Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Getting Through the Middle School Years: New Book Helps Parents Guide Their Students to Success

Getting Through the Middle School Years: New Book Helps Parents Guide Their Students to Success

"Succeeding in Middle School" addresses the key issues that parents and guardians of middle school students and the students themselves face. The book provides parents and guardians with strategies and pointers to help them provide the support that their students need to be successful in middle school. - January 28, 2014 - America's Counselor

Dr. Rollan Roberts II Announces Release of "90 Day Race" Book

Dr. Rollan Roberts II Announces Release of "90 Day Race" Book

The "90 Day Race" business-building book shares the story of Dr. Roberts’ run for the state Senate and how you can achieve Massive Results in 90 days. - January 28, 2014 - 24ravens

Interview with "The Spoon from Minkowitz" Author Judith Fein on Emotional Genealogy and Healing: "What is Not Transformed is Transmitted"

Author and Emotional Genealogist, Judith Fein, talks about her new historical travel memoir, "The Spoon from Minkowitz: A Bittersweet Roots Journey to Ancestral Lands," and how connecting to ancestors can expedite self-healing. - January 28, 2014 - Judith Fein

Local Historian Marion Woodfork Simmons Rewarded

Family Historian Receives Caroline Historical Society Award. - January 28, 2014 - Woodfork Genealogy LLC

Author T.D. Beverly Releases Her Book, “It’s A Girl Thing, Simple Tips for Her Period”

“It’s A Girl Thing, Simple Tips for Her Period” is a wonderfully fun book on tips for a girl that just got her period. - January 28, 2014 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

"Jam-Bo, Litta-Girl, and the Bullies," by Adam B. Ford from H Bar Press, Now Available in Paperback

H Bar Press announces the release of Adam B. Ford's newest book for children titled "Jam-Bo, Litta-Girl, and the Bullies." The book is tale of two spelling-bee-winner-type kids and how they overcome vocabulary challenged bullies by using the power of words. - January 28, 2014 - H Bar Press

Eavesdropping on Presidents: New Book Details "Lost Conversation"

Eavesdropping on Presidents: New Book Details "Lost Conversation"

Written by best-selling author David R. Stokes, "Capitol Limited: A Story about John Kennedy and Richard Nixon" is a meticulously researched and vividly imagined novel based on the true story of a discussion between future leaders that lasted long into the night. - January 27, 2014 -

Author Linda S. Prather Releases Her Novel, "Eternal Beauty"

"Eternal Beauty," a psychic suspense novel in the Catherine Mans series, is a sequel to the award winning novel “Bet You Can't... Find Me.” The story depicts a delightful killer who promises paradise, but leads his victims to hell. - January 27, 2014 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

Wish for You (Boys of the South 4) by Marquita Valentine---Now Available

Wish for You (Boys of the South 4) by Marquita Valentine---Now Available

WordSmith Publicity announces, New York Times Bestselling Author Marquita Valentine's recent release, "Wish For You" on January 20, 2014 on Roller Derby Girl, Lacey Evans and Marine Veteran, Wyatt Tanaka started out as friends, but become much more in the fourth book in the... - January 26, 2014 - Wordsmith Publicity

eMediaCampaigns!' "Nine Lives of a Baby Boomer" Author Available for Bookings

Fiction purists and enthusiasts tired of being taken captive by forcibly derivative hooks and plots will find "Nine Lives of a Baby Boomer" especially entertaining. - January 26, 2014 - eMediaCampaigns!

Author from Utah, Who Learned to Read 4 Years Ago, Advances as a Finalist in MARSocial's Author of the Year Competition

Author LaRae Parry, aka The Crazy Lady, becomes a top finalist in the Internet’s newest author/book/film competition named the Author’s X-Factor with her debut novella romantic comedy, "The Danish Pastry." - January 26, 2014 - LaRae Parry

Kimberly Lollis Parrish Launches New Book on Coping with Grief: All the Way to Heaven and Back: Surviving the Loss of a Loved One

In her new book about love, death and grief, Kimberly Lollis Parrish shows how to find hope and inspiration in the darkest of hours. - January 26, 2014 - Richard Robertson Marketing

