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CompuStream Provides Market Intelligence for Foreign Companies Interested in Brazil
By supplying exceptional information and analysis CompuStream will help their clients make better decisions, mitigate their risk and save good money in the end. - September 22, 2006 - CompuStream Consultoria Ltda.
Danger. Mystery. Love. Jeopardy - A Gripping New Lesbian Novel
"Tainted Destiny" is a romantic lesbian suspence novel by Cheril N. Clarke and will be available on October 31, 2006. - September 22, 2006 - Dodi Press
Binary Newsgroup Retention Growing to 90 Days at Giganews
For the fifth time this year, Giganews has increased its storage capacity and now supports 90 days of binary file retention. - September 22, 2006 - Giganews, Inc.
Case Study: Broadband Solution Communication Empowered by DID Number Peering
(This case study won the Internet Telephony Excellence Award for 2006 at BroadBand Solution Communication's end-users have a huge appetite for DID's (phone numbers) both local and international. An example of a BSCOMM end-user:... - September 22, 2006 - Super Technologies, Inc. DIDX
Skin Care and Fitness Go Hand-in-Hand at the Gym with Four Skincare Tips
Skincare News Magazine shows that proper skin care practices don’t have to be left at home. - September 22, 2006 -
Eragon: The Launch of the International WAP site
Twentieth-Century Fox announces the first stage in the launch of Eragon, the first film of a magnificent trilogy and one of this year’s most eagerly anticipated movies. - September 22, 2006 - 20th Century Fox - Eragon
New Virtual Real Estate Service at Lists Sites for Sale in Webmaster Marketplaces
The virtual real estate market is booming, with webmasters buying, improving, and flipping websites for a profit. Now the new service launched at makes finding available websites simpler by publishing feeds of the latest for sale site and domain listings from a variety of popular webmaster communities. - September 22, 2006 -
New York Chocolate Tours
Chocolate strikes again and it made a website to lure adults and children alike to its upscale New York boutiques. - September 21, 2006 - Zoom Media & Productions
Doylestown Director Slated to Screen Film at the County Theater in Doylestown, PA
Doylestown-based director Frederic Lumiere will introduce his award-winning feature film titled "Tomorrow is Today" starring Scout Taylor-Compton (Sleepover, Gilmore Girls) and actor/screenwriter Mark Hefti (Fandom) at 7 p.m. Monday Sept 25 at the County Theater in Doylestown. When... - September 21, 2006 - Lumiere Media Launched to Provide Wisconsin Brides Free Wedding Planning Information
Free wedding planning information is available to Wisconsin Brides. - September 21, 2006 - Wis Wedding Planner LLC
ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions Enters into Agreement with Charlotte School of Law
Communications Solutions Provider Partners with Charlotte Law School. - September 21, 2006 - ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions Hires Training and PD Expert Joni Rose to Launch their New Training and Professional Development Site, an online magazine with more 10 years on the Web and attracting more than 2 million readers monthly, adds Training and Professional Development expert Joni Rose to the site’s Education and Career section with the launch of the new site at - September 21, 2006 -
Skin Care Damage Takes the Natural Route with Home Remedies and Organic Skincare Products
Skincare News Magazine highlights natural skin care remedies that beat the pharmaceutical competition. - September 21, 2006 -
Atlanta Author Offers Guarantee for Career Book Get A Job! Your Guide to Making Successful Career Moves
David B. Wright, author of the new book, Get A Job! Your Guide to Making Successful Career Moves, stands behind the book with a 100% guarantee. David says, “Have you ever heard of a career guide with a guarantee? I’ve decided to take a very novel... - September 21, 2006 - W 3 Group, LLC
Choose Your Own Adventure is Back - CYOA Author, R.A. Montgomery, Speaks at Burlington Book Festival
Choose Your Own Adventure author reads from The Abominable Snowman at the Second Annual Burlington Book Festival. - September 21, 2006 - Choose Your Own Adventure
Shared Spectrum Company Successfully Demonstrates Next Generation (XG) Wireless System
Shared Spectrum Company (SSC) conducted a successful demonstration of innovative technologies that enable dynamic access to the radio frequency spectrum. SSC’s technology uses advanced communications protocols and sensing capabilities to improve access to available spectrum resources without... - September 20, 2006 - Shared Spectrum Company
Natl Runaway Switchboard, Rock Band Stereo Fuse Partner for Youth Runaway Prevention Campaign
