New Book Embodies Resurgent Libertarianism

Code Publishing looks to capitalize on a resurgent libertarianism with a new political thriller by J.S.B.Morse entitled "Gods of Ruin." - July 08, 2010 - Code Publishing

DC Comics and Capstone Collaborate on New Books Starring Pets of Our Favorite Super Heroes

Capstone imprint Picture Window Books, children’s publisher of illustrated fiction and nonfiction, has signed with DC Comics to create DC Super-Pets, a new series of leveled chapter books. The project will last through fall 2012 and ultimately produce 24 new titles for young... - July 08, 2010 - Capstone

Readers Love Into the Wilderness, Luskin's Debut Novel

"I couldn’t put it down but I didn’t want it to end," is what readers are saying about Into The Wilderness (White River Press), Deborah Lee Luskin’s debut novel set in 1964 Vermont. Critics have hailed it as "a fiercely intelligent love story" (The Rutland Herald) and "a perfectly gratifying read" (Seven Days). The novel was recognized by the Vermont Library Association for "Sense of Place." And now it has received a rave review from Boston’s Jewish Advocate. - July 08, 2010 - Deborah Lee Luskin

SharePoint Codeless Bi-Directional List Connectivity Powered by Enterprise Enabler and Business Data List Connector

Stone Bond Technologies, provider of the world’s only codeless connectivity software and eco-system, today announced a strategic alliance with Layer2 a leading publisher of SharePoint Web Parts and solutions. Both companies are poised to take advantage of the growth in the SharePoint marketplace accelerated by recent Microsoft announcements. - July 08, 2010 - Layer 2 GmbH

Impulse Magazine Writer Gets Kelsey Grammer Scoop Before TMZ, Perez Hilton, Enquirer or Celebrity Magazines

Kelsey Grammer Launches New TODHD Online TV Network Covered by Impulse Magazine Before TMZ, Perez Hilton, or Enquirer; Online Impulse Magazine Breaks Kelsey Grammer's Story - July 08, 2010 - Impulse Magazine

Real Estate Investing Discussion Turns to Discounts

Real Estate Investing Show Focuses on Foreclosure Discounts in Today’s Market. - July 07, 2010 - Get Real REI

RealTime Publishing Are Delighted to Announce the Releases of the First Three Books in the "Saga of Pacific Islands Series" by Australian Author, David Luders

RealTime Publishing author, David Luders, releases the first three books of a series. - July 07, 2010 - Ebooks Inc

Most Influential Scrapbooker Awards

Ella Publishing Co. to Announce List of Most Influential Scrapbookers. - July 07, 2010 - Ella Publishing Co.

UNI Press Publications Announces a New Novel, Isn’t She Lovely, by Ebony Nicole

UNI Press Publications Announces a New Novel, Isn’t She Lovely, by Ebony Nicole

Isn’t She Lovely Addresses Issues that Drives the Reader to Question our Collective Roles as a Society and our Commitment to the Futures of our Youth, and the Importance of Self Esteem. - July 06, 2010 - UNI Press Publications

New Website Launched to Help Authors Get Their Books Written and Published

A professional writer with more than 12 years experience has launched a great new website to help other people write their books and get them published, marketed and sold by the thousand - July 06, 2010 - The Word Queen

Announcing the First Annual Best Book of the Year Award, Which Rewards One Talented and Tenacious Author with $1500

Outskirts Press, an Inc. 500 company and the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company, today announced the inaugural Best Book of the Year Award, with $1,500 in prize money. All books published through Outskirts Press in 2010 can be eligible. Specific rules and... - July 06, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

"First Breath - 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems" Released

Savant Books and Publications LLC, Honolulu, Hawaii, publishers of significant books and enduring media for the 21st century, is pleased to announce the release of First Breath - 2010 Savant Anthology of Poems. - July 05, 2010 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

Realtor Brings Years of Distressed Property Experience to North Cobb

Real Estate Pro’s Turn to Realtor for Advice and Now to Build Their Business. - July 05, 2010 - Get Real REI

Child Safety Travel Advisory: Do Not Allow Children to Travel to Crooked Hills, the Most Haunted Town in America

Infamous Witch Feared Back From the Dead; Kidnapping Unsuspecting Youth; Aided by Devil Hound. Missing Children Feared Eaten. - July 05, 2010 - Evileye Books

Editors Only - June 2010 Issue Available

Announcing the publication of the June 2010 issue of the Editors Only online newsletter. - July 04, 2010 - Editors Only

New Guide to Fine Tune, Exceed Expectations: What Did You Expect? Published by Outskirts Press.