New Science Fiction Fantasy Book Series Just Released: "Shadow of the Last Men" - Book One of "The Next Man Saga"

Author, J.M. Salyards is pleased to announce the release of his new science ficion/fantasy series, "The Next Man." The first book, "Shadow of the Last Men" was released in late 2013. - January 25, 2014 - J.M. Salyards

Meet Tina Tumbles: A New Gymnastics Book for Kids

Author and gymnastics coach, Danielle Soucy Mills is as determined to publish "Tina Tumbles" as Tina is to master her gymnastics skills in this delightful story illustrated by Kimberly Soderberg. Available now on Kickstarter until February 10th. - January 25, 2014 - Danielle Soucy Mills, Author

James Rhys Releases First Book in His Action Thriller Potomac Book Club Series: "America’s Bin Laden"

Pacific Northwest author, Jams Rhys is pleased to announce the release of his new action thriller novel, "America's Bin Laden." This is the first book in the new "Potomac Book Club" series from Mr. Rhys. In the times when most would seek refuge, the most unlikely among us... - January 25, 2014 - James Rhys

New Directors in UK and Australia Join Independent Authors Association

Two new directors based in the UK and Australia join the Association of Independent Authors expanding the company’s directorship across five continents. - January 24, 2014 - Association of Independent Authors

Cookbook Author Claims Recipes and Exercise Helped Save His Life

"Losing To Win!" cookbook author Randy Jernigan shares his recipes and weight-loss tips that helped bring him back from the brink of death. - January 24, 2014 - Creative Partners Publishing

"Being Anti-Social" Makes Best of Indie List

"Being Anti-Social" Makes Best of Indie List

"Being Anti-Social" by multi award winning author, Leigh K Cunningham is one of IndieReader’s Best Indie Books for 2013. - January 23, 2014 - Association of Independent Authors

Global Release: "A Ghost of Brother Jonathan’s": Newest Shannon Delaney Mystery Novel

"A Ghost of Brother Jonathan’s" the newest edition to the Shannon Delaney cozy paranormal mystery series by Elizabeth Eagan-Cox is now available internationally, in all e-book editions and paperback. - January 23, 2014 -

New Jersey Native Enters the Final Round of the MARSocial Author of the Year Competition

This is now the biggest author/book/film competition ever launched on the World Wide Web. A competition run by authors for the benefit of authors. - January 23, 2014 - Annie Edmonds author

Shelly Lowenkopf’s “Fiction Writer’s Handbook,” a Bestseller from a Small Press

Shelly Lowenkopf’s “Fiction Writer’s Handbook,” a Bestseller from a Small Press

"The Fiction Writer's Handbook" is in the Top Five on Amazon for books about writing. The book is a definitive guide for the aspiring writer--and Lowenkopf is an interesting character, 40 years in the business. - January 22, 2014 - White Whisker Books

Cabot Barden, Author of Award-Winning "Toby Trilogy" Series to Attend Book Signing at Coldwater Bookstore in Tuscumbia, AL. on Feb. 8

Cabot Barden, Author of Award-Winning "Toby Trilogy" Series to Attend Book Signing at Coldwater Bookstore in Tuscumbia, AL. on Feb. 8

Author Cabot Barden of the award winning "Toby Trilogy" series to attend book signing at Coldwater Bookstore in Tuscumbia Al. from 2 to 4 pm on February 8. Barden's books, "It's The Bass Player", Mixed Blessings, and "Dynamite Runs In The Family" are about some southern musicians from a town in Alabama in the nineteen seventies, who go from playing honky tonks to recording and touring with big names in country music. The books are based loosely on Barden's own experiences in the music business. - January 22, 2014 - Cabot Barden-Author

Venture to Bugville with Author Robert Stanek and Discover His Innovative Approach to Teaching Children The Days of the Week and Months of the Year

Parents everywhere are looking for innovate ways to teach their children early skills and Reagent Press author Robert Stanek has written a children's book that can help called "Catching a Cup of Sunshine." Available for the first time in an HD edition for iBooks and available in the Apple iTunes store, "Catching a Cup of Sunshine" was created and designed especially for iBooks. - January 22, 2014 - RP Books & Audio - Reagent Press

