District of Columbia: Washington News

Sentrana Research Provides New Way to Fill-in Data Gaps to Drive Penetration for Foodservice Distributors

Dr. Wang's talk entitled "Learning from Only Positive and Unlabeled Data Using Generalized Stochastic Model" focuses on using classification with only positive and unlabeled data and the stochastic frontier model to solve the business challenge of predicting whether a customer needs certain items that they have not purchased from a specific distributor when only data from that distributor is available. - August 21, 2012 - Sentrana, Inc.

No Grease! Inc. Offering Space to Lease to the Media

No Grease! Inc. is offering to lease space to any media outlet seeking to set up a base of operations during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) September 3-6 2012. - August 13, 2012 - No Grease! Inc

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Northern Virginia with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

Anti-Abortion Group Targets the Streets of Northern Virginia with Display of Large, Bloody Photos of Aborted Babies

"The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) will drive large box trucks bearing graphic images of first-trimester aborted babies on the public streets of Northern Virginia from Monday August 6 to Sunday August 12 in an effort to educate voters about preborn children and what abortion does to them. - August 06, 2012 - The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

Planet Technologies Awarded as 2012 Microsoft Federal Solutions Partner of the Year

Planet Technologies, the leading Microsoft consulting and services company for the federal government, announced today that they have been awarded by Microsoft the 2012 Microsoft Federal Solutions Partner of the Year. Presented by Greg Myers, vice president of Microsoft federal, at... - August 04, 2012 - Planet Technologies

Government Technology & Services Coalition Celebrates First Year with Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff & Releases Inaugural Annual Report

Government Technology & Services Coalition Celebrates First Year with Former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff & Releases Inaugural Annual Report

The Government Technology & Services Coalition (GTSC), the premier organization for small and mid-sized companies in homeland and national security today released its Inaugural Annual Report. The group celebrated their meteoric rise to over 90 member companies at their anniversary celebration... - July 26, 2012 - Government Technology & Services Coalition

Planet Technologies Awarded the 2012 Microsoft Windows Client Partner of the Year Award

Planet Technologies Awarded the 2012 Microsoft Windows Client Partner of the Year Award at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference in Toronto, Canada, July 13, 2012. - July 18, 2012 - Planet Technologies

Poll Targets New Issue in Presidential Race

Consensus Research Group analysis of July 2012 poll data points to the "government-banking complex" as the new enemy in the minds of voters in this year's presidential elections. - July 17, 2012 - Consensus Research Group Inc.

FiberLight Connects Fiber Network Core for New BYTEGRID™ Data Center

Largest Multi-tenant Data Center in Maryland Offers Optimal Network Performance While Operating Under Carrier Neutral Status - July 12, 2012 - FiberLight, LLC

Auspex Technologies Teams with Ixia to Demonstrate Agency IPv6 Transition Architecture at World IPv6 Launch Event

Auspex Technologies Teams with Ixia to Demonstrate Agency IPv6 Transition Architecture at World IPv6 Launch Event

Joint Test Event Organized to Demonstrate IPv6/IPv4 Dual-Stack Application Performance to Mark the World IPv6 Day - July 11, 2012 - Auspex Technologies, LLC

VASTEC Offers End of FY2012 Opportunity for Scanning, Digitization, and Federal Accessibility Compliance Requirements

With the end of the 2012 fiscal year fast approaching, VASTEC is making federal agencies aware of the products and services it offers to efficiently and economically address scanning, digitization, and indexing of physical and electronic documents, while making search and retrieval of that... - July 10, 2012 - VASTEC

Planet Technologies’ Jorge Diaz Recognized as a 2012 Microsoft MVP for Office 365

Planet Technologies’ Jorge Diaz Recognized as a 2012 Microsoft MVP for Office 365

Planet Technologies’ Jorge Diaz has been recognized as a 2012 Microsoft MVP for Office 365. Diaz is one of only five Office 365 MVP’s in the United States and one of 28 in the world. - July 07, 2012 - Planet Technologies

