United States News

New HAFA Guidelines Help Performance Marketing America Provide Hope for Short Sales in Las Vegas

In one of the hardest hit markets for property devaluation, new HAFA guidelines give underwater homeowners in Las Vegas new hope. - March 31, 2010 - Performance Marketing America

Reinhardt College Expands Reach with New Online Programs

Reinhardt College explores the realm of online learning by offering its first ever programs with online options – an Associate of Science in Criminal Justice and an Associate of Science in Fire Management. Both programs are scheduled to launch in January 2010. - March 31, 2010 - The Learning House, Inc.

Gunnison Climbing Event to Benefit Local Climbing Team and The American Foundation for Children with AIDS

The April 24th USA Climbing Sanctioned Event Will Attract Climbers from Across the West. The Day Long Event Will Test Climbers’ Levels of Fitness and Skill. - March 31, 2010 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS

ELCCentral.com Adds Eliquidplanet Company to Electronic Cigarette Website Dedicated to Consumers

ELCCentral.com has added eliquidplanet.com to it's catalog of online retail electronic cigarette suppliers. ELCCentral.com is a leading consumer website for information and links to Electronic Cigarette retail companies. - March 31, 2010 - Electronic Cigarettes Central

Subscriptions to Baldrige-Based Software Services Now Available to All Organizations

Expanded license agreement with Shaw Resources enables the Alliance for Performance Excellence to sell subscriptions to the Scorebook Navigator™ service to associate-members and non-member organizations. - March 31, 2010 - Shaw Resources

AudioConexus Launches New Audio Tours at Dole Plantation’s Botanical Gardens

AudioConexus launches new audio tours for visitors to the newly revitalized Dole Plantation Gardens in Hawaii in English, Japanese and Korean. - March 31, 2010 - AudioConexus Inc.

Honda Motorwërks to Host Free Compressed Natural Gas Refueling Clinic

Honda Motorwërks will be hosting a compressed natural gas (CNG) refueling clinic at the dealership at 1:00 PM on Friday, April 2nd. The event is free and open to the public. Participants will learn about CNG refueling systems, and the benefits of driving a compressed natural gas vehicle. - March 31, 2010 - Honda Motorwerks

Bizcasts.com Delivers New Job Fair & Networking Experience

Bizcasts.com partnered with Peacock Marketing Group and Moquila restaurant on Thursday evening to deliver a brand new job fair and networking experience for over 150 employers and job seekers. The first of many events featured a discussion on the rollout of Bizcasts.com’s proprietary... - March 31, 2010 - Bizcasts.com

Visiting Physicians Association® Officially Opens New Office in Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi becomes the seventh Visiting Physicians Association office in the state of Texas, 30th overall in eight states. - March 31, 2010 - Visiting Physicians Association

Mathson Receives Certification in Inbound Marketing

Mark Mathson of Keenpath received his Inbound Marketing Certification from Inbound Marketing University - March 31, 2010 - Keenpath

Newproducthelp.com at the Helm of Global Marketing Efforts for Sweet Lullaby Invention

New York resident and inventor Rose H. has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader NewProductHelp.com to represent her Sweet Lullaby invention to industry over the next 2 years. A simple yet appealing new product sure to appeal to parents and their infants alike, the Sweet Lullaby... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

NewProductHelp.com Tabbed as Official Marketing Representative of Bagger Assistant Invention

Benjamin A., a Colorado-based inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader NewProductHelp.com to represent his Bagger Assistant concept to industry over the the next 2 years. A innovative and effective new product sure to resonate with all who have ever struggled bagging their... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

Steve Forbes to be Interviews by Radio Host Jobie Dixon on Voice America Business

Strategic Management Expert to Interview Forbes, Inc. CEO Steve Forbes on VoiceAmerica Business Radio Network. - March 31, 2010 - Jobie Dixon Consulting

Kids Camo Furniture at The Camo Shop, Just in Time for Spring

Just in time for spring cleaning, The Camo Shop rolls out a new line of camo furniture for both kids and adults. - March 31, 2010 - The Camo Shop

NewProductHelp.com to be at Forefront of Marketing Campaign for Finisher and Painter Helper Invention

Calvin A., an Indiana resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance firm NewProductHelp.com to represent his Finisher and Painter Helper concept to industry over the next 2 years. A simple yet effective new product sure to appeal to tradesmen everywhere, the Finisher and... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

Terry Schultz Launches Career Site

ITT Graduate Takes Job Search Online with a New Career Portfolio - March 31, 2010 - Terry Schultz

Lennar Partners with SCAD on Latest Video Contest

Homebuilder Awarding One Lucky SCAD Student a $10,000 Cash Prize - March 31, 2010 - Lennar, East Coast Division

Grateful Dead’s Song “Friend of the Devil” Turned Into Fine Art

cNoteART converted the Grateful Dead’s song, “Friend of the Devil,” into Fine Art for its top-of-the-line Museum Series, Limited Edition Framed Prints. - March 31, 2010 - cNoteART

Jason E. Havens Rated "AV" by Martindale-Hubbell and Will Chair Two American Bar Association Programs in Philadelphia This Spring

Havens & Miller, P.L.L.C., with law offices in Destin, Nashville, and New Orleans, announced today that Jason E. Havens thankfully received an "AV" ("Preeminent") rating from Martindale-Hubbell (http://www.lawyers.com), which has rated lawyers and law firms since 1868 and is... - March 31, 2010 - Havens & Miller, P.L.L.C.

