Books News
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Self-Published Book Bags 2009 Readers Favorite Award
Xlibris author Bill Poje wins 2009 Reader’s Favorite Award for his self-published book, Painless. - January 22, 2010 - Xlibris Publisher
Hoodie by Brendon Lancaster
Announces the publication of the novel 'Hoodie' by Brendon Lancaster. The novel provides an antidote to alarmist right wing reporting of youth issues by exploring the problems facing modern day Britiain from the perspective of a disempowered, disaffected teenager. - January 21, 2010 - Brendon Lancaster - Author
Paulo Coelho Poses Challenge and Responds
Paulo Coelho, international best-selling author and best known for his book "The Alchemist," has become internationally famous after a pilgrimage, during which he found his sword, which changed his life. Pondering over the decade about to come to an end in December 2009, he asked himself... - January 21, 2010 - Santiago's Dream
Schiffer Publications Publish Ghosts of Southeast Michigan - Inside the Mind of a Ghost Whisperer
New book invites you to come inside and visit the Ghosts of Southeast Michigan and while you are here, use the glossary and equipment list to conduct your own investigation. - January 21, 2010 - Tangled Wishes
Lee Kessler, Author of the White King Series, Featured Guest on Entertainment TV Show “Daytime”
Novelist Lee Kessler, during interview with “Daytime” show host Dave Nemeth, reveals how she came to write the books “White King and the Doctor” and the sequel “White King Rising.” - January 20, 2010 - Lee Kessler
Lucas Cole Books Releases Controversial Novel That Blends Biblical and Horror Themes
Controversial blend of Second Coming Theology, Human Mutations, and Off-world Exploration in this new science-fiction novel released by author Lucas Cole. Plunging into the post-apocalyptic fascination gripping the fiction and motion picture public is "Resurrection Planet," a new novel available only through - January 20, 2010 - Lucas Cole Books
Fighting Lupus One Book at a Time
Meg Walsh, author of Mama, Won’t You Play With Me?, has announced that a portion of the proceeds from each book sold through May will be donated to the Lupus Foundation of America. Walsh’s book is the story of Dudley Duckling whose Mama has a broken wing and cannot play with him. It is... - January 20, 2010 - Meg Walsh
Asta Publications’ Author is First Place Winner in Pine-Sol’s “Women Making a DifferenceTM” Contest
Pine-Sol announced the winners of “Women Making Difference,” a nationwide contest they sponsor for the Powerful DifferenceTM, which was started in January 2007 to celebrate the power of ordinary women to effect extraordinary change. The campaign honors women from communities across the country. - January 19, 2010 - Asta Publications
Eighth Book Title, "Happening: Poems" by Santosh Kalwar Published by Gita Press
The book is published by Gita Press-an independent small press. There are thirteen poems, in total. The poems are written in simple English. The book entitled, “happening: poems” has wide range of inspiring and intriguing poems. - January 19, 2010 - Santosh Kalwar
Maxwell Publishing Publishes New Book for Children
Maxwell Publishing just published "Jill Warrior of the Universe" by Carl Maxwell. "This is the first of a three book deal. If the first three go well then we may do more," Carl said today. - January 19, 2010 - maxwell publishing
New Book by Alen Majer Claims That Selling is Better Than Sex - The Science and Art of Selling