A2L Consulting Releases The BIG Litigation Interactive E-Book

A2L Consulting Releases The BIG Litigation Interactive E-Book

This free E-Book is written for litigators, in-house counsel and the litigation support staff that assist in preparing a case for trial. The BIG Litigation Interactive E-Book offers practical advice based on real-world experience by A2L Consulting that has helped generate trillions of dollars in favorable litigation victories. - June 26, 2012 - Persuadium

A Former Reagan Adviser's Free Lecture on "Supply-Side Economics" Released to the Public as a Public Service

A Former Reagan Adviser's Free Lecture on "Supply-Side Economics" Released to the Public as a Public Service

A free online lecture on “Supply-Side Economics” is being offered by Yorktown University, an accredited Denver, Colorado-based Internet university. - June 25, 2012 - Yorktown University

New Novel, Plant Teacher, Sweeps Awards

New Novel, Plant Teacher, Sweeps Awards

The new novel, Plant Teacher, by Caroline Alethia has been lauded at the International Book Awards, the Paris Book Festival and the Green Book Festival. - June 12, 2012 - Plant Teacher

SIIA Statement on Pending U.S. Supreme Court Ruling - PPACA

The United States Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling before the end of the month regarding a legal challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). When the ruling is announced there is certain to be a flurry of statements coming from stakeholder groups, political... - June 11, 2012 - Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc.

Manny and Olga's Pizza to Add 4 New Units

Manny and Olga's Pizza to Add 4 New Units

Manny and Olga's founder, Manny Athanasakis announces expansion. - June 10, 2012 - Manny & Olga's Pizza

Long® Fence Expands Ability to Provide Architectural and Specialty Metals

Long® Fence Expands Ability to Provide Architectural and Specialty Metals

Long® Fence is expanding their ability to quote, fabricate and install architectural and specialty metals for indoor and outdoor applications. These applications provide organizations with contemporary and trend-setting products to enhance the form and function of any project. Alan Jackson... - June 08, 2012 - Long Fence

15-Year Old Pays Tribute to the Late Whitney Houston at El Portal Theater in North Hollywoood

15-Year Old Pays Tribute to the Late Whitney Houston at El Portal Theater in North Hollywoood

NicKayla, former Inspiration for Excellence Talent Winner, wows the crowd as she pays tribute to the late Whitney Houston. - June 05, 2012 - Inspiration for Excellence

A2L Consulting Voted a "Best Demonstrative Evidence Provider" by the Readers of The National Journal

A2L Consulting Voted a "Best Demonstrative Evidence Provider" by the Readers of The National Journal

A2L Consulting is (again) recognized for top performance by a jury of its clients and peers. Six months ago it was the readers of Washington D.C.’s LegalTimes who voted it Best Demonstrative Evidence Provider. Now, a national audience has made its voice heard in the NLJ’s Best Of Guide voting the litigation consulting firm Best Demonstrative Evidence Provider. A2L provides trial consulting, trial technology and litigation graphics to law firms, governments and corporations around the world. - May 29, 2012 - Persuadium

Pat Hinch Resigns from National Corporate Housing

"Pat has been a highly valued employee and respected member of the corporate housing community for many years. He was invaluable in our acquisition of Equity Corporate Housing, and we thank him for his contributions to National,” said Tom Atchison, National Corporate Housing’s CEO. - May 26, 2012 - National Corporate Housing

Fors Marsh Group’s Jen Romano Bergstrom Elected President of DC-AAPOR Council

Fors Marsh Group’s Jen Romano Bergstrom Elected President of DC-AAPOR Council

Fors Marsh Group’s Jennifer Romano Bergstrom has been elected President of the 2013 Washington–Baltimore Chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Council. She will join the DC-AAPOR Council as Vice President/President-Elect for 2012 and then serve as... - May 25, 2012 - Fors Marsh Group

Balfour Beatty Construction Breaks Ground on 1700 New York Avenue, NW

Balfour Beatty Construction Breaks Ground on 1700 New York Avenue, NW

Balfour Beatty Construction was selected by Carr Properties to provide both preconstruction and construction services for the new 1700 New York Avenue, NW office building, which is located less than two blocks from the White House and directly adjacent to the world-renowned Corcoran Gallery of Art. - May 25, 2012 - Balfour Beatty Construction

