Books News
Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.
Lost Wages: Can a Christmas Miracle Happen in Sin City?
A newly released tale by author James Alexander details a string of unfortunate events during a middle class family's holiday season. - May 30, 2009 -
AuthorHouse Announces Its Top Ten Best-selling Titles for April 2009
Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major Booksellers. AuthorHouse, the leading provider of self publishing and marketing services for authors around the globe, has announced its top ten best-selling titles for April 2009, according to retail channel sales figures. - May 30, 2009 - iUniverse
New Reference Book on the Market; Caregiving Simplified/Navigating the Medical Insurance Maze/Best Healthcare Product Reference Guide.... By Laurin Grey
"Caregiving Simplified" reference guide contains valuable caregiving resource information, will help you navigate the medical insurance maze with confidence, and will provide you with the best healthcare product guide, to insure the best care possible. This careging reference guide will also assist family members when caring for a loved one at home. - May 29, 2009 - Laurin Grey/Author
Panthea Obscura: Deifornication is Complete. Read the Four Issue Miniseries for Free on the Web - or Pick Up the New Graphic Novel.
Panthea Obscura: The gods of old once again make themselves known, trying to help humankind but instead wreaking havoc, as even the gods discover they don't know everything. Creator and writer Mike Luoma and artist Juan Carlos Quattordio celebrate the release of their new book. - May 29, 2009 - Michael Luoma
Children's Book Author Hires Blue Archer to Design Interactive Website
Site to accompany series of books and promote active learning - May 28, 2009 - Blue Archer
Borders UK Launches Ebooks Online
Borders UK announced today that it has launched in excess of 45,000 eBooks online at All these titles are available in both ePub and Adobe PDF formats and include a wide range of both and front and backlist titles. All content will be delivered via Gardners Digital... - May 28, 2009 - Borders UK
Xlibris Parent Company ASI Leads Global Independent Publishing
Self-publishing company, Author Solutions Inc., is now the global leader in the fasted growing segment of the publishing industry. - May 28, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
The Greatest Unknown American Hero?
New Book Tells of Plantation Owner Who Freed 500 Slaves. - May 27, 2009 - New Virginia Publications
New Novel About Collapse of Former Yugoslavia – ‘South Wind’
Former BBC journalist examines ‘gangsterisation’ of post-war societies. - May 27, 2009 - Christen Thomson
Sixth Book on title, "25 Sexy Poems" Published by Santosh Kalwar
The book is collection of twenty five great sexy poems written by Santosh Kalwar. The book is written for Adult audience. - May 27, 2009 - Santosh Kalwar Book Predicts the Future: From Now to the Year 2020
“Glimmers Of Hope”, the 5th non-fiction book from author Andrew Lawrence provides a preview of the future, the future of America - and you - from now to the year 2020. "Glimmers Of Hope" reveals the radical restructuring of America and the sweeping changes taking place now as... - May 27, 2009 -
Lana Dajani Debuts
Lana Dajani reads and signs copies of her first book, My Letter to President Obama. - May 27, 2009 - Twenty Stories Publishing
Frolic with the Stars on Astroteaze: Zodiacts™ Celestial Lunar Tees
Wear the stars. Artist Donna McGarry joyfully presents her celestially inspired line of astrology t-shirts and paraphernalia. The whimsical lunar oriented tees can be found on Find your inner star in a reflective Pisces tee or jet with daredevil Andy Aries on a skate through the cosmos. - May 26, 2009 - Zodiacts
Rocky Hollow Press Rolls Out Illustrated Book -- Peter Pigeon of Snug Harbor
• National Roll-Out of award-winning book Peter Pigeon of Snug Harbor will take place on National Pigeon day, June 13, 2009. • Former East Village performance artist & rock musician, Ed Weiss reinvents himself as children’s book writer/illustrator on Staten Island. - May 26, 2009 - Rocky Hollow Press
Author Releases Two New Books on Gettysburg and Civil War Canteens
After two years in the making, author Robert Jones has released his book "Battle of Gettysburg - The Relics, Artifacts & Souvenirs." This is the first ever done strictly on the artifacts and souvenirs from the Battle of Gettysburg. It is also done entirely in color. His first book was "The Civil War Canteen", which covered just about every type of canteen used during the Civil War. - May 26, 2009 - Robert Jones
New Book by Louay Fatoohi from Luna Plena Publishing: "The Mystery of the Messiah"
The Mystery of the Messiah: The Messiahship of Jesus in the Qur'an, New Testament, Old Testament, and Other Sources - May 24, 2009 - Luna Plena Publishing
"Review" Your Harry Potter 6 Before Movie Gets Out
Chinese Harry Potter - Complete Story of Harry Potter in Traditional Chinese now for sale at This is the sixth of seven Harry Potter series written by J.K. Rowling. Wizards who have one or more Muggle (non-magical) grandparents are known as half-blood. - May 23, 2009 -
New Fantasy Book, Behind Every Illusion, Causing Stir This Summer
Behind Every Illusion, by Christina Harner, is her debut novel about a girl who discovers she may be part of a new species, created to save the earth from the destruction wrought upon it by mankind. The story of Tatiana takes place in 21st century America, where she, along with some of her friends and family, learns what it is like to change and become something new while trying to live a normal life. - May 23, 2009 - Behind Every Illusion - A New Novel by Christina Harner
