United States News
Auscultation Reference Guide for 100 Heart and Lung Sounds
MedEdu, LLC (www.easyauscultation.com) has created a free auscultation reference guide on its web site. Users are presented with a visual index of over 100 heart and lung abnormalities. For each sound, the user can listen to a real or simulated audio recording. Also available are listening tips for... - May 05, 2011 - MedEdu, LLC
Nooski Springless Mousetrap Catches on in the United States
Americans have been quick to adopt the ingenious Nooski Mouse Trap which uses rubber rings to kill pest mice swiftly and cleanly. The revolutionary Nooski mousetrap is designed and made in New Zealand. People who have tried the Nooski Mouse Trap have described it publicly as “Awesome”... - May 05, 2011 - Nooski
50’s Kids, Cars and Adventures in Tires Optional, Published by Outskirts Press
Rick Reale serves up his memories of growing up in the 50’s and 60’s when every car had a story to go with it, real men had D.A.’s and real women were nice enough to put up with them, and music, friendships and luck defined each adventurous day. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
GhostPlace Launches Site Debunking Elenin Comet Conspiracies
GhostPlace.com has created a new site debunking the conspiracies surrounding the comet C/2010 X1, also known as Comet Elenin. - May 05, 2011 - GhostPlace.com
Tools for Spouses: Love and Marriage Perspectives Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated family, relationships and marriage book from Houston, TX, author Vince Brendan Vincents. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Dying Elfin Race Places Hope on Unknown Healer: Curse of the Elfs Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated fantasy book from Taylorsville, UT, author Anna del C. Dye. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
HP QuickTest Professional WorkShop Series: Level 1 Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated computers, software development and engineering, and quality assurance and testing book from North Brunswick, NJ, author Ananth Rao. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Colorful Blacksmith is Hero of Courting Felicity, Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated historical fiction book from Bonners Ferry, ID, author Isabel Huff. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Near Tres Hermanos Property, Dia Bras Reports Highly Anomalous Gold in Stream-Sediment Samples
Dia Bras Exploration Inc., a Canadian mining company focused on exploration in northern Mexico, has reported assay results from the stream sediment at its La Verde high-sulfidation gold prospect near Batopilas, Chihuahua Mexico. - May 05, 2011 - Tres Hermanos Mine
Beauty in Image and Verse: My Pictures, My Words Published by Outskirts Press
Professional nature photographer and accomplished writer of poetry/quips, Mac Kenney has combined his two talents in this new collection of vivid pictures and well crafted verse that bring together both his appreciation of the human spirit and of the beauty in nature. - May 05, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Management Expert Don Osvog Helps Workplace Stars Grow
Don Osvog, the founder of Managed Growth LLC has become an official member of the Board of Advisors with Workplace Stars. - May 05, 2011 - Workplace Stars LLC
NEXTflex Small RNA Sequencing Kit for NGS Library Prep Launched
Bioo Scientific’s new patent pending NEXTflex™ Small RNA Sequencing Kit offers an easy, flexible, cost-effective solution for generating libraries from small RNA. - May 05, 2011 - Bioo Scientific
Another peakPRgroup Success as Betty White, Josh Duhamel and St. Johns Medical Center Raise $400 Thousand at The American Red Cross Red Tie Event 2011
PeakPRgroup are proud to announce their participation and the huge success for the 2011 The Annual American Red Cross Red Tie Affair, which raised an astounding four hundred thousand dollars. The annual much coveted affair was held at the luxurious Fairmont Miramar Hotel, in Santa Monica. Black... - May 04, 2011 - peakPRgroup
Mane Center Tampa Florida Participates in World Autism Awareness Month
The Mane Center and autism treatment authority, Dr. Nelson Mane, offers information about autism spectrum treatment. Promotion of awareness of the condition is the purpose of World Autism Awareness Month. - May 04, 2011 - Mañé Center
Smart Transaction Systems Launches First-of-Its-Kind Loyalty Card
New cards create a more convenient, customized loyalty experience. - May 04, 2011 - Smart Transaction Systems
MyLLC.com Joins Forces with Startup America Partnership to Assist, Educate and Protect Emerging Entrepreneurs and Businesses Nationwide
