreach Program - Penasquitos CA, with Police, Fire Fighters and Community Residents
PLC, SD Police Department, SD Fire Rescue PLC Entertainment Group is excited to announce the showing of its monthly, free Community Movie Night- a program designed to help our community begin a dialogue among family, friends, and neighbors. In addition to the free movie, free popcorn, and free ice cream sundaes, the Community Movie Night committee will host a joint event with the SD Police Department and SD Fire Department on Friday, November 20 from 5:30-8:30 pm. The featured movie is Sneekers. - November 03, 2015 - Penasquitos Lutheran Church
Montessori International Hosts Open House
Montessori International will host an open house for the public interested in a montessori education for their child on Sunday November 8, from 12 noon to 2 pm. - October 31, 2015 - Montessori International Children's House
The Golden Fleece Foundation, a Brooks Brothers Charity, Presents $3,000 to the New Interdisciplinary School
The New Interdisciplinary School (NIS), an innovative early childhood learning center in Yaphank, NY that serves typically developing and developmentally delayed students from birth to age five, was awarded $3,000 from The Golden Fleece Foundation, a Brooks Brothers charity. This donation was made... - October 31, 2015 - New Interdisciplinary School
Esteem Me Receives Five-Star Rating from North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
Local Montessori Preschool Honored for Focus on Excellence with Highest Possible Rating for Child Care Centers - October 31, 2015 - Esteem Me Montessori & Creative Play
E.A. Young Academy Participates in the College Board’s AP Capstone™ Program
High School Students at E.A. Young Academy Engage in Innovative Program Focuses on Inquiry, Research and Writing Skills Critical for College and Career Success - October 29, 2015 - EA Young Academy
Princess Nadia is Back: Talented Books Launches Its 2nd Princess Nadia Adventure
Princess Nadia continues her adventure on the high seas by searching for the treasure of Captain James Joker Jib. One surprise leads to another as Princess Nadia and her team learns the real truth of the missing treasure. - October 28, 2015 - Talented Books
New Startup Aimed to Bring Montessori Directly Into Your Home
Bring quality materials and memories directly to your door with Montessori themed monthly subscriptions. - October 27, 2015 - Montessori By Mom
Parents Can Teach About Kindness and Honesty with New Children's Book
A professional storyteller and his wife team up to create a stunning new children's book to help parents teach kindness and honesty. Carefully hand illustrated with vivid collages, it is now available at online booksellers. - October 26, 2015 - Storyteller.net
Empowered Flower Girl Offers Bullying Prevention #Tips4Teens
Empowered Flower Girl (EFG), a social enterprise on a mission to transform the way young people relate to one another, encourages students to stand up for themselves and others as the school year kicks into high gear. - October 26, 2015 - Empowered Flower Girl LLC
The JNP Project (Jane NOT Plain) Works with 6th, 7th, 8th Graders Discovering Inner-Awesome Superpowers Against Bullying
JNP is working with local Bates Middle School’s Girls Breaking Boundaries--exploring ways to discover character, courage, and confidence, against bullying --ending in a Field Trip to the Inner Awesome Factory. - October 25, 2015 - The JNP Project
Naperville Tutoring Announces Their New SUMMIT ACT PREP Website Devoted to Helping More Students Achieve Higher ACT Test Scores
A new website, www.summit-act-prep.com, focused entirely on ACT Test Prep for students across the USA who want to use online ACT Test Prep Classes to improve their ACT test scores, has just been introduced by Naperville Tutoring. - October 22, 2015 - Summit ACT Prep
The JNP Project (Jane NOT Plain) Launches Aggressive 2015 Holiday Gift Giving Campaign for All 4th Graders in Anne Arundel County, Maryland
JNP is working to "Empower a Child for the Holidays by Giving the Gift of Self-Esteem! (Inner-Awesome Superpowers)” - With support from the local Community, JNP will gift every fourth grader in Anne Arundel County’s Public Schools - 6,147 of them. In addition, JNP’s... - October 22, 2015 - The JNP Project
Local Golfers Compete to Help Equip Young Men for Life’s Starting Lineup
Charity Golf Tournament Marks First Major Fundraising Initiative to Fund Leadership and Mentoring Programs for The 13th Man. - October 16, 2015 - The 13th Man
School Fair to Highlight Education Options in Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Area Private Schools Collaborate for Free, Public Event - October 16, 2015 - Shorecrest Preparatory School
Bradenton Christian School New Middle School Expansion Wins Approval
The Bradenton Christian School new middle school building, a 16,642 square foot standalone two story building, was given the green light tonight at the Bradenton City Council meeting. The vote was unanimous. - October 16, 2015 - Bradenton Christian School