Recent Headlines
Lynnda Rakos Finding Success with Art and MTV
Artists from the L.A. area, including Lynnda Rakos, were selected to include their artwork in the set decoration of MTV’s The Real World, Hollywood, which aired on the MTV channel from April to July of 2008. - September 21, 2008 - Lynnda Rakos
New Kindle E-Book, "The Path Into Darkness" by Stephen Coursen, Now Available
Stephen Coursen's "The Path Into Darkness" is now available for the Kindle e-book reader through - September 21, 2008 - Stephen Coursen
IndieFlix “Bridge to Everywhere” Deal Delivers Much Needed Distribution Help to Indie Filmmakers
IndieFlix Inc. is proud to announce that they will be distributing their users content through several third party outlets. The third parties include ITunes, Joost, Hulu, Amazon VOD, Netflix and VUDU. - September 19, 2008 - IndieFlix Inc.
Announcing DeeDee Bigelow's Latest Casting in Upcoming Films
DeeDee Bigelow is an up and coming actress. DeeDee Bigelow has been in episodes of Shark, My Name is Earl and CSI:NY. She was interviewed on on The Mortalvampire on Sunday evening and she had the chat room and the callers in stitches. She is an only child and when asked if she... - September 19, 2008 - DeeDee Bigelow
DeeDee Bigelow Announces Two New Scripts Currently Being Written
Actress DeeDee Bigelow Just Keeps on DeeDee continues to stay busy. It seems that she is very busy writing not one but two scripts; the first one is called The Perfect Serial Killer which will be filmed in 2009 for release in 2010; the second is called Montgomery Road which is to be filmed in 2010... - September 19, 2008 - DeeDee Bigelow
Shadowrage and Striketrue: Annihilation of the Lich Has Been Released
Chicago author Jeffrey M. Smith has partnered with online publisher to release the second book in his trilogy called, Shadowrage and Striketrue: Annihilation of the Lich. This book was created when high demand was experienced regarding the success of his first book, Shadowrage and... - September 19, 2008 - Jeffrey M Smith
Disney's Toy Story Mania with Physical Challenges: Riding with Health Issues
Toy Story Mania has just opened this summer to rave reviews, but should everyone ride it? A new article has just been released on that goes into detail about the physical feel of the attraction, and describes who should consider avoiding this ride. It also shares tips for riding with greater comfort. The article was written by Stephen Ashley, author of Walt Disney World with Disabilities. - September 18, 2008 - Stephen Ashley
Jazz Vocalist Russ Lorenson Debuts at Rrazz Room with "Standard Time"
Jazz vocalist Russ Lorenson makes his debut at San Francisco’s swankiest venue with a brand-new show, "Standard Time," for one performance only, October 12 at 7:00pm, at The Rrazz Room at the Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA, 94102. Tickets are $30 per person, plus 2-beverage minimum, available online at or by phone at (866) 468-3399. - September 18, 2008 - RL Productions
Alretha Thomas, Author of Daughter Denied, Shares Troubled Past with Brighter Future
Women at Homeless Shelter Form Special Bond with "Daughter Denied" Author Alretha Thomas. - September 18, 2008 - Alretha Thomas
Tomorrows Bad Seeds Set to Open for UB40
Tomorrows Bad Seeds reggae influence is immediately recognizable, punctuated by inspired hints of rock, punk, soul and hip-hop. It’s a fusion that is energetic, vibrant, and irresistible, a combination that is only heightened by experiencing it live. Tomorrows Bad Seeds is interrupting their Back To School Tour to return to their home state of California for a special appearance at the Canyon Club in Agoua Hills. They will be opening for the legendary band, UB40. - September 17, 2008 - Tomorrows Bad Seeds
Cake Decorators Embrace New Mystery Novel
Sylvia Weinstock and Kerry Vincent show interest in cozy mystery centered around the world of a cake decorator. - September 17, 2008 - Gayle Trent
Belmont Baptist Church Present God’s Big Backyard Extravaganza
Belmont Baptist Church presents God’s Big Backyard Extravaganza. A large array of food, singers, Author Signing, and much more fun for the kids will be at Belmont Baptist’s for a multi-media event at Belmont Baptist Church in Los Angeles California on September 27, from 10-5 pm. - September 16, 2008 - MG
New Book Released by Infinity Films on "Techniques of the Film Masters"