Wilcox Trading Company Releases Author David Mint’s Novel, "Why What We Use As Money Matters"

"Why What We Use as Money Matters: Unpacking the Key to Reversing the Effects of Climate Change" is an Economic and Philosophical Treatise written by Monetary Theorist David Mint explores a number of issues in an entertaining and thorough fashion. - January 22, 2014 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

Great News for Comic Book Fans: Titanium Launches 4 New Comic Titles

The Ultimate stories of good vs evil. Desperate worlds on the brink of collapse. Heroes, Saviors, Villains and Wicked Despots in prolific battles. Journey into the new exciting world of Titanium Comics with a host of amazing characters. - January 22, 2014 - Titanium Comic

The Author of Journey After School Has Done It Again!

Freshmen Fifteen: by Jasmine N.H. Sheffield - January 22, 2014 - Our Journey Publishing

The True Cuba Book Project Launched on Crowd Funding Platform Kickstarter

South Florida-based Visual Artist Jonathan Brooks Launches The True Cuba Project on Kickstarter Website. - January 22, 2014 - Jonathan Brooks

Spring 2014 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards

Announcement of Spring 2014 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards. - January 21, 2014 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)

Renaissance House: a Retreat for Artists and Writers in Martha’s Vineyard Accepting Applications for 2014

Renaissance House Kicks-Off 13th Anniversary by Accepting Applications for June, July and September 2014 for Artists and Writers Retreat in Historic Oak Bluffs. Renaissance House was Established in Memory of Harlem Renaissance writer Dorothy West, Author of "The Wedding" and her Cousin Poet Helene Johnson. - January 21, 2014 - Renaissance House

"THE BEST LAID PLANS" Named MARSocial Author of the Year Competition Finalist

"THE BEST LAID PLANS, Birth of the Starclan," has been named a finalist in the MARSocial Author of the Year Competition, the largest competition of its type ever launched on the internet. - January 21, 2014 - Fortiter Publishing LLC

Author of the Year 2013 Contest

Anne Rasico is a finalist in what is now known as the biggest author/book/film contest ever launched on the world wide web. - January 20, 2014 - Anne Rasico

The Final Recording Explores Law Enforcement Inequalities

Even as the day commemorating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. draws near, the stark reality remains that various forms of discrimination continue to permeate the world over. Unfortunately, an honorably discharged U.S. Marine found out this was the case in the oddest of fashions—by... - January 20, 2014 - TFR Productions, LLC

Author Joel Chafetz Releases His Novel "The Chaff"

"The Chaff" is a story about a young woman caught in a time of unreasoned hatred where violence becomes the answer and the defenseless must find a way to survive or perish. The characters reflect the human condition today so that the metaphor becomes one of finding order in chaos. - January 18, 2014 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

See How History Looks Through a Red Lens. Author, D. Alexander Griffin Has Just Released His Second Book Called "Redstory."

D Alexander Griffin’s book, “Redstory,” is more than a book. Redstory is an imaginative journey through history and tells a story of human beings with unexplainable power that live and have lived among us. Through the narrative of Alethea, she details key moments in time were these special beings came to realize their power and the subsequent decisions they made on how to use it. - January 18, 2014 - D. Alexander Griffin

Teen Author Returns to Hometown to Share His Keys to Success

Brett T. Brown, the author of "Haley's Comet" will return to Chicago for an interview with Radio Disney on January 24th. - January 17, 2014 - 220 Communications

John Meyer Rewrites the Rules of the Traditional Travel Book

Summer Nomad Publications is pleased to announce the publication of John Meyer's new book, "Bulls, Bands, and London." - January 17, 2014 - Summer Nomad Publications

Hollywood and Back: How Author E. Van Lowe Reinvented Himself in Hollywood

Hollywood and Back: How Author E. Van Lowe Reinvented Himself in Hollywood

Sitcom producer and writer E. Van Lowe, who had major hits with "The Cosby Show" and "Charles in Charge" among others, found as he hit middle-age that the phone rang less for jobs. He began writing paranormal romance novels, which, in turn, is bringing him back to Hollywood. - January 16, 2014 - White Whisker Books

Introducing the New Book "Shell's Journey" by Amye Webster. For Children of All Ages.

