Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Noted Author and Humanitarian Greg Mortenson to Reach Out to San Diego's Military Community on July 1st

Nobel Peace Prize nominee and New York Times best-selling author of "Three Cups of Tea" Greg Mortenson is coming to San Diego to talk about building relationships as a part of an overall strategic plan in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Event will be held on the U.S.S. Midway Museum. - June 12, 2009 - Central Asia Institute

New Gift Packs for Dads Just in Time for Father's Day from Book Bouquet Creator of "Novel" Gift Baskets

Just in time for Father's Day on Sunday, June 21st Book Bouquet offers four new men's gifts that are great alternatives to ties and socks for Dad. Brimming with books, gourmet food and gifts Book Bouquet's Father's Day gifts are for all kinds of Dads from the "nutty professor" to the "health nut." Book Bouquet offers a new spin on traditional gift baskets making them "man friendly" and customizable with the customer getting to choose their book. - June 12, 2009 - Book Bouquet, Ltd.

Big Fat Whale is Fun Stuff: Alt-Weekly Cartoonist Publishes Latest Collection

Brian McFadden, Boston-based cartoonist of the alt-weekly comic strip, Big Fat Whale, unveils his newest comic collection, "Fun Stuff for Dum-Dums." - June 12, 2009 - Big Fat Whale

With Glowing Pre-Publication Reviews, Blackbird Rising: A Novel of the American Spirit, is Published by Full Court Press

At the dawn of the 20th Century, Buffalo, New York hosts a dazzling World’s Fair. Unknown to organizers, the bold grandsons of a runaway slave plan to show the world that nothing is more powerful than mankind’s oldest dreams—flight and freedom—meeting imagination in an age of possibility. - June 12, 2009 - Full Court Press

Self Published Book Discusses Untold Implications of Child Abuse

Author Judith Rose provides a deeper look into child abuse in the Xlibris release, About Abuse. - June 12, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Out of Work for 21 Months, Small Business Owner Advocates Ten Buck Solution for 21st Century Success

Out of Work for 21 Months, Small Business Owner Advocates Ten Buck Solution for 21st Century Success

Need Work? Kim Power Stilson was among the first of her friends to be hit by what is euphemistically referred to as the New Economy. What she found out about success in 21 months of being out of work she shares in "The Ten Buck Solution for 21st Century Success," offered as a complimentary gift to business owners across the globe who are well-educated, well-experienced, and need work. You must get the ten buck solution if you want to create a successful business in the 21st Century. - June 11, 2009 - Power Strategies, Inc.

The Bogie Files: The Boston Terrier Dog Detective

Children’s book author Kimberly Arrington, has captured young audiences all over, (via the world wide web) with her colorful, and interactive story “The Bogie Files.” This story is about Bogie (the Boston terrier dog detective), and “The crew” (all dog detectives). She invites readers to join Bogie and “The crew” to help solve case 122 (the case of the missing Chihuahua). - June 11, 2009 - Heart 2 Heart Transportation

Get Into Spiritual Shape with Brian H. Gaugler's New Book

While most graduating seniors have been academically and socially prepared to launch their careers thanks to the countless hours invested in them by parents and educators, some have their attention focused elsewhere. One poor decision could shatter their future. Alcoholism, drug addictions,... - June 11, 2009 - Brian H. Gaugler

Self Published Author Focuses on Human Body Dynamics in Managing Diabetes

Author Silvia I. Almanza presents a fresh approach to diabetes management and treatment in her self-published book, Diabetes: From the Inside-Out: My Little Book on Diabetes. - June 11, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Believers and Brothers: a History of Uneasy Relationship. This New Book Will Give You an Insight to Know About the Truth of the Current Hostilities Throughout the World.

Believers and Brothers: a History of Uneasy Relationship. This New Book Will Give You an Insight to Know About the Truth of the Current Hostilities Throughout the World.

The book summarizes the basic causes of hostility among the Jews, Christians and Muslims while all living together as foe and friend for centuries. The truth is hidden in a mixture of religion and politics while it searches for viable and sustainable solution. - June 10, 2009 - Israrul Hasan

VS Grenier to be Featured on Red River Writers Live – June 17, 2009

Join co-hosts, Jan D. Holiday and April Robins on Blog Talk Radio for their debut talk show, Red River Writers Live – on June 17, 2009, when VS Grenier, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Stories for Children Magazine will be their guest. The... - June 10, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Would You Give Up Your Sanity in Order to Forget?

