Free Blood Pressure Training: Case Studies with Patient Simulator

MedEdu, LLC ( has expanded its online blood pressure training materials by adding a collection of 10 case studies. These cases include both hypertension and hypotension conditions in adults. Access to these materials is free. - September 29, 2011 - MedEdu, LLC

Secure Patient Portal Technology Proves Successful for Award-Winning Virginia Women’s Center

Richmond, Virginia’s independent women’s health practice and 2009 recipient of the Davies Award, Virginia Women’s Center, continues to prove its commitment to technology through an online portal that allows for better patient care, faster test reporting and improved patient experience. - September 29, 2011 - Virginia Women's Center

River Parishes Hospital Goes Mobile with iTriage App

Patients have immediate, on-the-go access to symptoms, diseases and facility information with mobile healthcare app. - September 29, 2011 - iTriage, LLC

Adina's Angels Land at Gotham Comedy Club

When Paula Berkowitz's husband, son and daughter died within a four-month period, she determined to make something good come out of it. She founded The Adina's Angels Fund at Friends of Karen to help families who have a child with a life-threatening illness. On Oct. 26, 2011, improv empress Marion Grodin hosts an array of all-pro comics at Gotham Comedy Club to benefit The Adina's Angels Fund at Friends of Karen -- a side-splitting evening for a heart-warming cause. - September 29, 2011 - Friends of Karen

Dr. William Howland Predicts Fall Allergy Season for Austin, Texas

Mold allergies should worsen, while ragweed and pigweed lessen, says Austin allergist Dr. William Howland. - September 29, 2011 - Dr. William Howland

Education Campaign Launched to Enhance Patient Care

APIC and AHE partner on “Clean Spaces, Healthy Patients” initiative. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) and the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) are partnering to strengthen the relationship between infection prevention (IP) and environmental services (EVS) to improve patient outcomes and reduce infections. - September 29, 2011 - AHE

TTC Survey Reports on Latin American Physicians’ Attitudes Toward Clinical Trials

Medical Innovation is ranked a Top Motivator for Participating in Clinical Trials by Investigators from Latin America and the US - September 29, 2011 - TTC LLC

Metropolitan Marriage and Family Therapy Creates Exciting One-Day Retreat (11/12/11) and/or Two-Day Retreat to Help Couples Become More Connected and Reignite Love

This program was developed with cutting edge concepts and clinical technologies to assist partners to create and enjoy the relationship they want. This workshop assists all kinds of couples to understand what is going on in their relationship, with themselves and each other, and who want to get out of their slump and enjoy being in a relationship with their partner. - September 28, 2011 - Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC

AHE and Kimberly-Clark Professional* Launch “The Heart of Healthcare” Campaign to Honor the Environmental Services Department

The Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE), of the American Hospital Association (AHA), today announced that it has partnered with Kimberly-Clark Professional* to launch “The Heart of Healthcare”: a new, educational campaign designed to recognize and elevate the critical role... - September 28, 2011 - AHE

Bay Area Hair Restoration Surgeon Participates as a Presenter at the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISHRS

Sara Wasserbauer, M.D. presented her research on using an image-guided robotic system to harvest follicular hair units. - September 28, 2011 - Sara Wasserbauer, M.D.

DesiDieter is Joining the Global Campaign to Spread Awareness Regarding Heart Health and Lifestyle Modifications

In lieu of World Heart Day on 29th September, 2011; DesiDieter acknowledges the importance of Heart Health: Care Begins at Home. - September 28, 2011 - DesiDieter

Web Doctor Launch Health Insurance Comparison Site in Response to NHS Crisis

Web Doctor launches a Health Insurance Comparison Website in response to public concern about the treatment capacity of the NHS and the postcode lottery for receiving treatment and drugs. - September 28, 2011 - Insured Health Ltd

Laser Spine Institute Health Information Manager Named to Erwin Technical Center Advisory Board

Mary Mayer Supports Local Vocational-Technical College’s Medical Coding and Billing Program. - September 28, 2011 - Laser Spine Institute

New Jersey Bariatric Center Surgeons Perform the First Robotic Gastric Bypass Surgery in New Jersey

