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Within Health Care
My Yoga Online Partners with Yoga Month to Promote Wellness and Community Outreach
My Yoga Online is proud to announced its’ participation as a media partner with Yoga Month and Yoga Health Foundation. - July 12, 2008 - My Yoga Online
Call Desk Inc to Offer Live Virtual Medical Receptionists to Medical Clinics
Call Desk Inc announced that they have enhanced their services to provide HIPAA compliant virtual medical receptionists to medical clinics. Call Desk, Inc., offers virtual medical receptionists to medical clinics throughout the U.S. and Canada. For a fraction of the cost of hiring and training... - July 12, 2008 - Call Desk Inc
Grand Opening Community Acupuncture Clinic
Announcing Community Acupuncture Clinic every Monday from 9:00am-2:00pm Starting Aug. 18, 2008. - July 12, 2008 - Timeless Acupuncture, LLC
Diabetes Drugs Outperformed by Nutritional Supplement
Clinical trial shows that a nutritional supplement works far better than the eight leading diabetes drugs. - July 11, 2008 - SolaRx Health
Dr. J. Kip Matthews Honored by State Professional Association
Dr. J. Kip Matthews, a licensed psychologist in Athens, GA was recently named a Fellow in the Georgia Psychological Association, the organization’s highest honor. He is the co-founder of the Athens-based AK Counseling & Consulting, Inc., a private practice providing psychological counseling and business consulting services, as well as continuing education programs for healthcare professionals. - July 11, 2008 - AK Counseling & Consulting, Inc.
Ronco Introduces New Retail Line
Ronco announces the launch of its retail line. As a part of this line reusable and disposable gloves, garbage bags, sandwich and freezer bags, assorted cutlery, reusable shopping bags are now available in the retail market under Ronco brand name. - July 11, 2008 - RONCO
Chocolate Malt 100% Whey Gold Standard™ Has Protein-Rich Ice Cream Parlor Taste
Chocolate Malt 100% Whey Gold Standard™ adds yet another delectable flavor to an impressive list – all providing the superior quality protein nutrition that serious athletes demand. - July 11, 2008 - Optimum Nutrition
MDS Medical Software Offering Free Websites to Physicians with Purchase of EMR Software
Free website integrates with online patient portal: Enables patients to request prescription refills and appointments securely over the web. - July 11, 2008 - MDS Medical Software
Employees More Eager Than Ever to Capitalize on Virtual Work
Team Double-Click®, the nation’s largest virtual staffing agency launched a new innovative Licensed Virtual Assistant program on July 8th. This opportunity will provide individuals a viable option to build their own business, using Team Double-Click’s recognized name and solid reputation. - July 11, 2008 - Team Double-Click
Samuel Cole Salon Stylists Attend International Color Seminar in NYC
Jack Ray and Erica Lockhart, leading stylists at Samuel Cole Salon in Raleigh, recently returned from New York City where they participated in a two-day International Colors Seminar presented by Wella, one of the leading international beauty suppliers. The seminar, held at The Wella Studio in... - July 11, 2008 - Samuel Cole Salon
Universal Botanicals is Proud to Feature Benefect, the Only Green-Certified, 100% Chemical Free & Non Toxic Disinfectant That is EPA Registered
Universal Botanicals delivers Green-Certified Home & Commercial Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products that are chemical-free, biodegradable and most importantly, safe for children. Their products are approved for the chemically sensitive, immuno-compromised and those who suffer from asthma and allergies. - July 10, 2008 - Universal Botanicals, LLC
The Secret to Past Life Regression from Ferguson & Associates Hypnotherapy LLC
“Most people will focus on whether the regression was real or not. But the real secret to past lives is; how has the client’s life improved because of the regression? Have unexplained hurts been allowed to fade? Confusion and chaos replaced by peace and harmony? Our clients say yes,” states Drew Ferguson. Drew & Dawn Ferguson, Certified Hypnotists state what they have found through the clients they have regressed. - July 10, 2008 - Ferguson & Associates Hypnotherapy LLC
Amoena® USA Announces New Marketing Manager
Amoena®, the worldwide leader in post-breast surgery products announced the appointment of Malissa Magyar as Marketing Manager for Amoena USA Corporation effective July 1, 2008. - July 10, 2008 - Amoena
Yoga Month Poised to Make Statement at Democratic National Convention
Yoga Month 09.2008, a national awareness campaign to inspire a healthy and informed lifestyle, kicks off the Democratic National Convention in Denver with a nonpartisan yoga health festival and benefit concert. Yoga master Seane Corn and music sensation Justin Nozuka will headline the events. - July 10, 2008 - Yoga Health Foundation
Healthcare Support Technologies, Inc. (HST) Acquires DocOfficeRx™, the Leading Suite of Online Coding and Practice Management Tools
Healthcare Support Technologies, Inc. today announced the complete acquisition of DocOfficeRx (, a leading online resource for medical coders, billers and other healthcare organizations. - July 10, 2008 - Healthcare Support Technologies, Inc.