Introducing the New Book "Shell's Journey" by Amye Webster. For Children of All Ages.

First time author, and lifelong horse expert, Amye Webster has published and released "Shell's Journey," a wonderfully written novel for young adults and children of all ages. Published by Zebra Ginkgo Group, St. Louis, MO. - January 15, 2014 - Zebra Ginkgo Group

Publisher Sells Belief in a Pill to Promote Book

Publisher Sells Belief in a Pill to Promote Book

Reality Imitating Art or Vice Versa: Code Publishing Markets a Placebo to Reflect a Similar Drug in a New Novel About Belief. - January 15, 2014 - Code Publishing

Two New Books by Katha This New Year

Katha has come up with two new titles: "What did Nepo do with a sari?" and "Little Cloud's quest." - January 15, 2014 - Katha

New Dictionary Goes Global

A Writer’s Dictionary of Distinctions Helps Strengthen Writing from Brazil to India to Japan. - January 15, 2014 - Tox Publications

Read 2 Me Toddlers Now Available on Windows Store

Read 2 Me Toddlers Now Available on Windows Store

Cogitate Inc. today announced the release of the “Read 2 Me Toddlers” App, which is now available as a free download on the Windows Store. The “Read 2 Me” app will entertain and educate little readers with a library of awesome children’s stories about different aspects of the world in which they live. Each title offers entertainment and education with the “autoplay” and “read to me” modes. - January 14, 2014 - Cogitate Inc

New Website, Designed for the Benefit of the American Consumer. Learn How to Shop Smarter and Eat Better for Less.

New Website, Designed for the Benefit of the American Consumer. Learn How to Shop Smarter and Eat Better for Less.

The average consumer spends more time "spending money" at the supermarket and less time "planning how to spend" at the supermarket. Draik Moor, the author of "How To Buy Meat At The Supermarket" and owner of "" has provided the American consumer with all the tools necessary to get out of the rut they're in and to start saving money and stop overspending money at the supermarket. - January 14, 2014 - 50/110 Publishing

Frieda Dryden Releases New Book Video Trailer for Her Novel "Leonard’s Wife"

Leonard’s Wife is a chilling mystery fiction novel that depicts the story of a desperate mother who kidnaps a thirteen year old girl to become the wife of her demented and mutated son. - January 14, 2014 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

Local Book Sharing Site Launched for Book Lovers,

There's a new and easy way for book lovers to share books in San Ramon and Danville local neighborhoods. - January 14, 2014 - Book Square, LLC

Beta Launch of Local Book Sharing Site -

There's a new and easy way for book lovers to share books in local neighborhoods. - January 14, 2014 - Book Square, LLC

Universal Power Publishing Releases New Book, Shows Women How to be a Perfect 10

Book confirms that there are no ugly women; there are only women who do not know how to look pretty. - January 13, 2014 - Universal Power Publishing

Erotic Spy Novel Just Released - "Spanish Agent"

Author, Ernest Pick is pleased to announce the release of his new Erotic Spy Thriller, "Spanish Agent." - January 12, 2014 - Ernest Pick

Author Releases Final Book of The Serpent Passage Series - "The Castle of Kukulcan" - A YA Science Fiction / Fantasy Adventure

Author, Todd Allen Pitts is pleased to announce the release of the third and final book of his trilogy entitled, "The Castle of Kukulcan: The Serpent Passage Series Book 3." - January 11, 2014 - Todd Allen Pitts

New Murder Mystery Novel - "The Girl in White Pajamas"

Author, Chris Birdy is pleased to announce the release of her new murder mystery novel, The Girl in White Pajamas. The book has received all 5 star ratings from readers and professional reviewers. - January 11, 2014 - Chris Birdy

Press Releases 16,801 - 16,850 of 25,463