Economy News
Accumulate a wealth of knowledge on the companies and organizations that are driving local, national and international discussion on the economy. Get the inside scoop on economic education, indices, growth, research as well as the partnerships and people influencing economies all over the world.
Boston Tax Day Tea Party Protest to be Held at MA State House
On Wednesday, April 15th, concerned citizens will gather on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston to protest government policies of reckless spending and punitive taxation. - April 09, 2009 - GOPMOM.COM
Auto Insurance Quotes for Existing Vehicles Still Strong Says E-INSURE Services
According to CEO, David Thompson of E-Insure Services, site traffic for auto insurance quotes have remained on track, but there has been a notable shift in the approach of an auto insurance quote shopper. Many insurance shoppers are simply looking to switch auto insurance companies to get a lower rate and thus save a few extra dollars. - April 06, 2009 - E-INSURE Services, Inc.
Total Mortgage Offers DU Refi Plus(TM) to Streamline Mortgage Refinancing for Homeowners
Recently released, DU Refi PlusTM is expected to reignite the housing industry by loosening underwriting guidelines and allowing LTVs up to 105%. By offering DU Refi PlusTM, Total Mortgage Services recognizes that the combination of reduced documentation requirements, decreased credit score acceptability and historically low interest rates have created the perfect opportunity to benefit hard-working homeowners who continually pay their mortgages on time. - April 06, 2009 - Total Mortgage
A Residential Real Estate Developer Has One of the Best Weeks in the Nation
A Chicago developer had the best buyer activity and sales last week of any new construction project in Chicago and possibly the nation. - April 03, 2009 - The Kopley Group, Inc.
Is a Recession the Right Time to Strengthen Your Management Team and Pass the Competition?
Right now, most companies are focused on cutting costs, postponing activities, and even laying off people; however, every company must also be planning for the next move up in the business cycle. Inherent in this planning process is the assessment of your executive team and other key management leaders in your organization. - April 03, 2009 - Carl J. Taylor & Co.
“SmartVolunteer: The leader in Skills-Based Volunteering - The Key to Riding out the Economic Crisis”
Whether skills-based volunteer work provides an opportunity to network, stay engaged or build skill sets, it’s what many professionals are doing to ride out the recession and nonprofit organizations are reaping the rewards. SmartVolunteer provides the venue for skilled professionals and nonprofits in need of their skills to meet. - April 03, 2009 - SmartVolunteer Experiences Record Traffic in Preparation of April Fools
Zymetrical Novelties (, an online discount novelty company, is one which is bucking the overall slump in retail sales these days. The company has seen 2009 as its best April Fools season ever, as more price conscious shoppers seek out discounts & better values in light of an... - April 02, 2009 - Zymetrical, Inc
National Franchise Expands Rapidly in Recession
Stay at Home Offers the Perfect Recession-Proof Business Model for “Compassionate Entrepreneurs” - April 01, 2009 - Stay at Home
VisualCalc Announces Three New Public Dashboards Focused on the American Recovery Act (Stimulus Plan) and California Budget Crisis
New Additions to Highlight Financial Details and Budget Impact of Approved and Pending Economic Plans - April 01, 2009 - VisualCalc
Buckleysandler Continues Its Expansion with the Addition of Leading Financial Services Team
Thirteen Attorneys Join the Financial Services Law Firm at the Center of the Nation’s Financial Services Industry. - March 31, 2009 - BuckleySandler
LeadPile Offers New Enhancements to Lead Seller Account Management System
LeadPile announced today new enhancements to The LeadPile Lead Exchange Seller Account Platform to make the LeadPile Lead Seller experience even easier. A recent update gives Lead Sellers the ability to send data to their AdWords account real time. Bloggers are also encouraged to use their... - March 31, 2009 - Leadpile