Video Ad Campaign by Greg Foley to Launch for Soho Grand and Tribeca Grand Hotels, New York

With a nod to the growing power of the internet and influence of digital word of mouth, Grand Hotels NYC, the company behind New York City’s iconic Soho Grand and Tribeca Grand, are releasing a series of web-only ad videos on their websites and social media sites. The 60 second adaptation will launch on the Hotels’ Facebook and Twitter pages, alongside their renowned lifestyle website GrandLifeNYC.com. - March 31, 2010 - Grand Hotels NYC

NewProductHelp.com to be at Forefront of Marketing Effort for ECOlogger Invention

Antonio F., a Tennessee resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance firm NewProductHelp.com to represent his ECOLogger invention to industry over the next 2 years, with the ultimate goal being to secure a licensing agreement. An innovative new product designed for... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

NewProductHelp.com Enthused About Opportunity to Represent New Coughy Cup Invention

Shana D., a Virgina-based inventor, has contracted South Florida invention assistance leader NewProductHelp.com to represent her Coughy Cup concept to manufacturers worldwide. An innovative new product targeted at the millions of cigarette smokers worldwide, the Coughy Cup boasts a unique design... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

NewProductHelp.com to Spearhead Marketing Efforts for Emergency Extend-a-Slide Invention

Tamela B., a Texas resident and inventor, has contracted South Florida-based invention assistance leader NewProductHelp.com to represent her Emergency Extend-A-Slide concept to industry worldwide. A simple yet effective new product designed to make an emergency situation much safer, the Emergency... - March 31, 2010 - New Product Help, Inc.

360° Protection Announces NYC Telephone Wiring Service

360° Protection, a New York City-based data wiring and security contractor, announced this week that it will be redoubling its efforts to provide top-quality telephone wiring service to NYC clients. The company, which has made its reputation on security system installations and data wiring,... - March 31, 2010 - 360 Protection

IDX Broker's Unique Search Tools Simplify and Personalize the Online Real Estate Search for Potential Home Buyers

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to develop a sense of ease and efficiency for home seekers preforming their real estate search online. - March 31, 2010 - IDX, Inc.

Tread Softly Ink Invites You to "Homage to the Pin Up Girl"

Check out the latest collection by photographer Chris Engles. - March 31, 2010 - Tread Softly Ink

Pennsylvania Based Macrosmith, Inc. Launches New Web Site

Macrosmith, Inc., launches its new Web site to give customers an easier to use overview of their products and solutions. Macrosmith, Inc., a full service provider of document management solutions and related professional services, launched its new Web site today. Macrosmith cited their very rapid... - March 31, 2010 - Macrosmith Inc

Moodlerooms and Datatel Offer Options for Data-Driven Learning Management - Solution Supported by Moodlerooms’ Enterprise-Level Services and Expanded Hosting Options

joule, Moodlerooms’ enterprise learning management platform, can now be hosted either on an institution’s existing network or on the Moodlerooms cloud. - March 31, 2010 - Moodlerooms

Daimer®'s Steam Cleaners Combine Sanitization Systems and 50 Hz Power

KleenJet® systems offer Advanced Thermal Ionic Sanitization™ (ATIS®) sanitizing technology in a configuration for customers in non-60 Hz countries. - March 31, 2010 - Daimer Industries, Inc.

Parallels.us is About to Change Hands. VIP Enterprise Warns: Slow Investors Will Miss Out.

Bidding on Parallels.us started at $1. No reserve price applies. It looks like yet another out-of-the-ordinary VIPenterprise.com announcement for online investors. - March 31, 2010 - VIP Enterprise

Clinical Laboratory Services Market (Growth Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Competitor Profiles) Reports Now Available on BiotechMarketReports

Clinical Laboratory Services (Markets, Growth Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Competitor Profiles), provides an in-depth market overview, a total market analysis, analysis by laboratory type, and by routine and specialty testing and a review of the latest trends driving growth. Revenues and forecasts presented are for the U.S. market. Key international markets are discussed as well. - March 31, 2010 - marketsandmarkets

Founder of A2 Investment Group, Joel Assouline, to Speak at GoldenNetworking.com's Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010

Joel Assouline, A2 Investment Group, Full-Service Boutique Real Estate Company, Speaking at GoldenNetworking.com's Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010. - March 31, 2010 - Golden Networking

Ralph Deppisch, Managing Member, Luminous Ventures, at GoldenNetworking.com's Distressed Real Estate Conference

Ralph Deppisch, Managing Member, Luminous Ventures, to Review Distressed Real Estate Landscape at GoldenNetworking.com's Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010. - March 31, 2010 - Golden Networking

