Female Action Director Announces Signing of Raw Leiba (Marvel© Franchises’ Killmonger – Black Panther Movie) to film FORCE©

DeMar Productions is proud to announce the upcoming production of the action crime drama, FORCE© starring Raw Leiba (The Heat, Conan the Barbarian, Game of Thrones etc.,) directed by Dena Rivera, (one of the few female actions directors in the world). - June 07, 2014 - DeMar Productions

Mega Producer Lil C/C Gutta Joins OnTime Music Group

Lil C/C Gutta, the double platinum producer, has joined forces with OnTime Music Group in a Joint Venture Label Deal. - June 07, 2014 - OnTime Music Group

Viewpoints Industry TV Investigates the Art World on an Upcoming Segment

Viewpoints Industry TV reports that some of the greatest artistic gems can be found by accident. - June 07, 2014 - Viewpoints Industry TV

Dr. Ronald Hoffman Warns Against Several Popular Supplements

Pioneering complimentary medicine practitioner Dr. Ronald Hoffman, Director of Manhattan’s prestigious Hoffman Center, has released an important article entitled, “The 12 Supplements You Should NEVER Take.” Supplement use is widely popular and generally effective for maintaining... - June 07, 2014 - Dr. Ronald Hoffman

Intermatic Introduces 2014 NEC Compliant Extra Duty Weatherproof Covers

Intermatic introduces a seven-product series of 2014 NEC compliant in-use weatherproof covers. Available in 10 colors and several sizes, the WP5000 series meets 2014 NEC requirements for covers at 15 and 20-ampere, 125 and 250 volt receptacles installed at wet locations. - June 07, 2014 - Intermatic

Auto-Aligning Street Level Backhaul Successfully Demonstrated by Siklu and AWTG

Siklu has automated the process of aligning backhaul radios for urban outdoor small cell networks, demonstrating that its new toolkit can complete the task without human intervention. - June 07, 2014 - Siklu Communication Ltd.

RGM, Kobold and Shinola Watches - WatchTime E-Special

Modern American Watchmakers - June 07, 2014 - Ebner Publishing International

Evolphin Software Releases New Zoom 5.0 Digital Asset Management Solution with New Capabilities and Functionality

Evolphin Software launches Zoom 5.0, the next generation of its enterprise-class digital workplace software solution. New capabilities and improved functionality of Zoom enables customers to more effectively manage, leverage, and control all their finished and work-in-progress digital media assets and content – enhancing creativity, collaboration, and communication. - June 06, 2014 - Evolphin Software, Inc.

Gotekky New VPS Cloud Hosting Plans - Super competitive for 512M RAM, 20GB SSD Storage & 1TB Data Transfer & even more for 2GB RAM, 50GB SSD Storage & 3TB Data Transfer.

Gotekky, a leading North American VPS & Cloud Servers' Hosting Provider, is now delivering its VPS Cloud hosting services 100% SSD at super affordable packages. Clients have now a large choice of plans from 512Mb RAM to 8GB RAM. - June 06, 2014 - Gotekky

Robert Eaton’s New Book "Check Your Drawers" Teaches Readers What Your Boss Wishes You Knew

A collection of 76 lessons demonstrating the Aha! Moments of becoming a thinking analytical manager and not a ”showing up boss.” Have you ever heard someone say “Get Your Head in the Game?” well that is essentially the message of “Check Your Drawers”. Robert... - June 06, 2014 - Robert Eaton

WatchTime May-June Cover Story: Omega Speedmaster vs. Breitling Chronomat

WatchTime May-June Cover Story: Omega Speedmaster vs. Breitling Chronomat - June 06, 2014 - Ebner Publishing International

The Most Expensive Watches on WatchTime

WatchTime presents 7 of the most expensive watches over $1 Million. - June 06, 2014 - Ebner Publishing International

Metropolis Highlights Their Latest Solutions in the 2014 HITEC New Product Showcase

Metropolis Technologies will feature PWLite on Demand, a brand new economical call accounting service for budget hotels, and RED, an emergency management product, at HITEC in San Diego, CA from June 23-26th, 2014. They will also be demonstrating their new hosted telemanagement platforms. - June 06, 2014 - Metropolis Technologies, Inc.