New Jersey Bariatric Center surgeons Dr. Ajay Goyal and Dr. Glenn Forrester became the first practice in New Jersey to offer robotic-assisted bariatric surgery, after performing the state’s first gastric bypass using the daVinci Surgical System at Trinitas Regional Medical Center. The... - September 28, 2011 - New Jersey Bariatric Center

Home Care Assistance Announces New Book: The Handbook of Live-In Care

Written specifically for the growing number of family caregivers, The Handbook of Live-In Care provides practical, how-to guidance on caring for an elderly loved one. - September 28, 2011 - Home Care Assistance

William Howland MD Offers Fall Forecast for Allergies in Austin

Dry summer creates the perfect storm of respiratory problems for Austin allergy sufferers - September 28, 2011 - William Howland MD

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Now Offers Certification for Coaches in Fastest Rising Global Fitness Trend

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Now Offers Certification for Coaches in Fastest Rising Global Fitness Trend

The sport of MMA is enjoying unsurpassed success. Its irrationally passionate fans now include young and old and men and women. This unusual sports phenomenon has quickly given rise to fitness fanatics wanting to have the bodies and power of their favorite fighters. - September 27, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Dr. Nancy Donaldson, CALNOC Chairperson and Senior Scientist, Receives the 2011 Excellence in Leadership Award from Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis

Dr. Nancy Donaldson, CALNOC Chairperson and Senior Scientist, Receives the 2011 Excellence in Leadership Award from Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis

CALNOC (Collaborative Alliance for Nursing Outcomes), the leading provider of actionable information and research on nurse sensitive quality indicators, today announced that Dr. Nancy Donaldson, DNSc, RN, FAAN has been awarded the 2011 Excellence in Leadership Award from the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis. Dr. Donaldson is Chairperson and Chief Scientist for CALNOC and is an internationally recognized leader in nursing quality measurement and clinical patient safety. - September 27, 2011 - CALNOC

NESTA Personal Trainer Certification Develops Successful, Accredited Personal Trainers

NESTA Personal Trainer Certification Develops Successful, Accredited Personal Trainers

A simultaneous industry demand for higher standards and business skills for personal fitness trainers has created a shift in the fitness industry. The National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association is determined to be the association and the certification that can do it all. - September 27, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Health IT Expert, Diptesh Patel, to Share Innovative Technology to Improve Health Care at the Fifth Annual Health 2.0 Conference will assist patients with a terminal illness to create legacy material (messages, photos, videos) that patients can share with friends or loved ones on a Future date. ZarpZ launches their website at Health 2.0 in San Francisco today. - September 27, 2011 - ZarpZ

HealthSaaS Expands Strategic Alliance with BioSign Technologies to Include the Cloud Dx Solution and Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurements

HealthSaaS Expands Strategic Alliance with BioSign Technologies to Include the Cloud Dx Solution and Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurements

HealthSaaS, Inc. has announced an expansion of their strategic alliance with BioSign Technologies Inc. (TSXV: BIO). Today’s announcement adds the Cloud Dx solution and non-invasive blood glucose measurements to the HealthSaaS Connected Outcomes Framework®. Frank Ille, CEO, HealthSaaS... - September 26, 2011 - HealthSaaS, Inc

Horizons for the Blind Hosts Open House

Horizons for the Blind, a not-for-profit organization, recently relocated its headquarters to a new facility at 125 Erick St., A103, in Crystal Lake. To celebrate this move, Horizons is hosting an Open House and Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce Mixer on Oct. 18 from 2-7 p.m. Scheduled activities... - September 26, 2011 - Horizons for the Blind

O Books Releases Book on a New Version of the Law of Attraction

O Books, John Hunt Publishing, releases this month, a book by Andrea Mathews, entitled The Law Of Attraction: The Soul's Answer To Why It Isn't Working And How It Can, in which Mathews explains that we need to entirely revise our understanding of the Law of Attraction, known to millions all over the world as the way to attract positive outcomes by thinking positive thoughts. The book is endorsed by Caroline Myss, Dr. Larry Dossey, Jonathan Ellerby, Ivan Rados and Michael Mirdad. - September 25, 2011 - Andrea Mathews, LPC, LLC

Chilton Medical Center Goes Mobile with iTriage

Clanton residents have convenient, on-the-go access to healthcare information with iTriage smartphone app. - September 25, 2011 - iTriage, LLC

