Books News

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Petey and the Mean Pirates (Three Chiquitas Publishing) Author and Illustrator Offer Book Signing in Downtown Canandaigua

There will be a booksigning for the newly published children's book entitled, Petey and the Mean Pirates. Local author and illustrator will be on hand to personally sign and giftwrap each book for the holidays. - December 05, 2008 - Three Chiquitas Publishing

New Ballet Children's Book Inspires Future Dancers and Football Players - Illustrator Holding Rockport Book Signing December 6, 2008

A new children's book, 'Gwendolyn, the Graceful Pig', has been released just in time for the holidays. Natick, Massachusetts author David Rottenberg and Medford, Massachusetts illustrator Lesley Anderson have joined forces to create an engaging tale of perseverance through the eyes of two endearing pigs - not-so-graceful Gwendolyn, and clumsy football hopeful Omar. The book is available at for $15.95 - December 05, 2008 - Lesley Anderson, Children's Book Illustrator

Manic Epic Trilogy: Trimmings, Warranted and Ode to Joy is a Daring Collection of Memoirs by a Trained Artist/Healer

Manic Epic Trilogy: Trimmings, Warranted and Ode to Joy is a Daring Collection of Memoirs by a Trained Artist/Healer

The Manic Epic Trilogy, with Trimmings as the first manifestation, has an almost sing-song approach to defragmenting a disfigured life. Anca Dumitrescu, the author of this new trilogy, drops images to be gathered like so many apples, some golden, others made of lead, all intensely personal. There is nowhere to go but in, with forbearance. - December 04, 2008 - Anca Dumitrescu

California Author MG Hardie Tops Another List

Provocative book EveryDay Life by author MG Hardie has been named in Best Kept Literary Secret of 2008. - December 04, 2008 - MG

Bestselling Author, Jim Randel, Endorses Lawrence Roberts’ New Book “The Great Housing Bubble”

Monterey Cypress Publishing announces “The Great Housing Bubble” by Lawrence Roberts has been endorsed by bestselling author Jim Randel. - December 04, 2008 - Monterey Cypress Publishing

Monterey Cypress Publishing Contracts with CreateSpace, Lightning Source, and Ingram Distribution for Lawrence Roberts’s Book, “The Great Housing Bubble”

Monterey Cypress Publishing has signed a non-exclusive agreement to print The Great Housing Bubble with CreateSpace and Lightning Source. The company has also signed a non-exclusive distribution agreement with Ingram. The book is now available on, Barnes & Noble online, and in bookstores. - December 04, 2008 - Monterey Cypress Publishing

Monterey Cypress Publishing Signs Author, Lawrence Roberts, and Publishes Book, “The Great Housing Bubble”

Monterey Cypress Publishing, a small press specializing in real estate and personal finance related books, audio books, and video presentations, has signed an exclusive agreement to publish the works of Lawrence Roberts. His first book, The Great Housing Bubble, details the causes of this historic crisis. - December 04, 2008 - Monterey Cypress Publishing

Mrs. Claus Reveals the Secret of Season’s Greetings

A Christmas book with nostalgia, a message and big production values. “We wanted to put the importance of family back into Christmas. Everything is too much about presents and gadgets. What we really remember year after year are the small things—the personal rituals that every family has,” said the author, Pat Davis. - December 04, 2008 - Little Blue Flower Press

Janis Publications is Giving 1,000 e-Book Copies of "It’s All Your Fault!" by Bill Eddy, Free to Anyone Needing Help with Personality Disorders

Janis Publications is Giving 1,000 e-Book Copies of "It’s All Your Fault!" by Bill Eddy, Free to Anyone Needing Help with Personality Disorders

Bill Eddy has seen a pattern in rising blaming behavior in our society, coming from people with certain personality disorders. Though it’s a growing problem he also believes it is a predictable one, and a problem that can be managed in most cases with more understanding and some helpful tools. - December 03, 2008 - Janis Publications

comiXology Announces Native iPhone Application

comiXology Announces Native iPhone Application

comiXology today announced that its native iPhone application will be on sale from the iTunes App Store this Friday. It will sell for $1 off, a reduced $3.99 for the first week only. - December 03, 2008 -

"Rough Ride in Vegas," the Latest Offering in the Popular Alexandra Merritt Mystery Series, Arrives at Bookstores in Time for the National Finals Rodeo