Alen Majer tells in his new book released today how to get thrill out of selling, and why selling is better than sex. The book, targeting sales people and business owners, shows how to transfer the sex energy into sales enthusiasm to improve your career and life, and gives more than 200 reasons why selling is even better than sex. - January 17, 2010 - The Science and Art of Selling
Transformation Essays on Love, Healing and Water is a Powerful and Insightful New Paperback Written by 15 Visionary Authors
Transformation Essays on Love, Healing & Water published by Soul Based Living Books is now available exclusively from - January 17, 2010 -
Bigwater Publishing Offers Free Book Drawing on New Website, a website offering wholesome fiction for readers 12 and up, announces a free book drawing at their newly redesigned site. Visitors can enter the drawing by visiting the home page,, clicking the book image, and following the contact... - January 17, 2010 - Bigwater Publishing
Stelly's "Snakes In The Grass" Part of AIDS Anthology
Timothy N Stelly Sr's short story on AIDS is part of a groundbreaking anthology. - January 16, 2010 - Timothy Stelly Sr
Journalist Publishes Mystery Novel Set in Newspaper World
Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, the debut mystery novel of award-winning New England journalist Stacy Juba, is now available from Mainly Murder Press. Juba, a three-time New England Press Association award winner, started the novel while working in her former position as a staff reporter at a daily... - January 16, 2010 - Stacy
Fountain Publisher Releases Eloik: The Dreamer's Awakening in North-America
Are our dreams an escape from reality or are they a bridge to a completely different universe? The Dreamer’s Awakening, the latest juvenile/young adult fantasy novel by Sebastian Levek and Martin Bois spans this great divide, shedding light on vastly unexplored worlds beyond our consciousness. - January 16, 2010 - Fountain Publisher Ltd
Accomplice Press, LLC Announces the Release of Family Secrets a Romantic Suspense Book, by Author Jamie Hill
Family Secrets, is the first book in the intriguing trilogy called: A Cop in the Family by new author Jamie Hill. This romantic suspense novel is jam packed with the harsh realities of the less than perfect society we are currently living in. It is currently available at in ebook format. - January 15, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC
Lo Gap Media Finishes Production on Revealed Evil as Radio Style Play
The first in a series collection of short stories by Kat Yares – Kats Tales: Journeys into the Velvet Darkness – Volume 1- Revealed Evil has wrapped up and is soon to be released by Lo Gap Media as a Radio Style Play for Home Audio CD. - January 15, 2010 - Lo Gap Media
Bagels & Books Event at Big Easy Bagel
You’re invited to enjoy a book with your bagel on Jan. 23, when highly acclaimed techno-romantic thriller author Denise Robbins and mystery-romance author Nora LeDuc stop by to sign copies of their novels at Big Easy Bagel in Manchester, N.H. - January 14, 2010 - Denise Robbins
Irion Books Launches First Installment of Summit Murder Series
Irion Books Launches Murder on Everest and Abandoned on Everest Murder Mystery Books. - January 13, 2010 - Irion Books LLC
Book - The Meaning of Life by Vimal Sehgal B.Tech IIT Delhi has been published on,, Kindle amazon,
Love is divine and Divinity is love personified. The author explains that divine love is the meaning of life and shows the reader how everyone can attain peace, love, immortality and happiness by the easy method of mantra meditation. The book elaborately describes love as the ultimate reality, reincarnation and its significance, immortality and bliss, law of karma, mind and meditation, bhakti yoga and the art of dying. - January 13, 2010 - Vimal Sehgal
Are You a Conscious and Creative Writer?
