Economy News

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Marquette Managment Launches Lease Release Program for Renters Concerned About Job Loss

Marquette Management Launches Lease Release Program for Apartment Renters Concerned About Future Job Loss. Marquette Management, Inc, of Romeoville, IL, has announced their Lease Release Program - allowing apartment residents to easily break their lease in the case of a job loss. “With... - May 23, 2009 - JVM Realty Corporation

Menarailstaff and Menaroadstaff to be Absorbed by Elite Recruitment Group

It has been announced that Elite Recruitment Group ( will now incorporate under its own branding two of the specialist recruitment divisions for Middle East Transportation projects: Menarailstaff ( is the division specialised in Rail projects... - May 22, 2009 - Elite Recruitment Group

IndieFlix Unveils New Indie Film Distribution Model at Cannes

IndieFlix CEO Scilla Andreen launched today an international tour to introduce new distribution models for independent films, highlighting her company's premium packaging of Andrew Robinson's "April Showers," based on the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. For the film, IndieFlix... - May 21, 2009 - IndieFlix Inc.

Petrohawk; The Producer of Choice in the Haynesville Shale Play

Petrohawk; The Producer of Choice in the Haynesville Shale Play

It appears that Petrohawk’s ability to deliver the monster well has paid off according to poll results released today. has released its results from a poll which asked the question, “Taking into account all considerations, which producer would you rather see... - May 21, 2009 -

A New Fuel Additive MPGreen Launched at Strauss Auto in NY NJ and PA

A New Fuel Additive MPGreen Launched at Strauss Auto in NY NJ and PA

MPGreen, Inc. A startup based in San Diego CA has recently introduced a line of gasoline and diesel fuel additives at Strauss Auto that were previously only available for industrial use in 55 gallon drums. The formula has been used extensively for eleven years in Latin America to help combat the... - May 20, 2009 - MPGreen Inc

CPEhr Prepares Students from Downtown Business Magnet High School for the Workforce

CPEhr and Junior Achievement’s host their second Job Shadow Day in an effort to prepare students for their first job. Job Shadow Day includes Labor Law, Business Ethics, Financial Preparedness, and additional workshops and sessions. - May 20, 2009 - CPE HR, Inc.

The Career Value Book: How to Land a Job in a Tough Economy

The Career Value Book: How to Land a Job in a Tough Economy

How does a job seeker stand out from a crowd of millions in today’s competitive market? Charismatic author and economic survivor William Uter has published an appropriate solution: The Career Value Book. Uter has been in the running with thousands of applicants competing for the same limited... - May 17, 2009 - Career Value Generation

Tampa Bay Small Business Jumpstart Contest Will Award Budding Entrepreneur $25,000 Prize

The Jumpstart package provides a wide collection of free start-up services to help a local victim of downsizing create their own small business. - May 16, 2009 - Heidelberg PR

Dr.’s New Book Prophesies Impending Federal Health Insurance Requirement

Dr.’s New Book Prophesies Impending Federal Health Insurance Requirement

Dr. David Robinson’s new book, Transforming Body, Mind and Spirit – The NonDiet Way to Live Fit, Trim, Healthy for Life (Strategic) includes a section that outlines what future changes in health care and insurance might be. One of those changes is exactly what the House of Representatives is now considering, i.e., mandating that every citizen be require to purchase health care insurance. - May 16, 2009 - David W. Robinson, D.C.

The UPS Stores in Tucson Offer Free Resume and Job Application Faxing for the Unemployed

As the national unemployment rate continues to rise, all Tucson The UPS Stores® are doing what they can to help those affected by providing free resume and job application faxing through June 30, 2009. “All you have to do is bring in your resume or job application, the number you need to... - May 16, 2009 - The UPS Store 0206

Engineer Uses Creative Talent to Build New Photography Business

Engineer Uses Creative Talent to Build New Photography Business

With the economic downturn and subsequent loss of jobs, professionals are turning to their hobbies to support them. Passion for photography leads to new opportunity for John MacPherson of JomacPhotos - May 14, 2009 - Green Roof Blocks

New Report Looks Into Impact of the Recession on Hiring Demand in GTA’s Suburbs

A new report released by measures the impact of the economic recession on hiring demand in Ontario’s 905-communities surrounding the city of Toronto, and looks into what may be in store for the near future. - May 14, 2009 - IT-Challenger Consulting Group and Local San Jose Business in Redevelopment Zone Wants to Revitalize Silicon Valley Job Market

PinkSlipMixers and South First Billiards of San Jose will host a series of pink slip parties to help professionals find jobs. The events will be held every second Monday of the month. The pink slip party format will also include a 'career circuit' that will give job seekers tips to improve their job search. - May 14, 2009 -

28% of Group Sales Inquiries Are Lost, Ignored or Abandoned

28% of Group Sales Inquiries Are Lost, Ignored or Abandoned

An independent test conducted on 750 hotels found that even in this time of declining hotel revenues, 28% of new group sales inquiries are lost, ignored or abandoned. The test was conducted by Quality Track International in April 2009. Don Bundock, CEO of Quality Track International, says... - May 13, 2009 - Quality Track International Inc.

