Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
Author Lon Maisttison Launches Website
Author Lon Maisttison launches a website for his heart failure books titled –“Kissed by Death: Congestive Heart Failure,” “Kissed by Death II,” and the Air Rescue Series - “The Two Sisters of Kuwait,” and the soon to be released in 2010 - “The Girlfriend I Almost Lost.” All books are currently available on Amazon and - February 13, 2010 - Lon Maisttison
NYQ Books™ Announces the Release of Bones & Jokes by Ted Jonathan
In his first full-length collection, Bones & Jokes, published by NYQ Books, Ted Jonathan delivers up poems and stories out of a gritty urban reality that are as raw and original as the characters and streets from which they come. Jonathan weaves the language of the street into a rhythmic frenzy... - February 13, 2010 - NYQ Books
Savant Books and Publications Announces Release of Larry Rodness' Novel "Today I Am A Man"
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st century, is pleased to announce the release of Larry Rodness' newest book, "Today I Am A Man." - February 12, 2010 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
NYQ Books™ Announces the Release of Hints and Allegations by Amanda J. Bradley
Amanda J. Bradley’s debut book of poems, Hints and Allegations, takes the reader on an inward journey from a place of disturbance to a recovered equilibrium. These poems probe intense scenarios and emotional states then step back to inquire what sense can be made of them. Delving for a... - February 11, 2010 - NYQ Books
Broadway Books' New Book, LIFELINES, Contains the Wisdom of the Ages (with Foreword by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu)
Inspired by the biblical Book of Proverbs, LIFELINES: The Black Book of Proverbs (Broadway Books; Hardcover; On Sale: November 10, 2009; Price: $19.99) by Askhari Johnson Hodari and Yvonne McCalla Sobers, is a wondrously illustrated collection of aphorisms, witticisms, and sayings from Africa and the African Diaspora that will entrance, entertain, and enlighten readers of all ages. - February 11, 2010 - Lifelines
Sylvan Dell’s Books Win Four Mom’s Choice Awards
Sylvan Dell Publishing's books received two gold and two silver awards from the 2010 Mom's Choice Awards in the children's picture book (Ages 0-9) category. Theses awards distinguish the books as best in family-friendly media, products and services. - February 11, 2010 - Arbordale Publishing
NYQ Books Announces the Release of Soldier in the Grass by Joanna Crispi
The Congo is in civil war and Brazzaville is under siege. During a mission to evacuate French nationals, Lt. Vincent Chavanne is separated from his unit and left for dead. Soldier in the Grass records his journey with the woman who saves his life as they escape across the country to the safety of... - February 10, 2010 - NYQ Books
NYQ Books™ Announces the Release of Poems by Grace Zabriskie
NYQ Books is pleased to announce the release of Grace Zabriskie’s debut book of poems, titled Poems. Grace Zabriskie has been writing poems for over thirty years. She is also a visual artist and an actor, known for her work in numerous David Lynch movies including Wild at Heart and Inland... - February 10, 2010 - NYQ Books
Journey to Ecstasy
A new non-fiction spiritual book release, Journey to Ecstasy: Vaishnava Viewpoint, launches on all fronts. - February 10, 2010 - Select Silver
The Alpha Centaury Project by Marco Santini : When Science Fiction Seizes Great Literature
Author Marco Santini presents SF fiction novel set in a post-Singularity future, characterized by action and suspense, that soon becomes an involving reflection on human existence and prospects. Strong pathos and powerfully dramatic scenes. - February 10, 2010 - Marco Santini
Chris Ayriss Launches His New Book: Hung Out to Dry Swimming and British Culture
This captivating book puts flesh on the bones of British history, exposing for the first time the dramatic impact that swimmers have had on culture and morals. It explores the reason for a change in attitudes that has shaped the lives of every man woman and child in Great Britain and to varying degrees the world. - February 10, 2010 - Chris Ayriss
Author Eliza Locke Collaborating with Artist Gabriel Bishop for New Book
