Shut up and Sell - CMS Solutions Teams Up with Bob Ramsey Seminars for Table Talk

Guests learned how to build stronger and more cooperative relationships with their customers and prospects during the March CMS Solutions Table Talk with Bob Ramsey Seminars. - May 04, 2011 - CMS Solutions

You’ve Got Mail! But do You Care? - CMS Solutions Teams Up with Tom Ruwitch for Table Talk

Guests will learn to drive lead generation and customer engagement during this networking opportunity. Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 11:30am to 1pm, lunch included. - May 04, 2011 - CMS Solutions

Digital Marketing Agency Ingenex Hired for PPC Services for Law Firm Clark Hill

Digital Agency, Ingenex, will develop a Google AdWords campaign designed to increase leads for national law firm, Clark Hill. - May 04, 2011 - Ingenex Digital Marketing

DFW AMA Presents Improving Client Communications with Rosa's Cafes Kent Dean

The Dallas Fort Worth American Marketing Association presents “Improving Client Communications or I think you’re a freak!” with Kent Dean, Director of Marketing for Rosa’s Cafes on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 11:15 a.m. at the Reata in Fort Worth, TX. Marketing professionals can expect to laugh and learn something that they can apply immediately from this entertaining presentation. - May 03, 2011 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

New Website Helps People Start a Handwriting Service Home Business

The New Website,, Promotes Handwriting as a Home Business by Providing Resources, and Advice to Work at Home Moms. - April 30, 2011 - Kairos Venture Group, LLC Publishing Series

Miratel Solutions Expands CSR Business Strategies with Launch of Fully Accessible Website

Miratel Solutions implements Disability Community Involvement strategy through a partnership with eSSENTIAL Accessibility™. This new venture is part of Miratel’s latest step in proving its commitment to the disability community by helping individuals who have difficulty typing, moving a mouse, or reading a webpage gain online access with ease. - April 29, 2011 - Miratel Solutions

Ingenex Digital Marketing to Manage Google Adwords Campaigns for Select Advertisers

Digital marketing agency, Ingenex was chosen by to manage Google AdWords campaigns for select advertisers as part of an enhanced Internet advertising option with - April 29, 2011 - Ingenex Digital Marketing

New Local Mobile Marketing in Albuquerque, NM Added Bad Ass Brewery to the Mobile Marketing Arena

Clients are provided with custom SMS text message marketing campaigns utilizing a common short code and keywords to deliver personal, immediate and actionable content to a target audience that has opted to receive messages. - April 28, 2011 - Local Mobile Marketing

New Jersey Marketing Consultant Focuses on Property Lead Generation

Veteran NJ Marketing and Lead Generation Consultant, Chris Consorte, announced this week that his firm Integrated Direct will focus entirely on Property Lead Generation for the remainder of 2011. Chief Marketing Consultant, Chris Consorte said, “We’ve been generating Property Leads, or... - April 27, 2011 - Integrated Direct LLC

PostcardMania Wins 2011 AccuZIP Best Video Contest

Clearwater firm gets three-year software subscription for free - April 25, 2011 - PostcardMania, Inc.

Miami Advertising Group is Marketing to the Masses

Miami Advertising Group is marketing to the masses thru their "Loyalty Card Promotions" again this summer. By situating themselves throughout the neighborhood, within businesses and at wholesale stores, they are once again driving customers to baseball stadiums, restaurants, and golf... - April 22, 2011 - Miami Advertising Group

Integrated Direct Launches – Source for Real Estate Investor Leads

Integrated Direct, a leader in lead generation marketing, announced today their launch of – a NJ real estate leads website. Integrated has always focused on lead generation for service industries since their start in 2000. Focusing on the real estate sector, and providing... - April 22, 2011 - Integrated Direct LLC

Send4Less Research Shows That Direct Approach to Marketing Still Reaps Rewards for Charities

