Books News

Read up on the latest news about fiction and non-fiction books, festivals, literary prizes, competitions, authors, tours, book marketing, e-readers and apps. Find out about book publishers and retailers as well as products and services designed for book lovers.

Historic Photos of General George Patton by Russ Rodgers

Turner Publishing is announcing the new release of the Historic Photos of General George Patton by Russ Rodgers. This title showcases the pictorial narrative of the dynamic leader in a 10 x 10 large format book with culled-from-the-archives photography. - October 06, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Pro Photographer Writes an Easy-to-Understand Book for Two Popular Canon EOS Cameras

Pro Photographer Writes an Easy-to-Understand Book for Two Popular Canon EOS Cameras

Unusual book on Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT and XTi really resonates with new DSLR owners. - October 05, 2007 - The Friedman Archives Press

Poet Published Personal Catharsis Author Shares Self-Discovery with Readers Through Verse

Poet Published Personal Catharsis Author Shares Self-Discovery with Readers Through Verse

Self-improvement is a long and difficult process. Poet George E Thompson shares insight on his method with his anthology, "Experience, Strength and Hope (now available at Borders,, Barnes & Noble and - October 05, 2007 - GET Poems, Etc.

Book Seeks to Witness to the Lost in the Area of Deliverance and Healing

Jeanita Sykes is no stranger when it comes to ministry. As the founder and director of Voice of Zion Ministries, International, she is an answered prayer to those in need of healing, release and refreshing. “My testimony is one that has endured much throughout the years, but in the experience... - October 05, 2007 - Voice of Zion Ministries, Int'l

ePress-online, Inc. is Now Accepting Submissions for Category Romance

ePress-online, Inc. ( is now accepting submissions for Category Romance in addition to its other genres, U.S. Historical Fiction, Mystery (as well as all sub-genres and cross-overs), Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Non-fiction in the areas of the Craft of Writing (see... - October 05, 2007 - ePress-online, Inc.

Priestess of Aphrodite: Midwest Sees Resurgence of Ancient Worship

Hoosier author Laurelei Dabrielle publishes a provocative guidebook for priestesses of love and sex. - October 05, 2007 - Laurelei Dabrielle

Australian Author Hides Key to Universe in Sci-Fi Novel

- Karma linked to leading concepts in physics - new book, new author, new ideas - profound science-fiction - October 04, 2007 - Ted Skewes

San Antonio Author Releases Second Book; The Lighthouse Cafe to Host Signing

Nicole Martinez, a 27 year old San Antonio native has recently written her second book and published it through What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?; focuses on the daily life of Christian living and forces individuals to analyze their choices and actions. What Kind of Seeds Are You... - October 04, 2007 - Nicole Martinez

Fifth Wednesday Journal Announces Release Parties for Inaugural Issue

Fifth Wednesday Books Inc. announces two upcoming release parties to celebrate the inaugural issue of Fifth Wednesday Journal. Both events are free and open to the public. Fifth Wednesday Journal is a biannual literary journal publishing poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and black-and-white photography. - October 04, 2007 - Fifth Wednesday Books, Inc

Denver's Novelist Takes on Murder, Secrets and Lies

Denver, Colorado's Newest Novelist Takes on Murder, Secrets and Lies, Including the Struggles of Getting Published - October 03, 2007 - Xpress Yourself Publishing

Live Experiencing The Kingdom of God - Author Steve Krotoski Available for Interview

Live Experiencing The Kingdom of God - Author Steve Krotoski Available for Interview

Kingdom of God & God's miracles specialist Steve Krotoski announces new Christian living book and audio book "The Kingdom: Experiencing Heaven on Earth" to media - October 02, 2007 - PWL Publishing

WOW! Women On Writing Receives Truly Useful Site Award

WOW! Women On Writing Receives Truly Useful Site Award

WOW! Women On Writing receives another award: Preditors & Editors' Truly Useful Site Award. WOW! is honored on a Preditors & Editors' Sites of Distinction page along with a link. Preditors & Editors created awards for excellence. They state, “This is our way of encouraging others... - October 02, 2007 - WOW! Women On Writing

Author Tom Townsend Writes New eBook to Help Support Local Spca

Author Tom Townsend wrote the ebook The Old Man, with all sales going to benefit the Marland spca. - October 01, 2007 - Tom Townsend

Local Musician/Writer to Release Children’s Fable; 'The Pumpkin King' Oct 23rd

From the mind that has brought you such stories as ‘The Last Vampyr’ and ‘King Of Terror’ comes the enchanting children’s tale 'The Pumpkin King'. - October 01, 2007 - Mark Dickinson

Three Gorges Dam Target of New Novel

A new novel of international intrigue targets the controversial Three Gorges Dam in China. - September 30, 2007 - Sigma Books