Geosemble Release Integrates Social Media with the Latest Satellite Imagery

Geosemble Release Integrates Social Media with the Latest Satellite Imagery

Geosemble’s newest software release allows users to find relevant location information from social media and news and display it on the latest satellite imagery. - May 11, 2012 - Geosemble Technologies

Republican Executive Committee Member Calls for Resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

Due to an alleged violation of the national GOP's Rule # 11 (bans favoritism of one candidate while more than one candidate exists), an Executive Committee member within the GOP calls for the resignation of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. - May 07, 2012 - Jeff Bales

A2L Consulting Boosts Its Litigation Consulting Capabilities: Seasoned IP Law Specialist and Litigator Ryan H. Flax Joins as Managing Director

A2L Consulting Boosts Its Litigation Consulting Capabilities: Seasoned IP Law Specialist and Litigator Ryan H. Flax Joins as Managing Director

After A2L Consulting and patent litigator Ryan H. Flax, Esq. worked together on a case that resulted in 2011’s top patent verdict and the 6th largest patent verdict in history, Ryan seized an opportunity to do more of what he loves and become a litigation consultant. He joins A2L Consulting as the firm is reporting its best year in its 17-year history. A2L Consulting has worked with all of the nation’s top law firms on more than 10,000 cases with trillions of dollars cumulatively at stake. - May 03, 2012 - Persuadium

Cynthia de Lorenzi, Founder and CEO of Success in the City, to Join Host Chris Efessiou on “StraightUp with Chris” Radio Show

Cynthia de Lorenzi, Founder and CEO of Success in the City, to Join Host Chris Efessiou on “StraightUp with Chris” Radio Show

Cynthia de Lorenzi, Founder and CEO of Success in the City, international keynote speaker, artist, social media expert and social commentator on the status of women in the world, to appear on “StraightUp with Chris: Real Talk on Business and Parenthood™” radio show with Chris Efessiou on VoiceAmerica’s Radio Network. - May 02, 2012 - Chris Efessiou & Team Companies

"Osaka Heat" Wins Awards as eBook

Independent Publisher this week announced its annual eLit Awards, honoring Mary Claire Mahaney’s novel Osaka Heat with the Gold Medal in the Romance category and the Silver Medal in the Multicultural Fiction category. The eLit Awards are committed to illuminating and honoring the very best... - April 29, 2012 - Mary Claire Mahaney

Long® Fence Supports Wounded Warriors with Chain Link Fence Donation

Long® Fence is honored to be a sponsor of the Memorial Day Tribute to Wounded Warriors presented by Beethoven Found. Long® Fence will provide over 350 linear feet of chain link fence for the event. The donated chain link fencing will help create a temporary outfield for the Wounded Warrior... - April 25, 2012 - Long Fence

Arlington Home Featured in CNN Green Building Special

Arlington residents William and Sheila Moore’s elegant and eco-friendly home was recently featured in a CNN special report on green building features and options. The Moores’ family-owned company, Arlington Designer Homes, designed and built this one-of-a-kind green home in 2007. It features energy-efficient windows and doors, Energy Star appliances, recycled carpets, reclaimed hardwood floors, low VOC paints, an advanced insulation package, and geo-thermal heating and air conditioning. - April 25, 2012 - Arlington Designer Homes

Push Media Group, D.C Elite Baseball and Bethesda Big Train Baseball Announces Former Nationals All Star Pitcher to Headline Celebrity Baseball Camp July 16-20, 2012

Push Media Group, D.C Elite Baseball and Bethesda Big Train Baseball Announces Former Nationals All Star Pitcher to Headline Celebrity Baseball Camp July 16-20, 2012

Push Media Group announces the arrival of the Chad Cordero Celebrity Youth Baseball Camp, where former Washington National All Star pitcher will feature hands on training by the former All Star Player, in what is not your average celebrity baseball camp. - April 24, 2012 - Push Media Group

Negotiation Expert Dr. Matthew Cronin of George Mason University School of Management, to Join Host Chris Efessiou on "Straightup with Chris" Show

Negotiation Expert Dr. Matthew Cronin of George Mason University School of Management, to Join Host Chris Efessiou on "Straightup with Chris" Show

