K-12 Education News

Get schooled on kindergarten through grade 12 education issues from technology, school initiatives and student recognition to research, equipment, products and services for teachers, students and staff. Learn about after-school programs, PTAs, PTOs, tutoring, test preparation, professional training and classroom resources.

Arizona Academic Decathlon Association (AADA) Places Second Nationally

The Mountain View (Mesa) Arizona Academic Decathlon team placed second in Division I and second place overall nationally, with a score of 48,323. The team also took second place in the Super Quiz Relay and third place in combined written and oral Super Quiz. In the last 21 years, teams representing Arizona have always finished in the top five in the nation. - May 26, 2010 - Arizona Academic Decathlon Association

HAACP Temperature Monitoring and K12 Digital Menu Boards with Nutritional Labeling – Texas TASN Show

Green Edge Systems Presents Freshloc HACCP Temperature Monitoring and K-12 Epicure Digital Menu Boards with nutritional labeling at the Texas TASN SNA show, San Antonio, June 15-16, and at the School Nutrition Association Show, Dallas, July 12-14 - May 26, 2010 - Green Edge Systems, Inc

Trinity Academy of Raleigh Releases Podcast on Haiti Relief Efforts

Dr. Robert Littlejohn, head of school at Trinity Academy of Raleigh (www.trinityacademy.com), a preK-12 college preparatory school community located in north Raleigh, has announced the release of a podcast discussing the school’s “Hoodies for Haiti” fundraiser. “Hoodies for... - May 26, 2010 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh

School Librarian Uses Think-a-lot Toys' Game for Wildly Successful School Competition

Elementary school librarian creates a wildly successful brain-building competition using the award-winning Think-ets game which meets the school's goal of getting kids to exercise their brains and spend less time in front of a computer. - May 25, 2010 - Think-a-lot Toys

MyMathTestPrep.com Announces New Features

The team behind MyMathTestPrep.com is proud to offer various forms of math test prep, including online math courses, live tutoring online, and a math homework help service. The team has worked for months developing the course material and building the website infrastructure, and the website is finally live. - May 20, 2010 - MyMathTestPrep

Capstone Digital Unveils New Research and Reading Solution for K-3

Continuing with its focus to strengthen emergent readers’ literacy and research skills, Capstone Digital has unveiled its newest database PebbleGo Earth and Space. Designed for students in grades pre-K-3, PebbleGo Earth and Space supports the core concepts of earth science, space, seasons,... - May 20, 2010 - Capstone

StarCatcher Innovative Online Tool to Pinpoint the Students’ Weakness and Maximize Their SAT Scores

NorthStar Learning Express’s innovative online tool “SAT I: Identify Weakness” enable the SAT takers to identify their weakness within seconds, streamline the SAT preparation process, and maximize their SAT scores. - May 19, 2010 - NorthStar Learning Express

Cooking Teens to Feature Hottest Farm-to-School Efforts

The online daily magazine Cooking Teens will send live dispatches from the Taking Root conference in Detroit to teen foodies and their families - May 17, 2010 - Cooking Teens

Trinity Academy of Raleigh Nominated for Eight Capital Awards

Dr. Robert Littlejohn, head of school at Trinity Academy of Raleigh (www.trinityacademy.com), a preK-12 college preparatory school community located in north Raleigh, has announced that the high school’s drama department has been nominated for eight North Carolina Theatre Capital Awards for... - May 16, 2010 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh

SUNY Board of Trustees Approves Invictus Preparatory Charter School

Invictus Preparatory Charter School, a free public charter school serving students in East New York, Brooklyn from 5th through 12th grade, was approved by the New York State Board of Regents on May 11th 2010. Invictus Prep will open its doors to 90 5th grade students on August 22, 2011. Invictus... - May 15, 2010 - Invictus Preparatory Charter School

PISARKIEWICZ MAZUR & CO Brings Pride and Excitement to John Adams High School Through Branding

For a public high school to succeed in New York City, it must present itself as an appealing learning destination, a place where pride and excitement are alive in students, parents, teachers and staff. John Adams High School, located in Ozone Park, Queens, wanted to step up its image as a unique... - May 13, 2010 - Pisarkiewicz Mazur & Co., Inc.

