Award-Winning Novel Star Racers Could Redefine the Graphic Novel

Award-Winning Novel Star Racers Could Redefine the Graphic Novel

Star Racers won the National Silver Medal for Best Science Fiction at the 2016 IPPY Book Awards. - April 08, 2016 - Star Racers

Counselor Books Releases "Affordable and Portable" Glossary of Invertebrate Zoology

Designed for students, this is an authoritative introduction by Dr. Ron Clouse to the enormous lexicon of invertebrate zoology. - April 07, 2016 - Counselor Books, L.L.C.

Now in Print & eBook: "Frostbite" by New Hampshire Author J.E. Seymour

Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of the noir thriller "Frostbite" by New Hampshire author J.E. Seymour. "Frostbite" is the third book in the "Kevin Markinson" series. - April 06, 2016 - Barking Rain Press

Apple, iPads, and Audio Recording: World Languages Publisher Solves Industry Challenge, Brings Audio Recording to iPads

Wayside Publishing, a leader in world languages textbook publishing, has released a new iOS app for enrolled users of its newly redesigned online learning management system, the Learning Site. “We have received rave reviews of our newly launched Learning Site, however, Apple’s decision... - April 06, 2016 - Wayside Publishing

Brownstone Poets Presents Michael Graves, Sarah Sarai, and Francine Witte at Park Plaza on Sat, 5/7 at 2:30 p.m.

Brownstone Poets presents Michael Graves, Sarah Sarai, Francine Witte on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. Brownstone Poets presents: Michael Graves Sarah Sarai Francine... - April 05, 2016 - The Brownstone Poets

Patricia Montclair's "Summer Lust II: The Vampire Rhapsody" Now Offers a Paperback Version

Patricia Montclair announces the release of "Summer Lust II: The Vampire Rhapsody" in a paperback edition today. It follows on the heals of the release of a video trailer for the same title. - April 04, 2016 - Patricia Montclair

Weaker Lumber Markets and a Strengthening US Dollar Have Pushed the Global Sawlog Price Index Down Almost 22% in Two Years

Sharp reductions of sawlog prices occurred in Russia, Brazil, Central Europe and Western Canada in 2015 because of weaker currencies, less demand for lumber and reduced trade of logs, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. European sawlog prices have fallen faster than prices in most other regions of the world. - April 02, 2016 - Wood Resources International LLC

Dale F. Shaffer’s End-Times Prophecy Novel Features Bible Reference Endnotes

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new novel about the end-times when a middle-east war escalates into World War III. Biblical references following the story provide an opportunity for studying the prophecies and their sequence. - April 01, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

No Joke, “Night Wolf” on KickStarter on April Fool’s Day 2016

Lone Wolf Comics Launches Campaign to Help Fund Its Premiere Comic Book Title “Night Wolf.” - March 31, 2016 - Lone Wolf Comics

A Science Fiction Adventure with a Napoleonic Twist

A freak accident lifts three youths from a 74 gun man o’ war sailing ship in 1804 and lands them on a spaceship in 2204. The author of several works of fiction, Patrick G. Cox’s newest book, "Harry Heron: Into the Unknown" (paperback ISBN 978-0-9860953-9-9, ebook ISBN 978-0-9860953-3-7), follows the flagship book in the series, "Harry Heron: Midshipman’s Journey," taking the reader from a sea battle between the British and the French in the southern Indian Ocean into a future war in space. - March 30, 2016 - INDIEGO Publishing

Rabbi Wilhelm Weinberg’s Writings and Official Documents Preserved for Posterity by the USHMM

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum digitizes archival documents of Rabbi Wilhelm Weinberg, the first post-Holocaust Chief Rabbi of Hesse and Frankfurt am Main, Germany. - March 30, 2016 - INDIEGO Publishing

2016 LA Book Festival Recognizes THE LOBBY

A Hilarious Look at Those Lives Passing Through an Upscale San Francisco Hotel - March 29, 2016 - Randi M Sherman

Halo Publishing Presents Keys to Recover Your Power

Yehudit Lev pens vision to living a conscious life. - March 27, 2016 - Halo Publishing International