Laser Spine Institute Opens Oklahoma City Ambulatory Surgery Center

Leader in Endoscopic Spine Surgery Expands Office-Based Surgery Center to Meet Patient Demands - September 25, 2011 - Laser Spine Institute

Satori World Medical’s Chief Medical Officer to Discuss the Opportunities and Challenges in Conducting International Business

Satori World Medical, a leader in medical travel, will be participating in a round table of companies that are doing international business hosted by The Daily Transcript, San Diego’s #1 source for daily business news, data and information. Satori World Medical’s Chief Medical Officer,... - September 24, 2011 - Satori World Medical

Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Celebrates 5 Years in Charlotte by Offering Free Skin Cancer Screenings

Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology dermatologists will offer free skin cancer screenings at community centers, retirement homes and local businesses through October 20, 2011. - September 24, 2011 - Piedmont Plastic Surgery and Dermatology

South Nassau Communities Hospital Earns Awards for Quality Stroke Care

To earn the award, South Nassau achieved at least 12 consecutive months of 85% or higher adherence to all Stroke Performance Achievement indicators and at least 12 consecutive months of 75% or higher compliance with 5 of 9 Stroke Quality Measures. - September 24, 2011 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

Free Health Seminar "Feel Better, Function Better, Live Longer" on Sept. 24

A free health seminar “Secrets on How to Feel Better, Function Better and Live Longer” will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011 at the American Hotel, 18-20 East Main Street in Freehold from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Featured speaker Dr. James Proodian, a health & wellness expert, will address seven life-changing health areas and outline simple strategies for living a wellness lifestyle. - September 24, 2011 - Proodian Healthcare

Paul Logan, CRNP, President of Logan Solutions, Was Interviewed for an Article in Today's Technology Review

Paul Logan, CRNP, President of Logan Solutions, was interviewed for an article titled "Technology Listens as Doctors Keep Talking: How Speech Recognition Software is Changing So Doctors Don't Have To" in the September 22 issue of Technology Review. The article discusses the value of... - September 23, 2011 - Logan Solutions

Benchmark Recovery Center Joins NARR in Support of Residential Recovery Housing

Benchmark Recovery Center is proud to support the accreditation standards of The National Association of Recovery Residences. NARR will announce their accreditation standards on September 25, at the 2011 National Conference on Addiction Disorders In San Diego, California. Benchmark Recovery Center... - September 23, 2011 - Benchmark Recovery Center

"Removing the Mask" Domestic Violence Awareness Gala Opens Its Doors in Atlanta for a Worthy Cause

October 29th 2011 Masquerade Event Aims to Empower, Raise Funds and Awareness in Georgia - September 23, 2011 - Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

Laser Spine Institute Named to Inc. 5000 List for the Second Consecutive Year

Leader in Endoscopic Spine Surgery Again Named One of Nation’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies - September 23, 2011 - Laser Spine Institute

Annual Tradition - Drive Thru Flu Shots

Snoqualmie Valley residents ready to get drive thru flu shots on October 1st. - September 23, 2011 - Snoqualmie Valley Hospital District

Satori World Medical’s Global Transgender Program™ Provides Access for Patients Seeking Affordable Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Satori World Medical's Global Transgender Program™ provides individuals access to a high quality network of international hospitals and highly trained gender reassignment surgeons, at significant cost savings of up to 30-50% on surgical procedures compared with the U.S. The hospitals in... - September 23, 2011 - Satori World Medical

Beauregard Memorial Hospital Goes Mobile with Smartphone App

Patients have on-the-go access to symptoms, diseases and facility information with iTriage. - September 23, 2011 - iTriage, LLC

Dakota Dental Clinic Provides Dental Benefit Program for Seniors

As a cost effective alternative to dental insurance, Dakota Dental Family Dentistry is offering seniors a dental benefit program providing extensive preventative dental services along with additional benefits for one low annual fee. - September 23, 2011 - Dakota Dental

CareSouth Homecare Professionals Names Bryant Stamps Regional Vice President of Business Development

CareSouth Homecare Professionals Names Bryant Stamps Regional Vice President of Business Development

Bryant Stamps has been named Regional Vice President of Business Development for CareSouth Homecare Professionals' Georgia and Alabama locations. - September 22, 2011 - CareSouth Health System, Inc.