Homeowners Can Stop Foreclosure with Loan Modifications, Forensic Loan Audits and Negotiated Mortgage Terms with US Mortgage Mod, LLC of Philadelphia
Like all business, there are good and bad loan modification companies. One of the good modification companies is US mortgage mod with headquarters located in Philadelphia, PA. Us mortgage mod, llc provides foreclosure prevention services in addition to loan work-outs that reduce monthly mortgage payments. This truly helpful mortgage mitigation company has lawyers on staff and in to help maximize negotiating loan terms with the lenders. - March 29, 2009 - US Mortgage Mod, LLC
Non-Profits Raising Donations in Tough Economic Times
In these tough economic times non-profit organizations are battling to raise much needed donations, but the organization ...For A Cause, a registered 501(c)(3) organization itself, is trying to make things a little easier, and at no cost to other organizations. - March 27, 2009 - For A Cause
Gripper Edge™ Tack Strip Reaches Manufacturing Milestone Despite Poor Economy
Southern Cross Building Products announces a new production milestone for GripperEdge™ carpet tack strip. More than 200,000,000 (two hundred million) lineal feet of GripperEdge™ tack strip has been sold in North America. According to Southern Cross CEO Rodrigo Vera, “Gripper Edge... - March 26, 2009 - Southern Cross Building Products, LLC
The End of an Era - Guzzi's Jewelers Brings 37 Year Business to a Close
American enjoyed watching “You’ve Got Mail”, the journey of a long timed loved tiny bookstore in New York City that slowly succumbed to the book mega giant store down the street. The “Shop Around the Corner” bookstore prided itself on its owner knowing every book... - March 26, 2009 - Guzzi’s Jewelers
Online Game Delivers Strategies and Advice to Area Jobseekers
A fun, Trivia Pursuit style question and answer format to job seekers and career enthusiasts one-on-one career advice, tips and strategies using the medium of game. - March 26, 2009 -
Tax Relief for Small Business Will be Part of Obama's Plan
President Barack Obama promised a new loans to small business and his administration announced on Monday that he "firmly believes that economic recovery will be driven in large part by America's small business." The government promises to get credit flowing again by purchasing up to $15... - March 25, 2009 - Titan Tax Relief
Worldcheaper: Into Charities All Over the World
Worldcheaper have decided to donate $5 to a worthy charity for every air ticket bought at They’re doing this because they care, because they love, because they hope for a better tomorrow for all man. - March 24, 2009 -
Link Shuttle Inc. Marks 13 Year Milestone with Intro of New Vehicle-Integrated Technology & Specialized Passenger Transport Services
Through a tough economy, one So. Cal transportation company marks a milestone by investing in its continued growth, adding new proprietary GPS tracking technology to its vehicle fleet and bolstering its passenger transport service offering. - March 21, 2009 - Link Shuttle Inc.
In The Economic Downturn, Working Parents Look For Affordable, Quality Childcare Options
Leading au pair agency launches a promotion to help families burdened with finding affordable childcare. AuPairCare introduces families to a live-in childcare solution that doesn't immediately come to mind for many U.S. families and is much more affordable than daycare or other live-in nanny options. - March 17, 2009 - Intrax Cultural Exchange
Use of Offshoring Declines Within the Market Research Industry in 2009
Decreases driven in part by growing quality concerns among market research professionals - March 17, 2009 - MarketResearchCareers
American Right of Way Associates Holds Haynesville Shale Training Class
American Right of Way Associates will hold a training class March 21st, 2009 at the Petroleum Club of Shreveport. The class is titled Right of Way Agent Training Program. It was developed to teach the skills necessary for new right of way agents to serve the various oil and gas companies located in... - March 16, 2009 - American Right of Way Associates
CPEhr Announces Launch of “Small-Business Stimulus Program”
CPEhr launches program that program enables small employers to cut employment costs, reduce insurance premiums, and stimulate employee productivity. - March 12, 2009 - CPE HR, Inc.