To Catch a Falling Star, Don’t Look in the Sky - They’re in the News

Blessings of Purpose -- A Novel. Author: Alicia Hill Jones. Publisher: Destiny 11 Publications. ISBN: 978-0979464607. Pages: 267. Publication Date: September 28, 2007. For purchase:,, and other online retailers - September 30, 2007 - Destiny 11 Publications

The Bloodbaths is “a Kick in the Tunic” for the Sword and Sandal Genre

Book One of Steve Libbey’s Aqua Pura Trilogy released - September 29, 2007 - Subatomic Enterprises, LLC

Fiction Addiction Will Host Children's Storytime Every Saturday Morning

Beginning October 13th, Fiction Addiction will be hosting a free children's storytime every Saturday morning at 11am at their shop at 3795 E. North St, Greenville, SC. - September 29, 2007 - Fiction Addiction

Two Little Boys Teach Their Mother Timeless Truths

Children’s Innocent Words Reveal Lessons in Self-Love, Faith, and Trust - September 29, 2007 - Kimberly K. Parker

Pharmacognosy, Beetroot and the Virus Unveiled

A book that has been released based on the idiom 'the Good the Bad and the Ugly' in a modern South Africa. Each of the protagonists, having distinctive character; that is not as clear cut as the theme but are breathed into life by the actions of people. - September 28, 2007 - Denver Fredericks

World’s First-Ever Textbook on the Chemistry of Love

World’s First-Ever Textbook on the Chemistry of Love

Building on the shoulders of Bacon, Newton, Goethe, and others, with their theories on amorous chemical affinities (the "force of reaction"), American chemical engineer Libb Thims tackles one of the world’s present-day greatest philosophical conundrums, “what is love?”, by writing the first-ever two-volume textbook on the chemistry of interpersonal relationships. - September 27, 2007 - Institute of Human Thermodynamics

Publishing of Declarations of a Penitent Man

This is a book that has been long in the coming. A compilations of poetry that spans a few years and covers everything from intense love to loathing hatred. - September 27, 2007 - Denver Fredericks

Turner Publishing Named Top 100 Independent Publishers

Turner Publishing announces their inclusion in's Top 100 Independent Publishers. - September 27, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Independent Publisher Positively Reviews "What Color is Your Dream?" A Book Written by Kittie Nesius Beletic

"What Color is Your Dream?" was positively reviewed by Independent Publisher. "What Color is Your Dream?" is an inspirational gift book which teaches creativity and allows individuals to follow their dreams. At age 56, this is Ms. Beletic's first book. - September 27, 2007 - kittiebgoods

Shreveport, LA Graphic Artist Takes Advantage of Web and Publishes His First e-Comic

Shreveport graphics artist publishes his first comic, Brer Rabbit Adventures. - September 27, 2007 - Langley Graphics

Former Newspaper Man Authors Novel

Former Newspaper Man Authors Novel

Daniel Morris, former editor/publisher and university professor has published his first work of fiction, spinning an unusual mystery tale. “Grave Creek Connections” is a mystery set in both Pennsylvania and West Virginia and in fictional George County, a stand-in for Greene County... - September 26, 2007 -

The 2007 Eric Hoffer Award for Prose Announced

Hopewell Publications announces the first winner of the Eric Hoffer Award for Prose with the release of annual anthology Best New Writing 2007. - September 26, 2007 - Hopewell Publications

A New Crop of Black Authors Offer Insight, Inspiration and Controversy at Book Showcase

Howard University Continuing Education Hosts Metro DC Black Author Showcase - September 26, 2007 - TCP

Christopher Klim’s "Idiot!" Dubbed "Gourmet Food for the Mind"

Award-winning author Christopher Klim (The Winners Circle, Jesus Lives in Trenton) garners early praise for a smart new novel, Idiot! - September 25, 2007 - Hopewell Publications

Colorado Native Author to Start Colorado Book Tour

Left Hand Press announces that award winning writer H.E. Christian will be touring Colorado to discuss her new book. - September 24, 2007 - Left Hand Press LLC

New Novel Twinklespunk Receives Rave Reviews

Twinklespunk , by award-winning writer H.E. Christian, has received critical acclaim from readers and reviewers, shooting its way to Amazon's top 100 within weeks of its debut and earning five stars from every reader. - September 24, 2007 - Left Hand Press LLC

New Author, Matthew W. Bertsch, Releases His First Book, "Jacob’s Balloon," a Moral Tale with an Intriguing Hook and a Dickens of a Twist

Matthew’s first book, a novella titled Jacob’s Balloon, centers on lessons learned throughout his own life. The book is being released in conjunction with Lulu (, the world’s fastest-growing provider of print-on-demand books. Matthew sees himself as part of a larger,... - September 24, 2007 - Matthew W. Bertsch

New Book: I Can Still Hear Their Cries, Even in My Sleep - A Journey Into PTSD "A Raw and Moving Testament to the Enduring Pain of War"

A teenage US Marine Corps medic left the U.S. for a tour in Southeast Asia in 1966 with dreams and goals of someday becoming a doctor. Those 364 days in Vietnam forever changed his life. Forty years later, at age sixty, he is still fighting through depression, nightmares, and recurring flashbacks with intrusive thoughts- known as PTSD. When he relates to his personal demons he states; "I Can Still Hear Their Cries, Even In My Sleep." - September 23, 2007 - JEM Marketing Inc.