RPI Selected to Produce First Mass Market Print-On-Demand Photo Book Capturing the Historic 2008 U.S. Election
RPI plays significant role in the new collectible volume, “The Obama Time Capsule: World History in the Making.” - May 23, 2009 - RPI
iUniverse Author Bruce Lord Discusses the Lost Art of Storytelling in May Podcast
iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self publishing company, is featuring author Bruce Lord in its monthly podcast. Lord’s book Humpty Dumpty was Pushed is a collection of funny and strange short stories intended for children. Lord said he understands the... - May 23, 2009 - iUniverse
FRANCE Magazine Launches Its First "Driving in France" Guide
FRANCE Magazine is launching a new guide to driving in France. - May 23, 2009 - Archant Life France
Terry Moore Shares Secrets to Growing Young in Self Published Book
How Do You Stay So Young is a self-published book that allows you to unravel ways to increase longevity and enjoy lasting youthfulness, emphasizing on the importance of feeling good on the inside so you can look good on the outside. - May 23, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
3-D Style Book Commemorates 40th Anniversary of the Space Race and Its Phenomenal Conclusion
Murray Books, a boutique publishing house specializing in tactile books, is announcing the release of its latest and most exciting title, One Small Step, to celebrate the upcoming fortieth anniversary of man’s first walk on the moon. This hard cover book in the shape of the moon with a... - May 22, 2009 - Murray Books
Free Teachers’ Book on How to Effectively Teach Children Mandarin Chinese is an online bookstore for children that specializes in providing Learn-Chinese materials since 1997. It is pleased to announce that Practical Chinese series of textbooks now has teacher’s guides available for sale. - May 22, 2009 -
Life Coach Finds Success in Best Seller - Wake Up and Live the Life You Love
Silvia D'Onofrio, a Life & Executive Coach, finds success in her contribution in the Best Selling Series, Wake up and Live the Life you Love~Moments of Inspiration. - May 22, 2009 - Healthy Living MD
Fifth Book on Title, "20 Love Poems and the Economy Crisis" Published by Santosh Kalwar
"20 Love Poems and the economy crisis" is a collection of romantic poems by the writer Santosh Kalwar, published today. It is Kalwar's fifth published work. - May 22, 2009 - Santosh Kalwar
Release of Ground Breaking eBook: The Real Story of Essential Oils is Revealed
Our ancestors used essential oils for many medicinal purposes, and research has verified that these oils contain healing properties. To learn about how essential oils can benefit you and your loved ones, read Hooper’s new eBook, "Introduction to Essential Oils." - May 21, 2009 - Diana Hooper
New Legal Resource for Virginia Dog Bite Victims
School-aged children across Virginia will soon be enjoying the freedom of summer vacation and more time spent outdoors. As parents look to keep their children safe, a new legal resource can educate them about a serious subject – dog bites. - May 21, 2009 - Jim Parrish
RealTime Publishing Author, James R Vance, Releases the Second in a Thriller Novel Series Called The Courier
RealTime Publishing are delighted to announce the releases of the second installment in a Thriller Trilogy by author James R, Vance. - May 21, 2009 - Ebooks Inc
RealTime Publishing author, Sam Smith, Releases "Towards the unMaking of Heaven, Balant: A Beginning"
RealTime Publishing are delighted to announce the releases of the first in a series of five Sci-Fi novels by author Sam Smith - May 21, 2009 - Ebooks Inc
A Dreamer’s Reality: Young Author’s Dream to be Published Comes True
J.S. Campbell announces the publishing of first book, entitled “Dreams,” fulfilling his own personal aspiration to be a published author. - May 21, 2009 - Jeff Campbell
CIA Code-Breaker Solves One of World’s Oldest Mysteries
The Shangri-la Code now available in print. Sigma Books has just released The Shangri-la Code, the third and final book in the Brad West Thriller series. Sigma Books' new launch features the same cast of characters found in the first two, critically successful novels Water Torture and Mind Control. - May 21, 2009 - Sigma Books
Twilite: a Parody - First Published Parody of the Twilight Saga Just Released
Most love stories between an impossibly handsome vampire and an ungainly young woman have a magical beginning, middle and end. This one…does not. - May 21, 2009 - Twilite-parody
Raise Rules for Women Finalist in 2009 Indie Book Awards
Raise Rules for Women: How to Make More Money at Work announced as finalist in 2009 Indie Book Awards women's issues category. - May 20, 2009 - In Your Face Ink Helps Self-Published Authors Sell Books Online and Boosts Site Traffic 73%
Jill Exler of shares self-publishing secrets and marketing tips. - May 20, 2009 - jexbo
A Board Game for People Who Love to Read
A great board game lets people who love to read revel in their knowledge of books. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: A Game of First Lines challenges players to identify the author or title of a book with only the book’s first line as a clue. It’s that simple and that challenging. - May 20, 2009 - Good Read Games, Inc.