QuietFury Books presents Hit List, a suspense novel by Darcia Helle. - June 10, 2009 - QuietFury Books

Crime Novelist, Caregiver Put God, Mother Teresa, and Humor Into New Cancer Book

A new book for newly diagnosed cancer patients and their supporters tells one tale from two perspectives using vulnerability, insight, and bittersweet humor. The co-authors combine a message of hope, faith, and practical tips in this inspirational approach to the cancer journey. - June 10, 2009 -

Stories for Children Magazine Announces New Assistant Poetry Editor, Gisele LeBlanc

The exciting growth and changes continue to occur at Stories for Children Magazine and we are pleased to announce the recent hire of Gisele LeBlanc as Assistant Poetry Editor. VS Grenier, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Stories for Children Magazine, and the rest of the staff at SFC are thrilled to... - June 10, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Stories for Children Magazine Talks with Children’s Author, Bill Trombello

The old adage “write what you know” has proven true for children’s author, Bill Trombello. The author’s expertise and work with the Canadian National Railroad inspired Bill to write How a Real Locomotive Works. Come along for this fascinating journey and get to know Bill... - June 10, 2009 - Stories for Children Magazine

Accolades for Headless World—The Vatican Incident, Sequel to The Avatar Syndrome, by Stan Law

5.0 out of 5 stars for A complex tapestry of plot and character, the latest accolade for the Headless World—The Vatican Incident, (ISBN 978-0973187267). sequel to The Avatar Syndrome. - June 10, 2009 - inhousepress

Kennedy Health Committee Draft Bill, Obama Proposals Resemble Ideas in Book by Dr. David Robinson

Kennedy Health Committee Draft Bill, Obama Proposals Resemble Ideas in Book by Dr. David Robinson

Dr. David Robinson’s new book, Transforming Body, Mind and Spirit – The NonDiet Way to Live Fit, Trim, Healthy for Life (Strategic) outlines future changes and reforms in health care and insurance that are now being resembled in a draft bill submitted by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s... - June 08, 2009 - David W. Robinson, D.C.

Frankie, the Walk ‘N Roll Dog & Joyful Paws Releases Activity Workbook

Author, Barbara Techel and her “walk ‘n roll” dog Frankie release an activity book to help teach compassion, kindness and overcoming adversity. - June 08, 2009 - Joyful Paw Prints Press, LLC

Ambience Productions Announces the New Master of the Adventure Thriller

Ambience Productions announces the much anticipated publication of Power Play by author Darren G. Burton and published by Lulu Press. The book is the author's most recent in the Adventure/Thriller category and has received worldwide distribution at a RRP of $21.95. About The Book Could this... - June 08, 2009 - Darren G. Burton

"Crossing Borders" - Ebook Will Soon be Available

The book would be great for anyone who has always wanted to see the world or for the avid traveler. The ebook version will be available in about two weeks. - June 08, 2009 - Ferris Guitar

21-Year Old Author Self-Releases 586-Page History Book

21-Year Old Author Self-Releases 586-Page History Book

Adam Wasserman, a 21-year old college student from Sarasota, Florida, has released a 586-page nonfiction history book titled A People's History of Florida. This book continues the People's History tradition, documenting the regional struggles of African-Americans, natives, women, and lower class whites throughout Florida history. - June 07, 2009 - Adam Wasserman

Total Restoration Restoring the Spirit and Soul of a Generation

Book Release "Total Restoration" by Andrew A. Loos. - June 07, 2009 - Andrew A. Loos

George DiGuido's "The Tuareg"

"The Tuareg" is set to release June 20th - June 06, 2009 - Vivisphere Publishing

"Bedside Tales of Sultan" Unfolds Its Sails to be the Next "Arabian Nights"

Kybele Art publishes the Bedside Tales of Sultan fairytale book. Bedside Tales of Sultan is a collection of fairy tales, fantasies and moral stories that appeals to children and adults. - June 06, 2009 - Kybele

