"Sea Goddess" Author, Joseph Riden, Publishes First Novel-Length Book

Joseph Riden, Author has released a new book titled, "Sea Goddess." This is his first novel-length book, based on a true story. This book demonstrates the use of atmospheric tension rather than human violence to sustain conflict (and reader interest) in fiction narrative. This story will interest readers seeking exciting, action-filled accounts of an ocean cruising and fishing lifestyle. The book is out in Kindle format now and may be also published in print. - April 18, 2019 - Joseph Riden, Author (sole Prop.)

"The Joy of Job" Named Gold Medal Winner in Theology 2019 Illumination Book Awards

"The Joy of Job, An Investigator’s Perspective on the Most Righteous Man on Earth," has been named a Gold Medal winner in the 2019 Illumination Book Awards. The award was given in the category of Theology. The Illumination Book Awards recognizes the very best Christian books in... - April 16, 2019 - Sagerity Press, LLC

Sheen Magazine Presents the Kimmie Awards 2019: The Illustrious Woman

The Ultimate Beauty Celebration is back in Atlanta. Sheen Magazine returns with the Kimmie Awards TM 2019 to culminate another year of celebrating pioneers, influencers, educators, and celebrities in array of fields: beauty, hair, entertainment, music and more. This year’s theme is: The Illustrious Woman. - April 16, 2019 - SHEEN Magazine/Chapman Foundation, Inc.

International Short Story Contest 2019 by Wise Writer Award is Open to Entries

All around the world, thousands of people of all ages write great stories that are never shared or recognized. Creative and original stories that are relegated to an enclosed notebook or document on the computer that no one, other than the author, will read. Aiming to change this reality, a... - April 12, 2019 - Wise Writer Award

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of From The Heart - Volume One by Jeremiah Calvin

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of From The Heart - Volume One – the first in a series of poetry collections by Jeremiah Calvin. - April 11, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

"Fighting Auschwitz" Wins Silver Award in Prestigious Benjamin Franklin Awards

"Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp" by Jozef Garlinski (Aquila Polonica Publishing, September 2018) has just been named winner of the Silver Award for History, in the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Awards competition. Winners were announced in a ceremony held... - April 11, 2019 - Aquila Polonica Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of “IT’S ALL B*LL*CKS HAROLD” by John Howard

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of “IT’S ALL B*LL*CKS HAROLD” - a humourous novel based on forty years in the legal profession - written by John Howard. - April 09, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

WishYoo Awarded Patent for a Collaborative e-Greeting Card

WishYoo Awarded Patent for a Collaborative e-Greeting Card

WishYoo, a leading platform that replicates the experience of traditional greeting cards, announced that it has been granted the U.S. Patent No. US10235131B2, for a communally constructed electronic card. Now everyone can participate in the same WishYoo card using their own hand-writing, audio messages, and pictures. - April 08, 2019 - More Trees, Inc.

IndieGo Publishing Announces the Release of "Daisy Has Autism," by Aaron J. Wright, a One-of-a-Kind Book About Autism & Special Needs Education

IndieGo Publishing Announces the Release of "Daisy Has Autism," by Aaron J. Wright, a One-of-a-Kind Book About Autism & Special Needs Education

In honor of World Autism Month, IndieGo Publishing is proud to announce the release of "Daisy Has Autism," by Aaron J. Wright, a work of creative nonfiction that serves as an act of public participation and a call to action. "Daisy Has Autism" is the story of one family’s harrowing experience with public special education and their struggles to educate their daughter according to her unique needs. - April 08, 2019 - INDIEGO Publishing

Author and Speaker Chriselda Barretto Releases First Book in Her Series Investigating Aviation Safety

Based on a true story, “Aviation Stories 1: Dying to Fly” digs into the unglamorous and unspoken side of the world of aviation. - April 08, 2019 - Chriselda Barretto

Austin Highsmith Garces Inspires Sick Children

April welcomes actress and children’s advocate, Austin Highsmith Garces’ latest project, The Miracle Tree – a children’s book written about her personal battle against a rare childhood illness. Based on the true story of Austin Highsmith Garces’ experience as a 2-year... - April 08, 2019 - Doce Blant Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Almighty: Allmachtig by P.G.R. Wright

