Books News

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Historic Photos of New Orleans by Melissa Lee Smith

Turner Publishing announces the new release, the Historic Photos of New Orleans by Melissa Lee Smith. This book tells the pictorial narrative of the “Crescent City” through striking, culled-from-the-archives photos. - December 14, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

New Book "Discover Your Purpose: a Simple Guide for Setting and Reaching Your Goals"

New author introduces a book with a simple method of setting goals that leads the reader through a "journey of self" to find true happiness. - December 14, 2007 - Angelique McTyre

Local Comic Book Team Announce Indy Comic Book Spin Off Release Date Memphis, TN: December 12, 2007

From the same camp that brought you the Jetta: Tales of the Toshigawa series, now comes Turra: Gun Angel. - December 14, 2007 - MAW Productions

Historic Photos of Atlanta by Michael Rose

Turner Publishing announces the new release, Historic Photos of Atlanta by Michael Rose, a 10x10 gift book telling the pictorial narrative of the “ATL” in striking, culled-from-the-archives photography. - December 13, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

iUniverse Announces the Release of Dr. Anita Gadhia-Smith's From Addiction to Recovery: A Therapist’s Personal Journey

The story of one woman’s incredible transformation from troubled addict to renowned psychotherapist - December 13, 2007 - iUniverse

Washington, Reagan, and Christmas

Reagan said "The most sublime picture in American History is of George Washington on his knees...". At Valley Forge, on Christmas night in 1777, General George Washington went out alone in the woods to look up to Heaven with Prayer to God to protect, defend and prosper the American Cause. - December 13, 2007 - God and Country Foundation

Author Kelly Moran Publishes New Book of Fictional Drama, "When the Leaves Stop Falling"

In this heartfelt work of fictional drama by Kelly Moran, she is able to bring four very strong characters to life, and with them both old and new courtships, in the midst of a storyline that has rarely been successfully accomplished. “Her work is comparative to Dinah McCall and Nicholas... - December 12, 2007 - Kelly Moran

iUniverse Announces the Release of K.R. Seeger's

Superhero Twins fight evil in rollicking new adventure novel - December 12, 2007 - iUniverse

ComiXology Presents Astronaut Dad Creators on It Came Out on Wednesday, Including Exclusive Interior Pages

The creators of the graphic novel Astronaut Dad talk with ComiXology on "It Came Out on Wednesday, presented by". Writer David Hopkins and Brent Schoonover discuss their backgrounds and how they connected on Astronaut Dad, published by Silent Devil. Along with the podcast,... - December 12, 2007 -

Black Feather’s Camp Cooking Guide Wins Gourmand World Cookbook Award

The Heliconia Press, a leading publisher of books and DVDs on outdoor pursuits, is proud to announce that Camp Cooking: The Black Feather Guide has won a Gourmand World Cookbook Award for Canadian Best First Cookbook. - December 12, 2007 - The Heliconia Press

TrueTip, LLC Unveils Best-Selling Author Dale Brown Book Contest

TrueTip LLC to Give Away Six Signed Copies of Author/Pilot Dale Brown’s Strike Force with a Chance to Name a Future Character in an Upcoming Dale Brown Novel - December 12, 2007 - TrueTip, LLC

Animalia Angelicus: Florida Author Larry Degala Publishes His First Work of Fiction

Now available from is the heart-rending tale of an ancient and loyal bird, a rough feral cat, and a young silly dog sharing a lifetime's experience with a loving husband and wife, caring elderly grandparents, and beloved son. Despite tragic misfortunes that befall upon a good and decent family, there is hope that an animal's eternal love can transcend even the finality of death. - December 11, 2007 - Larry Degala

Kindle Version of Prairie Springs by L.R. Williamson Moves to #1 in Gay Fiction and Religious Fiction

When the unknown author, L.R. Williamson, released his novel Prairie Springs in November, he had no idea he would shoot to number one in the Gay Fiction category for Kindle downloads. "To be at the top of any chart is phenomenal and welcome," Williamson says. Prairie Springs is also... - December 11, 2007 -