Navin Nagrani, Vice President at Hilco Real Estate, to Join GoldenNetworking.com's Distressed Real Estate Summit

Navin Nagrani, Vice President at Hilco Real Estate, Reviewing the Current Distressed Real Estate Landscape at GoldenNetworking.com's Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010. - March 31, 2010 - Golden Networking

Hmedicine.com Inc Introduces Dr. Reckeweg Products

Hmedicine.com, a leading supplier of homeopathic products, is offering a new poison ivy lotion to their product line. Ivy Block Lotion is the only FDA approved product that prevents poison ivy rashes from happening. - March 31, 2010 - Hmedicine.com

New Electrical Enclosures Manufacturers Directory Introduced by IndustrialSAVER Today

The international manufacturing equipment and supply e-marketplace IndustrialSAVER expands its offerings for various types of enclosures - March 31, 2010 - IndustrialLeaders.com

PioMu Launches Online Store for Non-Toxic and Eco-Friendly Toys

After becoming first time parents, two MIT alumni dedicated more than 1 year researching about toxics in toys. They saw a need to create a store where parents felt safe buying toys for their kids. - March 31, 2010 - PioMu

Jatai International Names Christie Waldrop National Education Coordinator

Jatai's Razor Cutting Education Programs Expand. - March 31, 2010 - Jatai International

ZENONIA 2: The Lost Memories Now Available on App Store

GAMEVIL(R), a leading mobile games publisher and developer, today announced that the highly anticipated sequel to its classic action role-playing game, ZENONIA(TM) 2: The Lost Memories is now available on App Store. ZENONIA 2: The Lost Memories features four distinctive classes including the new... - March 31, 2010 - GAMEVIL USA, Inc.

FaceTime Raises Security, Management, Compliance Standard for Unified Communications with Vantage Software Launch

New Software Solution Provides Controls and Archiving for Security, Management, and Compliance of Real-Time Enterprise Communications - March 31, 2010 - Actiance – (Formerly FaceTime)

Red Cedar Technology’s Design Process Selected for CDC and Gates Foundation Project

HEEDS optimization software used to design new generation of vaccine carriers to help eradicate disease. - March 31, 2010 - Red Cedar Technology

New Hire to Facilitate Client Integrations and Address Evolving Industry Needs

Daniel Farina has joined Compliance Implementation Services (CIS), a pharmaceutical compliance consulting firm, as CalcPartner and ClaimsPartner Operations Manager and Integration Lead. - March 31, 2010 - Compliance Implementation Services

Brooks Institute Presents a Student Documentary of Chile

“Revelar Los Enlaces” features the journey of student documentarians. - March 31, 2010 - Brooks Institute

Artspace to Host Community Youth Outreach Programs

Mary Poole, executive director of Artspace (www.artspacenc.org), has announced that the visual art center will hold two community outreach programs in the upcoming months. “Inside Out, Outside In,” a program addressing individuality, will take place at the Boys & Girls Club –... - March 31, 2010 - Artspace

Author of RARA Meeting Management Approach Audio-Recording on Importance of Meeting Records

Author of RARA A Meeting Wizard’s Approach, Shirley Fine Lee, releases Relevant Records podcast for keeping a history of successful meetings. These tips help businesses and teams become more successful during their meeting time. - March 31, 2010 - Shirley Fine Lee

Elaine Buxton Named 2010 Enterprising Woman of the Year

Confero, Inc. (www.conferoinc.com), a national customer experience measurement firm, has announced that Elaine Buxton, president, has been named a 2010 Enterprising Woman of the Year by Enterprising Women magazine. This award honors women business owners who have demonstrated that they have... - March 31, 2010 - Confero, Inc.

Dr. Mark Galland Releases Video Discussing Injury Prevention

Dr. Mark Galland, a physician at Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina (www.orthonc.com/galland.html), has announced the release of a video demonstrating the buddy taping method. In the video, Jen Hall, ATC/LAT at Orthopaedic Specialists of North Carolina, instructs the United Volleyball 15... - March 31, 2010 - Dr. Galland

ARISE Celebrates 24 Years of Reaching Out to At-Risk, Incarcerated Youth Through Exciting Group Life-Skills Lessons and Compelling Interactive Activities

For nearly a quarter century, ARISE has motivated troubled youth to open up about their lives and express themselves while learning the crucial life skills in the dynamic ARISE curriculum. - March 31, 2010 - ARISE Foundation

Comedian and Actor Michael Davis a Member of the Arkansas Talent DataBase is this Weeks Guest on Arkansas Talent Conversations

Michael Davis discusses the reasons behind his comedy routines and his transition into film acting. Arkansas Talent Conversations is a weekly podcast that interviews Arts and Entertainment Professionals for perspectives into today’s art, film and entertainment scene. - March 31, 2010 - Arkansas Talent DataBase

Leading Edge Multicultural Social Media Monitoring Tool Launched in the U.S.

Target Latino, experts in Hispanic marketing and off and online grassroots, has announced the launch of a Multicultural Market Intelligence Tool available in the U.S. - March 31, 2010 - Target Latino

Press Releases 253,351 - 253,400 of 343,772