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Almighty: Allmachtig - a novel by P.G.R. Wright. - April 08, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of The Jug & Hare Bathhouse - Book 1, by Graham Williams

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of The Jug & Hare Bathhouse - Book 1 on the subject child abduction and abuse in the reign of King James written by Graham Williams. - April 06, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Yorkie Boys - Growing Up in the Yorkshire Dales of the 1950s, by David Clough

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Yorkie Boys - Growing Up in the Yorkshire Dales of the 1950s, a childhood story from a past era, by David Clough. - April 06, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Tommy’s Magic Trumpet, Written by Dave Etchells and Illustrated by Angela Green

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Tommy’s Magic Trumpet, a fully illustrated children’s book, written by Dave Etchells and illustrated by Angela Green. - April 06, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Ground-Breaking Healing Recipes for Modern Living by Anna Howard

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Ground-Breaking Healing Recipes for Modern Living, a revolutionary recipe book, by Anna Howard. - April 06, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

TriMark Press Author Isabella Watson Joins Forces with TV Cooking Personality Nancy Fuller to Debut "Cooking Rules!"

Following the success of 2016’s Fashion Rules!, 15-year-old Isabella and TriMark Press are back to continue the journey of Elizabeth Phillips. This time, Isabella taps into her culinary passion for Cooking Rules! In this new adventure, Elizabeth is back with a fresh challenge: competing in... - April 05, 2019 - TriMark Press

New Comic Crime Thriller "The Don Con" Brings the Mafia -- and Criminal Hilarity -- to Comic-Con Nerd Culture

New Comic Crime Thriller "The Don Con" Brings the Mafia -- and Criminal Hilarity -- to Comic-Con Nerd Culture

Old-school gangsters and modern pop-culture fandom collide with action-packed and comical results in the new humorous crime thriller "The Don Con" by Richard Armstrong. Published by Pace Press; publication date April 2019. - April 02, 2019 - Linden Publishing

Glagoslav Has Published a Photo Book on the 90s Moscow in Transition

Summary: Robert Stephenson’s book focuses on Moscow following the collapse of the USSR and provides a unique pictorial view of daily life in Russia’s capital city during the turbulent early years of transition to market capitalism. Original photographs and supporting narrative by the... - April 02, 2019 - Glagoslav Publications

Find, Craft, and Tell Powerful Stories Via New Book by Minnesota Author

Find, Craft, and Tell Powerful Stories Via New Book by Minnesota Author

Minnesota author Laura S. Packer releases her first book. “From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story,” is an in-depth resource for public speakers, business owners, and storytellers in a variety of settings. For more information or to order, please visit the publisher's website at smalltoothdog.com. - April 01, 2019 - The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group LLC

Glagoslav’s New Historical Novel is About Spies, Counterintelligence Services, War Crimes and Love

Summary: Postwar Nuremberg is set to host a historically unprecedented trial of the leaders of the defeated Third Reich. The whole world is awaiting a just verdict, but it is here where Soviet counterintelligence must wage a secret war against forces that seek to prevent that from happening at any... - March 30, 2019 - Glagoslav Publications

Halo Publishing International Publishes "A New Hope: Second Chances and a Forgotten Boy"

In the words of Desmond Tutu, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Emerging author Emily Stalder Johnson was in first grade when her teacher assigned her to write a story for a younger student. From that day onward, she hoped and dreamed that she... - March 28, 2019 - Halo Publishing International

In a World with Tragedy All Around Dot's House Releases a New Fantasy Fiction Book That Brings Relief to the Reader

M.D. Schlatter releases her second book, "Travane." This Fantasy Fiction is an uplifting read certain to encourage readers. More information can be found at www.dotsmicropublishinghouse.com. - March 27, 2019 - Dot's Micro-Publishing House

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of My Life as a For Sale Sign by Malcolm R. Hodson

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of My Life as a For Sale Sign – a humour-filled story by Malcolm R. Hodson – part of the My Life Series. - March 26, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Brownstone Poets Presents Jerry T. Johnson, Anne Elezabeth Pluto, Bob Quatrone at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat, 4/27