Work at Home Parents Flock to Buy Mother’s Survival Kit and Puddle People

Mother’s Survival Kit is a humorous look at the trials and tribulations of being a parent. It includes ideas to help occupy children and redirect their energy in constructive ways while keeping them out of trouble and helping to instill good values. The book provides countless opportunities for parents to bond with their child(ren). - December 11, 2007 - Delaney Imaging

Ofrika's on the Rise

Ofrikan Writers is all about getting the message to the people. Their goal is to create a demand for Self preservation and help individuals fill it. By raising the awareness and consciousness of the people absolute control over their person becomes real. Self fulfillment is exactly what they hope to bring out of humanity. - December 11, 2007 - Ofrikan Writers

New Column at Examines Comic Books in Academia

With the first installment of “Comic Adventures in Academia,” brings the first regular column examining the place of sequential art in academic libraries and university curricula. The column is written by Karen Green, Columbia University’s Classics Librarian and... - December 09, 2007 -

Exclusive: David Gallaher, Writer of the First Winning Competition Entry, High Moon, Talks with on It Came Out on Wednesday

This past weekend, DC Comics' competition rewarded its first year-long contract to the creators of High Moon. David Gallaher, writer of High Moon, gave an exclusive podcast interview with on their "It Came Out on Wednesday, presented by"... - December 08, 2007 -

New Fictional Book Chronicles a Fictional Wind Energy Development Fight in Wisconsin

A short press release about wind energy. - December 08, 2007 - Mike Winkler

Mother of Four Shares Christmas Survival Tips in New Book

One in five Americans are worried that holiday stress could affect their physical health and 36% say they either eat (22%) or drink alcohol (14%) to cope with holiday stress. Others rely on exercise (45%) and religious and spiritual activities (44%) to relieve stress. And 14% turn to massage and yoga. No matter what you celebrate, family and children seem to be the main focus and The Christmas Survival Kit contains many activities you can share with your children. - December 08, 2007 - Delaney Imaging

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

Windgate Collection, Archive of More Than 400,000 Illustrations, Offered for Sale

The Windgate Collection, an archive of over 400,000 illustrations, is being offered for the first time. These images were all published between 1880 and 1924, “The Golden Age of Illustration.” The collection represents the work of over 1,500 individual artists and is an important historical document. It would be an ideal acquisition for a stock media agency or a university, library or arts organization. - December 07, 2007 - Creative Touchpoint

iUniverse Gives Authors the Gift of Free Books During the Holiday Season

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced their “Gift of Giving” publishing specials for the early December holiday season. The specials include an offer of up to 60 free paperback books. The promotion is valid through midnight, Central Time, Dec. 14, 2007. - December 07, 2007 - iUniverse

Top Entrepreneur, Turned Author, Releases New Book for Adults – The Secrets of Money: A Guide for Everyone on Practical Financial Literacy. Further, Challenges Schools

Entrepreneur Braun Mincher has released his first book, The Secrets of Money: A Guide for Everyone on Practical Financial Literacy. The 472-page information-packed book is being considered by many as the “Encyclopedia of Personal Finance” and is the single-source of what everyone needs to know about basic Financial Literacy. Topics include: Consumer Credit, Mortgages, Real Estate, Car Buying, Insurance, Taxes, Investing & Saving for the Future, Estate Planning and Keys for Financial Success. - December 07, 2007 - Braun Media, LLC

A Lighthearted Romp Thourgh the PMS Minefield

Authors, Including World-Renown Physicians, Provide Both Sexes with the Ultimate Guide to PMS - December 07, 2007 - PMS Central

New Cartoon Helps Women Cope with PMS

New cartoon sheds light and laughter on an uncomfortable subject of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Find out what types of PMS exist. - December 07, 2007 - PMS Central

PMS Central Presents the Top 10 Ways to Prevent PMS from Hijacking Your Holiday Season

Free yourself from the aches and pains of PMS this holiday season with the experts from and the authors of the bestseller The Princess and the PMS / The Prince and the PMS. - December 07, 2007 - PMS Central