In New Book, Hannibal Books' Author Asks if Christian Should Bring on the Booze

Peter Lumpkins, popular blogger and Southern Baptist minister, says, on the contrary, that all recreational drinking is incredibly detrimental and is, in fact, a sin against God. In his new book, “Alcohol Today: Abstinence in an Age of Indulgence”, Lumpkins creates an overwhelming argument for the sinfulness of any recreational alcohol use. - June 06, 2009 - Hannibal Books

Catching Salinger on DVD

The Search for the Reclusive Writer J.D. Salinger Author of Catcher in the Rye Catching Salinger Available on DVD July 28 Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of the fascinating new documentary, Catching Salinger. This entertaining and informative program will be available on DVD July 28,... - June 05, 2009 - Kultur International Films Ltd

New Christian Children’s Novel Helps Parents Teach Biblical Values

Christian children's novel and devotional guide from Ruth Willms helps kids discover biblical truths and apply them to their own lives. - June 05, 2009 -

Self Published Book Bares Shocking Truth about Bulimia Nervosa from a Different Perspective

Dr. Brian McKay reveals how a simple visit to the dentist can help spot and treat bulimia in the Xlibris release, Bulimia is a Dental Disease. - June 05, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

In New Book, Hannibal Books' Author Says to Relieves Stress by Laughing with Jesus

The current economy and the uncertainty in many industries are creating overwhelming amounts of stress and anxiety. What could be better to combat these negative emotions than a bit of laughter? Dan R. Crawford has taken the expression, “Laughter is the best medicine,” and put it into practice. In his new book, Mud Hen in a Peacock Parade: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven, Dr. Crawford recounts many of the hilarious events that occurred during his numerous years around churchgoers. - June 04, 2009 - Hannibal Books

Award-Winning Author Returns to Her Native New York for a String of Special Book Events

New York native Patricia Volonakis Davis will travel from California to Manhattan and Long Island to speak at a series of events in promotion of her award-winning book, Harlot’s Sauce: A Memoir of Food, Family, Love, Loss, and Greece. - June 04, 2009 - Patricia Volonakis Davis

Link Found Between Hurricanes and 3,500 Year-Old Clay Disk

What if an ancient clay disk holds the key to predicting hurricanes, or uncovering the mystery of human identity? - June 04, 2009 - Simon Cleveland

STELLA – a New Book from Scottish Author Colin Galbraith

Eternal Press will publish a new book of fiction by Scottish author, Colin Galbraith, this summer. STELLA, a paranormal mystery novella, will be released in e-book and paperback on 7th June, 2009. - June 04, 2009 - Colin Galbraith

A New e-Thriller

An Apocalyptic Whodunit. Terrorism, humanitarian disasters, nuclear proliferation and apocalyptic fanaticism are the toxic ingredients of Gog – an End Time Mystery. Set in near-future Egypt, this political thriller is a whodunit on an epic scale – with millions dead and a global cast of suspects – that shows how reality can be manipulated to enshrine falsehoods as history. - June 04, 2009 - Avantoure UK Ltd

Xlibris Announces Its Ten Best-Selling Books for April 2009

Independent publishing industry leader, Xlibris, releases its list of ten best-selling titles for April. - June 04, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Rave Reviews for New High Tech Thriller “The Five” by Thomas Roberts

Rave Reviews for New High Tech Thriller “The Five” by Thomas Roberts

If book reviews are an indication of how well a new book is being received by readers, then The Five is deserving of the red carpet treatment. The following excerpt might explain The Five's phenomenal success. - June 03, 2009 - Thomas Roberts

Russet Noon: Chapter 1 Will be Released in English, Portuguese and Spanish

AV Paranormal will be releasing the first chapter of the novel Russet Noon in three different languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. Chapter 1 is out this Tuesday, June 2 at midnight (Pacific) at and - June 03, 2009 - AV Paranormal Publishing

Hope Cundiff to Appear in Lexington, Kentucky

Authors who will be discussing and signing their work is Elizabethtown, Kentucky author, "Hope Cundiff" in Lexington Kentucky on June 7th at Joseph-Beth. - June 03, 2009 - Hope Cundiff

iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Through Travel and Error by Matt Hamilton

