President of Intuitive Concepts is a Top Finalist for Chamber’s 2009 Business Person of the Year

Both the President, Diana Garber, and Intuitive Concepts have been nominated and awarded for hundreds of accolades since incorporating in 1998. The Business Person of the Year nomination represents their integrity and dedication to their clients. - January 16, 2010 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.

God’s Green America Honors African Leaders

God’s Green Africa, a division of God’s Green America, announced today a call for nominations for its “Change Africa, Change the World” Leadership Awards. Winners will be announced in October 2010 and championed in a book, “Change Africa, Change the World”... - January 15, 2010 - God's Green America

Alt Benefit Consultants, Inc. and Bentley Yates TPA, Inc Merge

Alt Benefit Consultants and Bentley Yates TPA bring a consolidated presence to the employee benefits compliance market - January 15, 2010 - Alt Benefits Consultants

Foodservice Consulting Firm, Clarion Group Announces Key 2010 Trends: Lean, Green and Mean

The aftershocks of the Great Recession have affected all segments of on-site food service, according to Tom Mac Dermott, president of food service consulting firm Clarion Group. “People in all income brackets have tightened up on discretionary spending, including for meals and are unlikely to... - January 15, 2010 - Clarion Group

SNS Assists Nader Group to Fully Benefit from Its Warehouse Investment

SNS, the leading provider of supply chain solutions in the Gulf and Middle-East, is proud to announce that it has completed a Warehouse Design engagement for one of Nader Group’s companies, Modern Arab Distribution Company, the leading FMCG distributor in Jordan. - January 15, 2010 - Supply Network Solutions (SNS)

Why Is Your Screen Green? Greenscroll Just Teamed Up with

Greenscroll and have decided to join forces in working together to make sure the power used to run the Internet is clean, green, and renewable. - January 14, 2010 - Greenscroll

Web Courseworks and Clark Aldrich Chosen to Develop World Anti-Doping Agency’s Play True Generation Game

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) selected the Web Courseworks (WCW) team and simulation designer Clark Aldrich to design and develop a computer-based game for young athletes to learn about anti-doping. Following an open bid for tenders, WADA awarded WCW the development project. Web Courseworks,... - January 14, 2010 - Web Courseworks

EMLab P&K and Philders Group International Inc. Form Strategic Alliance for Infectious Disease Control Initiative

Infection control training and education courses to be offered in several key cities throughout the U.S. - January 14, 2010 - EMLab P&K IAQ Laboratory

Pro Energy Consultants Helps Homeowners Understand Which Home Energy Audit is Best

Homeowners can choose from various types of home energy audits: a do-it-yourselfer, a free or low-cost one from the utility company, or one by a professional. All can offer some degree of benefits, but according to Pro Energy Consultants, the only way to truly solve a homeowner’s pain due to discomfort or high-energy bills is with a professional home energy audit. - January 13, 2010 - Pro Energy Consultants

Leading Home Energy Auditing Company Announces New Guarantee

Pro Energy Consultants’ new guarantee promises homeowners they won’t have to pay a penny if they don’t feel the company’s customized, diagnostic home energy audit will successfully evaluate their home’s performance. Based on the customer’s needs, the home energy audit will either pinpoint which improvements will be the most cost-effective for maximizing a home’s energy efficiency or verify the home is already energy efficient. - January 13, 2010 - Pro Energy Consultants

EMLab P&K's Asbestos Laboratory in Phoenix, AZ Receives NVLAP Accreditation for Asbestos Analysis

EMLab P&K's Phoenix, Arizona laboratory is NVLAP accredited for PLM bulk asbestos analysis (NVLAP Lab Code: 500031-0). - January 13, 2010 - EMLab P&K IAQ Laboratory

Gum Branch Capital Hires Leading Transportation Analyst, Andy Ahern of Ahern & Associates to Augment Search for Transportation Company Acquisition

Transportation acquisition specialist, Andy Ahern of Ahern & Associates commissioned to find viable acquisition candidates for expanding Gum Branch Capital, LLC - January 13, 2010 - Ahern and Associates

