New Fiction Release Provides Twists and Turns, Dark Humor, Water on the Moon, Book by Carlos, Published by Dog Ear Publishing

Doug is an unsuccessful writer casting about for inspiration. Stuck in an unhappy marriage, living in the middle of uneventful Connecticut, he finds himself seeking out 12 step meetings in hopes of finding the spark he needs to create the work of art that will propel him into fame and fortune. - July 18, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Cast of Southern Fried Characters Animates Gar Fish & Long Gravy, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated body, mind, spirit and new thought book from Chamblee, GA, author Alexander Devereux. - July 17, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Broken Records Magazine Releases Their Latest Issue

Music Magazine releases Volume II/Issue 4 Today. Almost Sells Out Preorder in Under Two Weeks. - July 17, 2010 - Broken Records Magazine

America's News Now Announces Launch of Writer Compensation

Americas News Now has launched its writer compensation plan. Writers that register and begin publishing with Americas News Now can be paid for their efforts. Please visit their website for more information. - July 17, 2010 -

Unicorn to Publish 'How You Can Survive Divorce' with Insider Tips & Advice by Women for Women

Divorce is difficult and painful for women, but many survive and thrive after a divorce. A new ebook is soliciting advice and tips for women from women who have been through a divorce, and learned something about the system, men and themselves. - July 17, 2010 - Unicorn

Energy Companies in Europe Show Increased Interest in Sourcing Biomass from the US South, Reports the North American Wood Fiber Review

Woody biomass in the US South is attracting interest from European energy companies in their search for long-term, reliable and competitively priced supply sources, reports the North American Wood Fiber Review. The increased competition for wood fiber has pushed pine pulpwood prices upward in the Southeastern states this past year. - July 16, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC

Media Contact Lists and Press Release Distribution Discussion Blog Started by Gebbie Press

A new blog has surfaced that addresses the proper way to write a press release and how to determine what media contact lists are appropriate for distribution. - July 16, 2010 - Gebbie Press

BOLDPRINT Pilot Project Findings Released

Engagement improves literacy for struggling readers. - July 16, 2010 - Rubicon Publishing

DarkBrain, LLC Seeks to Change the Face of Webcomics

DarkBrain, LLC, an innovative new webcomics publisher, released today Cortex #3. The company, which is founded and run by Andrew Zar, opened its virtual doors on February 6, 2010. Producing 12 original series of comics, each has graphic novel quality art and a great story - but also includes... - July 16, 2010 - DarkBrain, LLC

New Release Tells True Stories of Navy Enlisted Submariners on Patrol in the Pacific During World War II; Book by Stephen Leal Jackson, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

More than 3,500 men, more than 23 percent of the American submarine force, never returned from their World War II missions. Their submarines had few crew comforts, and duty on "the boats" was one of the most statistically deadly, physically demanding and emotionally challenging assignments for those serving in the U.S. Navy. This book recounts the real story of these undersea warriors, told by the men who lived it. - July 15, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

New Release by Ashley Goldsworthy Brings Lessons from the Animal Kingdom Into the World of Business, Education and Nonprofit Organizations; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Although leadership can’t be taught, one can be taught about leadership, and this fascinating book explores the concept of an unlikely teacher: animals. As the author notes, human leadership is about getting people to do what you want them to do, even if they might want to do otherwise, by... - July 15, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Latest Update on Healthcare Event About Green Initiatives and Development

Global Sustainable Healthcare and Hospital Development Conference Commands Dialogue About Going Green in the Global Healthcare Investment Sector Sept 22-24 2010 Los Angeles. - July 15, 2010 - Sustainable Healthcare and Hospital Development Magazine

Mark Kalita Enterprises Releases New Book, "Tears of a Spirit" by Grizzly Bear

The release of a new book, "Tears of a Spirit" by Grizzly Bear, chronicles the journey of a Cherokee descendant mourning for the Horizon Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. - July 15, 2010 - Mark Kalita Enterprises

Marlboro Music Festival Setting for Luskin's Novel, Into the Wilderness

Novelist Deborah Lee Luskin will be reading from her novel, Into the Wilderness, at Bartleby's Books in Wilmington, Vermont on Saturday, July 17, at 4 PM, just hours before the opening of the 60th Marlboro Music Festival in Southern Vermont. - July 14, 2010 - Deborah Lee Luskin

