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Within Book Publishers
Newly Published "Who Goes There" First in the Granny Gray Stories
Author LR Gray Pens Delightful Children’s Story Filled with Love and Laughter. - August 20, 2016 - Halo Publishing International
Reviving a Controversial Novel of Hipster Life in 1960s New York City
Tough Poets Press to publish expanded 40th-anniversary edition of forgotten dark comedy by author Marvin Cohen - August 19, 2016 - Tough Poets Press
Latest Book by Martin Drapkin Stars Quirky Heroine Who Categorically Loves Her Job
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book centered on a young woman who knows what she likes and isn’t afraid to show it, even as she helps make her sister’s dream come true. - August 16, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Television Documentary Weaves Scotland and China Together
“The Scottish Brocade” charts the production of bespoke garment in Nanjing and the Scottish highlands. - August 15, 2016 - SinoConnexion Ltd.
Independent Study Finds Elsevier Animal Simulator a More Effective Learning Resource Than Lecture-Demonstration Method
First-of-its-kind online education solution proven beneficial among students taking First Professional Degree in MBBS in Amphibian Physiology in India. - August 12, 2016 - Elsevier Health
WPG Author Shares Real Angelic, Supernatural Encounters in New Book
Angels are real; Author Bonnie McPhail, shares her angelic encounters in her new book, "The Angel Seer." - August 11, 2016 - Winters Publishing Group
Physician’s New Book Provides Hope for Dealing with Addiction
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new concise guide that details the treatment of addiction for patients, families and providers and the underlying mechanics behind addiction. - August 10, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Brownstone Poets Presents Steve Dalachinsky, Mike Jurkovic, and Yuko Otomo on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant
Brownstone Poets presents Steve Dalachinsky, Mike Jurkovic, and Yuko Otomo on Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. Steve... - August 10, 2016 - The Brownstone Poets
WPG and STW Agency, LLC Cite New Release by Author Ruby Wicked
Unusual name, unusually good book. The latest work by Ruby Wicked is an intriguing story of two senior high school boys who unknowingly spark the insanity of a doctor. - August 09, 2016 - Winters Publishing Group
Breathe Financial Launches New Mortgage Brokerage and Offers Clients the Chance to Win a Trip for 2 to Paris
Breathe Financial Mortgages announced today that it is giving away a trip for 2 to Paris France to celebrate the opening of their new Mortgage Brokerage. This new division of Breathe Financial will give New Zealand residents the mortgage flexibility they're seeking by giving them access to... - August 09, 2016 - Breathe Financial
New Book Gives Hope to Men Seeking Greater Vitality, Strength, Energy
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book geared toward helping men experiencing low testosterone (“Low T”) or other hormonal imbalances regain their health. - August 09, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Book by Jim Serritella Shares Wife’s Battle with Lung Cancer
Dog Ear Publishing’s latest new book is a fascinating story of a couple’s determination to overcome a terrifying diagnosis: Stage 3A lung cancer. - August 09, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Former Singer Executive Sews Up Award with New Book – an Insider’s Tale of Troubled Multinational Company
A new book that shares the story of The Singer Company, America’s first multinational corporation, has earned the Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence. “Unraveling the Threads: The Life, Death and Resurrection of the Singer Company” is at once a lesson on the company’s history and its management structure. - August 04, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Release: Suspense Novel for Christian Teens
R.H. Lewis has released his second power-hit with teens - "Seed of the Holy Shroud" His debut novel - "Secrets of Bayboro Mansion" - hit the ground running with two Brevard County elementary schools choosing his book for the summer reading program. - August 03, 2016 - Saturn's Moon Press
Beyoncé and Destiny's Child New Documentary Completes Filming
“A Child of Destiny," the new documentary about the life of Andretta Tillman, the driving force behind Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child rise to fame completes filming. - August 03, 2016 - Dousic Entertainment Publishing
Internet’s Birth Month Inspires BookVenture’s Marketing Promo
The self-publishing company launches new marketing promo for August. - August 03, 2016 - Book Venture
Dog Ear Publishing to Release New Novel by A.K. Delaney
Dog Ear Publishing announced today that it will release in summer 2016 a fantastic tale of fantasy and adventure in a new novel by A.K. Delaney, “Bearers of the Sacred Seven: The First Quest.” - August 02, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
BookVenture Introduces Blog Tour Service
BookVenture Publishing Company launches its latest publicity service for August - August 02, 2016 - Book Venture
Sewing Machine Company’s History Unfolds in New Award-Winning Book
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that tells the story of the Singer Company, the country’s first multinational corporation. The book, by an executive with almost 20 years of experience with Singer, has earned the Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence. - August 01, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Novel in Henry Fox Series Earns Award from Publishing Company
Dog Ear Publishing has named the latest winner of its Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence: Shel Weinstein’s new book “In Murder’s Wake.” It’s the second book in his series featuring Henry Fox. - August 01, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Next Level Dad Book to be Offered for Free on Kindle Tuesday August 2
Get the Kindle version of the 5-Star book, Next Level Dad, for Free on Kindle Tuesday 8/2/16. This impactful guide is helping many dads (and moms too) take their most important role in life to the next level. About the book: Next Level Dad: Bringing Faith and Fun to Fatherhood is the latest book... - August 01, 2016 - Goal Line Group LLC
The Hungry Horizon, a Debut Novel by Mike Hawthorne Follows the True Exploits of the Infamous Pirate, Bartholomew Sharp and His Band of Buccaneers
Jamaica, Christmas 1679. In Morant Bay, a fleet of buccaneers secretly prepares to attack the Spanish Main, in defiance of the peace treaty between England and Spain. A veteran of the Dutch Wars and Henry Morgan’s sack of Panama, Tom Sheppard flees from a brawl in Port Royal with his two young turtle-fishing mates to join the expedition and escape the threat of the gallows. - August 01, 2016 - Fireship Press
Abiku: A Battle of Gods - Chilling New Paranormal Romance Novel Brings Out Kinky Side of Thor Fans. Brought to You by Segilola Publishing.
