Books News
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iUniverse Author, Professional Poker Player Featured in Oct. Podcast
Poker Phenom Brandon Adams Talks About Novel Based on Poker-Playing Experiences. - October 01, 2008 - iUniverse
A New Children's Book That Helps Mothers Answer the Questions, "Mommy, Why do You Have to Go to Work?"
Author Kristie Finnan releases her new children's picture book: Mommy's High Heel Shoes on 10/08/08. This book fills an unmet need for working mothers & their children and revolves around a timeless childhood ritual of trying on Mommy's shoes. A Special Early Release Author/Illustrator Book signing will be held 10/03/08 at Busy Bee Toys during a special Doylestown, PA First Friday Event. She will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Breast Cancer Research during this event. - October 01, 2008 - Mommy Workshop, LLC
Action-Filled Children’s Fantasy Featuring Black Characters and Positive Message Released in Audio Book
A terrific romp with cross-generational appeal, The Call to Shakabaz, just released in audio book, demonstrates the fundamental principles of nonviolence as practiced by Dr. King and Gandhi within the context of a real cliff-hanger that has the reader hooked from the beginning all the way to the unexpected, magical climax. - October 01, 2008 - Woza Books
Insider View of Fibromyalgia Detailed in Self-Published Book
Marilyn Sue chronicles her life with fibromyalgia in the Xlibris book, Fibromyalgia Syndrome. - October 01, 2008 - Xlibris Publisher
Peeved Investor Documents Real Estate Challenges and Solutions in Free Resource
Alan Brymer, a full-time real estate investor and educator, has turned his challenges in a declining market into a 200-page book titled “This Market Stinks: 12 Experts’ Strategies for Surviving & Thriving in a Slow Real Estate Market,” available to the public at no cost at - September 29, 2008 -
Borders Books UK Celebrates Magazine Week 2008 by Encouraging Magazine Lovers to Try a New Magazine
Winner of the prestigious Magazine Destination Retailer of the Year Award in 2007, Borders UK is this year delighted to be supporting Magazine Week 2008 which takes place between 29th September and 5th October. Leading retailer Borders, which offers the UK’s widest range of magazines in the... - September 28, 2008 - Borders UK
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Counters by Tony Taylor
New Military Thriller Explores Explosive Lives of Fighter Pilots Swept Up in Vietnam War. In a new military thriller, the destruction and despair that ran rampant in the steamy jungles of Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War serve as a grim backdrop for a young lieutenant’s awakening. Using... - September 27, 2008 - iUniverse
A View of Hawaii and America Through Japanese Eyes
Savant Books announces the recent release of "Essay, Essay, Essay - Overseas Memoirs" by Yasuo Kobachi. - September 27, 2008 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Daniel S. Janik's Newest Book "Footprints, Smiles and Little White Lies" Released
Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, announces the release of Dr. Daniel S. Janik's newest book, "Footprints, Smiles and Little White Lies." - September 27, 2008 - Savant Books and Publications LLC
Stonehenge: Geological Feature Indicates the Site Was Constructed at the End of the Last Ice Age, 14,000 Years Ago
As the spotlight turns once again on Stonehenge a British born amateur geologist, Dean Talboys, believes he has rediscovered a geological feature of the site which could give an indication of its true age. In dating the site archeologists have only ever considered radiocarbon determination of samples recovered during excavations. However, Talboys claims that these only indicate periods of activity at the site and not the original date of construction. - September 26, 2008 - Dean Talboys
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Which Man by Ginny Albert
Suspense, Romantic Conflict Drive New Novel’s Dramatic Plot. For Sierra Bradford, an innocent night on the town starts a whirlwind of events that leaves her struggling to choose between two men who love her and running from an unknown individual who wants to see her dead in Which Man, a new... - September 26, 2008 - iUniverse
New Book Shows Black Heroes But is Progress Really Made
James Gerdeman asks readers if blacks have made strides with Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action and years of trying. Society has seen change from slave to presidential candidate but has progress been made? The veneer of the story highlights black heroes. Heroes forge the highs and lows with Print-on-Demand Availability of White on Black Veneer at - September 25, 2008 - JDGerdeman