Nation’s leading document filing and business entity formation company specializing in LLC and Corporation formations joins Fortune 500 Companies, National Non-Profits in supporting President Obama’s Startup America Partnership vision. - May 04, 2011 - MyLLC.com
Peeriosity Announces New Research Area Exclusive to Shared Services Senior Executives
Peeriosity, an innovative best practice research company for Shared Services, Finance, Human Resources, and Procurement within Global 2000 organizations, announces the addition of a new research area, “Senior Executives.” This exclusive offering is designed for overall heads of Shared Services and executives in the C-Suite. Mike Hostetler, Peeriosity CEO said, “Adding a new research area that is exclusive to senior management allows us to connect with the highest level of leadership." - May 04, 2011 - Peeriosity
Artists Clash to Raise Funds for Art Education
NYC-based arts non profit 501(c)3 Art For Progress (www.artforprogress.org) will feature the winners of the fifth annual international competitions, "Clash of the Artists" on May 13th -14th at Headquarters Studio in Tribeca. The showcase events serve to raise funds for AFP's Arts Education Program, and bring together the genres of visual art, music, and fashion. - May 04, 2011 - Art For Progress
Lifetime Adoption Founder and CEO, Mardie Caldwell Announces a New Book, "Called to Adoption - A Christian’s Guide to Answering the Call"
Recognized adoption expert and adoptive mother, Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P. and Founder of Lifetime Adoption Center introduces her fifth book, "Called to Adoption – A Christian’s Guide to Answering the Call," providing facts and guidelines to help Christian families learn about the process of adoption. - May 04, 2011 - Lifetime Adoption
IndigoVision’s Control Center Certified on Select Intransa Storage Lines
IndigoVision, the leading manufacturer of complete IP Video security solutions, is pleased to announce the certification of its Security Management Software, SMS 4, by Intransa for their Maximum Flexibility and Maximum Choice product lines. The Intransa Technology Lab partner certification program... - May 04, 2011 - IndigoVision
BLU-JET Announces Participation in American Farmer Television Series
The episode will concentrate on the role of precision agriculture within modern farming practices. - May 04, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
Fresh Quest Inc. to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer
Supplying the U.S. with Quality and Consistency: Offshore Production - May 04, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
QuadraNet.com™ Expands Dedicated Server, Cloud Hosting, and Colocation Service Offerings to Miami, Florida (East Coast USA)
QuadraNet, the largest provider of dedicated servers and colocation in the Los Angeles area has announced today that they have further expanded their points of presence to include Miami, Florida. The new Miami POP will join QuadraNet's national presence which also includes Dallas, Texas. - May 04, 2011 - QuadraNet, Inc
New York International Group Offering International Health Insurance to Journalists in War Zones
Journalists sent to countries rife with civil unrest need special health insurance coverage. New York International Group is stepping up to the plate by offering international health insurance policies that don’t exclude war zone incidents or acts of terrorism. - May 04, 2011 - New York International Group
Play N Trade Coming to the City of Riverview, Florida
Play N Trade Franchise, Inc, the largest video game franchise worldwide, today announced the sale of its first store in the Riverview, Florida area. Troy Tyler is the new owner with plans to open the store early this summer. - May 04, 2011 - Play N Trade Franchise, Inc.
Thermal Matrix Hails U.S. Troops in Osama Bin Laden Death, But Anti-Terrorism Vigilance Must Increase
Excitement over the killing of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden is being tempered by security experts concerned that al Qaeda will strike in revenge. That worry is compounded by a statement from the Taliban over the weekend, announcing the beginning of a new campaign to attack U.S. led coalition... - May 04, 2011 - Thermal Matrix USA
1099 Pro® Expands Its Services with Easy, Electronic Reporting of New, IRS-Required 1099-K Forms
Shortly after the IRS announces mandatory reporting of merchant card and third-party payments, 1099 Pro, Inc. – one of the largest filers of information returns in the nation - introduces a solution to make 1099-K filing easier and more efficient. - May 04, 2011 - 1099 Pro Inc.