Berkeley Heights NJ Realtor Earns Prestigious CDPE Designation to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure

Berkeley Heights NJ Realtor Earns Prestigious CDPE Designation to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure

James Mulcahy Earns Prestigious Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure. James Mulcahy of The RE/Max Classic Group in Berkeley Heights NJ has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance... - May 13, 2009 - James Mulcahy, RE/Max Premier in Warren, NJ

"Depressing Times" Greeting Cards from Order of St. Nick Draw Humorous Parallels Between Recession and Great Depression

"Depressing Times" Greeting Cards from Order of St. Nick Draw Humorous Parallels Between Recession and Great Depression

The CBS Early Show featured Depressing Times cards as one of the most prominent examples of a growing “Depression chic” trend. - May 12, 2009 - Order of St. Nick

Changing with Lean Six Sigma Colloquium, Marriott Putrajaya, 14th May 2009

LSS Academy Sdn Bhd, an MSC Status Company, is organising the inaugural Changing with Lean Six Sigma Colloquium that is scheduled to take place on the 14th May 2009 at Marriott Putrajaya, Selangor. The theme of the colloquium focuses on change that is required for Innovation, Cost Savings and Continuous Improvements in a Challenging Economic Climate. - May 12, 2009 - LSS Academy Sdn Bhd

"Official Stimulus Package" Gifts Promise Laughter and Levity During Tough Economic Times

An eternal optimist, Florida based creator, Harvey Katz has developed a line of tongue-in-cheek “Stimulus Package” novelty gifts to help lift Americans’ spirits and lighten their mood in face of the economic climate. The “Official Stimulus Package” products will be... - May 12, 2009 - Better Things, LLC

AceProject Announces Support for Non-Profit Organizations’ Project Management Needs

AceProject Announces Support for Non-Profit Organizations’ Project Management Needs

In these difficult economic times, Websystems lowers its prices for all non-profit organizations who subscribe to AceProject. - May 06, 2009 - Websystems, inc.

Expanding Broadband Could be Tourist Boon for Rural Regions

The new economic Stimulus Package’s proposed spending on broadband Internet access could prove to be a huge boon for recreational tourism and economic development in rural regions that could greatly benefit from tourists’ dollars, according to recreation planner Edwin Gardner of... - May 06, 2009 - Studio A Architecture, Inc.

LanguageCorps Programs Provide Opportunities in the Toughest Ever Job Market

2009 is shaping up to be one of the toughest job markets in decades for new and recent college grads. Fallout from the deepening recession includes record unemployment, and company downsizing across virtually every market category. The result? An extreme challenge for tens of thousands of first-time job seekers. LanguageCorps provides an excellent alternative through its innovative certification programs and job placement support in overseas locations. - May 05, 2009 - LanguageCorps and Habitat for Humanity and Habitat for Humanity

Over $1800.00 raised by RMCN employees for Habitat for Humanity - May 05, 2009 - RMCN Credit Services, Inc.

Global Company Offers International Internships to Help College Students Compete in Today's Challenging Job Market

Global Company Offers International Internships to Help College Students Compete in Today's Challenging Job Market

College students this year are faced with launching their career during one of the most competitive job markets in the last two decades. Not only are jobs sparse and in high demand, but these graduates will be competing head-to-head for entry level positions with seasoned professionals laid off as... - May 05, 2009 - Intrax Cultural Exchange

The #1 Thing You Need to Get That Job

New Book promises to "Save Your Sex Life" as well as your Career - May 04, 2009 - OZ-Some Success!

7 Steps to Financial Empowerment

Bahiyah Shabazz (CEO) of Shabazz Management Group, llc consults with clients to embrace the change of the economy and live within your means. - May 02, 2009 - Shabazz Management Group llc

Balfour Beatty Construction in Joint Venture Awarded the Parkland Replacement Hospital

As part of a joint venture team known as BARA, Balfour Beatty Construction was selected to manage construction of the Parkland Replacement Hospital for the Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas, Texas. The 1.9 million-square-foot facility will replace the existing 55-year old hospital,... - April 29, 2009 - Balfour Beatty Construction

O’Connor Insurance and Platinum Funding Solutions Team Up to Fight Hunger

Emergency food pantries in Charlotte and the surrounding counties desperately need donations. - April 29, 2009 - O'Connor Insurance Associates, Inc.