Introducing Imagine Speech: Giving Kids the Power of Speech- Language with the Click of a Computer

Imagine Speech is launching! The goal of Imagine Speech is to produce engaging and interactive video-games that teach speech-language skills to children. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other language impairments may benefit from Imagine Speech software. Anne Coady, the founder, received her Master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine. - May 13, 2010 - Imagine Speech

Sagemont, a Private School in Weston, Presents Their Spring Drama Productions

Drama and the Arts are alive and well at The Sagemont School, a private school in Broward County, as students take to the stage with four different musical productions this spring. - May 13, 2010 - The Sagemont Schools

Enslow Publishers, Inc. Announces Enslow Classroom Paperback Collection

Enslow Classroom features 136 curriculum-based and high-interest paperback books coming this fall. - May 13, 2010 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.

Art in Action Expands Its Visual Arts Online Curriculum

Art in Action expands its comprehensive, masterpiece-based online visual art program with a new series of art lessons aimed at training teachers to educate students in middle and high school. The 12 new online art lessons cover art from ancient civilizations and bring the number of online Art in Action lessons to 84. - May 12, 2010 - Art in Action

USD 207 Teacher Recognized for Excellence in Use of Classroom Website

Jessica Corriston a 5th grade teacher at Eisenhower Elementary was honored this week for her website being recognized in the Top Classroom “21st Century Community” by a panel of judges reviewing over 14,000 sites nominated by 57,000 users. The review committee noted that Ms. Corriston... - May 12, 2010 - Fort Leavenworth USD 207

School Websites Aren't Kids' Stuff: St. Paul's Episcopal School Wins International Youth Website Award

Even K-8 school websites are expected to deliver the goods for media-savvy parents and students. The website for Oakland-based St. Paul's Episcopal School competed against youth websites from Planned Parenthood, HP, and the US Department of Health and Human Services, and picked up a silver medal. - May 11, 2010 - St. Paul's Episcopal School

Homeschoolers Find Online Help with Free Homeschooling Digital Resource

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine announces the release of a complimentary gift to its Schoolhouse Expo conference participants and homeschooling friends everywhere—the Homeschool 101 Digital Supplement. - May 11, 2010 - The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Pace Brantley School Opens New Building: Special Guests Share in Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Open House Celebration. - May 07, 2010 - Pace Brantley School

Visions In Education Announces New Online Pilot Program Launched Fall 2010

Visions In Education Charter School announces a new online pilot program to be launched fall 2010 for 9th grade students. - May 07, 2010 - Visions In Education K-12 Charter School

Enslow Publishers, Inc. Introduces 30 New Preschool–Grade 1 Titles for Fall 2010

Enslow Publishers, Inc. announces the debut of 30 PreK–1 titles under their new elementary imprint, Bailey Books. - May 07, 2010 - Enslow Publishers, Inc.

K12Translate Launches Grant Program Supporting K-12 Initiatives to Build Home-School Connection with Non-Native English Speaking Students

Leading K-12 Translation Service to Award Three Translation Grants Totaling $2,000 to K-12 Schools or Districts. - May 06, 2010 - K12Translate

American Health Launches Program to Meet Ohio Public Schools’ Best Practice Standards

American Health Holding, Inc., an Ohio-based, multi-URAC accredited medical management service provider, today announced the launch of its Best Practices Program, which is designed to help Ohio Public Schools improve employee health, minimize health care costs, and meet the Ohio Best Practice... - May 06, 2010 - American Health Holding, Inc.

Help QA Graphics Name the Greenest School and Award an Educational Tool

As part of QA Graphics’ Showcase Your School’s Green Efforts contest, QA Graphics is rewarding two schools for their sustainable efforts by providing them with an Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard to help educate the next generation about being green. Now it’s up to the public to determine the winners. Cast your vote and decide which schools are the greenest. - May 01, 2010 - QA Graphics

Duke Ellington Center’s Free Concert Encourages Music and Arts in Public Schools

Duke Ellington Center’s Free Concert Encourages Music and Arts in Public Schools

Proudly wearing special Duke Ellington “Messengers of Harmony” buttons, hundreds of school children gathered around the Duke Ellington Statue this afternoon, at the northeast corner of Central Park, for a free Duke Ellington Day Concert hosted by The Duke Ellington Center for the Arts. - April 30, 2010 - The Duke Ellington Center for the Arts

Farm Bureau Insurance Reaches $5 Million Milestone in Rewarding State’s Safe Teen Drivers