Three amazing poets Jerry T. Johnson, Anne Elezabeth Pluto, Bob Quatrone to rock Brownstone Poets on Saturday, April 27 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights, and there's an open mic as well. Come enjoy an afternoon of poetry and... - March 26, 2019 - The Brownstone Poets

Unsolicited Press to be at the 2019 AWP Conference

Unsolicited Press, a Portland-based small press, will be attending the 2019 AWP Bookfair. - March 25, 2019 - Unsolicited Press

Debut Novel Portrays Wildfires and a Deadly Militia

Rick E. George's debut novel "Vengeance Burns Hot" releases on May 7, 2019. - March 22, 2019 - Unsolicited Press

ICO Spotter Publishes Guide on the Best Altcoin Exchanges of 2019

ICO Spotter Publishes Guide on the Best Altcoin Exchanges of 2019

Top ICO Listing Site, ICO Spotters, Shares Their Comprehensive Guide to the Most Trustworthy, User Friendly, and Proven Cryptocurrency Exchanges on the Market Today - March 21, 2019 - ICO Spotters

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of Avalon by Kaye Williams

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Avalon - a science-fiction fantasy by Kaye Williams. - March 18, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Immortal Works Press Releases Illustrated Anti-Hero Novel by James Wymore

Fans of graphic novels and superhero movies will enjoy James Wymore’s latest release, "Thug #1." Classified as an illustrated novel, Wymore feels devotees of graphic novels will see it as something of a halfway novel. Illustrations were done by John Christian Perkins. - March 15, 2019 - Immortal Works Publishing

A Myrikal Novel for Immortal Works Press

Holli Anderson releases her latest superhero novel - one whose powers come from an unorthodox source. - March 15, 2019 - Immortal Works Publishing

"Blood Creek Beast" by Jay Barnson Released by Immortal Works Press

Author Jay Barnson is proud to announce his latest release, "Blood Creek Beast," the second book in a planned trilogy in his award-nominated series set in rural Appalachia. The first book, "Blood Creek Witch," was named as a 2018 Whitney Award finalist in the categories of Young... - March 15, 2019 - Immortal Works Publishing

New Book Release from Fireship Press—"Death Beneath the Waves"

It’s early 1942 and America is unprepared for the war it has declared on Japan and Germany. The enemy, however, is not… - March 14, 2019 - Fireship Press

Unsolicited Press Announces the Immediate Release of William R. Soldan's Short Story Collection "In Just the Right Light"

A literary press release announcing the latest book from Unsolicited Press, a small press in Portland. Unsolicited Press released William R. Soldan's short story collection "In Just the Right Light." - March 14, 2019 - Unsolicited Press

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Gets an Illustrated Prequel

120 years after the release of L. Frank Baum’s "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," the Royal Publisher of Oz is publishing a graphic novel telling the canonical tale of How the Wizard Came to Oz. L. Frank Baum’s legendary Oz series was the first American fantasy series, spawning an... - March 14, 2019 - The Royal Publisher of Oz

Local, Davenport, Iowa, Publisher Branches Out with New Imprint

Local publisher, 918studio press, has expanded, launching a new imprint, Legacy Book Press. The new imprint seeks to publish legacy stories, widely defined and in any form: poetry, non-fiction, or fiction. The imprint offers several options for publishing, including full traditional publishing,... - March 14, 2019 - 918studio press

Unsolicited Press Announces Availability of “The Emperor of Ice-Cream” by Gary M. Almeter

The much-anticipated memoir "The Emperor of Ice-Cream" by Gary M. Almeter releases today. - March 12, 2019 - Unsolicited Press

Urgent Message for the Brussels III Conference: Include the Voices of Refugees When Deciding on Their Future

While the European Union and United Nations are getting ready for the Brussels III "Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region," the Syrians who are subject of this conference are nowhere to be seen. That is why Upinion engaged with more than 7.000 Syrian refugees in Turkey to hear about their challenges and their solutions to their problems. - March 11, 2019 - Upinion

FMP, LLC announces Author Logan J Hannen's Return with Two Books & a Punk Rock Agenda