Disabled Parenting Project Announces Launch of Online Community

Disabled Parenting Project Announces Launch of Online Community

The Disabled Parenting Project (DPP) is the first of its kind online community to connect disabled parents as well as those considering parenthood. The DPP will serve as an information clearinghouse and interactive space for discussion and connection. - March 25, 2016 - Disabled Parenting Project

Read The Spirit Releases 100 Questions and Answers About American Jews

This simple, introductory guide answers 100 of the basic questions non-Jews ask in everyday conversation. It has answers about Judaism and Jewish culture, customs, identity, language, stereotypes, politics, education, work, families and food. This guide is meant as a quick, introduction for non-Jews in business, schools, congregations, government, medicine, law enforcement, human resources who need a starting point in learning about Jewish neighbors and co-workers. - March 25, 2016 - Read The Spirit Books

The Gut Health Protocol - Natural Solutions for Nagging Gut Issues, All Backed by Scientific Research

The Gut Health Protocol - Natural Solutions for Nagging Gut Issues, All Backed by Scientific Research

Are you plagued by stomach and intestinal issues, acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog? Have you been to several doctors and haven’t seen any long term relief? This was author John Herron a few years ago. Herron decided to research the medical studies himself. What he found was stunning, there are solutions out there, but because they’re natural doctors don’t prescribe them. Now all of this is in the book, “The Gut Health Protocol.” - March 24, 2016 - The Gut Health Protocol

Book About Employee Engagement Named One of the Top 5 Leadership Books of the Year

Book About Employee Engagement Named One of the Top 5 Leadership Books of the Year

"Otherwise Engaged" by John Guaspari has been selected as one of the top five leadership books published last year by Leadership and Management Books, a brand of The Book Review Company. The book is available from most storefront and online bookstores. Visit for more information about the book or to read an excerpt. - March 24, 2016 - Maven House Press

Copyhouse Press Ltd Launches New Imprint

Imaginarium Self-Publishing Opens to Strong Interest - March 23, 2016 - Copyhouse Press Ltd

First-Ever English Uncensored Translation from Belarusian of Vasil Bykau’s Alpine Ballad is Released

This month sees the release of a new instalment in Glagoslav’s Belarusian collection, first-ever English uncensored translation from Belarusian of Vasil Bykau’s Alpine Ballad. - March 22, 2016 - Glagoslav Publications

NYT Best Selling Author Announces His David Farland Discovery Program for New Writers

David Farland, known as "the Wizard of Storytelling," is an award-winning, New York Times bestselling author. WordFire Press will release "The Feather and the Moon Well," a debut novel by Shean Pao, as the first novel in the innovative David Farland Discovery program to discover and showcase new talent. - March 18, 2016 - Wordfire Press

Enterprising Women Recognizes Tara Russell and Laurie DeJong with Advocacy Awards

Enterprising Women Magazine Recognizes Outstanding Academic, Nonprofit and Business Leaders at Annual Awards Event - March 18, 2016 - Enterprising Women

Enterprising Women Recognizes Barbara Kasoff with Legacy Award

Enterprising Women Magazine Recognizes Outstanding Academic, Nonprofit and Business Leaders at Annual Awards Event - March 18, 2016 - Enterprising Women

Enterprising Women Inducts Cindy Monroe Into Its Hall of Fame

Enterprising Women Magazine Recognizes Outstanding Academic, Nonprofit and Business Leaders at Annual Awards Event - March 18, 2016 - Enterprising Women

Galaxy Press Announces Battlefield Earth’s Terl to Attend Silicon Valley Comic Con and Salt Lake City Fan-X Convention

Galaxy Press Announces Battlefield Earth’s Terl to Attend Silicon Valley Comic Con and Salt Lake City Fan-X Convention

Meet the greatest enemy that fans love to hate at the Silicon Valley Comic Con and Salt Lake City Fan-X Convention – Terl, from L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth. - March 17, 2016 - Galaxy Press

Northern Books and Isabelle Esling Release "An Encounter with Yeshua the Sequel"

An Encounter with Yeshua the Sequel is the second volume of author Isabelle Esling's amazing adventure with our Lord Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth). - March 17, 2016 - Northern Books

St Augustine Buzz "Foodies Guide to St Augustine Dining"