Bradley/Lambert, Inc. Gives Back to the Multiple Sclerosis Community

Bradley/Lambert, Inc. expanded their pro bono services, making significant contributions to the Southern California Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Bradley/Lambert, Inc. (BLI), an organizational performance and consulting firm, has provided custom-designed training on... - January 13, 2010 - Bradley Lambert

ForeFlight Launches ForeFlight Mobile 3 for iPhone with Weather Powered by WDT

Best-Selling Aviation Application Lets Pilots Gather Preflight Intelligence and Improve Situational Awareness Faster and Easier Than Ever Before. - January 12, 2010 - Weather Decision Technologies

Companies Can Improve Sustainability Reporting Through Their Websites

New report from AltaTerra Research finds that even leading companies can improve timeliness of information. While there is no single industry leading the way in online reporting practices, leaders across industries score high for ease of website navigation. - January 12, 2010 - AltaTerra Research

Seniors Deserve a Healthy Indoor Environment

Representatives of Advanced Purification recently attended the Ohio Assisted Living Association's Winter Conference held in Columbus, Ohio. AP introduced SanusAer®, a Green technology currently being employed by Assisted Living communities as an effective and economical process that sanitizes and disinfects residential units. - January 11, 2010 - Advanced Purification

Intuitive Concepts Receives Consumer Excellence (ACE) Award Presented by NARI of Central Ohio

The Achievement in Consumer Excellence (ACE) Award has been presented to Intuitive Concepts four years running. This award honors members of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) for exemplary products and/or service. - January 09, 2010 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.

The New Hybrid: Advertising Agency & Consulting Firm in One

Boasting a portfolio of successful strategies, Junction Creative LLC (Junction) enters the market with a new business model, that which combines a consulting firm with that of an advertising agency. - January 09, 2010 - Junction Creative Solutions

Global Sawlog Prices Jumped Almost 8% in the 3Q/09 Because of Improved Lumber Markets in the US and Europe, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly

In the 3Q/09, the Global Sawlog Price Index (GSPI) had the highest quarter-to-quarter jump in the 15-year history of the Index, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. The Index increased for the third straight quarter and reached just over US$73/m3. - January 08, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC

RSM Capital Group Strategies Help Small Businesses Close More Than 180 Government Contracts

How Small Businesses Accelerate Revenue and Business Strategy During a Recession. - January 08, 2010 - RSM Capital Group

Column5 Consulting Enhances Capability in Solution Development

Peter Bull hired as VP of Solution Development to strengthen Column5’s toolkit for support of enterprise performance management. - January 08, 2010 - Column5 Consulting

Poris and Associates, LLC Announces New Capabilities Available for Their Automotive Title/Ownership Database

Poris and Associates LLC, of Farmington Hills, Michigan, which offers mailing lists and data to Automotive Dealers, Aftermarket Warranty Companies, Insurance Companies, CRM/Direct Mail Companies, and others, is pleased to announce that they can now offer “Drive Type” as a search option, enabling marketers to directly reach clients based on type of drivetrain. They can also now provide output in a unique “Multi-Vehicle” format. - January 08, 2010 - Poris and Associates, LLC

LTS Advisors, LLC Focusing on Business Plans for Success as the Economy Recovers

In a recent development, LTS Advisors, LLC, is now gearing new and existing clients for success strategies as the U.S. economy recovers. The firm believes effective business planning will make an important difference in which companies ultimately survive the new economic normal. At the forefront of this effort will be the business plan offerings. - January 08, 2010 - LTS Advisors, LLC

Strategy Praxis™ Institute Launches Strategy Blog

The Strategy Praxis™ Institute has launched a strategy blog at where the Institute will be posting informative short articles on a variety of topics related to strategy and geared especially for entrepreneurs and business professionals. - January 07, 2010 - Strategy Praxis Institute

Ahern & Associates’ Senior Analyst, Bob Schwartz to Retire from Trucking Acquisition Industry After Seven Years of Service

