United States News

Digital Mannequin Retail Concept Launched by Looknglas

Looknglas, a California-based Digital Media company, has launched the Digital Mannequin concept for retail display. Digital Mannequin allows retailers unlimited display and messaging directly onto storefront windows with a "live"-looking video model moving, displaying product and changing poses, and outfits as well. Digital Mannequin turns storefront windows into eye-catching display screens, with constantly-changing images and messages. Green: low power and eliminates paper/vinyl sign waste. - May 09, 2010 - Looknglas Window Video Systems

Hot Spring Spas Are Making Spa Maintenance Even Easier with the Introduction of the ACE System

Hot Spring Spas has taken another giant step to making spa maintenance even easier with the introduction of the ACE system, the first and only integrated salt water sanitizing system to use diamond technology. - May 09, 2010 - Watkins Manufacturing

MyWebSiteDownorUp Free Website Uptime Checker Service Launch by HostGee Inc

HostGee Inc, Inc Company is proud to present its new free service – Mywebsitedownorup UpTime. - May 09, 2010 - Hostgee Cloud Hosting

Tech Collective to Host Booth at Bryant University Security Day 2010

Tech Collective will showcase industry resources to local IT firms, security integrators. - May 09, 2010 - Tech Collective

St. Louis Attorney, Susan Kister, Announces New Website: www.kisterlaw.com

Announcing the release of www.kisterlaw.com. For more than 25 years, Attorney Susan Kister has provided criminal defense and post-conviction relief to people across Missouri and Illinois and throughout the United States. She has handled countless cases involving drug charges, violent crimes, homicide, sex offenses, fraud, racketeering and more. - May 09, 2010 - Susan S. Kister, P.C.

Adam Weitsman of Upstate Shredding LLC Lives “Going Green”

Because of the new products created from the scrap, the environment is cleaner, and tons of low-grade scrap no longer end up in New York's landfills, says Adam Weitsman, the company's president. He says Upstate Shredding has and is environmentally conscious. It has a water management and treatment... - May 09, 2010 - VirtualbusinessLifestyle.com

Highland Homes Owner and President Recognized by University of Florida

Robert Adams receives Distinguished Alumnus Award from Warrington College of Business Administration - May 09, 2010 - Highland Homes

VQ ActionCare Expands Team with New Customer Service Professional

San Diego State University Graduate and Rancho Bernardo Resident Joins Local Fitness and Lifestyle Equipment Developer - May 09, 2010 - VQ ActionCare, LLC

LAN Systems Participates in Gwinnett Relay for Life on the Toners for Life Team

LAN Systems partners with Print Green USA, Benevox and Freeland Painting to support the Toners for Life team. The Gwinnett Relay for Life event starts today at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds and gives everyone in the community a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer. The... - May 09, 2010 - LAN Systems

Editors Only: April 2010 Issue Available

Announcing the publication of the April 2010 issue of the Editors Only online newsletter. - May 09, 2010 - Editors Only

Access Information Management Announces a New Operation in Portland, Oregon

This newest location expands Access’ service reach in the Pacific Northwest - May 09, 2010 - Access Information Management

Boston Cedar Receives Top Honor From Fiberweb™ as 2009 Distributor of the Year

Boston Cedar, Holbrook, Mass., was recently honored as the 2009 Distributor of the Year by Fiberweb, Inc., makers of the TYPAR® Weather Protection System. The award is based on outstanding sales and customer growth, marketing and promotion efforts as well as customer service. - May 09, 2010 - Boston Cedar

VERGO Marketing Welcomes Penny Sanders Rabjohn as Senior V.P. of Digital Media

Penny brings over 25 years of marketing, sales and enterprise solutions experience to VERGO and plans to use her expertise to lead VERGO in continuous revenue generation. - May 09, 2010 - VERGO Interactive, Inc.

Premier Musique Group Acquires New Talent

American Idol contestant, Courtney Salter signs a record deal with Premier Musique Group. - May 09, 2010 - Premier Musique Group

Regional Women’s Event Focuses on Transformation for Business and Personal Success

The event reaches out to women across the Fort Myers/CapeCoral Region and is beneficial for women from all walks of life, especially entrepreneurs and women in business. - May 09, 2010 - Powerful You

Richmond Chapter of AMA to Feature Overstock.com SVP for Their May Luncheon

The Richmond Chapter of the American Marketing Association will feature Stormy D. Simon, SVP of Marketing and Customer Care at Overstock.com, as their May 20th Luncheon speaker. Stormy will share her passion for customer care and reveal why The National Retail Federation has announced that... - May 09, 2010 - AMA - Richmond Chapter

Ecotrain Media Group Green Education Scholarship Fund

Ecotrain Media Group awards a “green education scholarship” to 2nd year student attending the Columbia Gorge Community College renewable energy technology program. - May 09, 2010 - Ecotrain Media Group, LLC

