Olympian and Leading MMA Conditioning Coach Martin Rooney Joins the Faculty of the MMA Conditioning Association

Olympian and Leading MMA Conditioning Coach Martin Rooney Joins the Faculty of the MMA Conditioning Association

The Mixed Martial Arts industry gets another feather in its cap with the creation of the MMA Conditioning Association and standardization of strength and conditioning protocol for its athletes. - January 11, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Anger Management Guru Says That Emotional Intelligence is an Alternative to Couples Counseling

Due to the increasing demand for the Emotional Intelligence/Anger Management intervention amongst couples, Anderson & Anderson is now offering its groundbreaking Emotional Intelligence training program to those who provide couples counseling. - January 11, 2010 - Anderson & Anderson, APC

Sandra Ingerman Talks About How to Thrive in Changing Times on Why Shamanism Now? on January 27

Teacher, author, and founder of The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks to guest Sandra Ingerman about her new book “How To Thrive in Changing Times”; they discuss how listeners can learn a new way of being in the world and what practices are needed to support that change. - January 10, 2010 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Comfort Keepers® Ranked One of the Nation's Top Senior Care Franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine

Comfort Keepers was just ranked one of the nation’s top senior care franchises in Entrepreneur Magazine’s January 2010 top franchise list, known as Franchise 500®. - January 10, 2010 - Comfort Keepers

Barbara’s Friends 15th Anniversary Celebration Set for Jan. 31

Barbara’s Friends, the Southwest Florida Children’s Hospital Cancer Fund, will celebrate a special milestone this month – its 15th anniversary - with an event on Jan. 31, 2010 from 12 noon – 3:30 p.m. at the Miromar Design Center, 10800 Corkscrew Road, Estero, Fla. Founded... - January 10, 2010 - Lee Memorial Health System

Naples Invitational Art Fest Brings Area Residents, Artists Together to Benefit Eden Autism Services Florida

Some of the nation’s finest artists will descend on Naples’ Fleishmann Park for the 13th annual Naples Invitational Art Fest to be held on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 30 and 31 at Fleischmann Park, 1200 Fleischmann Blvd., Naples. - January 10, 2010 - Eden Autism Services Florida

Lee Memorial Health System Well Informed Lecture to Discuss Breast Cancer Prevention, Treatment

As the second leading cause of death in women, breast cancer is a disease that has touched nearly every American’s life, either through a personal diagnosis or that of a loved one. That’s why Lee Memorial Health System is hosting a panel lecture and question and answer session devoted to breast cancer on Jan. 13 as part of its Well Informed lecture series. - January 10, 2010 - Lee Memorial Health System

Lee Memorial Health System Launches Bariatric Program Web Site

Lee Memorial Health System’s bariatric, or weight loss surgery, program, has launched a new Web site putting information on procedures and services available at prospective patients’ fingertips. The new site, www.leememorial.org/bariatricsurgery, outlines all aspects of the Fort Myers... - January 10, 2010 - Lee Memorial Health System

Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala Visits Min-Sheng Hospital

Guatemalan Representative in Taiwan calls on Min-Sheng Hospital. - January 10, 2010 - Min-Sheng Hospital

China Ping an Trust & Investments Co. Visit Min-Sheng Hospital

A leading Finance and Insurance Group from China visits Min-Sheng Hospital on a fact-finding tour of Taiwan. - January 10, 2010 - Min-Sheng Hospital

National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association Offers Fitness Career Diversity and Support in a Down Economy

National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association Offers Fitness Career Diversity and Support in a Down Economy

Personal trainers and fitness professionals find that breaking out of the norm is the fastest path to fitness career success - January 09, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Adaptive Clinical Research is Expanding Opportunities in Personalized Medicine: CED Invites Health Decisions to Discuss

Health Decisions CEO Dr. Michael Rosenberg will forecast the future of molecular testing at the CED 2010 Biotech Conference - January 09, 2010 - Health Decisions

“Shamanism and Autism” on “Why Shamanism Now?” Radio Show with Shaman Christina Pratt on January 13