Senior trucking acquisition analyst, Bob Schwartz to retire post at Ahern & Associates after seven years of facilitating dozens of successful trucking acquisitions and mergers. - January 07, 2010 - Ahern and Associates

Store Opening Solutions Provides Retailers Information on Doing More with Less

Store Opening Solutions and Koch Logistics co-sponsor the 9th Annual Best Practices Symposium. - January 07, 2010 - Store Opening Solutions LLC

Transformation Strategies Honored as Market Leader with Channel Insider's Bull’s Eye Award for Channel Support Service

Transformation Strategies Honored as Market Leader with Channel Insider's Bull’s Eye Award for Channel Support Service

Transformation Strategies, Inc. a leader in managed services consulting, training and coaching has been honored as a market leader by Channel Insider's Bull’s Eye Award for Channel Support Service. In presenting the award to Transformation Strategies, Channel Insider wrote: "...few have earned the enthusiastic support and gratitude of clients to equal that of Transformation Strategies. This makes Transformation Strategies a leader in this market..." - January 06, 2010 - Transformation Strategies, Inc.

Therapy in Transition Receives Positive Response to Website’s New Design

Therapy in Transition Receives Positive Response to Website’s New Design

Therapy in Transition (TITO) launched its newly redesigned website in beta testing on Dec. 29, 2009, and the feedback continues to be overwhelmingly positive. Visitors describe the newly designed site as “professional,” “informative,” “user-friendly” and “inspirational.” - January 06, 2010 - Therapy in Transition LLC

Andrew Laurie is the Newest Business Coach for ActionCOACH

Andrew Laurie was in the process of setting up his own business when he found out about ActionCOACH. - January 06, 2010 - ActionCOACH

EMLab P&K’s Houston, TX Laboratory Receives AIHA Accreditation for Mold Lab Analysis

EMLab P&K receives AIHA accreditation for mold analysis at its Houston, Texas mold lab. - January 06, 2010 - EMLab P&K IAQ Laboratory

Global Softwood Lumber Markets Were Mixed in the 3Q/09 - Up in China and Northern Africa, While Still Slow in the US and Japan, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly

Softwood lumber imports to China have increased by 81% in 2009. It is not inconceivable that China will import more lumber than Japan in 2009, a historical first. Canadian sawmills have been the major beneficiaries of this new fast-growing market, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. - January 05, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC

i4cp Sees Record Membership Growth in 2009

Company experiences over 120% growth in new membership last year. - January 05, 2010 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Sentrana Announces Appointment of Chief Technology Officer

Sentrana Inc. announced today the appointment of Demetrios Kotsikopoulos as Chief Technology Officer. Mr. Kotsikopoulos will oversee Sentrana’s strategic technology roadmap and the engineering of Sentrana’s suite of software products. - January 04, 2010 - Sentrana, Inc.

EcoMech LLC. Geothermal & Mechanical Contractors Hits Atlanta Metro Market

Well respected HVAC veteran finally steps into the Atlanta Metro Geothermal Market. - January 04, 2010 - Ecomech LLC.

It’s Not Too Late to Treecycle

Programs around the country are hosting Christmas tree recycling services; New York City tops the list. - January 04, 2010 - Earth911

Green Collar Association Features Apollo Alliance

Green Collar Association’s December newsletter features lead article by Apollo Alliance. - January 04, 2010 - Green Collar Association

Fully Organized Helps Clients to “Get Organized” Making Their New Year’s Resolutions a Reality

Fully Organized, South Florida’s home and business professional organizing service helps clients get ready for a happier and more productive New Year with personalized organizing systems for most every budget. - January 03, 2010 - Fully Organized - Professional Home & Office Organizing Services

Xsellence LLC. Introduces: Hybrid Consulting / Coaching That Helps Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Survive and Thrive

Hybrid consultants / coaches are a crossbreed between consultant and coach. After supplying clients with professional advice or assistance, the coach helps people in the organization bridge the gap between what is being asked of them to do; and what they have been trained to do. This Hybrid offering is a fraction of the cost of what large conventional consulting firms charge. - December 31, 2009 - Xsellence, LLC