Eliza Locke, author of "Kissing In Iceland," is teaming up with internationally-acclaimed artist, Gabriel Bishop, for her new book, an urban fable titled, "The Tree Angel." The book is scheduled for a summer release. Ms. Locke's latest book, "Kissing in Iceland," a... - February 10, 2010 - Eliza
First Issue of P.u.G. MMO Magazine Debuts
Readers can also sign up to win a custom memory upgrade worth $250 from Crucial – The Memory Experts. - February 10, 2010 - Blank Page, LLC
North Wind Publishing is Now Accepting Book Proposals for Nautical, Outdoor Sports & Christian Non-Fiction Titles
North Wind Publishing is expanding its publishing program beyond the 2010 NOAA Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables and is seeking quality non-fiction works for its publishing program. - February 09, 2010 - North Wind Publishing
Revisiting the Roswell UFO Crash
Does evidence still exist today in Roswell, New Mexico of a mysterious UFO crash from July 1947? Let this book be your guide to visiting all the key sites (more than 35) in and around Roswell that were involved in the famous "Roswell Incident." - February 08, 2010 -
Wattpad Announces Contest Winners, Organizes Special Event for Haiti
Contest Winning Title Has Over a Million Reads; New Contest Aims to Help Earthquake Victims. - February 08, 2010 - Wattpad Inc.
Murder by Magic or Wishful Thinking?
New fantasy/mystery by author K. Crumley - February 07, 2010 - Dragondreamz Publications
D.A. Powell and Beth Bachmann Win Prestigious Kingsley and Kate Tufts Poetry Award for 2010
Claremont Graduate University's top prize - February 06, 2010 - Claremont Graduate University
Acid Novelist to Give Away Collection of Short Stories
Author of Wisdom's Maw distributes short story collection freely over the Internet. - February 05, 2010 - Far Gone Books
Accomplice Press, LLC Announces a Writing Contest to Launch Their New Plus-Size Romance Book Line Called Curvalicious. Two Winners Will be Contracted and Published.
Accomplice Press, the boutique-style independent publisher, is launching a romance book line called Curvalicious. To kick off this new endeavor the company is hosting a writing competition beginning on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010 and ending at midnight on May 14, 2010. The company will be... - February 05, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC
The Great Horse Ride - First Onomatopoeic Book Ever
The Great Horse Ride – La Grande Cavalcata. Trying to achieve record “The Dumbest Book in the World.” - February 05, 2010 - The Great Horse Ride
Trafford Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Trafford, the pioneer in on-demand self publishing, has announced its top ten best-selling books for December 2009, according to point-of-sale data from major U.S. booksellers. - February 04, 2010 - Trafford Publishing
Koala Jo Publishing Announces Book with Compelling Artwork, Photographs, and Love Letters Delights Lovers, Friends, and Individuals Alike
An accompanying free download, The Valentines Code, named “the Da Vinci Code of Love,” can be accessed by everyone, any day of the year. - February 04, 2010 - Koala Jo Publishing
AuthorHouse Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major Booksellers - February 04, 2010 - AuthorHouse
iUniverse Releases Top Ten Bestseller List for December 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major U.S. Booksellers. - February 04, 2010 - iUniverse
Western Dime Novel Tradition Resurrected with New Supernatural Series, 'TheDead Sheriff'
Evileye Books signs horror writer, Mark Justice, to multi-book deal, who will produce both prose fiction and graphic novels. The first comics series will debut in April, followed by book one of the prose line in fall 2010. - February 03, 2010 - Evileye Books
From Page to Stage: Sue Lange’s Engaging Sci-Fi Short Stories Come to Life in the Form of Live Theatre
On Saturday, February 27th, Sci-Fi Author Sue Lange teams up with Gary M. Celima to engage moviegoer audiences with “theatre of the mind.” - February 03, 2010 - Sue Lange
The City Real & Imagined at the ICA CA Conrad & Frank Sherlock- Featuring a Presentation from Zoe Strauss
Frank Sherlock and CAConrad will launch their new book The City Real and Imagined on Feb. 3, 2010 at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia with Zoe Strauss, the cover artist, presenting a slide show of her work. - February 03, 2010 - CAConrad
kNight Series Books Launches Paranormal Romance Online Magazine
