Economy News

Accumulate a wealth of knowledge on the companies and organizations that are driving local, national and international discussion on the economy. Get the inside scoop on economic education, indices, growth, research as well as the partnerships and people influencing economies all over the world.

Credit Alliance Group's Debt Management Programs Are the Best Solution for People Overwhelmed with Unsecured Debts

With summer on our doorsteps Americans are already sweating over how they are going to meet their ever increasing financial demands. The nation's unemployment rate jumped to 5.5 percent in May — the biggest monthly rise since 1986 — as nervous employers cut 49,000 jobs. Unsecured debts are consuming people; debt management programs offer a great solution. - June 11, 2008 - Credit Alliance Group

Water4Gas - the Soaring Popularity of the Water4Gas Solution for How to Get Better MPG

Water4Gas - the Soaring Popularity of the Water4Gas Solution for How to Get Better MPG

Hundreds Converge on Weekly "Show and Tell" Type Exhibition in Los Angeles to Learn More and Compare Their Own Installations of Water4Gas and to Do Related Business. Thousands of new customers are buying Water4Gas information online weekly. See Videos from the Los Angeles park get togethers here. - June 05, 2008 - Garko Factor - Water4Gas MPG Solutions

19-Story "Sky Garage" in New York City's Chelsea District is "Topped Out," Announces the Architect of Record, Steven Kratchman

19-Story "Sky Garage" in New York City's Chelsea District is "Topped Out," Announces the Architect of Record, Steven Kratchman

"Topping out" [all concrete poured] Completed on 10-story "Sky Garage" luxury condo at 200 11th Avenue in NYC's Chelsea district, says Architect of Record Steven Kratchman, AIA. - June 05, 2008 - Steven Kratchman Architect, P.C.

Growth of Private Companies on PCI/Gazelles Index Outpace Traditional Wall Street Indicators in April

Growth of Private Companies on PCI/Gazelles Index Outpace Traditional Wall Street Indicators in April

Private Company Index/Gazelles (sub) Index increased 12.8% in April, meaning that this group of private companies saw an overall average gross revenue increase of that amount from month-end March figures. - June 03, 2008 - Private Company Index

The Federal Banking Co-op (FBC) Announces Alliance with The International Banking Cooperative

The Federal Banking Co-op (FBC) Announces Alliance with The International Banking Cooperative

The Federal Banking Co-op (FBC) announced today the formation of an alliance with the International Banking Cooperative (IBC) to offer global banking products to their clients. FBC specializes in placement of funds at high interest rates in high rated secure banks throughout the world. The Federal... - June 02, 2008 - Federal Banking Coop

How, and Why, Walk Away?

How, and Why, Walk Away?

Struggling Homeowners Find Answers and Support - May 29, 2008 - You Walk Away LLC

Risk Management Announce New Service for Hedge Fund Managers

New service for Hedge Fund Managers looking for employment. - May 29, 2008 - FSE, LLC

Fighting the Economy - the Newport Marriott Hotel in Rhode Island Rewards Customers for Driving by Paying for Their Gas

Fighting the Economy - the Newport Marriott Hotel in Rhode Island Rewards Customers for Driving by Paying for Their Gas

The Rhode Island Newport Marriott Hotel offers customers $20’s in gas per night for every night that they stay between now and September, 2008. - May 24, 2008 - Newport Marriott Hotel, RI

Index Reflects Private Companies Achieved Revenue Growth for the Second Consecutive Month

Index Reflects Private Companies Achieved Revenue Growth for the Second Consecutive Month

The Entrex PCI reports April 2008 results, reviews Index trends and discusses correlation to other economic indicators. - May 23, 2008 - Private Company Index

The New Economic Stimulus Program by Valencia Stone Sarasota

The New Economic Stimulus Program by Valencia Stone Sarasota

Valencia Stone has launched their new Economic Stimulus Program in hopes of contributing to the betterment of our economy. They are offering a program to all taxpayers which would be one more step towards progressing away from our current economic crisis. - May 20, 2008 - Valencia Stone

Q1 High Growth Companies Announced by the Private Company Index

Q1 High Growth Companies Announced by the Private Company Index

The Entrex Private Company Index (PCI) reveals the five companies that topped their growth charts for Q1 2008. - May 17, 2008 - Private Company Index

Ralph Nader Proclaims Five Counts for Impeachment of George W. Bush to in Candid Interview

Ralph Nader Proclaims Five Counts for Impeachment of George W. Bush to in Candid Interview