Luxury Credit Card (Black Card) News and Information Site Launched
The Black Card ( site has been launched as a special interest community surrounding luxury credit cards, including news, rumours, lifestyle, celebrities, and more. - March 07, 2009 -
It' All About the Price
Will we ever see "Once upon a time again" in real estate and lending? What (or who) really caused this global-pandemic-economic crisis? Up until now, all of the actions from Washington, D.C., have been treating the symptoms. So when do we address the real problem of reduced prices? What can we do to stimulate prices? Are we there yet? Or does this go on and on? - March 06, 2009 - Stewart Title of Nevada Holdings, Inc.
California Non-Profit Goes Green to Make Green - Launches Recycling Business to Fund Programs for Disabled
Greater Palm Springs-based DesertArc launched its first Recycling Program in November 2008 and is already providing meaningful paid employment for 17 of its clients and is rapidly expanding its program to serve more and more businesses and hire more clients. DesertArc’s mission is to enhance... - March 06, 2009 - DesertArc
Titan Tax Relief Supports New York Congressman Who is Putting Pressure on the IRS to Offer Tax Relief to Alleged Madoff Victims
A New York Congressman said Wednesday he has asked the Internal Revenue Service to provide tax relief to victims of disgraced financier Bernard L. Madoff’s alleged Ponzi scheme. - March 02, 2009 - Titan Tax Relief
Wood Pellet Producers Are Increasingly Competing with Pulp Manufacturers for Wood Fiber, Reports WRQ
The global wood pellet industry has developed remarkably fast, evolving from being practically non-existent 15 years ago to being an important wood fiber consumer which is increasingly competing with pulp and wood-panel industry for wood raw-material. - February 27, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC
March is "National Use Your Gift Card Month"
Today, Americans are sitting on billions of dollars that may never be spent! Yes, hidden billions squirreled away in dresser drawers, wallets and envelopes that were given to loved ones to buy their most dreamed of gifts. $7.5 billion - that is the amount retailers estimate was spent on gift cards... - February 27, 2009 - Gift Idea Center
Credit Repair Company Stresses the Importance of Maintaining Good Credit Scores in Our Current Economic Situation
Ovation Credit Services Urges People with Poor Credit Scores to Take Action Now. - February 26, 2009 - Ovation Credit Services, Inc.
Solving the Housing Crisis - an Open Letter to President Obama
New solution to the housing crisis announced by national real estate trainer, author and coach, Kelle Sparta, in an open letter to President Obama. - February 26, 2009 - Sparta Success Systems
BarterQuest Reaches 100,000 Online Visitors Since Official Launch of Barter Platform
BarterQuest (, a platform that supports the cashless exchange of goods, services and the use of real estate, today announced that 100,000 people have visited the website since its launch in mid-December 2008. - February 26, 2009 - JPM Global
Angel Investors Take Control of the Economic Stimulus Plan to Create Jobs
Investors from New York to Miami are making plans to attend the second annual Southeast Private Equity Conference (SPEC) April 14th and 15th in Atlanta, Georgia. Over 120 private angel investors, venture capital firms and fund managers will attend SPEC 2009 to meet the hottest emerging growth companies to see their presentations and make strategic investments that will lead to new innovations in the market and job creation. - February 25, 2009 - Kugarand Capital Holdings, LLC
What Does the "Stimulus Plan" Mean to You?
The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT) has published a brief overview of the key tax changes affecting individuals and families in the recently enacted “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” (the 2009 economic stimulus act). FACT is a not-for-profit... - February 25, 2009 - The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT)
As State Economy Suffers, California Non-Profit Gets Creative - House Raffle Provides Critical Funding
California’s economy is at it’s worst, and while most California businesses are feeling the pressure, at least one California non-profit is making their own way instead. DesertArc is a non-profit organization that supports developmentally disabled people in the Coachella valley area. - February 25, 2009 - DesertArc
Stanislav Velinov to Advise 1 Billion US Dollar Distressed Debt Portfolio
Stanislav Velinov through his Opus Supremus Group (Opus) has entered into a commitment to act as an Advisor in connection with a USD 1 Billion distressed debt portfolio. The portfolio consists of United States Corporate Debt and European issued Structured Notes. - February 24, 2009 - Opus Supremus Group
Do You Know How Your Bank Stacks Up?