On her radio show "Why Shamanism Now? A Practical Path to Authenticity,” teacher, author, and founder of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks about “The Horse Boy,” a book and movie about a family seeking healing for their child’s autism as well as Pratt’s own experience working with autistic children. - January 09, 2010 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Launched to Answer the Call for a More Structured Strength and Conditioning Protocol for Fighters

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Launched to Answer the Call for a More Structured Strength and Conditioning Protocol for Fighters

The MMA Conditioning Association adds the science to the knockout and the tap out. - January 08, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Researchers Develop First Successful Hair Cloning Technique - A Major Advancement in Hair Restoration

Gary Hitzig, M.D., a New York hair transplant surgeon and researcher and Jerry Cooley, M.D., a Charlotte dermatologist and researcher, are the first medical doctors to successfully develop a hair cloning technique using an FDA-cleared wound healing powder. - January 08, 2010 - Gary Hitzig, M.D.

Professor Barrios Presents Progress in Bispectral Index (BIS) Monitoring to Min-Sheng’s Department of Anesthesiology

Min-Sheng Hospital invites leading Guatemalan anesthesiologist to share his experience with medical staff. - January 08, 2010 - Min-Sheng Hospital

S. Mark Taper Grants $250,000 to Partners in Care for Construction of the S. Mark Taper Health Innovation Center, Expansion of Evidence-Based Health Education Program

Partners in Care Foundation announces the receipt of a grant award totaling $250,000 over two years from the S. Mark Taper Foundation. The funds will support the construction and naming of the S. Mark Taper Health Innovation Center on the Partners in Care site at 732 Mott Street, San Fernando,... - January 07, 2010 - Partners in Care Foundation

Air Ambulance Card & Rhode Island Dental Association Offer Members Protection

Rhode Island Dental Association offers members discounted Air Ambulance Card memberships. Air Ambulance Card transports sick and injured members home to hospital of their choice. Memberships give domestic and international travelers peace of mind and financial protection - January 07, 2010 - Air Ambulance Card, LLC

Two Long-Established Independent IRBs Discussing Merger

Two Independent Review Boards, responsible for the review of human subject research are discussing a merger to utilize their combined 46 years of experience to create a new Limited Liability Corporation. - January 07, 2010 - Ethical and Independent Review Services

New Hampshire Thermoformed Plastic Packaging Supplier Streamlines Operating Room Procedure with More Reliable Medical Device Packaging

Janco Incorporated has introduced new methods to more effectively provide thermoformed plastic packaging for medical instruments and delicate devices. Their manufacturing process, centered on knowledge of operating room procedure is poised to streamline medical procedures and provide greater levels of efficiency. - January 07, 2010 - Janco Incorporated

Brine Group Staffing Solutions Welcomes Jenn Hillner as Business Development Manager for the Technology Staffing Division

Brine Group specializes in the search and placement of professionals in the Healthcare and Information/Software Technology employment markets at the staff, supervisory, management, partnership and principal levels. - January 07, 2010 - Brine Group Staffing Solutions

Dutch Weight Loss Surgery Patient Comes Back to Min-Sheng to Show Off His New Figure

Six months after undergoing weight loss surgery at Min-Sheng Hospital in Taiwan, a Dutch patient comes back sixty kilos lighter and a changed man. - January 07, 2010 - Min-Sheng Hospital

New Training Science from the MMA Conditioning Association Leads to Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Having Super Human Ability

New Training Science from the MMA Conditioning Association Leads to Mixed Martial Arts Fighters Having Super Human Ability

MMA Conditioning Coach Certification Course developed to make the world's most elite athletes even more powerful. - January 06, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Therapy in Transition Receives Positive Response to Website’s New Design

Therapy in Transition Receives Positive Response to Website’s New Design

Therapy in Transition (TITO) launched its newly redesigned website in beta testing on Dec. 29, 2009, and the feedback continues to be overwhelmingly positive. Visitors describe the newly designed site as “professional,” “informative,” “user-friendly” and “inspirational.” - January 06, 2010 - Therapy in Transition LLC