Total Health For Life Launches eBook for Achieving Optimal Health, Fighting Disease and Reversing Aging

Total Health For Life Launches eBook for Achieving Optimal Health, Fighting Disease and Reversing Aging

The site The site's mission is teaching the "secret" of staying youthful, fit, and disease free, finding happiness within; and motivating people to take action "today" to start their own journey into "total health" of the mind and body -- then, most importantly, giving back by passing it on to others. It teaches and motivates males and females of all ages to live the best quality of life and to have a mindset for success at any endeavor. - December 06, 2007 - Total Health For Life, LLC

New Book for Churches Needing to Build

New Book for Churches Needing to Build

Few church leaders have the experience or training to navigate a building program in a manner that minimizes the risk and maximizes satisfaction with the resulting project. Written by an experienced church building consultant, "Preparing to Build" provides best practices and real world tips to help church leaders build with less stress, risk and cost. - December 06, 2007 - AMI Church Consulting Services

Outskirts Press Announces Thy Angels Come, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Sci-Fi Book from Dallas, TX Author Doc Hale

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Thy Angels Come: Book One in the 'Thy Angels Come' Series by Doc Hale, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Sci-Fi category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - December 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Lost Pallies, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Spiritual Book from Flagstaff, Az Author Susan Norgren and Harriette Schwartz

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Lost Pallies: The Afterlife has found it's voice and now it won't stop talking! by Susan Norgren and Harriette Schwartz, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 Paperback in the Spiritual category is available worldwide on book retailer... - December 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Take Me Home for Christmas, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ General Book from West Valley, UT Author Alison Allen Bucher

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Take Me Home for Christmas by Alison Allen Bucher, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Fiction/ General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested... - December 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Everything You Need to Know After Being in an Auto Accident, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Self-Help Book from GA Author M L Hollaway

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Everything You Need To Know After Being In An Auto Accident: How to Represent Yourself After Being In An Auto Accident by M L Hollaway, which is the author’s most recent book to date. The 5 x 8 Paperback in the Self-Help category is available worldwide on... - December 06, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

iUniverse Announces the Release of Cynthia Derosier's Secret of the Sands

Secret of the Sands by Cynthia Derosier is a thought-provoking love story unlike any told before. Derosier skillfully deconstructs religion and weaves together a story of romance, history, myths and science that leaves readers questioning everything. - December 06, 2007 - iUniverse

Historic Photos of St. Louis by Jean Gosebrink and Adele Heagney

Turner Publishing announces a new release, the Historic Photos of St. Louis by Jean Gosebrink and Adele Heagney, a 10 x 10 gift book of the pictorial narrative of the St. Louis, Missouri. - December 06, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Historic Photos of Chickamauga-Chattanooga Campaign by James A. Hoobler

Turner Publishing announces a new release, the Historic Photos of Chickamauga-Chattanooga Campaign by James A. Hoobler, a 10 x 10 gift book of the pictorial narrative of the famous Civil War battle in Chattanooga, Tennessee. - December 06, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Popular Blogger Publishes Debut Book- Collection of Humorous Essays

Ryan Zeinert, creator of and widely acclaimed as Wisconsin’s funniest blogger, has released his first book entitled 65 Poor Life Decisions. In 65 Poor Life Decisions, Zeinert has collected some of his most hilarious, quirky and downright uncomfortable essays spotlighting those... - December 06, 2007 - Ryan Zeinert

Historic Photos of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Dana Lombardy

Turner Publishing announces the new release, Historic Photos of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Dana Lombardy, a 10 x 10 large format book narrating the pictorial history of President Eisenhower - December 05, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Book Signing for Dark Obsessions, by Michael J Carnevale

Author Michael J Carnevale will sign copies of his debut novel, Dark Obsessions (Lulu, $19.95), from 7 – 9 p.m., Thursday, January 10th, at the Book House of Stuyvesant Plaza, located at the corner of Western Avenue (Route 20) and Fuller Road; Albany, NY / / (518) 489-4761 - December 04, 2007 - Michael J Carnevale

