Recent Headlines
Within Direct Marketing Services
PrintMailers Receives Award of Recognition from MFSA
PrintMailers, Inc. of Houston, TX received the MFSA Chairman’s Website Award for Excellence 2005, given in recognition of best company print and/or mail website nationally. The Mailing and Fulfillment Services Association (MFSA) is the prestigious national trade association for the mailing and fulfillment services industry. - July 15, 2005 - PrintMailers
PrintMailers Invests in Next Generation CTP Technology
By installing the latest direct-to-plate device by Fujifilm, Printmailers has taken one more step towards providing high quality, fast turnaround printing for its clients. - July 14, 2005 - PrintMailers
Email Appeal Begins Distributor Recruitment Campaign
Email Appeal, a leading branded email firm, is looking for companies and individuals to distribute its flagship product, OnLetterhead. OnLetterhead is the premier email branding service. It integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express to turn everyday, plain text email into fully branded, fully graphical email. Any company that emails its clients is a potential customer for an OnLetterhead distributor, and distributors can receive 10% to 20% residual commissions on their sales. - July 06, 2005 - Email Appeal
Kontext Media, Inc. Launches MyMedia™: Turnkey, Stand-Alone Digital Signage Solutions
Kontext Media, Inc. today announced the launch of Kontext MyMediaTM, its cost-effective, stand-alone digital signage solution portfolio. - July 05, 2005 - Kontext Media, Inc.
Kontext Media, Inc. Launches Kontext Media Vista 2.0 Stand-Alone Digital Signage Software Solution
Kontext Media, Inc. today announced the launch of its Kontext Media Vista v2.0, a cost-effective, stand-alone digital signage software solution. - June 21, 2005 - Kontext Media, Inc.
Coastal Vacations Board of Directors issues new Directors Releases to stop rip-off and scam artists.
In the past 10 years, thousands of people looking to start a home business have joined the Coastal Vacations opportunity. Through selling a product that saves consumers thousands of dollars on vacations and travel, many people have been able to create outstanding incomes. But, as with any... - April 29, 2005 - Coastal Freedom introduces bilingual materials for professionals who have Spanish caseloads provides bilingual materials and Seminars for professionals who do not speak Spanish... but have clients who do. ESSENTIALSPANISH.COM is proud to introduce their new line of products that are aimed at Speech-Language Pathologists, Audiologists, Early Intervention Teachers... - January 20, 2005 -