In an interview with’s Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, Ralph Nader details five charges for alleged credible impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. - May 16, 2008 -

Moms Eliminate Financial Problems Almost Instantly

Corporate layoffs and home-business startups are both at all-time highs. Home-based businesses make up roughly half of all U.S. businesses and mompreneurs are getting in the game. With the recent scares in the economy moms are being extra diligent and becoming successful in the... - May 14, 2008 - Tri-J LLC

Permian Basin Home Builders Association Touts Strength of West Texas Economy and Housing Market

The West Texas economy and housing market continue to buck the national trend. With the lowest unemployment rates in Texas and responsible lending, the Midland-Odessa, Texas area is showing strong, steady growth. - May 07, 2008 - Permian Basin Home Builders Association

NW Foreclosure Advisors, LLC Offers Short Sale Assistance to Realtors and Homeowners

NW Foreclosure Advisors, LLC Assists Real Estate Professionals and Their Clients Who Are Headed Into Foreclosure by Stopping the Foreclosure, Saving Their Personal Credit and Protecting Them from a Future Liability. - May 06, 2008 - NW Foreclosure Advisors

As Oil Prices Climb, Fleets and Businesses Turn to Fuel Discount Codes and Promotional Coupons

Allied Business Network, a business discount membership club offers consumers immediate relief from gas price hikes – in the form of discount codes and promotional coupons. - May 03, 2008 - Allied Business Network

Business Buying Group's Promotional Codes, Discount Coupon Memberships Triple in Recessive Economy

Allied Business Network, ABN, can save your company by using promotional and coupon codes on business products and services. - May 03, 2008 - Allied Business Network

Economic Recession Leads to Double Digit Growth

Organic-based lawn care leader, NaturaLawn of America, is experiencing a 20% growth spurt despite the onset of an economic recession in the United States. - May 01, 2008 - NaturaLawn of America

The Federal Banking CO-Op and the Federal Foreclosure Assistance Center Announce Their Plans to Develop National Sales Staff and Membership Recruiters

The Federal Banking CO-Op and the Federal Foreclosure Assistance Center Announce Their Plans to Develop National Sales Staff and Membership Recruiters

Due to the huge increase in Foreclosures and Home Owners at Risk seeking immediate assistance The Federal Foreclosure Assistance Center will be recruiting local sales staff and counselors to help homeowners understand their options and help them work out their housing problems. At the same time, FBC will be hiring local membership representatives to help grow their membership and assist on a local levels. - April 29, 2008 - Federal Banking Coop

Secrets to Success in a Soft Economy

Secrets to Success in a Soft Economy

With a continuing bleak economic outlook and weakening consumer sentiment, businesses are looking for an edge anywhere they can get one. Businesses that are finding it difficult to compete on product, price, placement, or promotion in this environment can now turn to customer experience to gain an edge with ClearBrick’s latest customer experience solution. - April 25, 2008 - ClearBrick LLC

Economic Downturn Breeding New Opportunities; Why Traditional Job Boards Should be Worried

The word recession has a horrible ring to it. Most people picture the time in the early twentieth century where people were jumping from windows and eating potatoes for every meal. Some of those closely affected are taking action. The construction industry and the real estate industry are, without a doubt, the worst hit followed by the banking/mortgage sector. That doesn’t necessarily spell disaster for all. - April 25, 2008 -

National Network of Real Estate Professionals Aim to Bring Awareness to Residential Property Taxes

Taxable values may not reflect current housing values, leaving many to pay too much tax. - April 24, 2008 - Property Tax Experts

New Study Quantifies Work-from-Home Savings for Earth Day

Analysis of published research, released today, offers hope for Earth Day. The study shows that while less than 4% of the U.S. workforce currently work from home, 40% have jobs that would allow them to telecommute. According to the study, new teleworkers could annually save 625 million barrels of oil, reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 107 million tons of CO2, and save almost $43 billion at the pumps. Each worker would save 26 work-days and over $800, time and money wasted commuting. - April 21, 2008 -

UrbanRide Offers Career Counseling Services to MPI Members

UrbanRide Offers Career Counseling Services to MPI Members

Members of the New York Chapter of Meetings Professionals International to receive 16 hours of professional counseling services. - April 18, 2008 - UrbanRide, Inc.