Elite Sports Physical Therapy Introduces Another Fremont 1st

Elite Sports Physical Therapy Introduces Fremont's 1st Certified Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapist. - January 06, 2010 - Elite Sports Physical Therapy

Comedy Night at The Wellness Community Features Karen Rontowski January 11

A free Comedy Night for people affected by cancer with featured performer Karen Rontowski will be held Monday, January 11, 7:00-8:00 p.m. at The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura, 530 Hampshire Road, Westlake Village. The monthly Comedy Night series is made possible by funds raised at the Stand Up... - January 06, 2010 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

National MS Society’s 1st Annual Dinner of Champions Inland Empire to Honor Local Businesswoman René Webb

René Webb, owner of eleven McDonald’s franchise locations in the Inland Empire, will be honored at the 1st annual Dinner of Champions Inland Empire, sponsored by and benefiting the Southern California Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The gala event will take place on... - January 06, 2010 - National MS Society, Southern California Chapter

Florida Cosmetic Surgeon Now Offering Flexible Payment Options through CareCredit

Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics partners with healthcare finance organization to provide flexible payment options to patients. - January 06, 2010 - Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics

Orange County Chiropractor Gives Away Big Screen TV

Orange County Chiropractic and Wellness Center offers Great Incentives to get healthy. - January 05, 2010 - Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center Inc.

Spiritual and Alternative Healing's Holistic Directory Gives Practitioners a Place to Build Clientele

After a year of site development, Spiritual and Alternative's Holistic Directory is open for practitioners who want to drive traffic to their sites, grow clientele, and gain more exposure. With limited areas for holistic practitioners to share their services and market themselves, the Holistic Directory will make this possible. - January 05, 2010 - Spiritual and Alternative Healing

Living Pain Free Without Expensive Medical Procedures

Promoting healthy living and alternative treatments for those living with pain. - January 04, 2010 - Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center Inc.

Team Fitness America Extends Final 2009 Sale to January 15, 2010

Team Fitness America Extends Final 2009 Sale to January 15, 2010

Throughout most of 2009, Team Fitness America reduced their rates and offered unparalleled in home personal trainer specials, but the sale is nearly coming to an end while they plan for more in depth services throughout 2010. - January 02, 2010 - Team Fitness America

Fitness Trend Prediction by MMA Conditioning Association for 2010; It’s Not Your Mother’s Workout

Fitness Trend Prediction by MMA Conditioning Association for 2010; It’s Not Your Mother’s Workout

Mixed martial arts workouts predicted to be the emerging fitness trend in the New Year - January 02, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Medicare RAC Audit by Profast Billing Helps Providers Identify Errors in Compliance

Profast Billing Solutions announced the launch of a new service for physicians, home health agencies, hospitals and durable medical equipment providers in preparation for the upcoming RAC audit. - January 02, 2010 - Profast Billing Solutions

Fitness Professionals Now Have Career Option in the World if Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Fitness Professionals Now Have Career Option in the World if Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) launches a new division to address the need for structured strength and conditioning for the rapidly growing sport of mixed martial arts. - January 01, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Get an Opportunity to Have a Thriving Career as a Personal Fitness Trainer

U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Get an Opportunity to Have a Thriving Career as a Personal Fitness Trainer

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) gains GI Bill approval for its Personal Fitness Trainer Certification. - January 01, 2010 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Free 1 Hour Massage for New Patients

Become a new patient and receive a free 1 hour massage - January 01, 2010 - Wellness & Better Health Chiropractic P.A.