kNight Series Books has launched a new on-line magazine. The kNight Series OnLine Magazine has fantastic features designed for the paranormal romance fans. A place where avid readers of the paranormal romance genre can meet new authors and find new books. - February 03, 2010 - Dark of kNight Series Books
Author Diane Tegarden Releases Latest Novel, "Anti-Vigilante and The Rips in Time"
Newest release “Anti-Vigilante and The Rips in Time” is a science fiction novel set in the distant future with its story deep into renewable energy and the changing face of the planet. A book for science fiction enthusiasts as well as renewable and ocean energy advocates, it tells the tale of futuristic beliefs in a most creative and authentic way, with poetry scattered throughout. - February 03, 2010 - Diane Tegarden
Only 1/10 Adults with ADHD Get Treatment
"Adult ADHD: What You Need to Know," a book released today by Health and Life, reports that only around one out of ten adults with ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, received treatment over the last year. Up to 50% of adults with ADHD will suffer from mood problems such... - February 02, 2010 - Health and Life, a medical blog
New Book Highlights Flaw in Mental Makeup, Offers Solutions to World Problems
The discovery of a “glitch” in the evolutionary development of the human brain is highlighted in a new book to be released on February 20. Pre-release orders are now available for a 20% discount. - February 02, 2010 - Albert Garoli
Edited Version of Band of Innocence Graphic Novel from Robert Agnello Released
Robert Agnello, of On The Lamb Productions and Emmy Award Winning Carmen Sandiego music fame, has released an edited version of the graphic novel, "Band of Innocence.” Band of Innocence (BOI) was first released in March of 2009. BOI teaches a strong, important message to children and... - January 31, 2010 - Robert Agnello
Transaction Publishers Supports Haiti Relief Efforts as Richard Frechette’s New Book Nears
The quake that struck Haiti has not only flawed the country but also sparked nationwide humanitarianism and hope for this Caribbean island. Transaction Publishers is also donating its efforts to help rebuild Haiti. - January 30, 2010 - Transaction Publishers
Upcoming Author of Young Adult Romance, Urania Sarri, Releases First Book to the Print-on-Demand Publishing Market
New release on the print-on-demand market: "Gate Deadlock," a YA science-fiction romance published by - January 29, 2010 - Urania Sarri
Dr. Charley Gordon Uncovers the Hidden, Appreciates the Unseen in His New Book, In Plain Sight
Neurosurgeon and scientist Dr. Charley Gordon reawakens readers to the mystery and greatness of our universe through his spiritual and artistic In Plain Sight. - January 29, 2010 - Dr. Charley Gordon
Edfu Books - Important New Title Released - King Jesus, the Warrior King - Revolutionary New Evidence by Ralph Ellis
New research by Ralph Ellis suggests that Jesus Christ (King Jesus) was a wealthy royal of Egyptian heritage, whose revolutionary goal was to become Emperor of Rome. New book published. Ralph Ellis claims to have discovered many references detailing the life of the historical King Jesus, in the established historical texts. Author: Ralph Ellis. Publisher: Edfu Books. - January 28, 2010 - Edfu Books
Accomplice Press, LLC Announces the Release of Sanity Interrupted a New Book by K. Jones
Accomplice Press, LLC announces the release of Sanity Interrupted, a new book of prose and nontraditional, romantic poetry by K. Jones. Filled with raw emotions and plagued with adult themes the 46 turbulent offerings document one woman's fictional midlife crisis. It will be available in e-book... - January 28, 2010 - Accomplice Press, LLC
Excellent Prize for Readers Who Love Paranormal Romance Books
Dark of kNight Series Books will be hosting a promotional drawing beginning February 1 thru February 28, 2010. Prize package consists of a Amazon gift certificate and a gift package of paranormal romance books. - January 28, 2010 - Dark of kNight Series Books
New Book Offers Pregnant Women Relief from Aches and Pain
The new book titled “Be a Fit Mama: The Essential Pregnancy Stretch Manual,” by fitness consultant Kenya Moses, provides women with stretches that will help alleviate the aches and pain associated with pregnancy. - January 27, 2010 - Be A Fit Mama, Inc.