BringChivalryBack.com Announces a Live Event June 19th in New York City for Men to Develop Their Personal and Professional Success, "Style at the Steakhouse"

Bring Chivalry Back is proud to announce and offer an exclusive event in New York City for men who want to take the next step in their development, including career, relationship, family, appearance and legacy. The event is called "The Modern Men: Style at the Steakhouse." It's a special evening June 19th for an exclusive group of men to get together for terrific food, interesting conversations, great advice and to build momentum toward greater success. - June 06, 2014 - Bring Chivalry Back

Viewpoints Industry TV Examines SpaceX and Its Newest Spacecraft on an Upcoming Segment

Viewpoints Industry TV takes a look at America's best hope for returning to our former place of prominence in space exploration. - June 06, 2014 - Viewpoints Industry TV

Editor& Publisher Now Accepting Entries for the 2014 EPPY™ Awards

Awards to honor the best media websites across 31 categories. - June 06, 2014 - Duncan McIntosh Co Inc

BringChivalryBack.com Awards Its "Chivalry Role Model of the Month" to Harry Connick Jr. of "American Idol" on Fox-TV

For demonstrating chivalrous behavior thus serving as a positive role model for young men, Harry Connick Jr. of Fox-TV's "American Idol" has been awarded the honor of "Chivalry Role Model of the Month" for June, 2014. The award, presented by BringChivalryBack.com, recognizes noteworthy gestures of chivalry, grandiose or small, which demonstrate the positive impact such gestures by men can have. - June 06, 2014 - Bring Chivalry Back

Penta Successfully Completes FINMA Compliance Review for Financial Services

Private cloud provider meets Swiss financial regulator standards to provide services to the financial sector. - June 06, 2014 - Penta

Vitex to Exhibit at InfoComm 2014

Vitex LLC will be exhibiting at InfoComm 2014 in Las Vegas, NV from June 18-20, 2014. - June 06, 2014 - Vitex LLC

LGBT Activist Maurice Tomlinson Fights Jamaica’s “Abominable Crime” Law

Pulitzer funded documentary “The Abominable Crime” will be available on DVD on 6/10. - June 06, 2014 - Passion River Films

Transgender Television Pilot "Myrna" is Not Just About a Boy Who is a Girl

Less Is More Productions and Scorpio Rising Films teams with Wyman’s FanBacked.com to finance a groundbreaking dramedy television pilot, Myrna, which follows a transsexual as she confronts her true gender identity and makes the transition from male to female. - June 06, 2014 - Outdoor Families Magazine

Project Past Life - Goes Live! on Indiegogo

Project Past Life - Goes Live! on Indiegogo

To support filming effort planned for the UK, Defining Video Productions has started crowd funding effort on Indiegogo.com. The project started as a grassroots web-based documentary effort that has suddenly taken off to something more significant. Now there is Project Past Life as a viable TV show / Documentary with great potential. A network executive at Adeys.TV says “The show has promise for a remarkable following.” - June 05, 2014 - Defining Video Productions

Cult Film Director John Swanbeck to Present Transformative Technique for Acting for-Camera at SAG Summer Intensive

In the workshop, titled “How to Think Like the Camera,” Swanbeck will show actors how to pop on screen by learning to understanding how the film camera thinks, what it responds to, and how actors can make an emotional connection with it. He will share some of his cinematic tools that actors can use with their traditional process to create unforgettable cinematic characters. - June 05, 2014 - BlueSwanFilms

"Once Upon a Mulberry Field" by C.L. Hoang at Willow Stream Publishing Was Finalist in the 2014 National Indie Excellence Book Awards

"Once Upon a Mulberry Field," a love story during the Vietnam War by author C. L. Hoang and published by Willow Stream Publishing, was selected as a finalist in the 2014 National Indie Excellence Book Awards out of Los Angeles, California. - June 05, 2014 - Willow Stream Publishing

Gotekky Launches Its Resellers & Affiliate Program for All Its VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server & Cloud Managed Services in North America with 24*7 Bilingual Support

Gotekky, a leading North American VPS & Dedicated Servers' Hosting Provider, is now delivering its hosting services to partners worldwide with 24*7 bilingual client support located in North America. - June 05, 2014 - Gotekky