Candid and witty, this fascinating travel journal shares the escapades, philosophies and confessions of a young Canadian man who chooses to say good-bye to everything he knows and embrace the vast world outside his comfort zone with the enthusiasm of a true adventurer. - June 03, 2009 - iUniverse

Raising a Father™ Talk on June 16th at Madcap Theater, Westminster, Colorado

Arjun Sen enthusiastically presents his upcoming book, Raising a Father Tuesday, June 16th. This father’s memoir takes the audience through an enchanting journey of wildly entertaining and heart-touching stories. Each story marks a professional dad’s journey to leave the corporate world to become a dad first. - June 03, 2009 - Arjun Sen

Author S. J. Day Continues the Marked Urban Fantasy Series with the June 2, 2009 Release of Eve of Destruction (Tor Books)

Author S. J. Day Continues the Marked Urban Fantasy Series with the June 2, 2009 Release of Eve of Destruction (Tor Books)

Novelist and Army veteran S. J. Day draws on her military experiences in the continuation of her thrilling Marked series (Tor Books). Set on a closed military base, Eve of Destruction follows formerly agnostic Evangeline Hollis as she struggles to survive a demon-hunting training course gone horribly wrong and her position as the latest point of contention between Cain and Abel. - June 02, 2009 - S. J. Day

Award-Winning Author Releases "How To" Book on Finding Security and Success in Tough Economic Times

Award-winning author Marshall Vian Summers will be release a new book titled “The Great Waves of Change: Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead.” In this timely work, Summers lays out the dangers facing economies and societies and puts forward new approaches to achieving individual security, stability and success amidst tough economic times. Published by New Knowledge Library (NKL), "The Great Waves of Change" will be available in bookstores September 2009. - June 02, 2009 - New Knowledge Library

Lizzie’s Rake Virtual Book Tour June ‘09

Regency romance author Hazel Statham tours the blogosphere in June ’09 with “Lizzie’s Rake”. - June 02, 2009 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

Sea Changes Virtual Book Tour June ‘09

Literary fiction author Gail Graham tours the blogosphere in June 2009 with “Sea Changes.” - June 02, 2009 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

Discover The Crypto-Capers in June ‘09

Children’s mystery author Renée Hand tours the blogosphere in June 2009 with “The Crypto-Capers in The Case of the Missing Sock.” - June 02, 2009 - Pump Up Your Book Promotion PR

Wattpad June 2009 Global Ebook Metrics Report Provides Insight on Market Penetration by Device and Country

Wattpad June 2009 Global Ebook Metrics Report Provides Insight on Market Penetration by Device and Country

iPhone dominates US ebook usage while Nokia still dominates the rest of the world. - June 01, 2009 - Wattpad Inc.

Misfit McCabe Wins Runner-up Honors in Pearson Prize Teen Choice Award Contest

Pearson Prize Teen Choice Award contest is held annually in Montreal, QC to help promote reading and obtain books for the schools. Misfit McCabe is a young adult novel which garnered runner-up honors in the contest. - June 01, 2009 - Griffie World

Publisher, 360 Books, Releases New Title - Publish Your first Magazine: A Practical Guide for Wannabe Publishers by Lorraine Phillips

Have an idea for a magazine but don’t know where to start? Now you can learn in a weekend the 2 years of research that enabled this author to go directly from idea to newsstand after landing three distribution deals on the very first attempt. - May 31, 2009 - 360 Books, LLC

iUniverse Releases Top Ten Best Seller List for April 2009

iUniverse, the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self publishing company, has announced its top ten best-selling books for April 2009, according to retail channel sales figures. Figures Based on Point-of-Sale Data from Major Booksellers - May 31, 2009 - iUniverse

New Book Launched to Help New Immigrants and First-time Home Buyers in Canada

Privilege Solutions Integrated, a BC-based publishing firm, announces the launch of its recently published book title: “How to Prepare to Own a Home in Canada, Recession-proof Lifestyle for Immigrants and First-time Buyers” written by Sheila Atienza. The book presents integrated ideas... - May 30, 2009 - Privilege Solutions Integrated

RealTime Publishing are Delighted to Announce the Release of Thriller Trilogy

RealTime Publishing author, James R Vance, releases the first of a Thriller Novel series called Killer Butterfly. - May 30, 2009 - RealTime Publishing, Inc

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