A new book entitled "Techniques of the Film Masters" (ISBN: 978-1-4357-4347-2) has been released by Infinity Films of Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Film enthusiast and author Adrian Robbe gives student filmmakers a unique look at the personality, vision of cinema, directing style, and creative artistic elements in film of several famous film directors including Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, M. Night Shyamalan, as well as Orson Welles. - September 16, 2008 - Adrian Robbe
NAMW Hosts First Ever Telesummit Especially for Memoir Writers - Expert Led Workshop Scheduled for October 23, 2008
The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) is hosting the first ever telesummit on memoir writing October 23, 2008. The free event features expert speakers sharing the tools and knowledge memoir writers need to become published authors. - September 15, 2008 - Linda Joy Myers
New Advertising Opportunity to Reach Baby Boomers Online
The rise of the more mature entrepreneur is one of the top trends influencing the small business market today. Marketing consultant Andrea J. Stenberg is now accepting banner advertising on website and blog. - September 14, 2008 - Andrea J. Stenberg, author of The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur
Cold Calling College Offers Help for Business Owners and Sales Professionals
The economy is in a downturn. Business owners, sales professionals and entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their heads above water. Business risk failure, people are losing jobs and sometimes their homes. It’s a dark time in the nation’s economy. To help the struggling business owner,... - September 13, 2008 - Wendy Weiss
The Enemy Between My Legs: Breaking the Silence of Child Molestation at eta Chicago's Creative Arts Foundation
Speaker, sexual abuse advocate, and author of The Enemy Between My Legs, Stephanie L. Jones, will share her story of enduring and overcoming years of child molestation. She will provide healing tips for victims and prevention tips for parents and caretakers. - September 13, 2008 - Stephanie L. Jones, LLC
Warren Farrell Launches Redesigned Site for His Book Why Men Are the Way They Are now delivers rich media, dozens of resources and excerpts from the groundbreaking book. - September 13, 2008 - Warren Farrell - Why Men Are the Way They Are
Hollywood’s Ruby Theatre is Home to World Premiere of Corporate-Themed Play "Arroz Con Pollo"
ROI Theatrical & Stan/SHRM Theatre Productions is presenting 'Arroz con Pollo,' the new play by Edward Hernandez; Directed by Mary Jo DuPrey at the Ruby Theatre @ The Complex, Hollywood, CA, December 4-21, 2008. This is the world premiere of the play that focuses on corporate decision making during economic downturn, and the unintended effects on people. - September 12, 2008 - Edward H. Hernandez, Ph.D
New Book Questions Future of the Funnies in a World Without Newspapers
After a worldwide energy and economic crisis, newspapers have ceased production and nearly every form of art and entertainment is a digital simulation. Setting his tale in this seemingly impossible (but plausible) future, Canadian cartoonist & multimedia designer Mike Cope tickles the heart and... - September 12, 2008 - Mike Cope - COPETOONS.COM
Walter Judson Moore Publishes Second Guide in the Bicycle Your France Series
Florida author, bicyclist and traveler Walter Judson Moore announces the release of the second in a series of comprehensive guides to bicycling in France. Bicycle Your France: Secret Burgundy contains details on 16 new and original loops. The guide makes clear what to expect at every turn from travel to and arrival in Paris, to buying groceries at a supermarché. - September 12, 2008 - Walter Judson Moore
Special Offer “Sweetens Deal” for Bold NH Biz Owners Determined to Boost Revenue, Improve Lifestyle in 2009
Hoping to drastically increase revenues in 2009? Interested in learning ways to work less while enjoying a more profitable business? NH-based biz owners Lani & Allen Voivod, aka the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies, Inc., are doing everything they can to encourage fellow NH professionals to join them at the three-day "Online Success Blueprint Workshop" in Los Angeles, hosted by online marketing and success guru Alexandria Brown. - September 11, 2008 - Epiphanies, Inc.
An Ambassador Comes to Visit Stories for Children Magazine
The SFC magazine offices were abuzz with excitement when they realized an Ambassador—who was such an important part of world history—would be coming to their humble Stories for Children Magazine as a Mystery Featured Guest in the September 2008 issue. Managing Editor Gayle... - September 10, 2008 - Stories for Children Magazine
Ken Brown and Tawana Williams Ask "Are You Ready to Successfully Change Your Life and Raise One Million Dollars for Detroit's Ronald McDonald?"