Parents, Grandparents Turn to Video Games

New book uses modern fables to encourage deeper interaction between generations - September 23, 2007 - Wipf and Stock Publishers

Leisure Audio Books Sales Double in One Month After Launch

The newest downloadable audio bookstore on the Internet reports fast growth and commission payouts in less than three months after launch. - September 23, 2007 - Leisure Audio Books

Inspirational Holocaust Memoir, To No Man’s Glory, Released as eBook

To No Man’s Glory, a widely acclaimed account of a three-year-old orphan’s survival of the Holocaust, has been released for the first time as a downloadable eBook. - September 23, 2007 - Victoria Benson

68 Year Old Great Grandmother Publishes 3rd Science-Fiction Book

AuthorHouse Publisher is proud to release the third book of Sci-Fi author A.M. Baker-Engel, “What Secrets Mars: The Third Story of The Chosen” ISBN: 978-1-4343-2198-5. This author writes in an exciting new way, part mystery, part adventure, part historical fact and very fast paced. A.M. - September 22, 2007 - A.M. Baker-Engel Author

The Book of Ferd

The true story of an unique journey into animal consciousness and the human-animal connection. - September 22, 2007 - Alice Lee Snively

Fantasy Fiction Author MB Weston Scheduled as Panelist at Necronomicon Convention in Tampa, FL on October 6, 2007

Naples-based author M.B.Weston will be participating as a panelist at the 26th annual Necronomicon Convention on October 6, 2007 in Tampa, FL. She will participate on three writing panels and also be available to sign her first book, A Prophecy Forgotten: Book I of the Elysian Chronicles. - September 22, 2007 - M.B. Weston, Author

Why This Major Publisher Does Not Sell to Bookstores

This publisher offers its nonfiction books of self-help, social issues, inspirational and other titles only to Corporations, Nonprofits and Organizations for distribution to their employees and associates to fit their own marketing needs and strategy. Tell them the book title you need and they will even write the book for you. - September 21, 2007 - United Citizens For Legal Reform

Celeena, Abraham's Other Daughter

The introduction of Celeena. - September 21, 2007 - Otha Lee

New Book by Otha Lee Entitled Celeena

The saga of Celeena continues in this newly released book. - September 21, 2007 - Otha Lee

Inspirational Book for the Boss on National Bosses Day

Popular Key Note Speaker and Seminar Leader Roy Lantz Introduces His Book Titled “Don’t Beat The Boss At Horseshoes” - September 21, 2007 - Magnolia Pines Press

New Book Release by Publisher Merope Shuppan

Merope Shuppan of Tokyo proudly announces the release of "The Velocity of Falling Bodies" - a novel-in-verse by Ken Gremillion - September 21, 2007 - Merope Shuppan

Multicultural Children's Book

My Rainbow Family is a children’s book based on the real life of author, K. R. Vance and her five multiracial children. This book shows how love has no color and acceptance of those with mixed cultural backgrounds. An easy reader, fictional story for kids in pre-k to 2nd grade. - September 21, 2007 - My Rainbow Family

Belletristic Press Author Beats the Odds

Felisha Bradshaw, author of Eyes on the Pryze, rises above adversity - September 21, 2007 - Belletristic Press, LLC

Frontier America Vigilante Pushes Company's Buttons to New Frontiers and Gets Promoted

Dan Sheldon has written a manuscript aptly titled Frontier America, who's satirical portrayal of our company has both irritated and enlightened minds, his grit and visual storytelling would leave readers of the sci-fi horror genre dying for more. Mr Sheldon's 7 year long journey for spiritual and... - September 20, 2007 - Frontier America

"What Color is Your Dream?" Receives Rave Reviews

"What Color is Your Dream?," a book written by Kittie Nesius Beletic, received a five heart review (out of five hearts) from Heartland Reviews. The book explores the nature of creativity and encourages its readers to follow their dreams. "What Color is Your Dream?" is a perfect gift book and it is available on or Amazon. - September 20, 2007 - kittiebgoods

Historic Photos of FDR by Matthew Gilmore

Announcement of the upcoming release, Historic Photos of Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Matthew Gilmore, a 10 x 10 pictorial narrative of FDR's life. - September 20, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Historic Photos of the Opry: Ryman Auditorium 1974

Upcoming release of Jim McGuire's new book, Historic Photos of the Opry: Ryman Auditorium 1974. - September 20, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

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