Alliance Hand and Physical Therapy Opens Its Newest Clinic in Wayne, New Jersey

With a team of fully trained, vastly experienced and certified staff, Alliance Hand and Physical Therapy’s Wayne clinic specializes in dynamic physical therapy, occupational therapy, hand therapy, wellness programs and massage services -- all to help patients, and others, maximize their full potential toward living the healthiest lifestyle possible. In addition, this coming October, Alliance HPT Wayne clinic will open its Aquatic Therapy and Wellness Center featuring its state-of-the-art Pool. - September 22, 2011 - Alliance Hand and Physical Therapy

YES! deLIVERs HOPE and Awareness for People Living with Liver Tumors at Debbie Durkin’s ECO Emmys

The ECO Emmys Provide Perfect Setting to Share YES! We Can Beat Liver Tumors - September 22, 2011 - Say YES to Hope

"The Scott, Bel-Air" Joins "The Scott, Hawaii" Recently Featured in Newsweek Magazine as One of the Top 15 Addiction Treatment Centers

“The Scott, Bel-Air” joins “The Scott, Hawaii” Recently Featured in Newsweek Magazine as one of the Top 15 Addiction Treatment Centers in the U.S., with plans currently Underway for 2012 Launch of “The Scott, Europe.” - September 22, 2011 - The Scott Luxury Treatment Center

Universal One Healing - New Site for Online Spiritual Healing

Universal One Healing, a newly launched spiritual healing site bringing you an online spiritual healing community, where spiritual healers and practitioners tell the eternal top secrets of spiritual healing, natural healing and energy healing. - September 22, 2011 - Universal One Healing

Satori World Medical’s Commitment to Excellence Begins with Its Quality Assurance Program™

Satori’s Quality Assurance Program™ Includes Medical Quality Advisory Board, an Industry-First - September 22, 2011 - Satori World Medical

Quality Transcription Services Selects MD-IT to Provide Narrative Note EMR to Growing Client Base

MD-IT announces the recent addition of Quality Transcription Services of Kalispell, Montana to its MTSO (Medical Transcription Service Organization) Associate program, enabling their customer base to transition to the industry’s only narrative note EMR. - September 22, 2011 - MD-IT

Bayshore Home Health Has Its Eye on Seniors’ Health with the Launch of Monthly E-Newsletter

Today, Bayshore Home Health officially launched the first edition of its new monthly e-newsletter, Eye on Health. The newsletter is designed to support families and informal caregivers in caring for their elderly loved ones. Each month, Eye on Health will feature a new theme related to... - September 22, 2011 - Bayshore Home Health

Chiropractic Clinic in Houston Teams Up with SEO Company to Develop New Online Marketing Campaign

Clear Lake Chiropractic has hired Prospect Genius, an Online Advertising Company, to promote their business on the web. - September 22, 2011 - Clear Lake Chiropractic

Personal Trainers Turn to Technology to Reach Clients During Tough Economic Times

Personal Trainers Turn to Technology to Reach Clients During Tough Economic Times

A growing reliance on social media, and other web 2.0 marketing avenues have fitness professionals scrambling for answers when flyers and business cards just aren’t working any more. - September 21, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

NY Orthodontist Extends Invisalign Promotion for NYC Area Residents Through the End of the Year

NY Orthodontist Extends Invisalign Promotion for NYC Area Residents Through the End of the Year

Park Dental Care of Astoria, New York, offers patients in the metro NYC area Invisalign braces at deeply discounted prices through December 31st 2011. - September 21, 2011 - 718Dentist - Park Dental Care

HRC Fertility Launches "Gender Baby" – a Complete, Educational Resource to Assist Couples in Choosing the Sex of Their Baby

The advent of PGD technology and genetic screening allows couples to choose the gender of their baby. - September 21, 2011 - HRC Fertility

SalesForce4Hire’s Kevin Schimelfenig to Serve on AdvaMed Annual Conference Panel

Custom Sales Solution Executive to Discuss Critical Funding Issues for Emerging Medical Device Companies - September 21, 2011 - SalesForce4Hire

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