Aboundi Inc. Now Expands Its ‘Electric Connect™’ Line of Commercial Quality Packaged Ethernet Over Power Line Installation Solution Package

Innovative solution packages eases System Integrators (SI) and Value Added Resellers (VAR) networking field installation chores by utilizing the AC power line for broadband access to the Small and Medium sized Businesses (SMBs) - October 02, 2007 - Aboundi.Inc.

Employee Pride at the Heart of Customer Service -- Dick Cattani of Restaurant Associates and Stew Leonard of Stew Leonard’s Interviewed -- The CEO Show with Robert Reiss

Dick Cattani, President of Restaurant Associates, and Stew Leonard, CEO of Stew Leonard’s, is interviewed on “The CEO Show with Robert Reiss” about how employee pride and motivation are vital components for delivering extraordinary customer service. These executives explain specific ways their companies differentiate themselves from competition by creating unique customer experiences. - October 02, 2007 - Reissource, LLC

Megacollage Announces Series of Free Online Text Compilations

Romantics looking for great places to travel, activities to do and poems to read need look no further than Megacollage's free text compilations. - October 02, 2007 - Megacollage

Insurelog.com Offers Journal Style Insurance Articles

Insurelog.com Offers Journal Style Insurance Articles

Insurelog.com is a learning center dedicated to helping industry professionals and consumers locate information on insurance and annuities. - October 01, 2007 - InsureLog.com

CuteBabyNames.org is Announcing a New Baby Names Website, and a Social Forum

CuteBabyNames.org announces a new social community forum http://www.cutebabynames.us and a new baby names website http://www.cutebabynames.org - October 01, 2007 - Cute Baby Names

Successful International Property Investor Launches Vinnie’s World and Invites Visitors to Discover How to Capitalize on Opportunities

Writer, Editor and Webmaster Vinnie Apicella compiles several years of experience as an international traveler and investor to create Vinnie’s World, www.vinniesworld.com, an online platform designed to inform viewers while promoting key investment opportunities in select emerging market locations. - October 01, 2007 - Vinnie's World

Wall Street Savant, LLC (www.wallstreetsavant.com) Today Announced Initiation of Profile Coverage on Vsurance Inc.

Wall Street Savant, LLC (www.wallstreetsavant.com) today announced initiation of Profile Coverage on Vsurance Inc. (OTCBB: VSUR) on its website. - October 01, 2007 - Wall Street Savant, LLC

Discover China: Travel Writer Publishes e-Book Offering Insights on What It Takes to Successfully Navigate China as a Visitor or Investor

Columbia educated author Vinnie Apicella has compiled years of experience and information from several China-based resources to create a comprehensive e-Book for educating foreigners with an interest in traveling, relocating or doing business in China. Entitled Discover China: Making Your Way... - October 01, 2007 - Vinnie's World

Zahra: R&b/Pop Sensation

Zahra: R&b/Pop Sensation

Zahra Shines Her Way Through the Industry Using Her Voice, Piano, Flute and Composition - September 30, 2007 - Arusa Music Entertainment

Hit Business Radio Series - The CEO Show with Robert Reiss – Features Tory Kiam, CEO Lia Sophia and Jay Walker, Founder of Priceline.com

Tory Kiam, president of lia sophia—the world’s largest direct seller of jewelry—talks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss, October 7, 2007 at 9 pm EST, about how his company’s products and opportunities are connecting women to their dreams and how this is revolutionizing the fashion jewelry industry. Later in the show Jay Walker, Founder of Priceline.com discuss what it takes to bring business ideas to fruition. - September 30, 2007 - Reissource, LLC

Housekeeping Channel Selects Sweeney as Agency of Record

Leading resource for better, faster and healthier housekeeping selects Sweeney to market brand. - September 30, 2007 - Sweeney Marketing + Public Relations

To Catch a Falling Star, Don’t Look in the Sky - They’re in the News

Blessings of Purpose -- A Novel. Author: Alicia Hill Jones. Publisher: Destiny 11 Publications. ISBN: 978-0979464607. Pages: 267. Publication Date: September 28, 2007. For purchase: Amazon.com, Destiny11.com, and other online retailers - September 30, 2007 - Destiny 11 Publications

Three Gorges Dam Target of New Novel

A new novel of international intrigue targets the controversial Three Gorges Dam in China. - September 30, 2007 - Sigma Books

B to B Newsletter Offers Timely Tips for Professionals Serious About Sales and Marketing

Free monthly newsletter features easy-to-read articles by nationally known business writers. Newsletter content is relevant to sales professionals in any industry. - September 30, 2007 - Focus Publications

Country On-Demand Becomes "Brooks & Dunn On-Demand"

Country’s Superduo Takes Over New Site For Month Of October - September 30, 2007 - Country On-Demand

George Smart to be a Guest on Shadows in the Dark to Discuss The Knights Templar and The Holy Grail

Host Jeremiah Greer welcomes George Smart on September 30, 2007 at 9:30 pm to discuss the mysteries of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail. - September 30, 2007 - Shadows in the Dark