Farm Bureau Insurance Reaches $5 Million Milestone in Rewarding State’s Safe Teen Drivers

Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance offers a $1,000 US Saving's Bond to teens who successfully complete a safe driving program. The company recently awarded its 5000th bond. The investment in the safety of Virginia's teens through this program has now reached $5 million. - April 30, 2010 - Virginia Farm Bureau Insurance

Teens Advised to Plan Ahead for Summer Employment

With the end of the school year approaching, many Valley high school students are considering whether to seek employment during summer vacation. Finding employment is a more difficult undertaking than in years. The national teen unemployment rate is up 10 percent compared to 2007 as qualified... - April 30, 2010 - AZ College Solutions

Notre-Dame International High School Has Been Officially Launched in Paris at the End of March 2010

One might already have heard of the opening of a new American boarding school in Paris called Notre-Dame International High School. This birth is now official. - April 30, 2010 - Nacel International

Tutors International Celebrates Global Reach with Milestone of Private Tutor Assignments in Every Inhabited Continent

Tutors International is celebrating a landmark indication of its full-time private tutoring agency's global reach; private tutors have now been assigned to families in all four inhabited continents across the world. - April 22, 2010 - Tutors International

Kidpreneurs Wins Gold

Kidpreneurs Wins Gold

Serial entrepreneurs and constant advocates for the fostering of intelligent young minds, the Toren brothers have done something unique with "Kidpreneurs," by outlining the basic tools and strategies adults use to groom their businesses in a simple, straightforward manner that will allow any child to easily understand. - April 21, 2010 - Matthew Toren and Adam Toren

4 Corners Maps Announces New Classroom Map Products

4 Corners Maps announces new classroom map products from Universal Map and George F. Cram Co., including the United States/World Stacked Wall Map, updated maps of Europe, new black & white outline maps of the world, US, states and continents a US history survey wall map. - April 21, 2010 - 4 Corners Maps

Ron Fitzgerald Releases Guide That Shows Teens How to Discover Their Learning Style and Excel in School, Published by Dog Ear Publishing

According to educator Ron Fitzgerald, recent brain research indicates that each brain may be unique and that people have very different learning styles. Unfortunately, most academic programs expect everyone to learn the same way. The exercises in this handbook will help teens discover how their brain works best and how to use it most effectively to excel in school and college. - April 21, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

The 99th Match is Awarded Apex Reviews’ Highest Five Star Rating for Its Compelling Narrative and Relevance to Wrestling Today’s Challenges

The 99th Match is Awarded Apex Reviews’ Highest Five Star Rating for Its Compelling Narrative and Relevance to Wrestling Today’s Challenges

Apex Reviews awarded The 99th Match its highest five star rating while its author recently met with more than fourteen hundred students at Brentwood High School where the story takes place to discuss career topics and wrestling with real life. - April 19, 2010 - Celestine Publishing, LLC

Actor Richard Dreyfuss Addresses Seniors at Grauer School

The Grauer School welcomed actor Richard Dreyfuss on Friday, April 9, 2010, as he attended civic classes in conjunction with his efforts to advance the mission of the Dreyfuss Initiative. - April 18, 2010 - The Grauer School

A 2-In-1 Classroom Bulletin Board Featured by BulletinBoards.us.com

This classroom bulletin board combines a cork board along side a whiteboard, creating a 2-in-1 display product. - April 17, 2010 - DisplayShops

Kids ‘R’ Kids International Receives CITA Certification

Kids ‘R’ Kids Schools of Quality Learning in Cary, Morrisville and Research Triangle Park (www.kidsrkidscary.com) have announced that the Kids ‘R’ Kids International has received corporate accreditation from the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation... - April 16, 2010 - Kids R Kids

Image of Change in the Running for $250,000 Pepsi Refresh Project Grant

Covering the Mic initiative will improve teen literacy nationwide by inspiring youth to write and report on how they plan to make a positive difference in their communities and around the world. - April 15, 2010 - Image of Change

Tarkington School of Excellence to Participate in Annual TECH 2010 Technology Demonstration at State Capitol May 6, 2010

Tarkington School of Excellence, in Chicago, is among approximately 100 schools statewide that will participate in the annual TECH 2010 Students for the Information Age event on Thursday, May 6 at the Illinois State Capitol Building in Springfield. From approximately 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., students... - April 15, 2010 - Tarkington School of Excellence