This week sees the launch of a very exciting online resource for established and aspiring authors. Julia McCutchen, renowned professional writer’s coach and experienced publisher, has launched the International Association of Conscious and Creative Writers with the theme of discovering your authentic voice – on the page and in the world. - January 13, 2010 - Julia McCutchen
Local CT Arts Center Serves as Host for Gallery Event
The Comicbook Artists Guild is excited to announce the very first CAG Gallery Showing featuring a Tribute to Rusty Haller, hosted by the Green Street Arts Center in Middletown CT. Commencing with an opening celebration on Friday, January 22nd, the gallery showing will feature work from some of the... - January 12, 2010 - Comicbook Artists Guild
Handbook for the One Day Traveller: Author Offers Hope to the Road Warriors of Business
British author Iain Moss has redefined business travel in his first book “The World One Day At A Time” published by Narra House Publishing. After years of travelling around the world on business but seeing nothing of it, Iain Moss decided to rebel against the same old routine of... - January 12, 2010 - Narra House Publishing
Wattpad Launches "Best Mystery/Suspense Novel" Contest Sponsored by The Marshall Plan
Share Your Written Work and Win One of Four Copies of The Marshall Plan® Novel Writing Software - January 12, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
Evileye Books Signs Horror and Fantasy Writer John Urbancik to Multi-Book Deal
Adding to the string of licensing deals struck in 2009, Evileye Books, announces the signing of horror and fantasy writer, John Urbancik, to a multi-year book deal to develop a new supernatural noir fiction series titled "DarkWalker". The first volume of the series is a novel debuting in... - January 11, 2010 - Evileye Books
Trilogus Books Releases the 15th Century Conspiracy Novel, "The Shroud"
The origin and nature of the winding sheet known today as The Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Jesus Christ, has long been veiled in mystery and speculation. Whether a work of medieval art or the emblazoned affirmation of the first resurrection, its familiar image has long divided believers and skeptics. - January 11, 2010 - Trilogus Media Group
Royalty Comics Goes Live Into the Indy Comic World
Announcement of Royalty Comics. - January 11, 2010 - Royalty Comics
Horror Writers Unleashed on California
Bram Stoker Award Winner Mike Oliveri will sign book one of his new supernatural thriller series, "The Pack: Winter Kill" in Burbank January 16 and in San Francisco January 17. Special guests include notable horror writers Brian Keene ("Urban Gothic") and J.F. Gonzalez ("Primitive"). - January 10, 2010 - Evileye Books
New Book Encouraging a "Lite" Approach to Enjoying Birds is Published by Stan Dryden Publishing
Birding Lite is a humorous look at birding, or bird watching, written primarily but not solely for beginning birders and others who are merely interested in birds. It describes how to get started in birding and discusses the equipment and techniques that can help a birder see and identify birds. - January 10, 2010 - Stan Dryden Publishing
Acclaimed Author's New Book - "The Blonde on the Prairie-Life Is What Happens When You Dare To Leave Your Barn Door Open!"
Jodi Rae Ingstad is an author, a columnist and motivational speaker. Her new book, "The Blonde on the Prairie-Life Is What Happens When You Dare To Leave Your Barn Door Open!" is now available. Jodi Rae had been featured for nearly 4 years on ABC Radio, "It's a New Day," a nationally syndicated radio morning show with Richard Stevens and Lori St. James. Jodi Rae's "The Blonde on the Prairie" columns appear every Friday in the Valley City Times Record. - January 08, 2010 - The Blonde on the Prairie
A Stinky Subject Self-Published
Karen Jones just released her first book, The Squishy, Stinky Diaper through, an company. - January 08, 2010 - Illustrated by Karen Jones
NABE Invites Children's Publishers to Display Books at the International Reading Assn. Western Regional Trade Show in February 2009
Publishers can display children's books, videos, CD-ROMs, or audio tapes to elementary and middle school teachers, buyers of curriculum materials, plus a wide range of educational purchasing agents at the International Reading Association Western Regional Show. This popular trade show and... - January 07, 2010 - NABE (North American Bookdealers Exchange)
The Afterlife of an Era: How the 1960s Continue to Shape Presidential Politics
Framing the Sixties: Historian Bernard von Bothmer analyzes the turbulent decade through the prism of post-sixties presidential politics. - January 07, 2010 - Bernard von Bothmer