Ken Brown and Tawana Williams are living testimonies to the fact that one can achieve and dream or reach any goal despite his or her humble beginnings or so-called disabilities if only she or he would refuse to lose and use whatever gifts or abilities one has to achieve more than anyone ever expected. - September 08, 2008 - Ken Brown International
Controversial Dating Manual Being Re-Released as an E-Book
Book that teaches men how to get sex from women is back on the market. - September 08, 2008 - Tariq Nasheed
New Mystery Series Enters the World of Cake Decorating
In Gayle Trent’s latest mystery Murder Takes the Cake (ISBN: 978-0-9802453-6-3, available October 1, 2008), when the meanest gossip in Brea Ridge dies mysteriously, suspicions turn to cake decorator Daphne Martin. But all Daphne did was deliver a spice cake with cream cheese frosting--and... - September 08, 2008 - Gayle Trent
Creativity is a Teachable, Learnable Skill. Artist, Author and Educator Dorothy Fagan Gives a Demonstration Illustrating the Essential Components of the Creative Process.
Using her landscape paintings, 30 pristine coastal marshes along the Chesapeake, Fagan shows how the earth plays a critical role in the creative process. The paintings featured in her exhibition at Wide River Gallery and in her ground-breaking new book, "The Suncatcher," illustrate her poem, "If I am the Earth" and demonstrate the process. Demonstration: Sat., Sept. 13, 11:00 am Wide River Gallery, 215-A Wash. St., Colonial Beach, VA. - September 08, 2008 - Dorothy Fagan, Inc
Jacksonville, Florida Rock Band, Blistur, Will Compete for Their Chance to Play Planet Fest in November
Blistur, a rock band from Jacksonville, Florida, has the opportunity to compete for a slot to perform at Planet Fest, Jacksonville's largest concert of the year. - September 08, 2008 - Blistur
Have Yourself a "Scary Little Christmas;" Solo Pianist Captures the "Spirit" of the Holidays
The holidays generally are regarded as a time to dream of sugar plums and sparkling tinsel, but Bay Area pianist Kris Knight likes her holiday celebrations to have a bit more bite to them. So, tossing a gothic twist into the usual Christmas mix, she wrote a variety of musical arrangements that may... - September 08, 2008 - Kris Knight
Bill Ragan, M.S. Announced That Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization Now Has Own Myspace Page
Bill Ragan, M.S. announced today that Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization (ISBN-10:1435702212 / ISBN-13: 9781435702219) now has an official Myspace page at Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization, by Bill Ragan, M.S. is an investigation into the history,... - September 08, 2008 - Bill Ragan, M.S.
New Book Released by Infinity Films for Student Filmmakers
A new book entitled "Metamorphosis of Hollywood Filmmaking" (ISBN: 978-1-4357-3290-2) has been released by Infinity Films of Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Film enthusiast and author Adrian Robbe gives student filmmakers a unique look at how film style and movie production modes developed from one stage to the next in the life history of the Hollywood motion picture industry. - September 08, 2008 - Adrian Robbe
Teen Rap Phenom, Young Jinsu, Breaks Through to New Heights in the Industry
The next Teen King of Hip Hop is set to Release His Singles on iTunes on September 9th and Album Release on November 18th. - September 07, 2008 - Four Kings Productions
Original "Go Girl" Jimmie Reign Featured in People Style Watch Magazine; Preps "Different Person" Single Release
Singer/Songwriter Jimmie Reign has been featured in People Style Watch Magazine’s September issue, which can be found on newsstands across the nation. Her new single "Different Person" will be released this month as well. - September 06, 2008 - MPRINT MUSIC
Carmelite Science-Fiction Thriller
Author Lynden Rodriguez has written a science-fiction thriller entitled Drumwall. This is Ms. Rodriguez’s first novel about a mining colony on the planet Cumaro, beginning with the arrival of a new parish priest. Father Andrew Zamora discovers that his predecessor may have met a terrible... - September 06, 2008 - Lynden Rodriguez, OCDS
Author Philip Spires to Present a Book Signing in La Marina, Ondara, Denia, Spain
On 20 September 2008 Philip Spires will present a book signing of his two African novels, published by Libros International, Mission and A Fool's Knot. The event is hosted by Bookworld Espana in the La Marina Shooping Centre, Ondara, Denia. Philip Spires will be featured at midday. Other authors... - September 06, 2008 - Philip Spires
New Book by Marja Bergen, A Firm Place to Stand, Dispels the Lingering Stigma Towards Mental Illness Still Present in the Church
In her sincere and candid style Marja Bergen reflects on her 42 years with bipolar disorder, showing how faith in God can help a person with a serious illness turn weakness into strength. This is a must-read for Christians who struggle with mental health challenges and the faith communities who minister to them. - September 05, 2008 - Marja Bergen
Pound or Euro? New Book Seeks to Clarify the Issues Involved, Both Economic and Political, for the Layman as Well as the Professional. Written by an Economist.