Gotekky Doubles Its VPS Hosting & Dedicated Server Capacity & Bandwidth in North America for All Its Servers’ Infrastructure to Support Its Continuous Growth in 2014

Gotekky, a leading North American VPS & Dedicated Servers' Hosting Provider, completed the implementation of Phase 2 of its capacity expansion within its datacenter with more VPS & Dedicated Servers available to its future & its existing clients worldwide. - June 05, 2014 - Gotekky

The 2112 Group, VIRGO Publishing Partner to Extend Market Intelligence and Business Development to Channel Partners

VIRGO, Publisher of Channel Partners Magazine, Will Resell The 2112 Group’s Channel Intelligence and Support Services. - June 05, 2014 - The 2112 Group

Nathan York Earns CWNE®, One of the Top 10 Most Difficult Designations in the IT- Industry

York is the 138th Wireless Professional to Join the Rank Of Certified Wireless Network Experts, the Esteemed Last Step in the CWNP Program - June 05, 2014 - Certified Wireless Network Professionals

Aqua League's Touch & Go Deluxe Edition Debuts

New York Urban/Pop production/songwriting team debut latest instrumental project. - June 05, 2014 - Ironhorse Music Group LLC

From USSR to CPR: Cell Phone Repair Services Come to King of Prussia, PA

CPR Cell Phone Repair, the fastest growing wireless technology franchise network in the United States, is pleased to announce the opening of a new store located in King of Prussia, PA. Natalia Dittmer is warmly welcomed to the rapidly expanding CPR network as she opens her new store in King of Prussia. - June 05, 2014 - CPR Cell Phone Repair

ESL's Ocean Energy Research Highlighted in Recent Providence Business News Article

This article identifies the wave energy harvesting work being done at Electro Standards Laboratories. - June 05, 2014 - Electro Standards Laboratories

Chronogram Wins 2014 Ulster County Executive Arts Award

Luminary Publishing, publisher of Hudson Valley arts and culture magazine Chronogram, announces they have been awarded the 2nd Annual Ulster County Executive Arts Award for a business corporation. - June 05, 2014 - Luminary Publishing

Intermatic Introduces Extended Life Electronic Photo Controls

Intermatic introduces three new Electronic Photo Controls that are compatible with LEDs. The Electronic Photo Controls are appropriate for open space lighting applications, such as streets, parking lots, parks, and residential access. Intermatic tested the Photo Controls using NEMA 410 Standards for LED and New Induction Fixtures. The products are warranted to meet 10, 15 and 20 year life expectancies. - June 05, 2014 - Intermatic

Ecosmob Technologies Launched New Web-Pages of Mobile Application Development Services and Solutions

Ecosmob caters a range of Mobile Application Development services; the offerings are designed to help enterprises that strive to boost the skillfulness and functionality of business procedures within the emerging mobile platforms. The new web pages talk about iOS development and Android development services of Ecosmob. - June 05, 2014 - Ecosmob

Double Dragon Publishing Announces May Releases

Fiction releases for May from Double Dragon Publishing range from the paranormal to political satire. This month's listings include: "Bloodsuckers" by Michael Ventrella, a novel which asks the question, "What if a vampire ran for president?" "Nocturnal" by Virginia... - June 05, 2014 - Double Dragon Publishing

Oorja Enters the African Telecoms Market with Pilot Project Funding from USTDA

United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) announced today that it has selected Oorja Protonics for conducting a feasibility study involving Oorja's Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC) for powering telecommunication towers in South Africa. USTDA has approved a grant of $872,000 to Oorja for this project that will be the first of its kind in the South African telecoms market with funding from USTDA, and if successful, could lead to an expedited adoption of Oorja's fuel cells in Africa. - June 05, 2014 - Oorja Fuel Cells

It’s Lights Camera Action for Magical Dreams Production’s Jaane Kyun... The Unanswered Question

Magical Dreams Productions Pvt. Ltd. has kick started the production of their film Jaayne Kyun in full swing. The first leg of the film is getting shot in Punjab. The movie stars Soha Ali Khan and Vir Das in the lead and is a true-life story of a family’s survival on the night of October... - June 05, 2014 - magical dreams