Stereo Fuse to deliver National Runaway Prevention Month messages via "Like I Do" single and video. - September 20, 2006 - Toucan Cove Hires Education Expert Khadijah Ali-Coleman for New International Youth Development Website, an online magazine with more 10 years on the Web and attracting more than 2 million readers monthly, adds Education expert Khadijah Ali-Coleman to the site with the launch of the new Youth Development topic at - September 20, 2006 -
Skin Care at Nighttime Makes for Sweet Dreams and a Better Morning
Skin Care News Magazine highlights the benefits of skin care practices at night. - September 20, 2006 - Hires Education Expert Irene Taylor to Launch their New Education and Career Site, an online magazine with more 10 years on the Web and attracting more than 2 million readers monthly, adds Education expert Irene Taylor to the site’s Education and Career section with the launch of the new site at - September 20, 2006 -
Cell Phone Love Life Booster
For those fed up with poor or difficult relationships or whose love life lacks lustre, cell phone technology is now being used to develop self-esteem and focus positive energy on your love life. A positive attitude and a clear goal often defines the difference between success and failure. And... - September 20, 2006 -
The Must-Have Children’s Gift for the 2006 Holiday Season
Parents can now become instant authors and earn 20% royalties on children's books starring their son or daughter this holiday season. The best part is, no writing or illustrating is required. - September 19, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
An Invitation to Review India’s First Corporate Gifts & Accessories E-Book Gifts & Promotions Special
Netlink Solutions (India) Limited has launched India’s first Gifts & Accessories E-Book, Gifts & Accessories Special at - September 19, 2006 - Netlink Solutions (India) Limited
Shop and Learn Spanish Language Course in Puerto Vallarta
A newly designed Spanish Language Immersion course will be held in Puerto Vallarta November 4 through 18. Highly individualized instruction and Spanish immersion through community contact mark this unique course. - September 19, 2006 - BelleCora Press & Workshops
Skin Care Products You Can Really Sink Your Teeth into… Literally
Skincare News highlights the fun edible and scented skin care products currently on the market. - September 19, 2006 -
Apple's New iPod Nano Causes Waves Around the Web
News and reviews of Apple's second generation iPod nano have been spreading around the web like wildfire - some positive and some negative. Find out what the world has been saying about the newest Apple on the block. - September 19, 2006 -
ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions Provides Donation To North Carolina YMCA
Communications Solutions Provider Makes Charitable Contribution Of Phone Systems To YMCA Sites In Raleigh And Holly Springs. - September 18, 2006 - ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions® Launches New netWeather v2.0
Free, Dynamic Weather Sticker Optimized to Meet the Needs of All Web Sites – Blogs, Social-Networking, Spanish-Language, International, and More. - September 18, 2006 - AccuWeather, Inc.
New Ground Collabo Finds Success with "The NGC Podcast Show"
New Ground Collabo Records utilizing podcasting to showcase underground artists, as well as their own. - September 17, 2006 - NGC Podcast Show
Voice123 Introduces a New Pricing Matrix for Voice Over Talents
New pricing guide will help voce over artists make accurate quote. - September 16, 2006 -
Hunting Training... for Men Looking for Women – Released for Presale
DVD Series released for pre-sale: Hunting Seminar - find, approach, meet and win incredible women anywhere, any time. - September 16, 2006 - Remington Publications
iEmployee, a Leader in Internet-based Human Resource Applications, Chooses EnterpriseVoIP™ for their Managed Telecommunications Services
Blue Robin, Inc., announces that iEmployee, a leader in internet-based human resource applications has chosen Blue Robin’s EnterpriseVoIP™ phone system for their telecommunications needs. EnterpriseVoIP™ is an all-digital T1-based Managed Telecommunications Service (MTS) that... - September 16, 2006 - Blue Robin, Inc
Addition of the "Meet-Me" Conference Bridge to EnterpriseVoIP Allows Users World-Wide to Communicate Simultaneously
Blue Robin, Inc., a leading eBusiness Infrastructure Development Company, announces The addition of the Meet-Me Conference Bridge to Blue Robin’s EnterpriseVoIP™ (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system. EnterpriseVoIP’s™ Meet-Me Conference Bridge is an all digital,... - September 16, 2006 - Blue Robin, Inc
What Happened to Your Corporate Gifts Search?