Efficient Image Distribution and Storage Promises to Revolutionize Health Care
Cost effective, secure medical image storage and distribution services now available from Medical Data Management. - July 10, 2008 - Medical Data Management, LLC
Dr. Thomas Young Earns Chiropractic Sports Physician Certification
Dr. Darcy Ward and Dr. Jennifer Greenfield, doctors of chiropractic at Center for Chiropractic & Wellness (, a North Raleigh chiropractic center, have announced that Dr. Thomas Young has been officially credentialed as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician... - July 10, 2008 - Center for Chiropractic & Wellness, PLLC
Healthcare Support Technologies, Inc. Launches New Version of DocOfficeRx™, the Leading Suite of Online Medical Coding and Practice Management Tools
The new and completely re-engineered Web site focuses on delivering the most efficient and easy-to-use suite of online medical coding and practice management tools available anywhere. - July 10, 2008 - Healthcare Support Technologies, Inc.
Psychological Assessment Made Simple
A new self-report psychological assessment called QPASS (Quick Psychoaffective Symptoms Scan) measures depression, anxiety, anger and related constructs in one test, quickly (10 minutes), economically ($.69 per use) and achieves multiple benefits for the health care professional and, ultimately, for the patient. - July 10, 2008 - QPASS: Quick PsychoAffective Symptoms Scan
GuardEra Access Solutions Announces MedAppz EHR Practice
GuardEra & MedAppz deliver web based electronic health records solution for physician offices. - July 09, 2008 - Guardera Access Solutions, Inc.
Nordic Walking Coming to Scandinavian Folk Festival (No Skis and No Snow Required)
Free Nordic Walking classes and lectures will be a part of the 7th Annual Scandinavian Folk Festival in Jamestown, New York. - July 09, 2008 - American Nordic Walking System
Medical Billing Software MPMsoft Announces Release of MPM Office 4.5aLIVE
As the medical industry enters yet another era of shrinking income, a medical billing software maker, MPMsoft offers a medical office software that helps practices save money, while at the same time helping them gain compliance to a growing list of state and federal regulations. - July 09, 2008 - Medical Billing Software - MPMsoft
Red Wine Drinkers Can Now ‘Wipe That Wine Off Their Smile’
Wine Wipes are an innovative new product created especially for red wine drinkers who fall victim to stain left on their teeth and smile from drinking red wine. - July 09, 2008 - Borracha, LLC
MRI Accidents Spike: Mednovus SAFESCAN(R) Ferromagnetic Detectors Respond, Improving MRI Safety
The FDA database of MRI accidents reports a 185% increase in only 3 years. Recent MRI safety recommendations, call for the use of ferromagnetic detection screening such as the new Mednovus Sentinel 2.0 walk-through portal, to be unveiled later this month at the AHRA annual meeting in Denver. - July 09, 2008 - Mednovus, Inc.