"Rough Ride in Vegas," the latest offering in the popular Alexandra Merritt Mystery Series, arrives at bookstores in early December, perfectly timed with the opening ceremonies for the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas. - December 03, 2008 - Donna Foley Mabry

Desperate Housewife Turned Celebrity Fitness Cover Model/Columnist Turned Bestselling Cookbook Author Tosca Reno, Helps Fight Childhood Obesity with Her Newest Book

“The Eat-Clean Diet For Family And Kids: Simple Strategies For Lasting Health & Fitness With Over 60 Recipes" (Robert Kennedy Publishing). - December 03, 2008 - Tosca Reno

Motherhood and Me Hits International Online Book Store Shelves in Time for the Holidays

The definitive guide to the ups and downs of motherhood hits international online book stockists this December. - December 03, 2008 - Lindy Bruce Marketing

Author Jim Pruitt to be Interviewed on FamilyNet

Author Jim Pruitt to be Interviewed on FamilyNet

Jim Pruitt will be interviewed by the hosts of Mornings (a television and satellite radio show of FamilyNet) concerning his controversial new novel “Measure of Faith” ( on December 8th, 2008. Mornings airs from 6-9 am (eastern) on Sirius Satellite Radio channel... - December 02, 2008 - Jim Pruitt

Kohl's Book Offers a "Close-up" of Social Values

A book entitled It’s Time for Your Close-up by the up-and-coming novelist Renee Kohl was released on November 30, 2008. Published by SM Group Publishing, this book focuses on modern American social values. - December 01, 2008 - SM Group Publishing

Internet Novel Writing Project That Everyone Can Join

Novel “People” - the collaborative community endeavor of making and publishing the first, solid state fiction book online, officially launched. - November 29, 2008 - Make Literature Online Media Inc.

AuthorHouse Launches Media Interview Connection

Service Gives Authors Access to More than 75,000 Media Members Worldwide to Promote Their Expertise, Books. - November 28, 2008 - AuthorHouse

Twilight in the Forbidden City Re-Published in Honor of 100th Anniversary of Enthronement of China’s Boy Emperor

One hundred years ago, on Dec 2, 1908, Pu Yi aged 2 years and 10 months was taken from his mother to the Forbidden City be enthroned as the Emperor of China. He would not see his mother again for 6 years. Four years later, the boy emperor was forced to abdicate, and in the ensuing years he became... - November 28, 2008 - Soul Care Publishing

Author Releases First Work Providing Three Simple Steps to Achieve Complete Happiness

Author Releases First Work Providing Three Simple Steps to Achieve Complete Happiness

Roger D Taylor has recently released his first publication, Happiness? Yes! The newly released book was published in September 2008 by and is available through numerous retail outlets. The book was published with the hope of providing a step by step method for everyone to use to achieve... - November 27, 2008 - Roger D Taylor

Self-Published Book Author Probes Cancer Regression by Boosting Up Immune System

In view of the reported side effects of advanced cancer treatments, an Xlibris book author re-examines a hundred-year old immune therapy as cure of the disease. - November 27, 2008 - Xlibris Publisher

Isiah Hurts is Set to Release a Cook Book

Isiah Hurts is set to release a cook book called Isiah Favorite Treat’s on June 24, 2009. Isiah Favorite Treat’s will feature some of your favorite treats. Like Chocolate Pie, Banana Pudding, and Peach Pie. Isiah Hurts stated that he is excited about releasing his cook book. Because... - November 27, 2008 - Hurts Publishing

Historic Photos of Texas Lawmen by Mike Cox

Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of Texas Lawmen by Mike Cox. This 10x10 volume showcases Lone Star state law enforcement history in stunning, culled-from-the-archives images. - November 27, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company

New Book by Louay Fatoohi Released by Luna Plena Publishing: "The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt"

The Exodus in the Qur’an, the Old Testament, Archaeological Finds, and Historical Sources. - November 26, 2008 - Luna Plena Publishing

Historic Photos of Honolulu by Clifford Kapono

Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of Honolulu by Clifford Kapono. This 10x10 volume showcases the pictorial history of Honolulu in stunning, culled-from-the-archives images. - November 26, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company

The New Integrated Paradigm That Psychologists Have Been Waiting for is Now Here

Miklos Fodor, the author of the book 'Self-expansion: a NEW! integrated paradigm for psychology', presents the new concept that might revolutionize the social sciences. - November 25, 2008 - Psychology 2.0