Author Liz Cosline Initiates Online Campaign to Share Her Life Changing Near Death Experience with Others
After a life changing near death experience in 200, Author and Speaker Liz Cosline has looked at the balance of life in a more universal way. Now, she has initiated an online campaign to utilize the internet to share her unique vantage point with the world. - September 25, 2008 - Elizabeth Cosline
James River Writers Conference to Feature Emmy-Winner Kirk Ellis; Screenwriter Behind "John Adams" to Teach About Writing, Oct 10-11
Kirk Ellis, the Emmy-winning screenwriter behind HBO's "John Adams" miniseries will appear at the James River Writers annual conference. He will offer insights about the craft and business of writing. The writers conference also features top editors, literary agents and best-selling authors, including David Baldacci. Attendees will find panels to be intimate and instructive; individual meetings with literary agents are also available. The event takes place Oct 10-11 in Richmond, VA. - September 25, 2008 - James River Writers
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Teeter-Totter by Ruby A. Sampson
New Novel Describes Young Girl’s Experience with Abuse, Years of Travel with Father. In Ruby A. Sampson’s new novel, Teeter-Totter: Lee Ann’s Diary, she describes one young girl’s experiences with sexual abuse, constant vagabonding and her path back to the safety of... - September 25, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Becoming Alice by Alice Rene
Becoming Alice shares true immigrant experience. From childhood to college life, Alice Renee’s intriguing life story is a great read for both young readers and those interested in family dynamics. In Becoming Alice: A Memoir, author Alice Rene shares the intriguing story of her life in... - September 25, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Folly by Bill Noel
Everyone’s a suspect in Folly. Murder mystery set just miles from historic Charleston showcases many characters of the small island of Folly Beach. In Folly, author Bill Noel introduces us to the sleepy island of Folly Beach, South Carolina, it’s baby-boomer inhabitants -- many of... - September 25, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of The Decade of Blind Dates by Richard Alther
The Decade of Blind Dates is a Must-Have Novel for the Gay Community or for Anyone Who is Thinking of “Coming Out.” Richard Alther busts myths about the gay community and exposes the reader to diverse characters with word portraits that make the reader feel a part of the... - September 25, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Grains, Greens, and Grated Coconuts by Ammini Ramachandran
Acclaimed Cookbook Offers Traditional Southern Indian Recipes, Fascinating Look at Indian Ocean Spice Trade, Cooking Techniques, and More. The tropics of southwestern India is a place where kitchens are filled with not only the mouth-watering scents of home cooking, but also the wisdom of cooks... - September 25, 2008 - iUniverse
Get In, Get Out: New Novel by Salim Amir
A press release to bring attention to the release of Salim Amir's new novel - Get In, Get Out. - September 24, 2008 - Mitanni Enterprises LLC
Seconds Out Publishes, "The Impostor Syndrome: How to Replace Self-Doubt with Self-Confidence and Train Your Brain for Success" by John Graden
Seconds Out is proud to announce the publication of John Graden's new book, The Impostor Syndrome. The Impostor Syndrome is the underlying feeling that you are not as smart, skilled, or talented as people think you are. It’s a feeling that you are getting away with something and that people will find out you are faking it. - September 24, 2008 - Seconds Out, Inc
Forget Weight Loss - Low Carb Diets Are Essential to Life
Dr James E. Carlson's new book, Genocide: How Your Doctor's Dietary Ignorance Will Kill You, proves that when doctors promote low fat, low cholesterol diets, millions of Americans suffer often-fatal consequences. - September 23, 2008 - James E Carlson
A "Loud Silence" is Created, by Mustafa Mun
Loud Silence, is a Novel written by a UK based Indian student, Mustafa Mun. Mustafa has written this about a life of a friend who has come to the UK with high hopes and learns that the way to get through life is not easy. Its a short piece of work but truly makes you stop and ponder, about the fact... - September 23, 2008 - Mustafa Mun
Teen Journalist Publishes First Book About Local History