Film "Love Simple" to Donate 100% of Proceeds to the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation on World Lupus Day
May 10 Donation Drive to Help Raise Funds, Awareness for Lupus. - May 04, 2011 - S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
All Requests Live Entertainment to Open a Studio in Downtown Vancouver, Washington
Local entertainment company, "All Requests Live," will be moving into a permanent studio in the artist-friendly downtown area of Vancouver, Washington. ARL had previously been operating their DJ, Live Band and Recording Studio services as a sole proprietorship, serving the Portland, Oregon Metro Area. - May 04, 2011 - All Requests Live Entertainment
Strike Zone Lanes in Kentucky and Ohio to Participate in the National Kids Bowl Free Program to Give Away Thousands of Dollars in Free Bowling Games Again This Summer
Kids Bowl Free.com and over 825 participating bowling centers from coast to coast have teamed up to provide kids with 2 free games of bowling every day all summer. Strike Zone Lanes will provide the Kids Bowl Free - 2 free game program as a way to give back to their local community for all of their... - May 04, 2011 - Samaan Ventures, Inc
ViewfromthePier.com Announces May’s “Peer to Pier” Interview
Website founder Meg Pier converses with Dr. Jian Lin, senior scientist of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - May 04, 2011 - View from the Pier
BookieJar Launches Innovative ePublishing 2.0 Platform
Restoring the bond between storytellers and audiences, BookieJar launches innovative ePublishing 2.0 marketplace with build-in promotional capabilities to enhance eBook sales effectiveness. - May 04, 2011 - BookieJar, Inc.
Generations Award Announces 2011 Call for Entries
The Generations Award is announcing its 2011 Call for Entries for its International Competition for Excellence in Senior Marketing. The award honors phenomenal achievement and service to professionals marketing to the Mature Market, age 50+. - May 04, 2011 - Generations Award
Shut up and Sell - CMS Solutions Teams Up with Bob Ramsey Seminars for Table Talk
Guests learned how to build stronger and more cooperative relationships with their customers and prospects during the March CMS Solutions Table Talk with Bob Ramsey Seminars. - May 04, 2011 - CMS Solutions
Recipe Marketing Firm Turns Wednesday Into “Winesday©”: Now the Longest Running Virtual Wine Tasting Event
Winesday is a virtual wine tasting event created seven years ago by Recipe, a food & beverage marketing company, as a fun way to try new wines and “unwine” in the middle of the week. Recipe has participated in 364 Winesdays and continues to hold the event at their San Luis Obispo... - May 04, 2011 - Recipe food & beverage marketing
eReviewGuide.com Proves FTP Software Selection is Not Just for Geeks Only
New eReviewGuide guide on File Transfer protocol (FTP) software demystifies remote server file management for corporate and average users. - May 04, 2011 - eReviewGuide.com
Blues Island Records Artist Wayne Baker Brooks is Breaking New Ground with "Something’s Going Down" Featuring Twista, GLC and Sugar Blue
Blues/rocker guitarist extraordinaire Wayne Baker Brooks has gathered some of the biggest names and talent in Chicago music for his revolutionary new single, “Something’s Going Down.” The genre-bending track features artists Twista (Perfect Storm, Adrenaline Rush, Kamikaze), GLC (Love, Life, & Loyalty, Grammy recipient for Kanye West tracks “Spaceship’’ and “Drive Slow’’), and Sugar Blue (Rolling Stones’ “Miss You’’). - May 04, 2011 - Blues Island Records
One Concierge Offers "Jet Fighter Experience"
One Concierge, a premium concierge and lifestyle management company is offering clients a unique experience with the chance to create their own "Top Gun" memories. This new service offering allows clients to pilot and fly in a fighter jet such as the legendary MIG jet fighters or the L-39... - May 04, 2011 - One Concierge
“Power and Responsibility” with Guest Jonathan Horwitz on May 10 “Why Shamanism Now?” Radio Show
On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity," teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to Jonathan Horwitz, co-founder of the Scandinavian Centre for Shamanic Studies, about the relationship between shamanic power and personal responsibility. - May 04, 2011 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing
Environmentally-Friendly Clothing Company Hopes to Make Immediate Impact
Envolve Clothing, LLC is an Ann Arbor, MI based for-profit company that produces environmentally friendly clothing. Envolve Clothing donates 20% of each transaction to Project Envolution; a non-profit established to help finance, develop, and implement environmental service projects. - May 04, 2011 - Envolve Clothing, LLC.