Comicbook Artists Guild Announces Iconic Release of New Graphic Novel
Artist Collective Revisits Tales of the Past and Makes Anew. - May 20, 2009 - Comicbook Artists Guild
Professor Textbook Enables Professors and Instructors to Self Publish Textbooks for Optimal Course Effectiveness
Now professors and Instructors can publish their own textbook with the help of Professor Textbook. Professors and instructors looking for a way to optimize textbook content and design finally have a solution. Professor Textbook, created by the guys who brought you Dog Ear Publishing, offers... - May 19, 2009 - Professor Textbook
Aliens Invade Barnes and Noble, Borders and Publisher Crazee Comics.
The Critically Acclaimed Sci-Fi Comedy comic book series; There's an Alien in my Toilet Vol 1, is now available for Pre-Order at Barnes and Noble, Borders and Order Today. - May 19, 2009 - Crazee Comics
New Book on Immortality Provides Alternative Preventative Health Practices to Increase Life Expectancy and Decrease Health Care Costs
Martin K. Ettington’s newly revised book, Immortality: A History and How to Guide (Revised 2009), Or How to live to 150 Years and beyond, includes chapters on the Spiritual, Energy, and Physical bodies we all have, and how to synchronize them to increase everyone’s long term health. Given the current national debate on health care plans and the need to improve preventative health planning to save money, it’s time for alternative views of human health and longevity to be seriously debated. - May 17, 2009 - M.K. Ettington Books
The Career Value Book: How to Land a Job in a Tough Economy
How does a job seeker stand out from a crowd of millions in today’s competitive market? Charismatic author and economic survivor William Uter has published an appropriate solution: The Career Value Book. Uter has been in the running with thousands of applicants competing for the same limited... - May 17, 2009 - Career Value Generation
New Book for Teen Girls Available July 31
Ashley and Tiana (ISBN 978-0-578-02239-0) is a new book about Hip Hop and punk culture in the 1980s independently published by author Jessica R. Dreistadt. It will be available for sale at on Friday July 31, 2009. - May 17, 2009 - Ashley and Tiana
"Oh The Things Mommies Do!" Featured on GayUKNews.Com
The new LGBT children's book "Oh The Things Mommies Do!" already appears to have a global reach. - May 17, 2009 - Oh The Things Mommies Do!
Salvatore Publishing Releases "Darkside of the Planet" by David Lee Jones
March 15th, 2009 Salvatore publishing (London, England) releases "Darkside of the Planet" by new American author David Lee Jones. - May 17, 2009 - David Jones
Dr.’s New Book Prophesies Impending Federal Health Insurance Requirement
Dr. David Robinson’s new book, Transforming Body, Mind and Spirit – The NonDiet Way to Live Fit, Trim, Healthy for Life (Strategic) includes a section that outlines what future changes in health care and insurance might be. One of those changes is exactly what the House of Representatives is now considering, i.e., mandating that every citizen be require to purchase health care insurance. - May 16, 2009 - David W. Robinson, D.C.
New Book Release - "Crossing Borders" by Michael Ferris
Since its release last month, this book has been getting a lot of attention. For anyone who likes traveling, whether in their mind or reality. - May 16, 2009 - Ferris Guitar
PublishAmerica Presents Bruised Kisses by Monique M. McDowell
Bruised Kisses is the author's proof of a life lived with courage, reflection and evolving wisdom. With engaging command and candid eloquence she empathizes with the lurking fears and whispered worries of the young, destitute and aspiring. Ms. McDowell invites the reader to revisit their own life and write an epilogue to their greatest pain, one that affirms insistently ‘Yes, even misery has meaning.' -Safiya Songhai Miss Black United States 2009/Emmy Award Winning Producer/Writer/Actress - May 15, 2009 - Monique M. McDowell
Breakup Recovery Goes High-Tech
BHG Books announces that author and online breakup expert Melysha J. Acharya has written the world's first truly interactive breakup book. The Breakup Workbook: A Common Sense Guide to Getting Over Your Ex, is now available on paperback from, for a suggested price of $13.95. - May 14, 2009 -
"Oh the Things Mommies Do!" LGBT Children's Book Coming This Summer to
"Oh The Things Mommies Do!" is a bouncy, and playful look at the joys of a two Mom family. With its catchy rhymes and vibrant illustrations, it is a pleasure for children and parents alike. - May 14, 2009 - Oh The Things Mommies Do!
Bubba Gets Buzzed
Bubba, the star of Richard “Dixie” Hartwell’s novel, When the Buddha Met Bubba, is getting some well-deserved buzz. - May 14, 2009 - Susan Lee Consulting