Michael Geheren a journalist for Scholastic News, has a brand new book coming out: Down Home in Huntley, the Friendly Village with a Country Charm, the book is about the amazing history of settlers coming to the small town of Huntley. It tells you about how the village was formed. It also has great... - September 23, 2008 - Displays Lists of Bestselling African American Books
Books of Soul ( has added lists of bestselling African American books to its website. Gathered from, the lists feature the top-selling new hardcover and paperback books by and about African Americans, including children's books and “urban fiction”... - September 23, 2008 - Books of Soul
Odom Books Emerges as a New Print-on-Demand and eBook Publisher
Odom Books, an eclectic independent book publisher with on emphasis on print-on-demand, eBooks and self-publishing running the gamut from screenplays, entertainment, health, mind, body and spirit, launched its website in September. - September 23, 2008 - Odom Books Launches Website for Authors and Readers of African American Books
Books of Soul recently launched a free website for authors to promote their new books to readers of African American fiction, nonfiction, and children's/young adult books. - September 22, 2008 - Books of Soul
Sydney Writers’ Centre Launches Podcasts on Writing Featuring Best-Selling Authors
The Sydney Writers’ Centre has launched its podcast series on Writers and Writing. The podcasts – available on iTunes and through the Centre’s website – are part of the Sydney Writers’ Centre’s commitment to bring writing resources to everyone, regardless of geography. Podcasts feature best-selling authors from around the world including: fantasy author Garth Nix, who has sold over 4.5 million books; Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week; The Good Thief’s Hannah Tinti and many more. - September 22, 2008 - Sydney Writers' Centre
New Kindle E-Book, "The Path Into Darkness" by Stephen Coursen, Now Available
Stephen Coursen's "The Path Into Darkness" is now available for the Kindle e-book reader through - September 21, 2008 - Stephen Coursen
comiXology Sponsors Harvey Awards and Gives Away Tickets
comiXology, a proud sponsor of the Harvey Awards at the Baltimore Comic Convention, is giving away a pair of tickets to the Con and the Harvey Award dinners. Find out more at "Hang out with comic... - September 20, 2008 - Hosts a Live Chat to Celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Which is a Parody Holiday)
The Ninja of and The Ninja Handbook will take on swashbucklers and scurvy dogs worldwide on International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Sept. 19. For a solid hour, he will answer questions live on his channel at 3pm PDT/ 6 pm EST at The Ninja will be chatting live at or - September 19, 2008 -
Shadowrage and Striketrue: Annihilation of the Lich Has Been Released
Chicago author Jeffrey M. Smith has partnered with online publisher to release the second book in his trilogy called, Shadowrage and Striketrue: Annihilation of the Lich. This book was created when high demand was experienced regarding the success of his first book, Shadowrage and... - September 19, 2008 - Jeffrey M Smith
Alretha Thomas, Author of Daughter Denied, Shares Troubled Past with Brighter Future
Women at Homeless Shelter Form Special Bond with "Daughter Denied" Author Alretha Thomas. - September 18, 2008 - Alretha Thomas
Over 200 Apress Titles Now Available on Kindle
Tech book publisher Apress announces their titles can be found on Kindle. - September 18, 2008 - Apress Inc.
Historic Photos of the White House by Emily J. & John S. Salmon
Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of the White House by Emily J. & John S. Salmon. This 10x10 volume showcases the pictorial narrative of the president’s home in stunning, archival photos. - September 18, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
Historic Photos of Syracuse by: Dennis J. Connors
Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of Syracuse by: Dennis J. Connors. This 10x10 volume showcases the pictorial narrative of Syracuse in stunning, archival photos. - September 18, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
Cake Decorators Embrace New Mystery Novel
Sylvia Weinstock and Kerry Vincent show interest in cozy mystery centered around the world of a cake decorator. - September 17, 2008 - Gayle Trent
Historic Photos of Baton Rouge by Mark E. Martin
Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of Baton Rouge by Mark E. Martin. This 10x10 volume showcases the pictorial narrative of Red Stick through stunning, culled-from-the-archive photos. - September 17, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
What Would Teddy Do?