McQuadeBrennan, LLP Contributes to Accounting Student’s Academic Success

McQuadeBrennan, LLP's Virginia Tech Department of Accounting and Information Systems scholarship fund was awarded to Michael Hayfer. - May 09, 2010 - McQuadeBrennan, LLP

Brad Sugars Brings His Business is Booming 2010 North America Tour to the Big Apple on May 10

Brad Sugars to present his highly-acclaimed free business workshop to New York businesses at the Manhattan Center, New York. - May 09, 2010 - ActionCOACH

Urban Environmental Research to Showcase First Responder Tool at California Fire, EMS & Disaster (CFEDWest) Conference & Expo

Electronic tool used by Nevada's first responders presented as model for other communities at CFEDWest being held May 10 - 14, at the Palm Springs Convention Center, Palm Springs, Calif. - May 09, 2010 - Urban Environmental Research (UER)

Denville Personal Trainer Carey Yang Interviewed on Strategies for Overcoming Middle-Aged Women's Weight Challenges

Morris County personal fitness trainer Carey Yang was interviewed and featured in a Daily Record Morris Life article on weight gain challenges faced by middle-aged women. Yang offers simple steps and strategies to exercise and eat right. - May 09, 2010 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

The Go-Ped Grow-Ped Mini Kick Scooter for Kids

UrbanScooters.com would like to announce for sale the Go-Ped Grow-Ped Mini Kick Scooter. - May 09, 2010 - UrbanScooters.com, Inc.

Two New Titles in Spring 2010 for Susan Wingate

Two New Titles in Spring 2010 for Susan Wingate

Award-winning novelist, Susan Wingate adds two more books, in one season, to her publishing list. - May 08, 2010 - Author Susan Wingate

Biomass Prices Throughout the US Have Been Impacted by the Federal Program BCAP, Reports the North American Wood Fiber Review

The cost for wood biomass fell in two of the major markets in the US in the 1Q 2010 partly because of the federal program BCAP, according to the North American Wood Fiber Review. The federal government is currently considering different programs of how to contribution to an increased use of renewable energy sources. - May 08, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC

Fort Worth Retirement Planning Firm RWMG Offers Their Newsletters Online

Fort Worth Retirement Planning Firm RWMG Offers Their Newsletters Online

Robinson Wealth Management Group, an Independent Registered Investment Advisory Firm Now offers their Newsletter, "A Note From Jim" Online. - May 08, 2010 - RWMG

IvySkin Announces New Line of iPad Smartcases

IvySkin Announces New Line of iPad Smartcases

IvySkin, a leader in the Apple™ accessories market, is proud to announce the iPad SmartCase™ Quattro-T5 and Xylo-T4 cases for iPad™ a brand new addition to the hugely popular Quattro™, Xylo™ and SmartCase™ series. - May 08, 2010 - ivyskin.com

Miami Web Design Company Goes Modern

Miami Web Design Company Goes Modern

Evoke Design brings ModernDisplay.net back to the future. - May 08, 2010 - Evoke Design

Play N Trade Franchisee Offers New Yorkers a Unique Gaming Destination with New Store Opening

Play N Trade Franchise, Inc, the fastest growing video game franchise worldwide, is excited to announce a new store opening in Plainview, NY. Michael Weissberg, who opened his first location in February, attributes his venture into the gaming industry to Play N Trade’s comprehensive business... - May 08, 2010 - Play N Trade Franchise, Inc.

peerVue Posts Record Q1 Sales in 2010

peerVue adds new customers and posts record Q1 sales with revolutionary qiVue solution. Already favored for ACR-required Peer Review, qiVue can also be used to address JCAHO Critical Test Result Management, Emergency Department Discrepancies, and more. - May 08, 2010 - peerVue, INC

MayYeung.com Launches a New Look for Spring/Summer 2010

May Yeung Jewelry celebrates the launch of their brand new website and Spring collection. - May 08, 2010 - May Yeung Jewelry

Oberon, Inc. Introduces Model 1064 Mounting Solution for Cisco 3500i Wireless Access Point

Convenient and Aesthetic Ceiling Mount for Cisco’s New 3500i Wireless Access Point Provides Security - May 08, 2010 - Oberon, Inc.

Responsible, Innovative Green Hotel Design Gets Underway - Adoba Eco Hotel & Suites Brand Concept

The Adoba Eco Hotel & Suites LEED Brand design concept “Travel with a Purpose and Change the World Today” is a huge leap forward with responsible architecture and a clear departure from current brand developments. - May 08, 2010 - Adoba Eco Hotel & Suites

New Guide to Buy Stainless Bearings, Ball, Thrust, Angular and Other Bearing Types

New bearings, drives and power transmission marketplace launched for engineers, facility mechanics, MRO personnel and other industrial buyers - May 08, 2010 - IndustrialLeaders.com

Smith Bros. Inc Announces Changes, Additions to Online Features, Services Offered

As landscaping season begins, Smith Bros. Inc website will now include the option to place orders for more products online and is also offering new, eco-friendly services. - May 08, 2010 - Smith Bros. Inc Bark Mulch and Landscape Products