Trepp Finds Delinquencies on Pro Forma Loans Negligible

A new report from Trepp LLC, the leading provider of CMBS and commercial mortgage information, analytics and technology, provides an in-depth look into the details and performance of Pro Forma loans in the CMBX indices. Since the beginning of the credit crunch in 2007, it has often been asserted... - April 18, 2008 - Trepp, LLC

The Grimes Companies Reports Record 1st Quarter 2008

The Grimes Companies Reports Record 1st Quarter 2008

The Grimes Companies, a leading Jacksonville based logistics and supply chain provider, has reported its strongest period in company history for the first quarter of 2008. Identified by the Jacksonville Business Journal in 2007 as the 9th fastest growing company in NE Florida, Grimes set new... - April 15, 2008 - Total Distribution, Inc.

Private Company Employment Data and CEO Sentiments Indicate Belt Tightening — But No Mortal Fear

Private Company Employment Data and CEO Sentiments Indicate Belt Tightening — But No Mortal Fear

Negative sentiment nearly quadrupled in Q4 (from prior periods) when CEOs reported their outlook for “next quarter’s business climate.” Private company CEOs also believe funding will be increasingly more difficult to obtain in 2008 per a dramatic increase in perception that financial resources, both capital and debt, will be tighter in the coming period. - April 12, 2008 - Private Company Index

Detroit Area Foreclosures Decrease 16 Percent in March 2008

Foreclosure Statistics Continue to Improve in the Area. - April 11, 2008 - Default Research Inc

North Carolina Innovation Economist Moderates National Teleconference on Innovation Economics

The long-term economic woes of America were the topic of an April 10, 2008, national roundtable discussion sponsored by the Capital Formation Institute, an advocacy think-tank for innovation economics based in Virginia. Thomas Vass, an innovation economic expert, located in Raleigh, N. C., was... - April 11, 2008 - The Private Capital Market, Inc.

Economic Data Comes 'Alive' with OECD Factbook 2008

The free online economic statistics in the 2008 OECD Factbook have been transformed to include animated diagrams of the key indicators which bring the data alive visually. The interactive graphs enable users to clearly observe trends in the statistics and interact with the data to perform their chosen comparisons between countries. - April 10, 2008 - OECD Publishing

Bush Administration Expands FHAsecure to Offer More Assistance and Financing Aid to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

Bush Administration Expands FHAsecure to Offer More Assistance and Financing Aid to Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

The Bush Administration today announced new plans to help homeowners facing foreclosure. See if you qualify and enroll at - April 09, 2008 - Federal Banking Coop

Index Reveals That Revenue Growth Rates of Historically High-Growth Companies Have Slowed

Index Reveals That Revenue Growth Rates of Historically High-Growth Companies Have Slowed

The Entrex PCI/Gazelles Index, a newly formed, 10 company, high-growth subset of the three year old Private Company Index (PCI) saw slowed growth this month -- as measured by monthly company revenues. - April 01, 2008 - Private Company Index

FEDs Expected to Announce New Mortgage Guarantee Swaps Through the FHA This Week

FEDs Expected to Announce New Mortgage Guarantee Swaps Through the FHA This Week

In an unprecedented move the President Bush, Treasury Secretary Paulson and the Federal Reserve have reversed their position on helping homeowners at risk. President Bush has been saying he would veto any legislation that would help Homeowners and Investors facing foreclosure. He has announced his support of the newest plan offering FHA guaranteed mortgages. - March 29, 2008 - Federal Banking Coop

National Roundtable on America’s Economic Condition Scheduled for April 10, 2008

Technological Innovation Crucial to Future American Economic Prosperity. - March 29, 2008 - The Private Capital Market, Inc.

Cause Related Labeling; Bettering the World One Label at a Time

Online Labels, Inc., the Internet's leading supplier of blank labels for laser and inkjet printers, introduces a program designed to benefit non-profit organizations and charitable causes nationwide. One label at a time. - March 20, 2008 - Online Labels, Inc.

Malaysian Economic Agenda Set to Propel Growth

Anwar Ibrahim says that with a resounding victory in the March 8th elections, KeADILan (Justice Party) is set to begin implementation of its economic agenda which will stimulate economic growth, attract foreign investment and ensure that marginalised and poor communities receive adequate attention and support from the government. - March 12, 2008 - Office of Anwar Ibrahim

Customers for Private Jets? Recession Proof.