In these troubled financial times, it is important for the consumer to know whether his or her bank is safe. The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT) has compiled a list of sources where one can find out. - February 24, 2009 - The Federation of American Consumers and Travelers (FACT)
The Complete Unemployment Resource
This Press Release describes the unveiling of the new Unemployment911 resource website. - February 23, 2009 - Expert Software Systems
Gulf Coast Western Comments on Current Commodity Price Environment for Oil and Natural Gas
We have no complaints with respect to current commodity prices; in fact, the price correction has created some outstanding buying opportunities. - February 21, 2009 - Gulf Coast Western
Mind Gliding Escapes the Credit Crunch
Mind Gliding, a Thanet based company of Business Psychologists, is celebrating its first five years in March after continuously improving business performance, despite the current challenging economic situation. - February 21, 2009 - Mind Gliding, Ltd.
Job Postings Decline in All Industries; Education and Healthcare Jobs Fare the Best releases Industry Trends to help job seekers and employers navigate the job market. - February 17, 2009 - Indeed Inc.
Top Disability Law Firm Addresses Importance of Follow-Through with Social Security Administration's Strategic Plan
This month, Disability Group, Inc. released an article by attorney Jason Cook, explaining the Social Security Administration's newly released Strategic Plan. Last month, the Social Security Administration released its strategic plan for the next five years. Among other things, this plan has set a... - February 13, 2009 - Disability Group, Inc.
The Handmade Toy Alliance to Hold Press Conference at Toy Fair - NYC
Members of the Handmade Toy Alliance will be attending the upcoming Toy Fair held at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City from February 15 – 18, 2009. An HTA press conference has been scheduled for Sunday, February 15th at 1:30 pm - Booth #1249. - February 13, 2009 - Crafty Baby (R) Launches the Pip Rebate Program
The new program launched by will give the opportunity to traders of all account sizes and activity levels to reduce their trading costs simply by allowing to introduce their account. - February 13, 2009 - FOREXSTREET, S.L.
New Online Gourmet Coffee and Tea Retailer Changes Tack
Changes in Marketing Strategy to Keep with Winds of Economic Change. - February 12, 2009 - KamRo Imports & Distributing, LLC
Buyers of Market Research Expect to Spend Nearly 10% Less in 2009
A 20 year trend of positive growth for the market research industry is likely coming to an end. - February 10, 2009 - MarketResearchCareers
Financial Health Expert Says Pass Your Own Stimulus Package
Financial health expert Simone Craig says, "Pass your own stimulus package in your home." Assess your personal financial situation during this time of international financial crisis, work with your family and creditors to set realistic financial goals and make a plan to improve it. Face the emotional aspect of financial crisis. - February 08, 2009 - Financial Health Solutions
Discovering... Abruzzo & Apulia, Italy
A mission of the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade to Canada promoting the agri-food and wine sector. - February 05, 2009 - ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade)
e-dmc: The Meeting Industry’s Economic Stimulus
e-dmc, a fee-free ground-breaking technology designed to assist meeting and event planners in all business/planning aspects to cut operating costs in order to shift spending towards other economically-stimulating activities such as entertainment, food & beverages. This kind of software has usually had high upfront cost and recurring fees, however, to help support the new “economic stimulus” initiative, they are offering this web-based software fee-free to meeting and event planners. - February 04, 2009 - Layoff Survival Game & Resource to Help Job Seekers
In response to increasing unemployment and unsettled job market throughout the world, a new site is released in providing a renewed effort to prepare, educate and face the layoff survival, Job search and Job Interviews. Crootpad help it users to easily understand and dissect the... - February 03, 2009 -