St. Augustine’s restaurants are a welcome vacation destination for any a taste need. This guide will help you plan your next food adventure in The Nation's Oldest City. - March 16, 2016 - St Augustine Buzz Media

New Access Guide Highlights Utah’s National Parks

Penned by accessible travel expert Candy Harrington, this new travel guide highlights wheelchair-accessible trails, sites, and lodging options in Utah's five national parks. - March 16, 2016 - C&C Creative Concepts

Napoli Unplugged Guide to Naples Named Foreword Reviews' 2015 Indiefab Book of the Year Awards Finalist

The Napoli Unplugged Guide to Naples is on the shortlist for its third indie publishing award, a Foreword Reviews' 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award for travel. A stunning new guide to the city of Naples, Italy, this beautifully illustrated book is the creation of four women with deep ties to this southern Italian city. - March 16, 2016 - Partenope Press

Segilola Salami Partners with UK Charity Jigsaw4u

Segilola Salami pledges to give a small percentage of the sales of her latest book "Yetunde: An Ode to My Mother," to UK charity Jigsaw4u to support them in their works. - March 14, 2016 - Segilola Publishing

Launch of The Segilola Salami Show

Segilola Salami announces the launch of her new show The Segilola Salami Show. The show is an avenue for authors to share their experience of publishing their books and host giveaways. Listeners also get to discover new self published books. - March 14, 2016 - Segilola Publishing

Houdini and Doyle May be Fiction – But New Book Reveals True Story of Arthur Conan Doyle and the Paranormal

A new book, "Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light, 1887-1920" reveals the true story of Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic investigations. Published by UK publisher Life Is Amazing, it reveals how he became the world leader of the Spiritualist movement, and how he started his Spiritualist missionary phase exactly 100 years ago this month. - March 12, 2016 - Life Is Amazing

New Book Release by Author and Entertainment Reporter Bridget Campos

4BMC Publication presents: "Upon the Willful Ignorance of Men" a novella written by entertainment reporter, Bridget Campos. The 116 page fictional coming-of-age story is about an unknown drifter that rediscovers who he is after his fall from grace in his beloved city of New York. - March 11, 2016 - 4BMC Publication

Galaxy Press Celebrates Author L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday as It Gears Up for Massive Battlefield Earth Campaign

Galaxy Press Celebrates Author L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday as It Gears Up for Massive Battlefield Earth Campaign

Galaxy Press as the publisher of Mr. Hubbard’s fiction works, will celebrate L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday by offering complimentary tickets to a special theatrical production at the L. Ron Hubbard Theatre located in Hollywood, CA this Saturday, 12 March. - March 10, 2016 - Galaxy Press

Matthew Wharton Releases New Book Designed to Whip Readers Into Great Shape

Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that aims to teach people how to turn their life around day by day, prompting them to lose excess body fat fast. The author provides practical ideas to take fitness to the next level. - March 10, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

Meet the 14 Year Old Unschooled Girl About to Publish Her Debut Novel

Reka Kaponay, a 14 year old girl who has been traveling the world full-time for the last four years and has not attended school since 2009, is about to publish a novel for young people, that carries a strong message of addressing conflict without violence and aggression. - March 10, 2016 - Hoot Owl Books

Four LID Publishing Titles Named Foreword Reviews’ 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards Finalists

Be A Mindsetter, Enabling Collaboration, Getting Better With Age and Madison Avenue Manslaughter were recognized as finalists in the 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards by Foreword Reviews. - March 10, 2016 - LID Publishing Inc.

Swimmer Publishes New Memoir, Announces His Fourth and Final World Record Attempt to Swim Across the Sea of Cortez

What does Paul Lundgren do to prepare to swim across the Sea of Cortez? He writes and publishes a new book. - March 09, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

Children’s Book by Amy Crowe Earns Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence

Dog Ear Publishing has recognized a new illustrated children’s book that teaches gentle lessons, presenting it with the company’s Award of Literary Excellence. - March 09, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

Chris Faith Spins Imaginative Yarn in New Novel

When an Army general who loves to command and his entourage arrive in a peaceful dairy farming community, they turn everything upside down. Dog Ear Publishing reviews this new book that stars a genius who reluctantly agrees to try to save the world. - March 08, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing

Tillman Estates Begins Production on New Beyonce and Destiny's Child Documentary

Dousic Media Group and Dousic Film & Television (affiliates of Dousic Entertainment LLC), in association with Tillman Music Group, and The Andretta Tillman Estate, are proud to announce the start of production on A Child of Destiny, a new documentary about the life of Andretta Tillman and her creation of Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child. - March 08, 2016 - Dousic Entertainment Publishing

Brownstone Poets Presents Queens Poets Valerie G. Keane, Micah Zevin, and Peter Marra at Park Plaza Restaurant, Sat, 4/2

Brownstone Poets presents a Queens Spectacular poetry event honoring poets Valerie G. Keane, Micah Zevin, and Peter Marra on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. Brownstone... - March 08, 2016 - The Brownstone Poets

New from Redemption Press: "The Orphan Syndrome: Breaking Free & Finding Home"

New from Redemption Press: "The Orphan Syndrome: Breaking Free & Finding Home"

Ever felt like an orphan in this world? Have you experienced a broken heart, disconnection and restlessness? These are symptoms of a wounded spirit and the orphan syndrome. The essence of the orphan syndrome is a lie that says - "You are on your own." - March 04, 2016 - Redemption Press

Noted Nigerian Author Mike Effa Releases Latest Novel - "The Mysterious Liver" - Through Copyhouse Press

Latest Offering by the Rising Star of the Nigerian Ethnofiction Genre Brought to Market Under New "Imaginarium" Imprint - March 04, 2016 - Copyhouse Press Ltd

Radio Theater Production of the Action Adventure "River Driver" at the L. Ron Hubbard Theatre in Hollywood

Radio Theater Production of the Action Adventure "River Driver" at the L. Ron Hubbard Theatre in Hollywood

For family friendly things to do in LA, attend a live theater production of “River Driver” by L. Ron Hubbard on Saturday, March 5, and see why sometimes, murder can be a blessing in disguise. - March 03, 2016 - Galaxy Press

1STEIN Launches HTML5 Online Designer for Photo Books and Printed Gifts

The 3P photobook publishing solution ( has 3 major components: an award winning Desktop Publisher for PCs, a new platform independent Online Designer for HTML5 capable browsers, and a robust and flexible Storefront & Backoffice production system. The new Online Designer is one of the fastest and feature richest applications of its kind on the web2print market. - March 03, 2016 - 1STEIN

Galaxy Press Uses Cosplay with Terl from "Battlefield Earth" as a Means of Introducing a New Generation of Readers to the International Bestselling Novel

Galaxy Press Uses Cosplay with Terl from "Battlefield Earth" as a Means of Introducing a New Generation of Readers to the International Bestselling Novel

The use of cosplay for the re-release of L. Ron Hubbard’s "Battlefield Earth" will feature a special handmade body suit of one of the central characters, Terl, as visualized by Frank Frazetta which is featured as the book’s cover art. - March 02, 2016 - Galaxy Press

Publisher Releases a Two-Volume Collection of Childhood Bulgarian Folktales

Publisher Releases a Two-Volume Collection of Childhood Bulgarian Folktales

Announcing a newly published collection of beloved Bulgarian folk tales brought to life for a new audience by Varna International Publishers. The Petals from the Rose Series presents the cherished folk tales of the land of Bulgaria newly translated by Rayna Rosenova, masterfully adapted by Scott Cairns, and beautifully illustrated by Boris Stoilov. Let your imagination soar with this two volume collection of Bulgarian folk tales by Varna International Publishers. - March 02, 2016 - Varna International Publications

Aggregion and Microsoft Launch a New Project for Universities

Aggregion and Microsoft launched a joint project that involves granting free access to the platform to a number of European universities. - February 29, 2016 - Aggregion

Aggregion is Launching a Universal Library System: Content Now Makes More

This universal system could be used by standalone libraries or library systems of any size. - February 29, 2016 - Aggregion

Study: New Drug Found to Further Boost Survival for Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients, According to PiscoMed's Oncology Journal AMOR

Adrenal inhibitor abiraterone acetate provides more substantial advantages in treating metastatic cases - February 29, 2016 - PiscoMed Publishing Pte Ltd

Press Releases 12,801 - 12,850 of 24,299