As the rise in the business use of Twitter and Linkedin continues, statistics analysing the effectiveness of marketing techniques and released by Send4Less® show that companies can risk putting the popularity of social networking before profit if they neglect more traditional and proven means... - April 21, 2011 - Send Marketing Solutions Ltd

Imperial Sugar CEO Shares Tips on Reputation Management at DFW AMA Executive Lunch

The Dallas Fort Worth American Marketing Association presents Imperial Sugar CEO and President John Sheptor as the keynote speaker for the association’s Dallas Executive Luncheon on Wednesday, May 18, 2011. - April 21, 2011 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

Leading Consumer Goods Marketing and Sales Company Launches New Media Marketing Division

BPI Brand Marketing, Inc. and Cote, LLC partner to form the first fusion marketing venture in the business. - April 20, 2011 - Cote, LLC

ABG Print Increases Production Speed by 40 Percent with New Technology

New York City’s leading 24 hour printing company adds new high speed bindery equipment to meet same day turn around times even faster. - April 20, 2011 - Advanced Business Group, Inc.

Tri-Win Digital Print & Direct Mail is Increasing Its Capacity, Accuracy, and Efficiency Through the Use of Pitney Bowes FlowMaster®

Tri-Win Digital Print & Direct Mail is Increasing Its Capacity, Accuracy, and Efficiency Through the Use of Pitney Bowes FlowMaster®

Tri-Win's acquisition of new Pitney Bowes FlowMaster® technology increased the efficiency of their inserting process and effectively doubled the amount of mail that they can process. It’s Tri-Win’s commitment to technology, service and efficiency that allows them to continue to lead the Dallas direct mail industry. - April 16, 2011 - Tri-Win Digital Print & Mail Services

Charter Stanley Group Go for Listing

Listing goal of May 2012 is realistic. - April 15, 2011 - Charter Stanley Group

Atlanta Creative Communication Group Adds Video Solutions to Their Services

“1, 2, 3, shoot!” has a whole new meaning to the folks at Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS). - April 15, 2011 - Rock Paper Scissors LLC

RPM Direct Unveils New Brand Image and Website

RPM Direct, a full-service provider of turnkey database marketing services for the insurance industry, has reenergized its brand identity to reflect its continued growth and highlight the company’s expanded service offerings. RPM Direct’s new anchor line “Insurance Marketing... - April 15, 2011 - RPM Direct LLC

Grand Opening of My Lead Farm

This company has leveraged the use of technology to replace old outdated data acquisition techniques. Most marketing data companies will manually comb through the data by making phone calls and checking it against websites like, when My Lead Farm actually uses sites like this to obtain the information so there is no need to cross reference any other source. - April 14, 2011 - My Lead Farm

G&A Marketing Announces New Distribution of VehSmart Product

State-of-the-art telematic device offers dealers profit and customers safety. - April 14, 2011 - G&A Marketing

Media Design Group's Patrick Romagnano Named Semi-Finalist for Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® Award

Media Design Group Managing Partner Patrick Romagnano has been named a semi-finalist for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award® in Greater Los Angeles. The annual award honors successful, innovative entrepreneurs at the forefront of their field and is considered the world’s... - April 13, 2011 - Media Design Group

Cheap TV Spots Announces 5 Tips for Finding the Right TV Producer for Your Next Television Commercial

Cheap TV Spots Announces 5 Tips for Finding the Right TV Producer for Your Next Television Commercial

How can you tell if a TV producer is capable of making a quality, compelling commercial for your business? Award-winning affordable TV ad agency Cheap TV Spots announces five advertising tips for SMBs and entrepreneurs. - April 11, 2011 - Academy Leader, Inc.

Philadelphia Marketing Firm Launches Integrated and Optimized Marketing Services

Sagefrog Marketing Group Introduces the Sagefrog Integrated Marketing Program - April 09, 2011 - Sagefrog Marketing Group LLC

ABG Print Works with Japanese Company to Implement Environmentally Sustainable Strategy

New York City’s Leading 24 Hour Printing Company Adds Konica Minolta Digital Press to Increase Productivity and Environmental Sustainability. - April 09, 2011 - Advanced Business Group, Inc.