Dr. Matthew Cronin, Associate Professor of Management at George Mason University, and a negotiations expert currently authoring a textbook on the subject, to appear on the “StraightUp with Chris: Real Talk on Business and Parenthood™” radio show with Chris Efessiou on VoiceAmerica’s Radio Network. - April 19, 2012 - Chris Efessiou & Team Companies

Washington DC Charities Benefit from Proceeds of Capital Tennis Classic

Capital Tennis Association’s 19th Annual Tournament donates $20,000 to Worthy Causes - April 17, 2012 - Brandon Green Companies

SIIA Opposes California Bill Restricting Self-Insurance for Smaller Employers

SIIA Opposes California Bill Restricting Self-Insurance for Smaller Employers

The Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc. (SIIA) today announced that it will work to defeat California legislation that would effectively eliminate the ability of smaller employers to self-insure their employee healthcare plans. As amended this week, the proposed bill, SB 1431, now would... - April 14, 2012 - Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc.

From Incontinence to Not So Spicy Sex: Core Wellness & Physical Therapy Helps Pre and Postnatal Mamas Get Healthy

Mothers endure unspeakable changes to their bodies. Changes like incontinence, split abdominal muscles, less than spicy sex, pelvic pain and plenty more. The therapists at Core Wellness & Physical Therapy poses a vast array of skills and treatments to help keep your focus on the pleasures of having children. - April 03, 2012 - Core Wellness & Physical Therapy

MaleSurvivor Responds to Reports That in 1998 Sandusky Labelled "Likely Pedophile"

MaleSurvivor Responds to Reports That in 1998 Sandusky Labelled "Likely Pedophile"

MaleSurvivor Advisory Board Chairman Richard Gartner issues a statement reacting to the news that in 1998 Dr. Alycia Chambers, a psychologist who looked into allegations of abuse made against Jerry Sandusky, found his behavior "fit the profile" of a likely pedophile. - March 28, 2012 - MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization

Full Motion Video for Defense Summit

Members from the DoD and private sector will convene this April to discuss the growing demand for full motion video in intelligence operations and gain an understanding on how to overcome current challenges. - March 22, 2012 - IDGA

RPI Appoints Randy Bice as Vice President of Operations

RPI (www.rpiprint.com), a leader in make-on-demand private label personalized photo books, greeting cards and stationery products for mass and specialty retailers, is pleased to announce the appointment of Randy L. Bice as vice president of operations. Bice brings nearly 20 years of engineering and... - March 21, 2012 - RPI



SRO Expected for Second Annual DCIA-within-NAB Event - March 17, 2012 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

New Writer Picks Up Where E. Lynn Harris Left Off

New Writer Picks Up Where E. Lynn Harris Left Off

Since author Terry E. Hill’s first novel was released in January 2011, readers have been waiting anxiously for the sequel. Come Sunday Morning has since been acquired by more than 1,000 libraries in the U.S., Europe, Australia and New Zealand and has been selected as best book of the month... - March 09, 2012 - When Sunday Comes Again

Advantedge Business Centers to Open Third Location in DC Central Business District: 2101 L Street NW

Advantedge Business Centers to Open Third Location in DC Central Business District: 2101 L Street NW

AdvantEdge Business Centers, an executive suites and virtual office provider in the Washington D.C. metro area, is announcing the April 2012 opening of a brand new 25,000 square feet location at 2101 L Street NW. With flexible terms and configurations, and an on-site management team dedicated to... - March 08, 2012 - AdvantEdge Business Centers

Indiana CPA Society Collaborates with IASeminars to Offer IFRS Training

Indiana CPA Society Collaborates with IASeminars to Offer IFRS Training

The Indiana CPA Society, the only statewide professional association representing CPAs in Indiana, announces that it is collaborating with IASeminars, an independent global provider of training on International Financial Reporting Standards, to jointly offer a comprehensive range of IFRS-related... - March 08, 2012 - IASeminars Ltd

Gridlock: Why We’re in It and How to Get Out

Gridlock: Why We’re in It and How to Get Out

A new book that presents a clear explanation for why the government is becoming dysfunctional and highlights a way out of the morass. It doesn’t describe what government should or shouldn’t do – but how American governance should be modernized. Not a rehash of left or right views and ideas, it is instead a fresh examination of cause and effect that has resulted in a failing system. - March 02, 2012 - Signalman Publishing