Mixed Martial Arts Industry Prepares for a Quantum Leap in 2010 - the MMA Conditioning Association Provides Safety, Science and Financial Security

Mixed Martial Arts Industry Prepares for a Quantum Leap in 2010 - the MMA Conditioning Association Provides Safety, Science and Financial Security

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association opens new Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning division to address the needs of the fastest growing sport int he world. - December 31, 2009 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Leah Koenig, Parent Coach, Offers One Hour of Free Parent Coaching

Leah Koenig, Parent Coach in Bellevue Washington, is offering one hour of free parent coaching to help parents learn how helpful the program can be. - December 31, 2009 - Bellevue Family Counseling

JobJobHealth.com is an Exceptional Health-Care Job Search Engine with More Features Than a Job Board

Career Management Source's newest job search engine, http://www.jobjobhealth.com/ presents job seekers with the most comprehensive and current employment information on the health-care and medical job market. - December 31, 2009 - Career Management Source

Newly Redesigned Website Launches January 2010 with an Online Learning Environment - TLC

Newly Redesigned Website Launches January 2010 with an Online Learning Environment - TLC

Therapy in Transition (TITO) launches a newly redesigned website providing membership privileged benefits such as private discussion forums moderated by a panel of experts dedicated to supporting member’s personal and professional success and Tito’s Learning Center or TLC where individuals can enroll in online courses to broaden their skills and knowledge. - December 30, 2009 - Therapy in Transition LLC

YogaSolve™ Therapeutics Stress Management Seminar at Yoga Yoga

Yoga-based program educates participants on health impacts of stress and how to manage stress. - December 30, 2009 - Yoga Yoga

Energy Works Healing: Offering Holistic Treatments for a Healthier Life

Energy Works Healing is a brand new Holistic Center located in in Solana Beach, CA. They offer professional Holistic Treatments to bring wellness and balance to people's Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. The main services offered at energy works Healing are: Reiki Energy Healing Classes & Treatments, Fear, Guilt & Anger Release Therapy, The Chakra System Class & Chakra Balancing Treatment, Feng Shui Consultation Intuitive Consultations. - December 30, 2009 - Energy Works Healing

New Laser Vision Correction and Eye Care Facility in Clarksville, TN - Dr. Robert Selkin

Selkin Laser Center is proud to announce the upcoming opening of a new state of the art laser vision correction and eye care facility in Clarksville, Tennessee. The new center will feature state of the art lasers to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, as well as high degrees of astigmatism. - December 30, 2009 - Selkin Laser Center

South Nassau's President & CEO Named Chair of HANYS Board of Trustees

South Nassau Communities Hospital President and CEO Joseph A. Quagliata has been named Chairman of the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) Board of Trustees for a one-year term that begins January 1. “Joe Quagliata’s leadership, acumen, and experience will be vital to the... - December 30, 2009 - Mount Sinai South Nassau

RestorativeYoga Brings Their First Workshop on the 'Rising of the Phoenix' to Edinburgh UK

Restorative Yoga expert and international teacher, Elizabeth Henshall, is running an Introduction to Restorative Yoga in Edinburgh on February 13th 2010. This workshop is part of the ‘Fifty, Fit and Fabulous’ series of workshops for women who want to ensure that they feel and look as fabulous as they can be. - December 28, 2009 - Restorative Yoga

CHIC - Cure Her In Couture - Fashion Show at Ames

CHIC premiere event to raise funding for ovarian cancer awareness and research - December 27, 2009 - Ovations for the Cure of Ovarian Cancer

Edwin Ishoo MD FACS Offers JuvaSculpt Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

Edwin Ishoo of Edwin Ishoo MD FACS, a board-certified surgeon specializing in facial and body esthetic contouring, is pleased to announce the availability of JuvaSculpt, a mini facelift procedure in his Massachusetts-based office, located at One Brookline Place in Brookline. The technologically... - December 26, 2009 - Edwin Ishoo MD FACS

Marsha Scarbrough Talks About the Power of Dance on Why Shamanism Now? Radio Show on January 6

Teacher, author, and founder of The Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing Christina Pratt talks with guest Marsha Scarbrough, author of “Medicine Dance,” about the healing power of dance on both the personal and global levels. - December 24, 2009 - Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing

"The Ultimate Mindbody Detox" 7-Day Retreat at Chiva-Som International Health Resort

The MindBody Detox Retreat will be running from 5 to 11 February, 2010 and from 12 to 18 February, 2010. This retreat provides the unique opportunity to discover and heal the mental and emotional causes of your physical conditions and life stresses. - December 24, 2009 - Chiva-Som International Health Resort

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