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated self-help, personal growth and success book from Hickory, NC, authors Terry J. Sigmon & Lynn W. Sigmon. - July 04, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

NewsWeeder Launches Talking Aggregator to Beat News Overload

NewsWeeder, a newly-launched news aggregator, tackles the productivity pitfalls of news feeds using text-to-speech and proprietary précis technology. Users don't have to interrupt their work while they listen to bulletins containing summaries of new articles. - July 04, 2010 -

New Release Gives Adults Tools to Teach Children Money Management Skills; Book by Deanna Schwartzman and Deanna Suckow, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Teaching children how to manage their money, avoid credit card debt and be prepared to handle their future finances is a lofty goal, but this book, published by Dog Ear Publishing, provides ideas and resources for adults to begin the conversation. Parents and educators will find age-appropriate guidance on topics such as family advertising, budgeting, charity, checkbook basics, comparison shopping and coupons, credit cards, interest, investing, peer pressure, savings, taxes and tipping. - July 04, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Inspirational Fourth of July Reading: Patriotic New Children's Book Pays Tribute to Military Families

Guardian Angel Publishing announces the timely release of "Ebeneezer's Cousin," a children's picture book to sensitize kids to issues military families face and to honor and help families of wounded veterans. - July 04, 2010 - Guardian Angel Publishing

New Children’s Book by Olympia Eddy Brings Whimsical World to Life, One Image at a Time, Published by Dog Ear Publishing

In "Mysterious View," author and illustrator Olympia Eddy uses bold brush strokes and vivid colors to create striking images of the ordinary and the extraordinary. The beautifully illustrated story unfolds piece by piece, with three clues paired with a mysterious image on each new page. When the images are combined at the end of this work, they form a complete picture that accompanies the story, a glimpse into another world. - July 03, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

"K" Launches English and French Blogs with the Naming of Lady Gaga as Queen of the SMM Generation

‘‘K’’ will use these two platforms to write about the SMM Generation’s position on current news and events. The subjects discussed on each blog will be, most of the times, different from one another. The first blog will explain the SMM Generation by using the example of a very famous one: Lady Gaga. - July 03, 2010 - Mother Nation Publishing

New Vietnam Novel by Keith Yocum a Semi-Finalist in Amazon Breakthrough Award, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Daniel, by Keith Yocum, was a semi-finalist in the Adult Fiction category of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, an international contest open to unpublished and previously self-published novels. Yocum's book is a fascinating glimpse into the psychology of soldiers under attack in Vietnam, set in motion when a strange American GI with no memory wanders into firebase Martha. He knows a lot about the enemy, but is he a spy, guardian angel or good-luck charm? - July 03, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Retired Teachers Tackle Future Financial Security for Children in New Resource Guide Released by Dog Ear Publishing; Book by Deanna Schwartzman and Deanna Suckow

Money management is an important skill to learn at any age, and this book, published by Dog Ear Publishing, presents 21 financial ideas in a concise, easy-to-read format for those who want to improve their financial skills and future finances. Preteens, teenagers and young adults who read this... - July 03, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release an Inspiring Memoir About a Girl Searching for Answers and Healing; Book by Susan Gore, Published by Dog Ear Publishing

A desperate teenage mother gives her infant daughter up to an older Christian couple. Thus begins the inspiring true story of author Susan Gore’s life. Under the strict guidance of Nanny and Papa Martin, whose own children have long since left the nest, little Susan tries her best to be a... - July 03, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

President of VoiceAmerica Radio and TV Network Jeff Spenard to be Live Guest Investigator on Paranormal Series “Believers”

New pilot series based on paranormal investigations to kick off July 5, 2010 on VoiceAmerica TV. Jeff Spenard to be Live Guest Investigator on Paranormal Series “Believers.” - July 03, 2010 - VoiceAmerica TV

Landlords Save Money with Regular Property Inspections

Real Estate Investing Show Helps Landlords Keep Up with Regular Maintenance. - July 03, 2010 - Get Real REI

Outskirts Press Announces the Publication of Where Do Angels Come From?

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Where Do Angels Come From? by Beverly J. Timbs Richardson. Also included are Lilly and Me and The Path That Bobby Took. The author’s most recent book to date is a 7 x 10 casebound in the juvenile fiction and beginning readers category and is available... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Through the Eyes of Your Teens, by Author Latiece

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Through the Eyes of Your Teens: A Collection of Poems by Latiece, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6 x 9 paperback cream in the Poetry / Inspirational & Religious category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Here A Nap There A Nap, by Author Amanda Steinbacher

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Here A Nap There A Nap by Amanda Steinbacher, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the Juvenile Fiction / Readers / Beginner category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Fun Primer on Virtues Empowers Kids: Journey to Virtue Planet: An Inter-Active Story, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran actress and author Nancy Nelson-Ewing aka Nan-Lynn Nelson, today announced the release of Journey to Virtue Planet: An Inter-Active Storybook, published by Outskirts Press. Written for children ages five to eight, the full color book introduces children to each of twelve carefully selected... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Eternal Press Releases New Title in July

On July 7th 2010, Eternal Press is releasing one Short Story, one Novella and six novels. An online Launch Party will be held in the Eternal Press Chat Room beginning at 4PM and ending at 8:30 PM MDT. Everyone is invited and encouraged to drop by for a visit with the authors. - July 02, 2010 - Caliburn Press LLC

Skinheads, Bikers Prey on Hero of Windfall: The Cellmate, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Windfall: The Cellmate by Gary Turcotte. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the crime fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