Peter May Reveals the Truth About His Second Life
Author Peter May has revealed that he is the man behind Flick Faulds Detective Agency. He set up the agency in order to research the novel Virtually Dead. The book was published in the USA this week by Poisoned Pen Press. - January 06, 2010 - Peter May - author
The Lennon Prophecy Book by New Chapter Press is Now Available on Kindle
The Lennon Prophecy, A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles ($19.99, New Chapter Press,, the book that offers a new interpretation of the hidden messages and symbols that have ornamented Beatles mythology and John Lennon for years, is available for purchase... - January 06, 2010 - New Chapter Press
Start Flirting in 2010
Breathless Press announces the launch of its first flirt title. - January 06, 2010 - Breathless Press
Announcing - Secrets of the Art of Persistence
A breakthrough in understanding the vital components which make up “Persistence” - as a catalyst for the realization of one’s goals, resolutions, and dreams. - January 06, 2010 - Secrets of Persistence
The Roger Federer Story: Quest for Perfection" Book from New Chapter Press is Available on Kindle
The celebrated book on Roger Federer is available in electronic formats. - January 05, 2010 - New Chapter Press
"Weekend Warriors, the Men of Professional Lacrosse" Book by New Chapter Press is Available for Lacrosse Fans in North America
The first ever book about professional lacrosse players is available. - January 05, 2010 - New Chapter Press
New Author Concludes 10 City Book Signing Tour
Author Robert Thornhill concludes successful 10 city book signing tour. - January 04, 2010 - BooksByBob
Biker Book Brings its Magic to Cambridge
Best-Selling Fantasy Author and Editor Danielle Ackley-McPhail comes to New England for the first time to promote her newest fantasy novel, The Halfling's Court, based on her stories from her award-winning faerie anthology series. - January 03, 2010 - Sidhe na Daire Multimedia
New Book by Betsy S. Franz Stresses Message from the Pope
The Message of Pope Benedict XVI for the celebration of the forty-third World Day of Peace was made public today. The Day is due to be celebrated on 1 January 2010 and has these words of Pope Benedict XVI as its theme: "If You Want To Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation." Pope's Message... - January 03, 2010 - Betsy S. Franz
Only One is Required to Lead – A Book with a Modern View to the Ageless Biblical Proverbs
The book of Proverbs is rich in knowledge but even though it is a guide to righteous and harmonious living, it may be difficult to apply these texts to our time. Only One is Required to Lead, a newly released publication by Bridget Waldron, is a book that merges the past with the present, and confirms that the wisdom of old, is in no way primitive. - January 02, 2010 - Bridget Waldron
Release of Parenting Book by Renowned Author - Dr. Wilma J. Johnson
When They Are Old They Shall Not Depart from It, Effective Parenting, a Guide from a Strong Foundation. - January 02, 2010 - Wilma J.Johnson
A Provocative Cautionary Tale of a Future America Without Immigration Reform
America Libre, a recently released novel by award winning author Raul Ramos y Sanchez, envisions the consequences of a U.S. without immigration reform. - January 02, 2010 - Raul Ramos y Sanchez
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions That Work
Do you know the best way to turn your New Year resolutions into reality? Create a visual map for 2010 by designing your own vision board as seen on Oprah and Larry King. In The Vision Board (Collins Design; December 22, 2009; $18.99), author and speaker Joyce Schwarz shows you how to picture your success instead of just dreaming about it. - December 31, 2009 - The Vision Board Institute
Uncertain Times Herald Motivational Book for the New Year─The 99th Match
“Celestine Publishing announced the release of its newest publication, The 99th Match. It is a fictional account based on a true story meant to inspire anyone facing challenging times and brings with it a message of hope, determination and endurance.” - December 31, 2009 - Celestine Publishing, LLC
First Night Raleigh Features Noted NC Authors at “Raleigh Authors Talk Back” Event
NC Authors Jon Batson, Jaki Shelton Green, Amanda Lamb, and Alice Osborn read selections of their work from 6:30-10:00pm in The Urban Design Center Downtown Raleigh, Dec 31st for First Night Raleigh. - December 31, 2009 - Jon Batson
Science Fiction Writer Mike Luoma Turns Novel Into Graphic Novel - Introducing "Vatican Assassin" - The Comic Book
First Issue of Science Fiction Adventure Now Available with Art by Cristian Navarro. - December 30, 2009 - Michael Luoma