Inventive Productions Will Produce 100 Free Video Biographies for WWII Veterans

Inventive Productions today announced a commitment to produce 100 video biographies of World War II veterans without charge. “In the spirit of recognizing the personal sacrifice that the American people and our veterans made during World War II, and consistent with the new Ken Burns film,... - September 30, 2007 - Inventive Productions LLC

Virginia Native Edna Love Honored in National Program Recognizing Inspirational Elders

83-year-old Pulaski, Virginia resident honored in "Splendid Seniors Among Us" program recognizing people whose post-65 activities can inspire all ages. - September 30, 2007 - Pearlsong Press

Tired of Drugs to Combat Allergies? Relax. Try Hypnosis

Moore Inspirations, a motivational consulting and hypnosis clinic in San Antonio, TX offers single allergen, hypnosis sessions with a money-back guarantee. Board Certified hypnotist, Kathy Moore, has been doing the sessions for clients for about six years, with excellent results. An associate Sam Rodgers, C.H., and herbalist, also conducts the sessions in English or Spanish. Moore estimates the success rate for initial sessions at better than 80 percent. - September 29, 2007 - Moore Inspirations

An Inspirational Tribute Song to Welsh Rugby Called "Run the Ball Wales" Has Been Released During the Rugby World Cup

A new mp3 song called "Run the Ball Wales" is now available for purchase at http://www.runtheballwales.com Three short excerpts are also available as mobile ringtones. - September 29, 2007 - Stadium Recordings

EPG Patient Direct Launches Guide to ‘Snoring’ on New European Health Website

EPG Patient Direct is a new European public website providing healthcare advice and disease information in a choice of languages. Concise, informative and easy to understand, it’s ‘Quick Guides’ focus on the causes, symptoms, lifestyle advice and treatment options associated with a broad range of medical conditions. Other content includes health news, support groups and personal health tests. - September 29, 2007 - IMR International

CPA-Resource.com - the Information You Need, When It Counts

CPA-Resource.com is a one-stop accounting guide. Dedicated to providing organizations with the most current accounting information, CPA-Resource.com continues to develop new and innovative ways to deliver vital content. Their timely articles, searchable vendor directory, and informative reports will help professionals stay on top of industry news and information. - September 29, 2007 - cpa-resource.com

Five Reasons Salespeople Fail

When salespeople are called upon to close more sales, managers often hear a litany of excuses. Yet top producers manage to sell under the same conditions. “Poor sales performers are usually not aware that little things make a big difference in closing the sale,” says Michael Dalton Johnson, Editor of the bestselling new book, Top Dog Sales Secrets. Johnson cites five common reasons for poor sales performance. - September 29, 2007 - SalesDog.com

The Bloodbaths is “a Kick in the Tunic” for the Sword and Sandal Genre

Book One of Steve Libbey’s Aqua Pura Trilogy released - September 29, 2007 - Subatomic Enterprises, LLC

IMR International Limited Announces the Launch of EPG Patient Direct, the New Public Health Website for Europe

IMR International Limited, developers of e-communication and clinical information solutions, today announced the launch of its public health portal; www.epgpatientdirect.org. The new resource, sanctioned by the European Medical Association, is dedicated to providing patients and the general public... - September 29, 2007 - IMR International

Free Local Business Advertising with Seniors Discounts

Free local business advertising for businesses offering a seniors discount. Discount offers can be used to help attract the largest group of consumers in the UK, the over 50’s. - September 29, 2007 - Seniors Discounts

Nominations for Thailand Property Awards Over 260; McEvily & Collins Law Firm Become a Platinum Sponsor

The nomination stage of the awards has now closed and more than 260 companies have been nominated for the 13 awards on offer. - September 29, 2007 - Ensign Media Co. Ltd.

Become a Better Beer Drinker, Remember the Beers You Drink

A New Tool to Record Your Beer Tasting Adventures. - September 28, 2007 - The Beer Journal

Live Coverage of Ten Nation Youth Rugby Tournament on Web TV

An international rugby tournament featuring teams from countries as far apart as Cambodia and Kazakhstan is being broadcast live on the Internet this week by SchoolSportsAction.TV. The event, staged just outside London, is the touraid U14 Cup, organized by touraid, a UK charity that has enabled 120 young people to travel from some of the bleakest parts of developing rugby nations to compete. The final round of matches begins 11:30AM London Time, Saturday, September 29. - September 28, 2007 - SchoolSportsAction.TV

Telecommunications Website Wireless and Mobile News Launches

Quick Clickable Cellular Telecommunications Information Available Online Today - September 28, 2007 - Wireless and Mobile News

NEN Launches Catalyst Programs for Future Entrepreneurs in India to Build Their Entrepreneurship Skills

The National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) has launched a new set of programs - the NEN Catalyst Programs to directly support students interested in entrepreneurship. - September 28, 2007 - National Entrepreneurship Network

The Renewable Energy Centre Partners with the World Future Energy Summit 2008

In its continued fight against climate change, The Renewable Energy Centre announced today its support for The World Energy Summit 2008, an exhibition aimed at showcasing the latest innovations in technology, opportunities in the industry, as well as new ideas from the leading companies and experts in the field. - September 28, 2007 - The Renewable Energy Centre