Business Management Training Provider in Vancouver, Dynamic Achievement Releases Top 10 Resolutions Employers Should Make for 2010

The Conference Board of Canada defines employee engagement as workers feeling “mentally and emotionally connected to their jobs,” with a resulting willingness “to apply discretionary effort to help their company succeed.” However, studies show that the numbers of workers... - December 31, 2009 - Dynamic Achievement

Newly Redesigned Website Launches January 2010 with an Online Learning Environment - TLC

Newly Redesigned Website Launches January 2010 with an Online Learning Environment - TLC

Therapy in Transition (TITO) launches a newly redesigned website providing membership privileged benefits such as private discussion forums moderated by a panel of experts dedicated to supporting member’s personal and professional success and Tito’s Learning Center or TLC where individuals can enroll in online courses to broaden their skills and knowledge. - December 30, 2009 - Therapy in Transition LLC

ActionCOACH Offers Group for Business Growth

ActionCOACH of Connecticut, part of the world’s largest business coaching network, is holding a introductory meeting for their new group The Sounding Board, a small business strategies group on Monday, January 25th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the ActionCOACH offices, 1175 Post Road East in... - December 30, 2009 - ActionCOACH of CT

D and R Energy is Helping Consumers Understand the Benefits of Solar Power

Solar Power has been around millions of years, just the way we use it now is different. - December 30, 2009 - D & R Energy Services, Inc

Aviation Experts Release New Emission Trading Software for Airlines

Aviation Experts, a consulting company specialized in the aviation sector, recently developed a software solution to manage ETS activities. - December 30, 2009 - Aviation Experts

Eco-officiency, LLC. Launches Green Residential and Business Assessment Tools

eco-officiency, LLC. launched today assessment tools for sustainability professionals interested in green consulting services. The assessment tools, developed by K.J. McCorry, are intended for residential and small-medium sized business clients. - December 29, 2009 - eco-officiency, LLC

Strategy For Coaches Launches YouTube Channel

Strategy For Coaches, LLC has launched a YouTube channel at, where the organization will be posting informative videos on a topic related to strategy and of interest to professional coaches. - December 26, 2009 - Strategy For Coaches, LLC

Ed Viesturs Joins Source 44 Founding Team

America's leading high altitude mountaineer, has aligned with Source 44, a leading sustainability and carbon data provider. - December 26, 2009 - Source 44 LLC

Westport - Weston CT Chamber of Commerce Presents January Business BEFORE Hours

The Westport - Weston Chamber of Commerce presents January Business BEFORE Hours Co-Sponsored by ActionCOACH and the Westport Arts Center. The event will be held Wednesday, January 13, from 7:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., at the Westport Arts Center, 51 Riverside Avenue, Westport. Jim Malski, founder and... - December 25, 2009 - ActionCOACH of CT

BCM World Conference 2009 Great Success for Leading Business Continuity and Crisis Management Consultancy Steelhenge

Steelhenge exhibited at the first BCM World Conference and Exhibition organised by the Business Continuity Institute, and has announced that their participation was a great success - December 24, 2009 - Steelhenge Consulting Limited

Fuentek President Laura A. Schoppe Led Webinar on Protecting Commercial Value of Projects

Fuentek, LLC ( has announced that President Laura A. Schoppe led a webinar for the Conrad Foundation’s Spirit of Innovation Awards on Dec. 1. Schoppe used her experience in intellectual property and technology management to offer expert advice to high school students looking... - December 23, 2009 - Fuentek, LLC

Palantir Solutions Bolstered for Strong Growth in 2010 with Strengthened Teams in Houston, Calgary and Singapore

Palantir Solutions, which provides economic / planning consultancy and software to the oil and gas community, has announced a set of global appointments. Jason Ambrose, CEO and co-founder, Palantir Solutions commented: “As is being widely reported, oil and gas companies are tightening their... - December 23, 2009 - Palantir Solutions

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