Rainbow Essence Natural Skin Care Products Winter Skin Care
Rainbow Essence convey to the public why it is necessary to use Natural Skin Care products rather than commercial products for the fight against winter dryness. - July 09, 2008 - Rainbow Essence
Girlfriends Health PLC Awarded Grant from March of Dimes
Free support group to help Brevard County pregnant women cope with depression. - July 09, 2008 - Girlfriends Health, PLC
Get the Scoop on New Rocky Road 2:1:1 Recovery™
The new Rocky Road flavor of ON’s 2:1:1 Recovery™ carbohydrate / protein sports supplement makes the road to recovering from intense cardio or anaerobic training less rocky. - July 09, 2008 - Optimum Nutrition Records 150% Sales Growth of RestoreMax Brand
In a time when real estate is contracting, gas prices are soaring, and consumer credit is at a crisis point,™ ( announced extremely positive financial news. Sales growth of RestoreMax™, the first ever penis skin care treatment, more than doubled (up 154%) in... - July 09, 2008 - Redu, Inc. (dba MensMax)
Speaking of Women’s Health Calls for Volunteers
Erika Mangrum, co-chair of Raleigh’s Speaking of Women’s Health Conference ( and president of Iatria Spa and Health Center (, has announced that the organization is seeking volunteers for the 2008 conference to be held Saturday, Sept. 27 from 8 a.m. to... - July 09, 2008 - Speaking of Women's Health
Medical Alert, Medical Alarm & Emergency Response Systems from ResponseLINK
Medical alerts & personal emergency response systems from ResponseLINK for patients, caregivers & healthcare professionals offer 24-hour emergency response. They include a waterproof medical alert pendant & a base monitoring panel and offer a host of services. - July 09, 2008 - ResponseLINK
Wellness Comes at No Cost; the Alternative Comes at a Higher Cost
Learn UTOPIA and the Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do Institute are pleased to offer women of their NJ community a free wellness workshop. The workshop will introduce women to new and simple techniques to help improve their health and well being. The workshop will be held at 1737-39 Springfield Avenue, in Maplewood, NJ for 4 Saturdays – July 19 & 26 and August 2 & 9, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. - July 09, 2008 - UTOPIA
AnaSpec Introduces New Series of PAR Peptides
AnaSpec has introduced its latest series of PAR peptides. - July 09, 2008 - AnaSpec, EGT Group
Beautorium Presents… Trilogy: Taming a Wild Rose
A rose is a rose is a rose…except when it transcends its natural simplicity. In the hands of Trilogy, the wild-grown rose elevates to become the power behind this multitasking line of advanced natural skin and hair care. The small New Zealand brand making big waves in the cosmetic world is... - July 08, 2008 - Beautorium
Antioxidant Green Tea Goes High Tech
As featured in Harper’s Bazaar, Pure Inventions Green Tea Extracts is proud to announce they are going high tech with their all new RBM. TV media channel, Hollywood celebrities, fitness trainers and esteemed diet experts have included green tea in their diet and fitness... - July 08, 2008 - Pure Inventions, LLC
Homeopathy Medicine Website Wins Prestigious Award:'s Alternative Health Education Content Recognized as Best in Field
Natural Health Journal Editor's Choice Award given to for outstanding content and information in the field of Homeopathy and Alternative Medicines. - July 08, 2008 - Sanjib Sarkar
The New Face of Me by {Me}zhgan Cosmetics Has Been Revealed
The cosmetic line was developed by Mezhgan, one of Hollywood's most sought after makeup artists and the launch of the line has received so much attention they decided to reveal the new {me} The new website radiates the spirit and philosophy of {me}... show your face, not your... - July 07, 2008 - me by mezhgan cosmetics
VelaShape™ Cellulite Treatment Now Available in the Lehigh Valley
Thomas E. Young, M.D. of Young Medical Spa is proud to announce the addition of VelaShape™ to his comprehensive menu of aesthetic procedures. - July 05, 2008 - Young Medical Spa®
KLAS Rates 7 Speech Recognition Systems
KLAS spoke with more than 300 healthcare professionals to investigate both front-end and back-end speech recognition vendors. Beyond features and functionality, differing client satisfaction stemmed from the way the vendor interacts with the client via the sales force, support infrastructure, and executive team. - July 05, 2008 - KLAS
Dean Dornic Chosen as One of Top Ophthalmolgists