Charter air flights soar despite the US economy downturn. - March 11, 2008 - Blue Star Jets

2008 PCI/Gazelles Recognized as Benchmark Group of Top Growth PCI Companies

2008 PCI/Gazelles Recognized as Benchmark Group of Top Growth PCI Companies

The Private Company Index (PCI) announces the creation of the PCI/Gazelles, a 10 company subset of the PCI portfolio recognizing the top growth firms of 2007—as measured by the percent change in 2007 revenues over 2006. The PCI/Gazelles Index will be tracked monthly and plotted against the... - March 05, 2008 - Private Company Index

David Brandon of Domino’s is Guest on Podcast Show: "50 CEOs on the D: Detroit Renaissance Reports"

CEO discusses agenda for improving Michigan’s competitiveness. - March 05, 2008 - Detroit Renaissance

O’Keefe Casto Residential Brokerage Thriving and Actively Recruiting Real Estate Agents Despite a Tough Market and Other Brokerage Firms Closing

O’Keefe Casto Residential Brokerage Thriving and Actively Recruiting Real Estate Agents Despite a Tough Market and Other Brokerage Firms Closing

Finally, some positive Las Vegas real estate news you can write about. O'Keefe Casto - a new residential real estate brokerage firm - officially opened its doors today and, in fact, is actively recruiting agents and outperforming the MLS... despite other brokerage firms in Las Vegas closing or downsizing and the fact that this is an extremely tough real estate market. This press release can also be downloaded at: - March 04, 2008 - O'Keefe Casto Residential Brokerage

Noted eBay “Weird Stuff” Author and Entrepreneur Releases New eBook About Online Marketing

Noted eBay “Weird Stuff” Author and Entrepreneur Releases New eBook About Online Marketing

Brian Schwartz, a successful eBay seller noted for his successful "weird stuff" auctions (such as candy bar wrappers and drink cups) and his highly creative approach toward cross promotion of his legitimate eBay store, is releasing a new eBook on innovative cross-promotional strategies for the general online commerce market. - March 01, 2008 - ItsALLinThePackaging

A Different Approach to Revitalizing the Housing Market

A Different Approach to Revitalizing the Housing Market

Lyle Martin, co-founder and co-chief executive of Assist-2-Sell, shares his thoughts on what it will take to get the housing market back on track. - February 28, 2008 - Assist-2-Sell

Economic Stimulus Bill Good News for California Mortgages

Economic Stimulus Bill Good News for California Mortgages

As predicted president Bush recently signed the economic stimulus bill into law. And for people in California, this is exciting news. Why? Much lower interest rates are available to someone who has a conforming loan than those who have jumbo loans. - February 21, 2008 - MLS, Mortgage Loan Specialists

Assist-2-Sell Optimistic About New Homeowner Relief Program

Assist-2-Sell Optimistic About New Homeowner Relief Program

Assist-2-Sell responds to this week's announcement that major lenders will offer relief to troubled homeowners through "Project Lifeline." - February 15, 2008 - Assist-2-Sell

Delaware Based Firm Scores Top Honors for Three Year Growth According to Private Company Index

Delaware Based Firm Scores Top Honors for Three Year Growth According to Private Company Index

The Private Company Index (PCI) is pleased to name Appletree Answering Service as its 2007 Top Growth Company. The 12-year old Wilmington-based company, offering live answering and call center services, experienced average annual revenue growth of 65% over the past three years. A $12 million... - February 14, 2008 - Private Company Index

Baby Boomers Dominate New Homes Sales for 2007

Baby Boomers Dominate New Homes Sales for 2007

Del Webb’s Village at Deaton Creek is #1 Selling Community in Atlanta. - February 13, 2008 - Village at Deaton Creek by Del Webb

Generation Y: Exposed, Explored, Explained

Generation Y: Exposed, Explored, Explained

New book highlights successes by members of the newest generation of young adults and offers insights about how to appeal to this group - February 07, 2008 - Bea Fields Companies, Inc.

After Football, Now IT’s Outsourcing for Brazil

The economic and political leader of Latin America, Brazil, is a leader in IT and outsourcing industry also. The country has proved its position in the sector and is all set to fortify it in future. - January 31, 2008 - RNCOS

Uncertain Economy Brings New Life to Old Business, New Company

Uncertain Economy Brings New Life to Old Business, New Company

Retailers feeling the woes of a floundering economy and escalating advertising costs are finding renewed value in one of the oldest forms of advertising---the walking billboard. - January 28, 2008 - Advanced Advertising Promotions LLC

Bill Gates Speaks About Technology and Business Being the Cure for the US Recession

Bill Gates believes that technology will revive the US economy and help it avoid a recession. He calls for “creative capitalism” which combines Technology with Capitalism to improve living standards around the world. - January 26, 2008 - Business Systems Solutions

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