The Historic Photos of Theodore Roosevelt has never been more relevant than today; the current, historic presidential campaign underway makes all Americans look back on past presidential figures and none are more beloved and interesting than Teddy Roosevelt. - September 15, 2008 - Turner Publishing Company
NAMW Hosts First Ever Telesummit Especially for Memoir Writers - Expert Led Workshop Scheduled for October 23, 2008
The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) is hosting the first ever telesummit on memoir writing October 23, 2008. The free event features expert speakers sharing the tools and knowledge memoir writers need to become published authors. - September 15, 2008 - Linda Joy Myers
Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision
In record time, McGraw-Hill is bringing to market Say It Like Obama: The Power of Speaking with Purpose and Vision (McGraw-Hill; October 2008; Hardcover: $21.95), a 200-page hardcover that includes Barack Obama’s August 28th acceptance speech from the National Democratic Convention. - September 13, 2008 - McGraw-Hill
Warren Farrell Launches Redesigned Site for His Book Why Men Are the Way They Are now delivers rich media, dozens of resources and excerpts from the groundbreaking book. - September 13, 2008 - Warren Farrell - Why Men Are the Way They Are
Three iUniverse Titles Honored with Reader’s Choice Designation in August
iUniverse the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company, announced that three titles were awarded Reader’s Choice designation in August.The following titles have been awarded this honor: · Ecumensus, by Clifford Mark · True Net Cash Flow,... - September 13, 2008 - iUniverse
New Book Questions Future of the Funnies in a World Without Newspapers
After a worldwide energy and economic crisis, newspapers have ceased production and nearly every form of art and entertainment is a digital simulation. Setting his tale in this seemingly impossible (but plausible) future, Canadian cartoonist & multimedia designer Mike Cope tickles the heart and... - September 12, 2008 - Mike Cope - COPETOONS.COM
Walter Judson Moore Publishes Second Guide in the Bicycle Your France Series
Florida author, bicyclist and traveler Walter Judson Moore announces the release of the second in a series of comprehensive guides to bicycling in France. Bicycle Your France: Secret Burgundy contains details on 16 new and original loops. The guide makes clear what to expect at every turn from travel to and arrival in Paris, to buying groceries at a supermarché. - September 12, 2008 - Walter Judson Moore
Historical Mystery Features Unsung Heroines of WWII
Bast Press announces the release of a World War II mystery, ‘The Woman in the Wing.’ The story features Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) and Rosie the Riveters in a fictional suspense thriller set in a wartime defense plant. - September 12, 2008 - Bast Press
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Kings of the Jews by Norman Gelb
Kings of the Jews delves deep into Jewish nation history. Acclaimed author Norman Gelb explores the origins of the Jewish nation by telling the interesting history of each of its Kings and Queens. After writing such highly acclaimed books such as Ike and Monty, Less Than Glory and The Berlin... - September 11, 2008 - iUniverse
iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Survive or Thrive by Stepp Stevens Sydnor
New Motivational Book Provides a Straightforward Guide to Living Life to the Fullest after Hardships, Not Merely Surviving Another Day. As the old saying goes, change is the only constant. To Stepp Stevens Sydnor, some people choose to deal with negative change as a survivor: doing just... - September 11, 2008 - iUniverse
Moon Handbooks Philadelphia is Here; Independence Visitor Center Hosts Book Launch Party on 9/19/08
The first edition of Moon Philadelphia, written by Philadelphia native and journalist Karrie Gavin, is now available online and will be in bookstores nationwide in early September. The release party will be held in the ballroom at the Independence Visitor Center (6th and Market Streets) on Friday, September 19, 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Media, tourism and hospitality leaders, and others are invited. Guests are asked to RSVP to by September 12, 2008. - September 11, 2008 - Independence Visitor Center
Roger Federer Book Author Rene Stauffer Comments on Federer's US Open Victory
Rene Stauffer, the author of the book "The Roger Federer Story, Quest for Perfection" comments on Roger Federer winning the 2008 US Open. - September 11, 2008 - New Chapter Press