Dean Dornic, MD of Raleigh, North Carolina has recently been named as one America's Top Ophthalmologists by the Consumers' Research Council of America. The Consumers' Research Council, headquartered in Washington, DC is an independent research company that evaluates professional services throughout... - July 04, 2008 - Dr Dean Dornic
White Sands Creates ER Fusion to Restore Dry, Damaged Hair
Rejuvenate strands with an intense conditioning treatment. - July 04, 2008 - White Sands
1in3Trinity and Central South Distribution Inks Exclusive Distribution Agreement
1in3Trinity, a Faith-inspired company of lifestyle products, with Central South Distribution (CSD) also known as Infinity Music Distribution, announced today they have entered into an exclusive distribution Agreement giving CSD the exclusive rights for distribution to all Christian Booksellers... - July 04, 2008 - 1in3Trinity LLC
New Anti-Keratin Antibodies Introduced by AnaSpec
AnaSpec has introduced two keratin antibodies that recognize both the intact and caspase digested N-terminal of K18 and K19 at Asp237. These antibodies are useful tools for studying keratin dynamics in mice undergoing hepatocyte apoptosis, patients with cirrhosis, and also in apoptotic cells of... - July 04, 2008 - AnaSpec, EGT Group
Good News: Weather Not a Factor for FruitFast Prices and Supplies
Fruit Freezes but Company Holds Fast on Pricing. The Midwest's recent adverse weather conditions may lead to a 30% drop in the red tart cherry crop this year, but FruitFast, America's exclusive producer of whole-fruit softgel capsules has announced that prices of their tart cherry products will not be affected. - July 04, 2008 - Fruit Fast
Studies Show Hope for Reversing Trend in People with Type 2 Diabetes
Number of People with Diabetes Increases to 24 Million according to new 2007 prevalence data estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Studies show hope for reversing trend in people with T2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome using carbohydrate restricted diet. - July 03, 2008 - Nutrition & Metabolism Society
Katherine (Kit) Anderson Elected President of National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization
The National Study Group On Chronic Disorganization is pleased to announce that Katherine D. (Kit) Anderson, CPO-CDâ, owner of Anderson Organizing Systems, has been elected president of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD). NSGCD is a non-profit organization whose... - July 03, 2008 - National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization
Cenegenics South Carolina Facility Recognized for Outstanding Design
Cenegenics South Carolina, the Charleston-based medical institute dedicated to improving its patients’ quality of life, was recently recognized for quality of another kind. The facility’s interior, designed by LS3P Image Studio of Charleston, recently garnered major awards from two of... - July 03, 2008 - Cenegenics
New Team Double-Click® Licensed Virtual Assistant Program Will Allow Virtual Assistants to Earn Additional Income
Team Double-Click®, the nation’s largest virtual staffing agency is launching a new innovative Licensed Virtual Assistant program. This opportunity will provide individuals a viable option to build their own business, using Team Double-Click’s recognized name and solid reputation. - July 03, 2008 - Team Double-Click
SSIMED’S EMRge Receives 2007 Conditional CCHIT Certification
The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT®) today announced that SSIMED’s product EMRge Version 7 is pre-market, conditionally CCHIT Certified®, and meets the Commission’s ambulatory electronic health record (EHR) criteria for 2007. Pre-market,... - July 03, 2008 - SSIMED, LLC
EPAM Chairman and CEO Arkadiy Dobkin Named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2008 Award Winner in New Jersey
Award recognizes entrepreneurial excellence in Information Technology Consulting category. - July 03, 2008 - EPAM Systems
The Next Generation of Modular CleanRooms
The British company; Clean Modules Ltd specialises in the construction of bespoke modular cleanrooms and as a result, no two cleanrooms are the same. This diversity has allowed Clean Modules Ltd to continuously develop their modular cleanroom concept and after several years of building modular cleanrooms, Clean Modules Ltd has now developed the next generation of modular cleanrooms. - July 03, 2008 - Clean Modules Ltd.