Did you find what you were seeking or did you find what you were being fed? Did Google say “your heroic searches returned no results”? Did a Search Engine Optimizer or Optimiser make a pitch and call for the SEO or Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimisation of your... - September 15, 2006 - Netlink Solutions (India) Limited
Voice123 Introduces New ‘My Preferred Talents’ Feature for Voice Talent Seekers
New feature will make voice over actor search more streamlined. - September 15, 2006 -
Voice123 Introduces Online Training Sessions
An induction into the world of voice overs by members of the Voice123 team. - September 15, 2006 -
WildGate Joins DIDX to Sell 500,000 United States DID Numbers
Wildgate, Inc. a California based telecommunications service provider joins DID Exchange ( to sell half a million DID telephone numbers over the Internet to over 3,000 other telecom companies, USA and international. - September 14, 2006 - Super Technologies, Inc. DIDX
“Losers Lounge,” a New Noire’-style Murder Mystery Novelette
Losers Lounge is a murder mystery set in 1948 that follows the perplexing and often seedy life of a private detective who is accused of murdering a troubled young lady with a dark history. Based on the 2003 no-budget award winning movie, the Novelette takes the reader back to the fictitious town... - September 14, 2006 - DL Sites Inc.
New Online Baby Portal Releases Tips to Help Babies Sleep Better
A study shows there is a great way to enhance a child's intelligence, by encouraging healthy sleep patterns while he is a baby. In the children who were found to have excellent intelligence, they all had healthy sleep patterns at night. - September 14, 2006 - CyberSmart Marketing
David Mack Documentary DVD Available this December
The acclaimed team at Hero Video Productions™ proudly announces their latest documentary "The Alchemy of Art: David Mack" - coming this December to comic book shops worldwide. Called "One of the true geniuses of the medium" by Entertainment Weekly, Mack's work expands the... - September 14, 2006 - Hero Video Productions
"Different" Podcast Network Hits the Web
Three guys in Philadelphia are poised to turn the digital media revolution on its head. - September 14, 2006 - POLARiTV
Voice123 Announces Integration of Project Posting Approval Process with CRM System
Voice over projects are now received, approved, and managed using the same system customer service issues are managed. - September 14, 2006 -
Voice123 Introduces a New Lead Form for Voice Talent Seekers
A faster and more efficient process to find the right voiceover artist for your project. - September 14, 2006 -
Dr. Dres Son, Hood Surgeon, Signs onto his own Radio Show with
Hood Surgeon continues to make a name for himself in the Industry, using Internet radio as a resource. - September 14, 2006 -
Nbs Announces 2 New Products for Von Community - Hosted and Gateway Voip Services Offered
NBS announces to dealer channels 2 new VoIP products that can be offered to customers. Hosted & Trunking solutions are available as part of a mix of TDM and IP services. NBS is exhibiting this week at Fall VON 2006 in Boston, MA. - September 14, 2006 - NBS
Independent Breast Pump Consumer Information Available Online
The “Baby Loves Your Milk” website is a new, unbiased breast pump information resource that is not affiliated with any retailer or manufacturer of breast pumps. This website gives emphasis to breast pumps that have been recommended by consumers and refers its readers to other sites where consumer reviews may be read. - September 13, 2006 - Baby Loves Your Milk
Radio48 "Universal Rhythms" A New Generation Of Internet Radio
Radio48 is here. Streaming 24hrs. a day. Non-Stop commerical free Internet Radio. Informing, Entertaining, Inspiring, and Motivating. - September 13, 2006 - Radio 48
World Vital Records Announces Partnership with SmallTownPapers®, Inc.: New partnership will make several million names available at World Vital Records
World Vital Records is pleased to announce a partnership today with SmallTownPapers, Inc, a newspaper archive company featuring small town newspapers and articles. This relationship will result in World Vital Records and its users having access to a new source for historical information from small... - September 13, 2006 - World Vital Records, Inc.
KoolSpan, Kayote Networks Team to Deliver Carrier-Class, Continuous Authentication to VoIP Communications Services
VON 2006 Boston, KoolSpan Booth #409 and Kayote Networks Booth #1555 - September 13, 2006 - Kayote Networks
Voice Talent Seekers Find Voices for Podcasting Projects at Voice123
The website boasts of the largest database of voice talents suited for podcasting. - September 13, 2006 -