Finally; Children’s Book Author Chen-Chen-Chen Low Writes as Her Star Goddess Within

With Christmas just 32 sleeps away, it is timely and almost uncanny that children’s book author Chen-Chen-Chen Low has published her first book Lizzie May The Immortal, Book 1- A Star on Earth in the spirit of Christmas sales and decorations, Santa Claus and of course, the never to be... - November 25, 2008 - Chen-Chen-Chen Low

Margaret’s Place CEO Turned Children’s Book Author in 2 Months

Soochen Low[1], CEO and Wardrobe Intelligence Expert of Margaret’s Place decided to take a sabbatical from her 22 year old business in October this year. She took on her pen name Chen-Chen-Chen Low and is now a published children’s book author of Lizzie May The Immortal, Book 1- A Star... - November 25, 2008 - Margaret's Place

New Novel "The Shadow of Rhiannon" Written by Sara Pope

A new Novel of an Apocalyptic Clash Between Vampires and Humanity. - November 25, 2008 - Sara Pope - Author

The Common Threads Series: The Common Threads Series: Books that Cut Through the Fluff to Save You Time

Former librarian writes "report" type books on diet, health, and detoxification of one's environment, that are short, to the point, and loaded with facts. Each of these well-written and easy-to-read "reports" is free of personal author spin, and questionable information, as Ms. Dodrill has successfully winnowed out only the facts on each topic. - November 24, 2008 - Linda Jones Dodrill

Historic Photos of the Presidio by Rebecca Schall

Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of the Presidio by Rebecca Schall. This 10x10 volume showcases the Presidio in stunning, culled-from-the-archives images. Historic Photos of the Presidio by Rebecca Schall - November 23, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company

Guardian Angel Publishing Announces Release of Chizzy's Topsy Tale by Donna J. Shepherd

In Chizzy's Topsy Tale (Guardian Angel Publishing) by Donna J. Shepherd, Chizzy sneaks out for a jaunt into the jungle on the hunt for a nighttime snack. Scary sights and sounds soon cause Chizzy to regret his decision. - November 23, 2008 - Guardian Angel Publishing

Historic Photos of Baltimore by Mark Walston

Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of Baltimore by Mark Walston. This 10x10 volume showcases the history of Baltimore in stunning, culled-from-the-archives images. - November 23, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company

Through the Thicket Press: the Beginning of a New Poetry Era

Through the Thicket Press was just a writer's dream for the past ten years. One day this writer decided to make it a reality, and she did so by simply creating an online press and publishing her first e-book of poetry, Entanglement. Through the Thicket Press is a up and coming small online press, wishing to publish only the most radical and fresh writing of our times. - November 22, 2008 - Through the Thicket Press

Transformation Systems, Inc. Celebrates 5 Years in Richmond & Upcoming Book by Founder, Marta C. Wilson, PhD

Transformation Systems, Inc. Celebrates 5 Years in Richmond & Upcoming Book by Founder, Marta C. Wilson, PhD

Transformation Systems, Inc.(TSI) opened its Richmond branch in November 2003, and celebrates five years of work with corporate, government, and non-profit clients in Virginia’s capital. TSI founder, Marta C. Wilson, PhD, has completed a book, Leaders In Motion: Winning the Race for Organizational Health, Wealth, and Creative Power, to be published in March 2009, when TSI will unveil an expanded books program to support leaders intent on success in times of economic upheaval and uncertainty. - November 21, 2008 - Mighty Casey Media

New Children's Pirate Book Published (Petey and the Mean Pirates) That Celebrates Anti Aggressive Behavior

There will be a book signing event on Nov 22nd in Canandaigua, NY at the Canandaigua Primary School for Donna Bennett's new children's book about a nice pirate who actually becomes the hero. It’s a fun pirate story that also sends a heartwarming message about the importance of “talking it out” rather than showing aggression when confronted with life’s obstacles. - November 21, 2008 - Three Chiquitas Publishing

Just in Time for the Holidays: "Keeping Hannah Waiting" the New Novel About Chagall in Love from Bestselling Author Dave Clarke

Just in Time for the Holidays: "Keeping Hannah Waiting" the New Novel About Chagall in Love from Bestselling Author Dave Clarke

"Keeping Hannah Waiting": New from Hologram Publishing. The discovery of a never-before-seen Chagall portrait leads Kate McBride on a journey through time to learn the story behind this beautiful portrait and the everlasting love that inspired it. - November 20, 2008 - Hologram Publishing