One day the British public may be asked to vote in a referendum on whether or not Britain should adopt the Euro; but it is unlikely that ' the man in the street ' fully understands the subject. In this book, 'The Single European Currency', an economist tries to clarify the issues involved, both economic and political. Its final pages focus on political reflections which could be of vital relevance to Britain's long-term future. - September 05, 2008 - William I. Wickham, Publisher
Miami-Dade County Sister Cities Program Selects Miami Artist George Rodez
The 6th Annual Sister Cities Art Exhibit has unanimously selected George Rodez's entry, “Entering Through the Window to Your Soul,” as the poster Celebrating the Art of Its Sister Cities catalog. - September 05, 2008 - George Rodez
What Are People Sick of? Well, Author Survon Narcisse Thinks He Knows, and He's Letting Readers Know Exactly What He's Sick of in His New Book Titled "I'm Sick of It!"
Introducing the book "I'm SICK OF IT," for people fed up with taxes, politics, fast Food lines and being broke. - September 05, 2008 - Survon Narcisse
Former Naval Officer Adapts Spiritual Principles to Teaching in Los Angeles
It's Really Hard to Love You When You Spit on my Floor! A Guide to Teaching with Spirit. New Book Shows Teachers How to Apply Spiritual Principles to the Classroom. - September 05, 2008 - John M. Bjorge
Vampire Romance Fans Can Now Sink Their Teeth Into "Dark Hunger" by Sara Reinke
Fans of vampire romance books can now sink their teeth into Book 2 in The Brethren Series by Sara Reinke, as "Dark Hunger," the sequel to last year's popular "Dark Thirst" hits bookstores shelves nationwide on September 2. - September 05, 2008 - Sara Reinke
Campus Portraits Of Yale
Campus Portraits Of Yale is a new Full Color art book packed with eye popping paintings by Glen River. - September 05, 2008 - Glen River
Aircraft Technical Book Company and Bill Ragan, M.S. Pair Up to Distribute Lag: a Look at Circadian Desynchronization
Aircraft Technical Company and Bill Ragan, M.S. recently paired up to distribute Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization (ISBN-10:1435702212 / ISBN-13: 9781435702219) in print and secure eBook form. By making Lag: A Look at Circadian Desynchronization available in download form, you can be... - September 05, 2008 - Bill Ragan, M.S.
Author Lee Aaron Wilson Releases Third Killdeere Book
Treble Heart Books releases the third book by Western romantic historical fiction author Lee Aaron Wilson. - September 04, 2008 - Lee Aaron Wilson
Eco-Friendly Artists Unite for
Earth's Journey has finally launched and is now on its own journey. - September 04, 2008 - earths-journey
"Ready To Die" Principal Photography Commences in Los Angeles
Ready To Die press release - September 04, 2008 - O27 Entertainment
Rick Rush Joins Art of Competition Sports Exhibit
Sports artist Rick Rush is joining the Art of Competition sports exhibit at the Center for Cultural Arts in Gadsden, Alabama. Four original paintings will be on display. - September 03, 2008 - Rick Rush
"Graphic Excerpt" is Unique Promo for Romance Book
Romance author Diana Laurence has collaborated with artist CC Rogers to create a graphic-novel style excerpt to promote Laurence's work. - September 02, 2008 - Diana Laurence
New Author Publishes First Poetry Collection on War, Politics, History, Society
Description of poetry collection, author and publisher - September 01, 2008 - E. O. Kean
River View Players Opening Kickoff Event Featuring Poet, DuEwa Frazier of Lit Noire Publishing
The River View Players will present an evening of performing arts, the beginning of a weekly community arts presentation. Featured artists include actors, poets, playwrights and filmmakers presenting their current works. - September 01, 2008 - DuEwa Frazier