MaleSurvivor Calls on the Boy Scouts of America to Publicly Acknowledge the Mistakes of Its Past and Commit to Establishing Clear Standards for Reporting Sexual Assault

MaleSurvivor Calls on the Boy Scouts of America to Publicly Acknowledge the Mistakes of Its Past and Commit to Establishing Clear Standards for Reporting Sexual Assault

Dr. Richard Gartner, chair of MaleSurvivor's Advisory Board and author of Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse, issued a statement responding to recent news stories that executives in the Boy Scouts of America refused to contact police after receiving allegations... - February 27, 2012 - MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization

Functional Movements Integrated Into Yoga & Pilates Classes Lead to a Long Healthy & Mobile Life. Physical Therapists Offer Insight & Direction.

Mind The Mat: Pilates & Yoga expanded into Arlington, VA in 2012. Fusion classes allow for participants to gain know how and life long knowledge that will help them prevent injuries and reap all the benefits of a diversified fitness routine. Programs are developed by two Doctors of Physical Therapy and a yoga instructor. These women truly are the movement experts. - February 26, 2012 - Core Wellness & Physical Therapy

Paleo Diet for Weight Loss, Inflammation Management and More

Core Wellness & Physical Therapy now offers "The Paleo Consult" to aid clients and patients in a lifestyle modification that benefits those looking to lose weight, manage chronic pain, autoimmune diseases and more. Located in the DC Metro Area, Core Wellness offers a full spectrum of hands on manual therapy and wellness services for those seeking a holistic approach to physical medicine. - February 23, 2012 - Core Wellness & Physical Therapy

2012 Top Black Book Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Systems Announced for Ambulatory Physician Practices

Surveyed EMR users narrowed down an elite group of systems vendors across eighteen probing key performance indicators from a field of over 600 qualified healthcare software firms. As thousands of physician practices still scramble to select and implement records systems, current adopters identify the firms that delivered on implementation success, productivity, outcomes, meaningful use achievement and crucial stimulus fund requirements. - February 21, 2012 - Brown-Wilson Group

Statement on Cardinal Edward Egan's Recent Retraction of Apology to Survivors of Sexual Assault

Reacting to Cardinal Edward Egan's recent retraction of the apology he gave to survivors of sexual abuse committed by priests in his own diocese, Mikele Rauch, a member of the MaleSurvivor Weekend of Recovery team and author of Healing the Soul After Religious Abuse issued the following... - February 16, 2012 - MaleSurvivor: National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization

TTR Sotheby’s International Realty Announces 2011 Results, Predicts Healthy Market in 2012

TTR Sotheby’s International Realty today proudly announced that its 2011 sales increased 25% over 2010. The firm projects 2012 sales well in excess of $1 billion, and the Washington DC area real estate market to be healthy and to continue to outperform most other US markets in 2012. With the... - February 08, 2012 - TTR Sotheby's International Realty

The 2012 Common Ground International Book Fest Features a Legacy of Love Campaign at Shepherd University on Saturday, March 3rd in the Harpers Ferry, WV Area

The 2012 Common Ground International Book Fest Features a Legacy of Love Campaign at Shepherd University on Saturday, March 3rd in the Harpers Ferry, WV Area

Professor Patricia H. Lee, a faculty member of West Virginia University's College of Law, who directs the Entrepreneurship Law Clinic, will be a featured speaker during the 2012 Common Ground International Book Fest scheduled for Saturday, March 3, 2012 at the Shepherd University Wellness Center. - February 03, 2012 - Harambee Conference, LLC.

Gainful Employment Regulations Matter to 360 Education Solutions

Gainful Employment Regulations Matter to 360 Education Solutions

360 Education Solutions, a popular resource for teachers looking for regionally accredited online degree programs, aims to scrutinize its university partners by how well they will rank under new "gainful employment" regulations. These regulations have been put in place to ensure college degree programs are worth the expense and effort by leading to employment or career promotion upon graduation. - February 01, 2012 - 360 Education Solutions

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