North Carolina Company Launches  Do-It-Yourself Mobile Website Design Service

North Carolina Company Launches Do-It-Yourself Mobile Website Design Service

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mobile website design services are now available at The company provides services exclusively for the design and development of mobile websites and applications. Businesses looking to create their own mobile website that is optimized for viewing across all web-enabled mobile device platforms such as iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Symbian and Windows Mobile now have the ability to do so without having to rely on web design and development firms. - April 07, 2011 - Mobile Toad

Lexington Charities, Consumers and Merchants Benefit from a New Way of Doing Business

A new Lexington company is now doing their part in helping the local economy by bringing businesses, consumers and charities together with a unique business idea. - April 06, 2011 - Petes Deals

USPS Honors PostcardMania with Creative Business Solutions Award

Clearwater, Florida Marketer wins prestigious award for Southwest Area. - April 06, 2011 - PostcardMania, Inc.

Marketing Firm Shows Heart; Saves Breasts

PostcardMania hosts internal bake sale benefiting the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Walk for Life team. - April 06, 2011 - PostcardMania, Inc. Interviewed About SMS Marketing Conversions from Facebook and Twitter

Recently, Justin Rockwell, CEO of Text Board spoke to Search Engine Journal about SMS marketing success stories. "My favorite success with SMS was the Red Cross text-to-donate campaign that was run after the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The Red Cross raised $7 million in less than one week strictly through text messages." - April 05, 2011 - Text Board

Very Important Relationships, Inc. Unveils its New Multiple Integrated Systems Technology ("MIST")

MIST architecture allows the integration of multiple websites, web services, and access to different secured online systems and social communities under one roof, creating a unified, seamless experience for the end user. - April 05, 2011 - Very Important Relationships, Inc.

DFW AMA Kicks Off Spring Membership Campaign with Meet-N-Greet and Orientation

Learn more about the benefits of being a member during a special membership orientation on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 5 p.m. at Cretiaʼs in Dallas, TX. The orientation will be immediately followed by the associationʼs April Meet-n-Greet. - April 05, 2011 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

The Loyalty Effect - CMS Solutions Teams up with Jeff Pawlow of the Growth Partnership for Table Talk

Guests Will Learn How to Keep Their Best Customers Coming Back. - April 03, 2011 - CMS Solutions

Next Generation of Global Advertisers Meets The Miller Group

Through its international internship program, The Miller Group has been successful in imparting to students a global understanding of the industry – a valuable asset to today’s emerging leaders. The students were particularly interested in the skills required to land one of the agency’s competitive internships, which draw on a pool of applicants from Europe to East Asia. - April 01, 2011 - The Miller Group

Adboss Launches World's First Planning and Buying Platform for Advertisers

Adboss launches revolutionary tender platform that enables you to set your advertising needs and invite relevant media brands to vigorously compete for your business. It then provides you with the tools to easily identify best value and conveniently buy online with confidence. - March 29, 2011 - Adboss

The Power of Loyalty at DFW American Marketing Association Luncheon

The DFW American Marketing Association presents, “Designing a Loyalty Program for Todayʼs Consumer” at the associationʼs Dallas Executive Luncheon on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 11:15 a.m. at Brookhaven Country Club in Farmers Branch. - March 29, 2011 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

New Jersey Marketing Consultant Launches New Pre-Paid Marketing Consultation Service

Chris Consorte, a veteran NJ Marketing Consultant and entrepreneur, announced this week that his firm Integrated Direct will be launching a new pre-paid marketing consultation service, where clients pay a flat monthly fee of just $1,000 for marketing consultation. Chief Marketing Consultant, Chris... - March 27, 2011 - Integrated Direct LLC Announces Version 2.1, Online Marketing & Appointment Scheduling System Adds Free Website Module