Three Rubicon Publishing Series Win a Texty Award

Rubicon Publishing is proud to announce that it has received the rare honour of having three of its series tie for a prestigious 2010 Textbook Excellence Award. - July 14, 2010 - Rubicon Publishing

Current Fine-Tuning of the Control Technology is Used for Determining for the First Time in the German Machinery Industry Reports the Quest Trend Magazine

Fine-tuning the consisting control systems at the machines instead of changing the control technology is the motto of the German machine-builders this year. These goals pursue the machine-builders for the first time since 2003. Since then the annual technological change in the automation... - July 14, 2010 - Quest Trend Magazine

New Juvenile Fiction Release Tells Story of Survival After a Startling Transformation; Book by Angela Messina Ollweiler, Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Scottie is a typical 12-year-old boy, an overconfident class clown and practical joker who thinks nothing of pulling pranks on his younger sister and brother. But a fateful family trip to Heron’s Lake, the local picnic spot, changes everything. A visit to the wishing well and a mysterious windstorm leads to a surprising transformation. This juvenile fiction book tells the story of Scottie’s transformation and introduces readers to a cast of unusual characters during this amazing journey. - July 13, 2010 - Dog Ear Publishing

Mystery of a Celtic Cup in Egypt: Secrets of the Templar Chalice, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Secrets of the Templar Chalice by Joy Gallien Barlow. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the science fiction and adventure category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Albania Saved by Intrepid Christian Woman in An Eagle Heart, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published An Eagle Heart by Shpetim Lezi. The author's most recent book to date is a 7 x 10 paperback in the Christian historical fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Challenges of Faith, Space and Neutron War Faced in Gates of Eden, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Gates of Eden: The Gates of Eden Trilogy by Richard Douglas Bouslough. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback Christian futuristic fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

How Permanent Peace is Possible: You Can Be Free From Your SELF, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published You Can Be Free From Your SELF: The Grace of Soul Transformation by David Alsobrook. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the spiritual self-help category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Candid, Revealing New Korean War Memoir: Cottonseed Easy Six, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Cottonseed Easy Six by Douglas Graney. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the Korean War military history category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Christian Guide for Salvation and Deliverance from Demons Published by Outskirts Press

Dr. Michael Richardson, the Dean of New Beginnings Church in New York City, and runs a Bible College called Bible College of the Apostles and Prophets announced today the release of his book Deliverance from Satanic Bondages, published by Outskirts Press. His Christian guide shows readers through... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Man’s Demons Exorcised in Deliverance From Satanic Bondages, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Deliverance From Satanic Bondages by Dr. Michael Richardson D.D. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the adventurers and explorers autobiographical category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Tongue-in-Cheek Exposé of Gene Pool Given in The Levi Genes, Published by Outskirts Press

Author O.E. Vey today announced the release of the first work of his Levi Trilogy, The Levi Genes, published by Outskirts Press. In this hilarious and thought provoking novel, O.E. Vey takes up, in his own pleasingly quirky and entertaining style, the two most important questions in human history:... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Postmodern Woman Obsessed with Success Propels Novel SHEgo, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published SHEgo: A Journey into Consciousness by Tania Zaverta Chance. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the literary fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at www. - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Magic Tryst Among Daffodils Begins Encounters: A Love Story, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Encounters: A Love Story by Andrew J. Salat. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the Gothic romantic fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Courageous Escape from Nazis Told in The Playboy Crew 1943-1944, Published by Outskirts Press