How Deep Lies the Shadow Released as Free Audiobook Podcast

How Deep Lies the Shadow Released as Free Audiobook Podcast

Author Marcus DeHart brings his supernatural thriller to life as a free audiobook podcast. Available on iTunes or at - November 20, 2008 - Marcus DeHart

Tate Publishing Announces Two New Services for Authors

Tate Publishing Announces Two New Services for Authors

Tate Publishing announces two new services for their publishing division. Tate authors can now expect to also have website design with hosting and :30 second video trailers created for each newly released title. - November 20, 2008 - Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC

Self Published Author Signs Her Love Letters to Jesus

Felicia LaGrant schedules signing of her self published book in December in South Carolina. - November 20, 2008 - Xlibris Publisher

Inhousepress Presents New Accolades for One Just Man

The novel One Just Man by Stan I.S. Law continues to gather accolades on both sides of the border. It is apparent that readers long for books that delve deeper into the mysteries of human nature. Stan Law is fast becoming most proficient advocate of the exploration of Human Potential. - November 20, 2008 - inhousepress

New Book Helps Parents Protect Their Children

New Book Helps Parents Protect Their Children

Seattle Attorney Chris Davis’ New Book, ‘Little Kids, Big Accidents,’ Helps Parents Understand the Settlement & Legal Process Involving Injured Children - November 19, 2008 - Sprouts

Paradise Graces a Simple Mind

The masterful inspirational book "Paradise Graces A Simple Mind," is available everywhere helpful and supportive books are sold in aid of the quest for human potential to flourish. - November 19, 2008 - Point of Life Inc

EveryDay Life Book of the Month

Hip Hop book EveryDay Life by MG Hardie was recently featured in the newspaper and is now African Americans on the Move Book Club's book of the month for November and throughout December. - November 19, 2008 - MG

New Children's Book, Just in Time for Christmas - Meet Merritweather Matthew Mouse, the Star of the Mouse Ate the House

The Mouse Ate The House by Sheila Pursglove, illustrated by bily charley; a truly delightful book in time for the holiday season. This 32-page book is for the whole family; a book to be read aloud to toddlers and read by young readers alike. All will delight in the whimsical rhyme and fantastical illustrations. Merriweather Mouse comes upon a lovely place to take up residence, a gingerbread house. Delighted with all that he finds to eat, he gorges himself into a sugary sleep. - November 19, 2008 - Huron River Press

Fallen Angel, Risen Demon

Author, Gregory D. Welch releasing new novel, "Fallen Angel, Risen Demon," a novel about a young man pushed around in life and eventually thrown into an entirely new world. A world made of the old, but dangerously different. There is horror, thrills, suspense, conspiracies, and terror around every corner. Look for your copy on Lulu under the Shades of Truth storefront. - November 19, 2008 - Shades of Truth

Voices of Thanksgiving: Christian Authors on Tour

Voices of Thanksgiving: Christian Authors on Tour Kicks-Off at A Good Book Store Voices of Thanksgiving: Christian Authors on Tour (, a year-long tour of Christian authors, kicks-off at a Good Book Store in Baltimore, MD with seven dynamic authors from the District... - November 18, 2008 - The TAKE ACTION! Network

On November 20th the Lost Gods Will Roam the Streets of Toronto, Again

The first episode of "Lost Gods," the new weekly podcast novel from Toronto-based author Drew Beatty will be released Thursday, November 20th, 2008. - November 17, 2008 - Lost Gods

iUniverse Releases Top-Ten Seller List for Oct. 2008

Top Seller Offers a Condensed Review of Western Civilization. - November 17, 2008 - iUniverse

New Book Released by Luna Plena Publishing: the Mystery of the Crucifixion

This new and detailed study examines the accounts of the crucifixion of Jesus in the Qur'an, the New Testament, and ancient historical sources. - November 16, 2008 - Luna Plena Publishing

"Winds of the Inner Circle" Brings Fresh Tales of Close Relationships

"Winds of the Inner Circle" Brings Fresh Tales of Close Relationships

What is it like to have or be in a close relationship? What would one do for such love? What far would one go to uphold that bond? New author Sicnarf Mil answers these questions and more in “Winds of the Inner Circle”, a collection of eleven short stories and a concluding poem. Sicnarf... - November 15, 2008 - Sicnarf Mil

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