Bravo Bear(TM) Announces That Six-Time Emmy National Television Producer James Grau Has Joined the Team as Consultant to the Children’s Positive Value Book Project

James W. Grau, a pioneer in the business of producing for network television, has joined Bravo Bear(TM) as Business Consultant. Mr. Grau will assist with the growth and development of this new company. "As the company grows, I will be looking at creating children's programs for television and... - June 05, 2014 - Bravo Bear, LLC

RingPlus: About Real Time In-Call Translation

Mobile Carrier RingPlus real time in-call translation services beats Skype realtime translation app by 18 months. - June 04, 2014 - RingPlus

e100 Knowledge Services Wins Clients in Telecom and Education Space

e100 Knowledge Services announced that it has procured 2 new clients in telecom and the educational sector. With these 2 new clients, the number of active clients which company has stood at 53. The company will be providing outbound sales services to the telecom client and accounting services to the client in the education sector. "We are extremely pleased with the addition of 2 new clients in our global portfolio of clients," adds Rohit Singh, founder and director, e100 knowledge services. - June 04, 2014 - e100 Knowledge Services

Award-Winning Blogger Releases Book to Support Parents of Children with ADHD

Most books on ADHD don’t dare expose the genuine grit of the moment-by-moment peaks and valleys of this special parenthood — the gut-wrenching, crying on the bathroom floor, feeling like you’re losing your mind truth of the matter that is learning to successfully parent a child... - June 04, 2014 - Grace-Everett Press

AOK Promotions of Afton, TN Announces the Signing of Jeff Dugan. Owners Adam & Angel Knight Excited About Release of "Hollow Man."

Adam Knight of AOK Promotions, Afton, TN has announced the signing of Jeff Dugan. Dugan, a Christian Country artist, hailing from the state of Louisiana has a long and rich history of performing stone cold Country music. Since beginning his walk with Christ, he has embarked on a new adventure away... - June 04, 2014 - AOK Promotion and Production

Soundview to Host Interactive Webinar with Steve Yastrow

Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on June 10th with business author Steve Yastrow, to discuss the concepts in his latest book, "Ditch the Pitch." - June 04, 2014 - Soundview

Small Business IT Services Provider, The Launch Pad CEO Ilene Rosoff Named to CRN’s Women of the Channel Power 50 Solution Providers

Premier IT Small Business Consultant CEO Named in CRN Magazine Women of the Channel for Fourth Consecutive Year. - June 04, 2014 - The Launch Pad

BookVenture Sets $100 Worth of Books Plus $100 Rebates as Prizes of Its United Colors Photo Challenge

BookVenture Publishing celebrates Flag Day through launching United Colors Photo Challenge. Grand prize of $100 worth of books and consolation prizes of $100 rebates to top 10 picks are set accordingly. - June 04, 2014 - Book Venture

World Guide Publishing™ C.E.O., T.R. Threston's KIVA Team Raises Over $25,000 in KIVA Micro-loans

T.R. Threston, has announced that her KIVA team has surpassed the $25,000 in loans mark, and that her team has already doubled the amount of loans (in dollar amounts) from 2013, and the year is only half over. - June 04, 2014 - World Guide Publishing

AOK Promotions & Production Announces New Mailing Address

AOK Promotion and Production owner Adam Knight & wife Angel have announced a new mailing address for the company. Adam Knight states, "Due to the large amount of demo material being mailed to the company as well as new artist submissions, we simply did not have the infrastructure here to... - June 04, 2014 - AOK Promotion and Production

RAD Wins NFV Innovation of the Year Award

RAD's technology leadership in the NFV space has been recognized with an award for the "innovation of the year" that the company won at the Network Virtualization & SDN World conference. - June 04, 2014 - RAD

Author Brenna Briggs to Sign Liffey Rivers Irish Dancer Mysteries in San Jose

American-Irish author Brenna Briggs will be signing the Liffey Rivers Irish Dancer Mysteries in San Jose, CA, at the Lucky 7’s Feis at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel on June 7 and 8. - June 04, 2014 - Brockagh Books

Women Who Run It Shares the Problem with Comparisons

Women Who Run It is teaming up with Emily Bennington to share why comparing where you are to where you think you should be is disruptive to your productivity. - June 04, 2014 - Women Who Run It

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