Robert F. Pipes today announced the release of his new memoir, The Playboy Crew 1943-1944, Memoirs of WW II, The Men of B-24 Liberator 41-29399, published by Outskirts Press. A fascinating chronicle of the plane and its tight knit crew, Pipes gives an insider’s view to those WW II experiences... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Football Fiction in the Heart of Dixie: The Legend’s Son, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Legend's Son: ...And The Ultra-Competitive World Of Alabama Football by Willie Backer. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the action and adventure category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Are We from God, Aliens, an Accident or…? Read The Levi Genes, Published by Outskirts Press.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Levi Genes: A Simple, Factualized Tale of Evolution and the Gene Pool by O.E. Vey. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the humorous fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Our Current Golden Age of Science Nurtured by The Science of Life, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran author Ronnie Lee today announced the release of his eighth book, The Science of Life, Philosophical Equations of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Religion, published by Outskirts Press. Written simply and clearly in his hallmark free verse style, Lee’s well phrased philosophical... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Rollicking New Vietnam War Tale: Stalking the Dragon, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Stalking the Dragon: 10th Anniversary Edition by Kregg P.J. Jorgenson. The author's most recent book to date is a 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the humor category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Woman, a Warrior, a Frontier World Animate EMPIRE'S SWORD, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published EMPIRE'S SWORD: A Chronicle of the End of a Dark Age by Arvin Lucan. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback epic fantasy category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Warrior Cop or Serial Killer? The Man Who Became Iron Stan, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Iron Stan: Psyco Cop by Gary Turcotte. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the drama category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $14.95. The... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Prophecy Revealed: Nostradamus Presages of the Divine Plan, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Nostradamus Presages of the Divine Plan - Rise to Consciousness: Volume One of a Four Volume Series by Michal Deschausses, Ph.D. The author's most recent book to date is a 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the religion and spirituality category is available worldwide on... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Evil Earthly Angel an Enemy in The Student Prophet: New Partners, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Student Prophet: New Partners by James Nicholas Logue. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the action and adventure fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Compelling New Heroine in Debut Novel, Jazzi's Love, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Jazzis' Love by YumYum Bean. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback the African American and urban life fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Unconquerable Spirit of Women Triumphs in Shadows of Men, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Shadows of Men: Stories of The Real Women Of NYC by Azra. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the contemporary romantic fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Invaluable Medical Reference, Asthma Allergies Children, Published by Third Avenue Books

Third Avenue Books announces the latest highly anticipated health, fitness and allergies book from Brooklyn, NY, authors Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Dr. Larry Chiaramonte and Henry Ehrlich. - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Candid, Charming Poems in First Time Death Is Still an Amateur, Published by Outskirts Press

Georgia native and Vietnam veteran Ed Moroney today announced the release of his first volume of poems, First Time Death Is Still an Amateur: Poetry of a Man Dispossessed of Talent, published by Outskirts Press. Self-deprecating, charming and candid, Moroney comfortably serves up to his readers all... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Mermaid Befriends Girl in Starfish, Seashells, Coral and Gems, Published by Outskirts Press

Accomplished children’s author Barbara Bryan today announced the release of her fourth book, Starfish, Seashells, Coral and Gems, published by Outskirts Press. The story of a mermaid hooked by a fishing line, but then set free by her young captor, Bryan’s newest work shows young readers... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Eradicate the Demons of Worry with Free Yourself from Worry, Published by Outskirts Press

Author, educator and Christian, R. L. Hill, today announced the release of his new book, Free Yourself from Worry, published by Outskirts Press. Hill recognizes that when men and women worry, they sacrifice the good in their lives. In his book, Hill provides lessons to those plagued by an anxiety... - July 13, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Coffee in My Cup is Smart and Sexy New Murder Mystery Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Coffee in My Cup: A Tale of Love and Murder by Ella Monet'. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the African American romance category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Poems and Prose to Inspire Cancer Patients Fill The Pebble Path, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Pebble Path: Returning Home from a Forest of Shadows by Jan Hasak. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the drama category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Eerie Link Found Between Four Murders in Vigilante Caretaker, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated romantic fiction and suspense book from Greenville, TX, author Avon Acker. - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

"Virtuous not Perfect" by S. Denise Cornelius to be Released by North Wind Publishing

“Virtuous not Perfect” is an engaging book telling true stories of six modern day virtuous women “in the making,” and nine women from the bible, many of whom had vices like infidelity, drunkenness, arrogance, selfishness, attempted suicide, and so on, and the steps they took to overcome these failures. - July 12, 2010 - North Wind Publishing

God Given Gifts Wait to be Born in All: Giving Birth in the Valley, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Giving Birth In The Valley by Charylene Morgan. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the Christian life, religious and inspirational category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Touching Tribute to Converted Woman: He Was There All the Time, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published He Was There All The Time by Joyce H. Jones. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the biography and personal memoir category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Veteran Poet Releases Innovative New Work, Lyrics and Verses, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Lyrics and Verses by Ame Ai. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the poetry category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at was launched... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Town Goes Mad for a Day in Duckegg & Persons of Interest, Published by Outskirts Press

Veteran novelist NovaMelia today announced the release of her second work of fiction, Duckegg & Persons of Interest, published by Outskirts Press. In her latest novel the author creates an intriguing narrative of confused rumors, local ethics, pharmaceutical experimentation and two remarkable... - July 12, 2010 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Press Releases 18,501 - 18,550 of 24,411