Stories for Children Magazine Interview with Award-Winning Author, Jewel Sample

Stories for Children Magazine’s editor VS Grenier was lucky to catch up with award-winning author Jewel Sample for an interview. During the interview, Sample said, “I believe my sensitive story and activity book are great resources for professionals and families to use to help children cope with the loss of a young loved one.” - December 04, 2007 - Stories for Children Magazine

Historic Photos of Ann Arbor by Megan Cooney and Alice Goff

Turner Publishing is proud to announce the new release, Historic Photos of Ann Arbor by Megan Cooney and Alice Goff, a 10x10 large format pictorial narrative of the history of Ann Arbor through culled-from-the-archives, black-and-white photographs. - December 03, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Susan Wingate, a Formidable Presence in Poetry

The art of writing, the poetic nature of self-expression and reflection... Susan Wingate is proving herself a presence to be reckoned with not only in fiction with her latest novel, Of the Law ($21.95, Sixteen Cat Tails Publishing), but also in poetry. - December 03, 2007 - Sixteen Cat Tails Publishing

Lyrical Images: Poet and Photographer Releases “Images of My Heart”

American multi-media artist Laurel Wilson combines poetry and photography in this exciting new work. With the theme "Love gives," it has broad appeal for the gift season. - December 03, 2007 - Rumor and Paris Press

Give the Gift of Thought: Philosophy Talk Show Archive on Sale for First Time

Give the Gift of Thought: Philosophy Talk Show Archive on Sale for First Time

Philosophy Talk, the radio show that questions everything except your intelligence, is having a holiday sale. - December 02, 2007 - Stanford University, Public Affairs

A Must Read Book Just Released About the Life and Times of a "Hippie" During the 1960s, Represents an "Historical" Autobiographical Document

Presenting a must-read book about the life and times of a runaway teen, who was living on the streets of San Francisco in the 1960s and “turning on, tuning in and dropping out”: Autobiography of a Hippie: 1964 through 1969. - December 02, 2007 - D. C. Totten

Terry Fallis Novel Earns Publisher’s Choice Designation from iUniverse

Canadian Terry Fallis’ novel, The Best Laid Plans, has recently received the coveted Publisher’s Choice designation from iUniverse. Publisher’s Choice titles written by Canadian authors are displayed in the author’s local Chapters Indigo bookstore for a minimum of eight... - December 02, 2007 - iUniverse

"Author Vivian Elebiyo Releases New Book: My Virginity is Ruining My Sex Life"

Available for Interview: Motivational speaker and author Vivian Elebiyo My Virginity is Ruining My Sex Life: “I have worked hard my entire life to save myself for marriage. All the while I had a sex life, whether I knew it or not.” - Vivian Elebiyo This is the cry of a young woman... - November 30, 2007 - Vivian Elebiyo

Sacramento 6th Grader Publishes First Novel

Matthew Reade is a talented kid. He is a good pianist and he is at the top of his class. Even knowing these things, you would never guess that he is a published author. Reade wrote his first novel, called John: Son of a Commander, after reading about the young author of the popular book Eragon. - November 30, 2007 - Matthew Reade

iUniverse Announces the Release of Estes Jennings' It's Best Served Cold

It’s Best Served Cold is American crime fiction at its best. - November 30, 2007 - iUniverse

Hell 101. The First Book of Northern Ny Author, Joseph Sweet.

A collection of thirteen Hellish tales, appropriately titled, Hell 101. Containing everything from alien invasions to things that go bump in the night, serial killers, and near death experiences. It is available now through, Barnes and Noble, and many more online. It is published by Forsaken Press. - November 30, 2007 - Forsaken Press

iUniverse Announces the Release of Marv Rubinstein's The Womanizer

Author Rubinstein delivers a humorous look at life, love and endless pursuit of the opposite sex. - November 30, 2007 - iUniverse

Charity Supporter Book Signing at Somewhere Else

Local Author’s Novel Captures Woman’s Journey within Herself to Find Depth and Understanding. - November 30, 2007 - Dovie D. Dawson

Press Releases 24,301 - 24,350 of 25,558