Still a Reluctant Gourmet After All These Years

ReluctantGourmet.com celebrates ten years of teaching novice & intermediate home cooks from around the globe techniques, terms, and everyday recipes. - September 28, 2007 - The Reluctant Gourmet

NBS Hires New VP - Business Development to Support Expansion

Former MCI Executive joins growing company as new VP of Business Development. - September 28, 2007 - NBS

Industry Leaders Stamp Approval on Social Network for Architecture and Design

Industry Leaders Stamp Approval on Social Network for Architecture and Design

New York City's highest regarded Architecture and Design professionals join forces with Designerpages.com to provide the community with the first user-generated application for sourcing products and collaborating on design. - September 27, 2007 - Designer Pages

BobbysBest.com Introduces Halloween Costume Coupon Section

BobbysBest.com Introduces Halloween Costume Coupon Section

Halloween is supposed to be frighteningly good fun, but more often than not the scariest part becomes the amount of money you spend on tricks, treats and costumes. BobbysBest.com has compiled a list of online Halloween costume deals, coupons and discounts that will keep all your family's little ghouls and ghosts looking their spookiest for a lot less. - September 27, 2007 - Bobby's Best

Samantha Robson, Actress and Voice Over Talent, Has Been Signed by Precision Talent

News and information about Samantha Robson. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Seeing Clearly Through Online Contact Lens Tactics

A consumers guide to buying contacts online - what to avoid and how to get the best deal. - September 27, 2007 - Tjoos

Ebony-Weddings.com Presents Debut Fashion Event

Designer Therez Fleetwood Joins Premiere Bridal Resource Website in Creating the “Ultimate African-American Bridal Show Experience” - September 27, 2007 - Ebony-Weddings.com, LLC

Giselle Achecar a Voice of Comfort

Giselle has a textured, pleasant female voice. She has the right blend of spunk and sexy to reach the male 20-45 market, and she speaks well to her fellow, upwardly mobile 20-30-year-old women. She has the right finesse for the comfort and style of underwear brands and active wear. Gieselle speaks both English and Spanish. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Contest: Do You Enjoy a Great View Out the Window?

techPersona is launching a new monthly contest for tech professionals to send in photos of their awesome vantage points at work. Each month, they will pick 1 window view as the best. - September 27, 2007 - techPersona Media

Doug Gochman Smart, Fun

Doug Gochman's voice has been heard on ESPN. His voice can now be heard on Microsoft's website for their new Surface technology. Doug Gochman is now one of Precision Talent's elite voice over talent pool, "The 100". - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Marnie Saitta, Voice Over Artist, is One of "The 100": Precision Talent's Elite Voice Over Talent Pool

Marnie Saitta's voice is smooth, deep, and sexy. Her reads come across as believable and informative. When she speaks, men of all ages stop...and listen and want to listen some more. - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

Cat Taber (Catherine) is a New Fresh Voice Among Precision Talent's "The 100"

Cat has a voice that portrays strong young women. Although she has a youthful sound, she emotes strength, leadership, and of course, spunk. Young women identify with her; young men worship her. Cat is a wonderful voice for the smart, easy beauty of Covergirl. Cat Taber is a member of The 100. ... - September 27, 2007 - Precision Talent

MeteorComm™ Hires New Engineering Director: Clark W. Palmer

MeteorComm a wholly owned subsidiary of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation (NYSE:BNI), recently hired Clark W. Palmer as the new Director of Engineering. The former Electronic Services Division Commander for Washington State Highway Patrol, Mr. Palmer will contribute seasoned leadership and a... - September 27, 2007 - MeteorComm Wireless Communications

EPG Patient Direct Launches Guide to Arthritis on New European Health Website

IMR International Limited, developers of e-communication and clinical information solutions, today announced the launch of a comprehensive guide to arthritis within its new public health portal; www.epgpatientdirect.org. - September 27, 2007 - IMR International

Baby Boomers Are “Exploring Life After 55” with New Publication

After 55™ Housing and Resource Guide launches navigational guide for adults age 55+ - September 27, 2007 - For Rent Media Solutions

Ebony-Weddings.com Presents Debut Bridal Event

New Jersey Couple Gathers Minority Businesses to Present the “Ultimate African-American Bridal Show Experience” - September 27, 2007 - Ebony-Weddings.com, LLC

Black Book Releases AR100: Top Annual Report Industry Resource

The AR100 + CSR publication has been released to over 15,000 corporate communicators - eagerly looking for talent to produce their upcoming reports. Winners will also be featured on Black Book's website and in their Awards Show Event, a gallery-like setting – where designers, corporate decision makers will gather to view all of the winning reports. - September 27, 2007 - The Black Book Inc

Turner Publishing Named Top 100 Independent Publishers

Turner Publishing announces their inclusion in Bookmarket.com's Top 100 Independent Publishers. - September 27, 2007 - Turner Publishing Company

Press Releases 55,751 - 55,800 of 59,808