Florida-Based SAP® Systems Integrator SophLogic Announces New QuickStart Program for Small to Medium sized Businesses

Florida-based SAP® software, consulting, and professional services company SophLogic Global LLC announced today the release of its latest economical pricing program for its signature product SAP Business One. The SophLogic QuickStart Program was created to offer three robust packages – at a fixed price. SAP Business One is designed for the small to medium sized business desiring to move beyond the out-of-the-box software program. - April 28, 2009 - SophLogic Global LLC

Free Online College Courses Help People Get Educated Despite the Recession

At a time when few people can afford the high cost of tuition, free college courses posted online by top universities allow self motivated learners to pursue education. The vast range of free classes is indexed at in "The Master List of Free Online College Courses," which includes over 500 courses from schools like Yale, Stanford, and MIT. - April 28, 2009 - Universities and Colleges: Online Education Directory

Eminent Domain Documentary "Begging for Billionaires" Slates May 2 World Premiere Events

Eminent Domain Documentary "Begging for Billionaires" Slates May 2 World Premiere Events

Media advisory announcing events related to the World Premiere of the new documentary "Begging for Billionaires: The Attack on Property Rights in America. The film will be unveiled to the public at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 2, in Minneapolis, Minn. during the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival's "Best of Fest" week. A panel discussion, fundraiser, after-screening party and live music have been scheduled. All ticket holders will be able to participate in all activities. - April 28, 2009 - Begging for Billionaires

New Study Details Impact of Economic Crisis on College Enrollment: Report Drives Colleges to Ramp Up Services

New Study Details Impact of Economic Crisis on College Enrollment: Report Drives Colleges to Ramp Up Services

Over 70% of incoming college freshmen and their families are considering BIG changes in their college plans due to the current economic climate. This new study, which includes regional breakouts, puts hard figures to what has been speculation on the part of colleges, students and government officials over the past few months. - April 22, 2009 - Longmire & Co., Inc.

Trailer Superstore Named #1 Car Mate Trailer Dealer for 2008

Trailer Superstore Named #1 Car Mate Trailer Dealer for 2008

All Pro Trailer Superstore, Central Pennsylvania's Number One Trailer Dealer was recently honored by Car Mate Trailers, Inc. as its Top Dealer for 2008. - April 18, 2009 - All Pro Trailer Superstore

Best Selling Author William Cohan to Appear at New York Investing Meetup

Best Selling Author William Cohan to Appear at New York Investing Meetup

Financial blogger Daryl Montgomery will be interviewing prize-winning author William Cohan on May 5th at the New York Investing meetup. The two will be discussing Cohan's recent best-seller, "House of Cards." Mr. Cohan will be signing books after the interview. - April 18, 2009 - New York Investing Meetup

CPEhr Releases Article Providing Small Employers Five Strategies to Avoid Employment Litigation

CPEhr released an article entitled “Five Ways To Protect Your Company Against Employment Litigation” which reviews the importance of maintaining accurate and up-to-date personnel files as a method of protecting against employee lawsuits. - April 18, 2009 - CPE HR, Inc.

Warner Norcross & Judd and Doeren Mayhew Sponsor Workshop on Strengthening Businesses at MichBio Annual Meeting

Warner Norcross & Judd LLP and Doeren Mayhew are sponsoring a workshop on “Strengthening Your Company: Business Strategies in a Down Economy” as part of MichBio’s 2009 Annual Business Meeting. The workshop will be held from 1-5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, at the Kensington... - April 18, 2009 - Doeren Mayhew

The Tri-Town Economic Development Committee Has Posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

The Tri-Town Economic Development Committee has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a planner/consultant services to help the Tri-Town Economic Development Group develop an Economic Development Plan for the towns of Dover and Wilmington (combined populating of 3635). The RFQ is for an... - April 17, 2009 - Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce

Straight North Kicks Off 2009 with Continued Success for Its Clients

Chicago marketing services firm, Straight North, continues to help its clients succeed and effectively communicate their brand position in 2009. - April 16, 2009 - Straight North

Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance Hits 100-Member Mark -  RuMBA Launches Membership Drive to Add Hundreds of Telcos

Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance Hits 100-Member Mark - RuMBA Launches Membership Drive to Add Hundreds of Telcos

RuMBA USA has now secured more than 100 members, comprising rural telcos, mobile broadband equipment makers, rural residents and broadband suppliers, in the effort to ensure stimulus funds will bring the best possible array of mobile broadband solutions to rural America. - April 16, 2009 - Rural Mobile and Broadband Alliance USA

Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival Slates World Premiere of Eminent Domain Documentary "Begging for Billionaires" as "Best of Fest" Selection

Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival Slates World Premiere of Eminent Domain Documentary "Begging for Billionaires" as "Best of Fest" Selection

Long-awaited public screening of "Begging for Billionaires: The Attack on Property Rights in America" slated for 3 p.m., Saturday, May 2, at the Oak Street Cinema, 309 Oak St. SE in Minneapolis, Minn. - April 16, 2009 - Begging for Billionaires

Paintings of Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Marc Chagall, Alexander Caider, Renoir, and Norman Rockwell Have Gone Up to 60,000%

Stock Market have fallen, Houses prices have dropped. "I was sitting at my desk the other day reading about the stock market. Once again a company I chose to buy was down in price, I was warned that this company was not going to meet the ‘expected’ numbers and their will be a... - April 15, 2009 - Steve Kaufman Art Studio

Home Tutor Matching Service WyzAnt Provides Part-Time Work Opportunities During Tough Economic Times

Home Tutor Matching Service WyzAnt Provides Part-Time Work Opportunities During Tough Economic Times

Although economic times are difficult, popular online home tutor matching service, WyzAnt, is offering part-time private tutoring employment opportunities for thousands of professionally certified tutors across the United States. - April 15, 2009 - WyzAnt

Wood Fiber Costs Fell in the US South and the US Northwest in the 1Q/09 as Pulpmills Were Taking Extensive Downtime, Reports WRI

Wood fiber costs have diminished in all regions of the US this year as the decline in fiber demand by the pulp industry has been greater than the reduction of residual chips supply from the sawmilling sector. The past six months, pulpwood costs have fallen about 10% in the US South and 20% in the US Northwest, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review. - April 15, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

California Tax Filers Can Make Last Minute Charitable Gift

California Tax Filers Can Make Last Minute Charitable Gift

As Californians face the annual April 15th tax filing deadline, they should know they can make a charitable contribution to one or more worthwhile causes directly on their state tax return. - April 15, 2009 - Checkoff California

Thousands Expected to Join April 15, 2009 Boston Tax Day Tea Party in New Location

Thousands Expected to Join April 15, 2009 Boston Tax Day Tea Party in New Location

Due to the overwhelming response from citizens, the Boston Tax Day Tea Party has moved. - April 15, 2009 - GOPMOM.COM

Follow the Money: Who Controls New York City Mayors

Follow the Money: Who Controls New York City Mayors

Author Lynne Weikart puts a human face on each of New York City’s fiscal crises, analyzes their historical patterns, and compares the tenure of several mayors. This timely book, Follow the Money: Who Controls New York City Mayors, has become an invaluable book for those interested in the... - April 15, 2009 -

Donna Johnston Earns the Prestigious Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure

Donna Johnston Earns the Prestigious Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure

Donna Johnston owner of Charlotte Premier Realty Partners and affiliated with RE/MAX Executive Realty has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance and short sales. This is invaluable expertise to offer at a time when the area is ravaged by “distressed” homes in the foreclosure process. - April 14, 2009 - Charlotte Premier Realty, Inc

Trust for Architectural Easements and Island Press Promote Sustainability and Historic Preservation in Boston April 23, 2009 at the Boston Public Library

In the next twenty years, the number of urban dwellers worldwide will swell to an estimated five-billion people. Redeveloping our existing built resources to accommodate this growth will determine the future of our cities and regions, the natural environment, and the health and human welfare of all of the earth’s inhabitants. As we face the challenges of climate change and diminishing fossil fuel resources, how will urban areas accommodate a growing population while minimizing resource use? - April 14, 2009 - Trust for Architectural Easements

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Now Operational in Fabulous Las Vegas

A new high-tech start-up company by the name of EV-Charge America which is headquartered in Las Vegas is now deploying smart electric vehicle charging stations and infrastructure in Nevada, Utah, Oregon and Colorado for casinos, commerical business, schools, public entities and government facilities. - April 12, 2009 - EV-Charge America

Regression, Love and Passivity-New DVD Set from Bestselling Author, John Lee

Regression, Love and Passivity-New DVD Set from Bestselling Author, John Lee

Passivity is one of the most overlooked, secretive and misdiagnosed issues in psychology today. This video teaches viewers how to come out of emotional regression and passivity and be passionate about their lives so they can discover how to love in an active, mature and emotionally satisfying way. - April 11, 2009 - John Lee Books and Seminars

Professional Coaches Help Job Seekers

Members of Los Angeles Coaching Organization Help People Affected by the Economy. - April 10, 2009 - Professional Coaches and Mentors Association - LA

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