How to Be Victorious in Battle Against Satan: If I Were a Demon, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published If I Were A Demon: For Real by Donald K. Stewart (D. Min., D.M.E.). The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the religion, Christian life and spiritual warfare category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Ben-Gal Cheerleaders Featured in Designer Swimsuit Fashion Show

Cincinnati’s NFL cheer squad will work the runway in couture swimsuits from NYC-based designer. - July 02, 2010 - Cincy Chic

Love, Betrayal, Hope and Despair Drive ORA GAD: The Old Country, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published ORA GAD: The Old Country by Suruba Georgette Ibumando. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the historical fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Can History Truly Repeat Itself? The Ghost of Governor’s Bridge, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Ghost of Governor's Bridge: Sarah's Just Seen a Ghost! Now She Just Might Become One Herself. by Skip Stover. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Historical Thriller The Persian Project, Published by Outskirts Press, Bares US/Iran Breach

Dual winner of the Colorado Authors’ League Top Hand Award, Mark Irving today announced the release of his latest historical fiction work, The Persian Project, published by Outskirts Press. Set in Tehran in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, Irving’s newest thriller takes Special Ops... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Secrets of Law of the Spirit Unlocked in Outlook for a Better Life, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran author Haile Gebre Egziabher today announced the release of his third and newest religious work, Outlook for a Better Life, published by Outskirts Press. In this affirming book Egziabher explores the teachings of Jesus to provide a solid introduction to Christian basics so that his readers... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Invaluable New Realtor’s Guide to Become a Successful REO Expert Published by Outskirts Press

Dream Street Investments, Inc. today announced the release of its new REO and foreclosure guide, Becoming a Master at Listing and Selling Bank Owned Properties, A Guide for All Real Estate Professionals, published by Outskirts Press. Dream Street Investments has won a multitude of awards and... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Daughter Loses Mother and Husband in Photographs and Memories, Published by Outskirts Press

Barbara Fifield today announced the release of her third book, a second novel entitled Photographs and Memories, published by Outskirts Press. The tragic story of a conscientious and caring daughter who has completely changed her life to take care of her aging parents speak to the millions of... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Three Telepathic Teens Take on The Battle of Hank's World, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Battle of Hank's World: Book #2 ...The Tales of One-Farm-One by F. Whitney Harrington. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the science fiction and adventure category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Stupid Book Released by Outskirts Press: New Work Examines Prevalence of Stupidity In Business, Culture and Life

Forget swine flu. To glimpse a real epidemic, be on the lookout for stupid people. They’re everywhere. That’s why author and counselor Henry Shephard has written the first guidebook to surviving the onslaught of stupidity-and maybe even raising the overall intelligence quotient a... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Past Life Influence Probed in The Cosmic Order of Reincarnation, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran author and accomplished philosopher Khun Shwe Thike today announced the release of his newest book, The Cosmic Order of Reincarnation, Fearless Bible, published by Outskirts Press. Arguing that what befalls us in our current life is completely unrelated to the past, Thike expounds on the... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

20 Pound Shih Tzu Inspires Poetry of Biscuits With Archie, Published by Outskirts Press

C.H. Allen Clark today announced the release of Biscuits With Archie, The Poetry and Stories of C.H. Allen Clark, published by Outskirts Press. Drawing both from his experiences with the menagerie of animals populating his house and yard and from his own ancestors’ Civil War experiences,... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Submerged Pierce-Arrow First Clue to The Bootlegger’s Secret, Published by Outskirts Press

Free-lance writer Michael Springer today announced the release of his novel The Bootlegger’s Secret, published by Outskirts Press. The book’s two young heroes follow in the tradition of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer as they learn the hard lessons that sometimes come from boys being thrown... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Psychic Prowess Threatens in Traversity: Demons and Demigods, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Traversity: Demons and Demigods: The Journeys Of An Enchanter by Kurt Paul Hotelling. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback epic fantasy fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Glimpse Into the Afterlife Offered in My Heaven Adventures, Published by Outskirts Press

Terri Sue Smith Wawrzynowicz today announced the release of My Heaven Adventures, Through the Windows and Doors of Heaven, published by Outskirts Press. Her fascinating chronicle of what she has learned in her ten visits to Heaven will help satisfy any reader’s curiosity about that very... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Dove Knight Seeks Justice in Incandescence: Darkness Bright, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Incandescence: Darkness Bright by Matt King. The author's most recent book to date is a 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the Christian fiction and fantasy category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Where Can Life on the Street Really Lead? Asks Easy Money, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran author Daryl Moore today announced the release of his second novel, Easy Money, published by Outskirts Press. A modern day morality play, Moore’s story convincingly portrays the “logic” of young men looking for an easy buck and the dwindling law of returns that usually... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Classic Financial Guide Available: The Science of Getting Rich, Published by Outskirts Press

Aisha Ahad today announced the re-release of Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Getting Rich, The Secret Guide to Financial Success!, published by Outskirts Press. After a life long study of successful people, Wattles was able to isolate the exact actions they took to achieve wealth; his... - July 02, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Press Releases 24,301 - 24,350 of 31,637