24-year-old New Jersey native, Logan J. Hannen, re-released his debut novel, The Doctor Will See You Now, along with his debut poetry/photography collection, Songs of Rebellion, through local press Forever Morris Publishing, LLC. Initially released in February 2017, the novel has received all... - March 11, 2019 - Forever Morris Publishing, LLC

Legendary Batman Artist Celebrates Detective Comics #1000 with a Giveaway

Neal Adams partners with Key Collector Comics to give away three sets of limited-edition comics valued at $300 per set. - March 11, 2019 - Key Collector Comics

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "A Ribbon, A Rock and a Garrotte - Part One," by Alan Gooding

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "A Ribbon, A Rock and a Garrotte – Part One," by Alan Gooding. - March 11, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Mystery Enforcement Agency" by Mr. J

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Mystery Enforcement Agency," a young adult novel by Mr. J. - March 11, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "My Vision In Words - A Poetic Journey of Life with Sight Loss" by Astrid Middleton

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "My Vision In Words – A Poetic Journey of Life With Sight Loss," an autobiographical account by Astrid Middleton. - March 11, 2019 - Michael Terence Publishing

Andrea Johnson Books Publishing Releases, "Inspirationally Redeemed," by Author Dwayne J. Torres. A Collection of Self Empowering Poetry and Daily Devotional.

Andrea Johnson Books Publishing Releases, "Inspirationally Redeemed," by Author Dwayne J. Torres. A Collection of Self Empowering Poetry and Daily Devotional.

Author Dwayne J. Torres aims to inspire and revitalize individuals with his innovative blend of poetry, by creating a daily devotional of spiritual enlightenment and motivation. With his new book, "Inspirationally Redeemed," Dwayne J. Torres delivers a poetic approach that can be applied within your day to day growth and success. - March 08, 2019 - Andrea Johnson Books Publishing

Kyanite Publishing LLC Releases Novel "Urban Gothic" by Canadian Author Stephen Coghlan

On March 8th, 2019, Kyanite Publishing LLC is set to release "Urban Gothic," a novel by Canadian author Stephen Coghlan. The fantasy tale is classified as "dreampunk," a relatively obscure term for a genre that is surprisingly more widespread than many realize. It includes many... - March 07, 2019 - Kyanite Publishing LLC

Poet and Artist Kindred Releases 3rd Poetry Book

Releasing March 11th, 2019, from Savage Owl Press comes an enlightening synthesis of art and poetry. - March 04, 2019 - Savage Owl Press

In Color Announces the Release of a New Book, "The Medical Cannabis Primer," a Must Read for Patients and Healthcare Professionals

In Color Announces the Release of a New Book, "The Medical Cannabis Primer," a Must Read for Patients and Healthcare Professionals

Book publisher, In Color has released another great volume, "The Medical Cannabis Primer." This compendium by Ruth D. Fisher, PhD, provides easy-to-understand, comprehensive information about medicinal cannabis for patients and healthcare professionals. The book: Helps users and... - March 02, 2019 - In Color

Christina DiArcangelo Puller Has Been Named a Top 100 Entrepreneur and Will be Featured in the 2019 Top 100 Registry

Christina DiArcangelo Puller, CEO & Founder of Affinity Bio Partners has been selected to the Top 100 Registry Business Leaders and Professionals, in recognition of her work in the Global Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Cannabis and CBD industries. - February 28, 2019 - Top100 Registry Inc.

Brownstone Poets Presents George Held, Pamela Hughes, Claudia Serea, and Anton Yakovlev, Sat., 3/23 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant

Four amazing poets George Held, Pamela Hughes, Claudia Serea, and Anton Yakovlev will feature for Brownstone Poets on Saturday, March 23 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights, and there's an open mic as well. Come enjoy an afternoon of... - February 27, 2019 - The Brownstone Poets

New Access Guide Released for Grand Canyon’s 100th Birthday

Candy Harrington’s newest access guide -- Barrier-Free Travel; The Grand Canyon for Wheelers and Slow Walkers -- has been released just in time for the park’s 100th birthday celebration. - February 24, 2019 - C&C Creative Concepts

Press Releases 11,651 - 11,700 of 24,289