James Bond Meets IT Management: Monitis Announces Monitis Mobile

Monitis, the award-winning provider of the world’s first all-in-one Cloud-based systems-, network-, and application-monitoring suite, today announced that it has gone mobile via Monitis Mobile. With Monitis Mobile, IT managers around the world can access data from Monitis’ market-leading suite of tools via mobile devices, including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Symbian devices. - May 08, 2010 - Monitis GFI

Les Suites Orient Shanghai to Open in May

First Boutique Hotel to Open on the Bund, Shanghai - May 08, 2010 - Epoque Hotels

Mindfire Solutions Ready with SharePoint 2010

A leading software company, Mindfire Solutions announced that it has started providing services in SharePoint 2010. - May 08, 2010 - Mindfire Solutions

Titus Will Announces Massive Used Trucks Sale – Chevy, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Honda and More

Titus-Will Cars based in Olympia, WA have been the foremost used cars and used trucks dealers for over 70 years. With a highly successful track record over decades, Titus-Will has always kept their finger right on the pulse of the automobile market. Recently Titus-Will have announced a giant used trucks sale in Olympia. - May 08, 2010 - Titus Will

The Master of Cyber Sutra (a Novel by Victor Paul)

The novel reveals cold brutal Saint Petersburg (Russia) where Malthusian Order is hunting for a magical powered artifact. Here the Master creating a virtual love temple Cyber Sutra is fated to join into this adventure and fulfill an ancient prophecy. - May 08, 2010 - Victor Paul

John Flanders Earns CLCS Designation

The designation of Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist (CLCS) has been conferred upon John Flanders of The O’Neill Group. The honor follows his successful completion of a professional insurance education program designed by National Underwriter Company. The CLCS designation represents a... - May 08, 2010 - The O'Neill Group

Daimer® Ships 50 Hz Steam Cleaner with Sanitization Capabilities

The Mega 550VP is the first machine of its kind to offer Daimer's EPA-registered ATIS® disinfecting technology. - May 08, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.

Clean Design Receives 2010 Raleigh Chamber Pinnacle Business Award

Clean Design, Inc. (www.cleandesign.com) has announced that the firm has received a 2010 Pinnacle Business award in the entrepreneurial 10-25 employee category from the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. The firm was honored at the Pinnacle Business Awards Celebration, which was hosted by the... - May 08, 2010 - Clean Design

New NetSupport Manager 11 Delivers Effective Remote Support for Any Environment

Remote Control and Desktop Management specialists, NetSupport Ltd, announce the immediate release of NetSupport Manager version 11. The latest version offers a fresh user experience with a restyled interface, performance improvements and a range of shortcut features that now make it even easier... - May 08, 2010 - NetSupport-Inc.com

Columbus Fitness Boot Camp Announces Mother’s Day Partnership with Columbus Zoo

Yun Fitness Bootcamps has teamed up with Sunny 95 to put on a 'Pamper Zone' for mom's on Mother's Day at the Columbus Zoo. 1000's of mom's are expected to arrive to be treated to a whole slew of services that cater to women. - May 08, 2010 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

Ronald McDonald House Benefits from Home-Tech Sponsorship and Customer Purchases

Non-profit organization selected as “Charity of the Month” - May 08, 2010 - Home-Tech

CIS Helping Pharma Companies Build a Compliance Community One Blog at a Time

Compliance Implementation Services has launched its new blog platform -- pharmacomplianceblog.com -- that will provide users with easier access to the latest regulatory compliance articles, legislative summaries, Healthcare Reform updates, and government agency news. - May 08, 2010 - Compliance Implementation Services

Network Services Names Georgia-Pacific Professional Supplier of the Year

Sanitation and janitorial product manufacturer honored for 2009 performance. - May 08, 2010 - Georgia-Pacific Professional

Reliant Plumbing Launches New Website

Reliant Plumbing of Tigard, OR has launched their new website and kicked off a campaign to demonstrate their value to Portland area plumbing customers. - May 08, 2010 - Reliant Plumbing

Simple Yet Effective Ideas Win NAFA’s 2010 Goill Awards

David Vasquez and Bob Adamsky were honored for their creative business ideas at NAFA's 2010 Institute & Expo in Detroit on Tuesday, April 27. - May 08, 2010 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Q'orianka Kilcher, Colin Farrell And Peruvian American Medical Association Unite to Host "Peru Comes To Hollywood" a Benefit Event in Support of Peru Flood Victims

Hollywood Star and Activist Q’orianka Kilcher unites Hollywood Celebrities, the Peruvian American Medical Society and the Peruvian community in an effort to bring aid and support to Peru’s flood Victims and Indigenous communities living on the front lines of Climate Change. Benefit event will feature an exclusive pre-screening of the new Motion Picture "Princess Kaiulani" with Kilcher in the Title role, a Q&A and traditional Peruvian Entertainment. All for a good Cause! - May 08, 2010 - QonQ.org

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