Flash Sanchez Releases New Single "Feed The Fire" on Digital Networks from Electro Boy Inc Records
Record Producer Flash Sanchez of Electro Boy Inc Records featuring Karlovac Croatia based Artist Dalyx release “Feed The Fire” on Digital Networks. - May 04, 2011 - Electro Boy Inc Records
New Fan Mosaics Web Site Brings Together Fans, Stars, Charities
Fan Mosaics Are a Creative, Lasting Way for Fans to Share the Spotlight with Their Heroes. - May 04, 2011 - Fan Mosaics
Burnetti Children’s Foundation’s Swan Boat “Whirlaway” Wins 2011 Lakeland Derby
Burnetti Children’s Foundation’s “Whirlaway” Swan Boat Wins 2011 Lakeland Derby. - May 04, 2011 - Burnetti Children's Foundation
Nail Your Mortgage Announces Giveaway of 100 Free Mortgages: Promotion to Benefit First 100 to Close
Nail Your Mortgage is giving away free mortgages to the first 100 applicants who close on their mortgage by June 30, 2011. Only Illinois residents are eligible and must have an application, with required documentation, submitted by June 1 to qualify. - May 04, 2011 - Nail Your Mortgage
Champion Wrestler Chases MMA Dream at R1 Gym in Los Angeles
Champion wrestler, Mark Dickman, decides to take the leap of faith and relocate to the R1 Training Center in the ‘City of Champions,’ Inglewood, CA. - May 04, 2011 - R1 Mgt
Public Speaking Club Launches New Member Drive
ADP Toastmasters, a public speaking training club is launching a drive to introduce more people to the many benefits of involvement in Toastmasters. - May 04, 2011 - ADP Toastmasters
Water Solutions Inc. Awards Supply Contract to Sonfil Tech LLP
Water Solutions Inc. announced today the first in a series of anticipated supplier contracts to meet the high volume of demand for its proprietary desalination units. Sonfil Tech LLP was awarded the contract to supply the high pressure jet caps used in the desalination unit pumps. Water Solutions... - May 04, 2011 - Water Solutions Inc.
Grauer School Presents Compelling Presentation of African Tribal Life
In the continuing series of “Great Conversations,” The Grauer School will feature a joint presentation by professional photographer John Rowe and Lale Labuko, a native of the Kara of Southwest Ethiopia. - May 04, 2011 - The Grauer School
Red Earth Software® Launches New Email Signature Management Software for Microsoft Outlook
Red Earth Software, a leading email management software company, today announced the availability of Policy Patrol Signatures for Microsoft Outlook. Policy Patrol Signatures allows companies to centrally manage their users’ Outlook email signatures, ensuring that the necessary email... - May 04, 2011 - Red Earth Software
Jayaram Law Group Obtains 100% Recovery on Behalf of a Legal Services Corporation Against Chicago-Based Law Firm
The Jayaram Law Group (JLG), a business law firm in Chicago with a focus on business-to-business debt collection, recently obtained full recovery of a debt owed to a client, a legal services corporation, by a mid-sized Chicago-based law firm. The law firm had used the services of JLG’s client... - May 04, 2011 - Jayaram Law Group