High School Seniors Compete for Culinary Scholarship to Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Teens Test Culinary Skills During the Best Teen Chef Local Cook-Off Competition at International Culinary School at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. - April 15, 2010 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

Design Creative Graduation Banners, Show Your School Pride, Win an Apple iPad

2010 Signazon Graduation Giveaway design contest calls out to all aspiring student designers with a free entry and a chance to win a brand new Apple iPad as well as other great prizes. Students can show their school pride by designing a custom graduation banner or graduation sign and enter to win one of many awesome prizes for themselves and their school. - April 15, 2010 - Signazon.com

Reading Horizons Releases Reading Intervention Program

Reading Horizons v5 reading program helps struggling readers (ages 10 to adult) build a solid reading foundation. - April 14, 2010 - Reading Horizons

Sagemont, a Private School in Broward, Encourages Students to Dissect Worn Out Computers to Discover How They Work

Sagemont students dressed in goggles and gloves dissect worn out computers using screwdrivers and wire cutters to learn more about how the machines actually work. This is a hands on project that teaches the discovery learning process. - April 13, 2010 - The Sagemont Schools

SIP Academy Organizes "Smart Track" Abacus & Brain Gym Programme This Summer

SIP Academy, one of the leading skill development organizations for children in India is organizing Smart Track Summer Program on level-1 of The SIP Abacus and Brain Gym programmes this summer for children aged 7-12 years at their 450 Learning Centres in 20 states from March 20, 2010. - April 12, 2010 - SIP Academy India Pvt Ltd

Celebrities Put Positive Spin on Living Drug-Free

Naturalhigh.tv is the home of a new online video series where teens can view videos of their favorite athletes and celebrities showcasing what they do for a natural high over drugs and alcohol. This unique and positive approach to drug prevention is a great tool for parents and fun for kids to watch. - April 10, 2010 - Natural High by Sundt Memorial Foundation

A New American Boarding School in Paris

Notre-Dame International High School is an American boarding school in Paris which offers an American based curriculum. Students from grades 9 to 12 prepare the High School Diploma in the French environment of the sister school Notre-Dame Les Oiseaux. - April 10, 2010 - Nacel International

Gulf Coast School of Music, Pensacola, FL, Unique Music School, Now Has Fun Piano, Keyboard, Synthesizer & Organ Lessons Plus Guitar, Bass, Drum, Vocal Lessons for Age 8+

Gulf Coast School of Music, a unique music school in Pensacola, FL, now offers fun piano, keyboard, synthesizer and organ lessons in addition to guitar, bass, drum and vocal lessons for youth and adult music students in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Pace, Milton. Gulf Coast School of Music’s professional musicians teach piano, keyboard, synthesizer, organ, guitar, voice, drum and bass lessons in a performance-based approach to music instruction: students learn individually and as part of a band. - April 08, 2010 - Gulf Coast School of Music

Biotechnology Text Prepares Today's Students for 21st-Century Careers

Walch Education, a leading publisher of educational materials, has announced the publication of "Hands-On Science: Introduction to Biotechnology." This latest addition to the acclaimed "Hands-On Science" series opens the door to biotechnology’s many applications in agriculture, environmental protection, medicine, and manufacturing. - April 07, 2010 - Walch Education

Green Edge Systems Presents UCView Digital Signage Solutions for K-12 Schools

Green Edge Systems presents the UCView Media digital signage Solutions. UCView Media K-12 Signage Solution offers the ideal system to fit the needs and requirements of any school district. - April 04, 2010 - Green Edge Systems, Inc

Out of the Box Events Takes Students on a History-Filled Scavenger Hunt to Madame Tussauds Hollywood

How can we teach high school kids about History without making them roll their eyes in boredom? Wax statues, of course. Out of the Box Events has created a new series of educational scavenger hunts at the world-renowned Madame Tussauds Hollywood. - April 01, 2010 - Out of the Box Events

Race to the Top Winners: Policy Innovators in Education Director Says "No More Business as Usual"

The Education Department’s decision to name just two “Race to the Top” winners “sends a strong message that this administration is not interested in business as usual,” according the director of the Policy Innovators in Education (PIE) Network. - March 31, 2010 - PIE Network

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