The latest version of (SSP) integrates an optional website into the the online marketing and appointment scheduling service. Adding an integrated website into the gives users an easy- to-use website that is optimized for search engines and geo-targeted around their... - March 27, 2011 - Spa Salon Pro

The Miller Group Shakes Up the B2B Food Equipment Manufacturing Industry with Mobile Marketing

The Miller Group, an award-winning marketing and digital agency with offices in Los Angeles, Dallas and New York, has developed a cutting-edge mobile program to drive increased brand value and lead generation for its client, Alegacy Foodservice Products Group – a leading U.S. manufacturer of... - March 27, 2011 - The Miller Group

Family Practitioners are the Most Targeted Physicians by Email, but Specialists are More Likely to Open and Click

Results from SK&A’s Email Performance Archive show sent, open and click-through trends from email campaigns. - March 26, 2011 - SK&A, A Cegedim Company

Local Internet Marketing Works – Improved Organic Search Results Bring New Retail Customers

Find My Local Business ( specializes in helping small and medium sized businesses expand and enhance their local web presence by generating better organic local search results and building engaging social media positions. This is often called Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Marketing. They call it grass roots Internet marketing. - March 26, 2011 - Find My Local Biz, LLC

Ingenex Digital Hiring Digital Project Manager

Digital marketing agency, Ingenex is looking to expand its team with a new hire - Digital Project Manager. - March 24, 2011 - Ingenex Digital Marketing

Educational Advertising Awards Recognizes PlattForm Higher Education

The 26th Annual Educational Advertising Awards recently recognized PlattForm Higher Education, a leading provider of marketing and enrollment solutions for higher education, for its work in college and university marketing. The event, sponsored by the Higher Education Marketing Report, is the... - March 24, 2011 - PlattForm Higher Education

Local Company Encourages Workplace Wellness and Supports Good Cause

HyperQuake hits the gym for LLS Race to Any Place. - March 23, 2011 - HyperQuake

Best Selling Author John Eldredge Talks Shop in Audio Interview with Vaughn Street

Best Selling Author John Eldredge sits down for a rare and in-depth audio interview with Erik Ticen of communications firm Vaughn Street, LLC to speak about what it takes to write a best-seller, how and why people in public ministry succeed or fail, sorting out true callings and motivations, newer technologies (twitter, iPad, etc.) and more. In the exclusive three-part audio interview, Eldredge speaks with ease and frankness that is uncommon in today’s hype-oriented world. - March 21, 2011 - VaughnStreet, LLC

Executive Leaders Radio Features Hollister Creative President Kim Landry in Business Spotlight Segment

Executive Leaders Radio’s interview with Hollister Creative President Kim Landry is airing March 20, 21 and 22. - March 20, 2011 - Hollister Creative

G&A Marketing Offers New Automotive Marketing & Sales Resource

Dealers Look to G&A’s Monthly E-Newsletter for Industry News, Reliable Advice. - March 20, 2011 - G&A Marketing

Internet Entrepreneur Jesse Willms Donating $3,000 to Help Red Cross Support Victims of Japanese Disaster

Internet Entrepreneur Jesse Willms Donating $3,000 to Help Red Cross Support Victims of Japanese Disaster

On March 11, 2011, Japan was hit with an earthquake and then shortly followed by a tsunami, leaving a devastating impact on the economy. Now is a more important time than ever to lend a helping hand. “When disaster strikes, that's when people need help the most,” Willms said. - March 17, 2011 - Jesse Willms

InfoCision Receives 18th MVP Quality Award

InfoCision Management Corporation was recently honored with its eighteenth consecutive MVP (Marketing Via Phone) Quality Award; and is the only company to be honored every year since the award’s inception in 1993. The award is presented by Customer Interaction Solutions (CIS) magazine and... - March 17, 2011 - InfoCision Management Corporation

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