Learning About Money Can be Serious Fun
The Financial Fairy Tales series of books represent a new approach to Financial Education. By making learning about money serious fun, the books entertain as well as educate, whilst introducing children to important concepts such as saving, investment, honesty and enterprise. The first book in the... - January 27, 2010 - The Financial Fairy Tales
Complete Freedom of Choice – The Self-Made-Man Generation Book by "K" Gets Reviewed and Finds Confirmation in Another Book by a Known French Author
While K's book Complete Freedom of Choice gets its first independent review, a very popular figure in France, Jacques Attali, publishes a book confirming a lot of K's ideas found in his book. - January 27, 2010 - Mother Nation Publishing
Whehey Publishing's Pencil Play Pals Children's Books Are Honored Again
Pencil Play Pals children’s books (published by Whehey Publishing) are honored with Family Choice Awards from Family Choice Magazine. Whehey Publishing's Pencil Play Pals brand was introduced to the market in early 2009. A new brand that is gaining recognition with children, parents and educators. - January 27, 2010 - Whehey Publishing
World Sound Healing Day - February 14, 2010 World Peace Toning and Chanting - a Sonic Valentine for Peace on Earth
Join thousands of voices throughout the planet for the 8th Annual World Sound Healing Day February 14, 2010 at 12 noon ET. Sound forth for 5 minutes with the "AH" created and projected with the energy of harmony, compassion and love. At that time please go to to enhance the vibratory effect for planetary peace. Visit for more information. - January 26, 2010 - Healing Sounds
Inhousepress Presents: The Princess; a Novel of Visionary Fiction by Stan I.S. Law
A novel for teens and young adults that will enchant all who are young at heart. The novel is Part One of the Alexander Trilogy. It is a visionary story of a boy who meets his inner self among the stars. - January 26, 2010 - inhousepress
A Physician's Plight by Katherine Klein MD
A Book about Professional Success but Personal Disaster. - January 25, 2010 - Katherine Klein MD
Book Launch and Networking Party a Success
Local author Hueina Su, President of Denville-based Beyond Horizon Coaching, hosted a successful launch party of her new book “Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Souls: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others” in Sogo Sushi Lounge in Denville. - January 24, 2010 - Beyond Horizon Coaching
Signalman Publishing Announces Forthcoming Release of "The Gaelic Letters"
"The Gaelic Letters" (ISBN: 978-0-9840614-4-0, Trade Paper, 409 pages, $16.99, Literary Fiction) is scheduled to be released by Signalman Publishing on May 29, 2010 and will be distributed through Ingram and available through Amazon and wherever fine books are sold. - January 24, 2010 - Signalman Publishing
Pedalo Limited, Discover Writers Have Helped 100 Literary and Publishing Clients Promote Their Writing Online
Don't lose the plot, let your writing be discovered online! Pedalo Limited, West London web design and development agency have just launched their new sister site Discover Writers. - January 23, 2010 - Pedalo Limited, Discover Writers
New Paranormal Romance Novel Dark of kNight Now Available in Paperback
Dark of kNight by T.L. Mitchell, one of Amazon’s Hot New releases in Kindle, is now available in paperback. Available now at, price $15. - January 23, 2010 - Dark of kNight Series Books