Masterfully crafted by Elizabeth Salawu, ‘Abiku: A Battle of Gods’ fuses erotica, suspense and the paranormal in a cinematic adventure that will leave all fantasy fiction fans with sweaty palms and pounding hearts. - July 31, 2016 - Segilola Publishing
Glagoslav Publications is Releasing a Book of Selected Poems by Russia’s Famous Poetess Lydia Grigorieva
“It would be hard to imagine Russian poetry in the last half century without Lydia Grigorieva,” writes eminent Russian poet and critic Konstantin Kedrov. Grigorieva is a uniquely individual voice, bucking the trends of modernist poetry to create her own distinctive and beguiling body of... - July 30, 2016 - Glagoslav Publications
Bush Alaska Murder Mystery Finalist for Crime Fiction Award
Sundown on Top of the World has been selected as one of three finalists for the Whistler Independent Book Awards in the Crime Fiction category. Set in bush Alaska, it is the most recent novel in a mystery series featuring a former RCMP homicide investigator who drives an eighteen wheeler. The title is taken from the Top of the World highway that runs between Dawson City, Yukon and the town of Tok in eastern Alaska. - July 28, 2016 - Proud Horse Publishing
Derrick Grubbs Shares Ups, Downs of Life in and Out of Ballparks in His New Book
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book about faith, fate and the ability to forgive and the author’s quest to understand the true meaning of each. Finding and losing love but knowing throughout that he has the love of family, the author offers an intimate portrait of his triumphs and disappointments. - July 28, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Gain Perspective on Pacific Theater in World War II with Navy Veteran’s New Book
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that describes author D. Ralph Young’s memories of his time aboard the USS J. Franklin Bell, as well as that of his shipmates, serving in the Pacific during World War II. - July 27, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Latest Book by Shel Weinstein Features Fast-Paced Action, Murderous Intrigue
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that stars a one-time boxer turned into an insurance investigator with a seeming knack for attracting danger. This sequel to “Left Cross,” also featuring Henry Fox, has earned the Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence. - July 27, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Surgical Sealants, Glues, and Hemostats to Grow to $9.3 Billion by 2022, According to MedMarket Diligence Report
The use of surgical sealants, glues, and hemostats has become routine, yet a considerable untouched caseload remains. Their development continues toward products with stronger bonds, tighter seals, better biocompatibility, better results in wet conditions, and other goals. MedMarket Diligence is releasing its 2016 global report on the products, technologies, companies and markets to 2022. - July 26, 2016 - MedMarket Diligence, LLC
War and It's Impact on American Families eBook at Amazon
Author Daryl Horton, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Gives the American Family a Small Peek Into The Darker Side of Military Combat - July 26, 2016 - Abolitic Books
Never Surrender Wins Prestigious Marie M. Irvine Literary Excellence Award
The Marie M. Irvine Literary Excellence Award welcomes its newest winner for 2016, Never Surrender – a historical fiction by author, Deanna Jewel. Historians and romance novel fans will find a new addition to the list of prestigious writing awards with Deanna Jewel’s newest novel,... - July 14, 2016 - Doce Blant Publishing
Readers Find Education, Encouragement for Financial, Personal Achievements in New Book by Jemilson Pierrelouis
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book about one man’s personal climb from abject poverty in Haiti to personal and financial success in America. - July 07, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
The Complete Correspondence of Hryhory Skovoroda: Philosopher and Poet to be released
This month sees the release of a new installment in Glagoslav Publications’ Ukrainian Collection, a book containing the complete correspondence of Hryhory Skovoroda, the "Ukrainian Socrates" and one of the great Ukrainian thinkers. - July 07, 2016 - Glagoslav Publications
BookVenture Celebrates Freedom with Marketing and Publishing Promos
The self-publishing company launches back to back promos for the Fourth of July. - July 05, 2016 - Book Venture
Brownstone Poets Presents Daniela Gioseffi, Mike Jurkovic, and Bertha Rogers on Sat, August 6 at 2:30 P.M. at Park Plaza Restaurant
Poetry Grows in Brooklyn Heights 2016 Brownstone Poets Inspiring Brooklyn Since 2005 Brownstone Poets presents Daniela Gioseffi, Mike Jurkovic, and Bertha Rogers on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and... - July 05, 2016 - The Brownstone Poets
BookVenture Now Offers Big Screen Advertising Service
BookVenture Publishing Company introduces its newest marketing service for July. - July 04, 2016 - Book Venture
Glagoslav Publications is Releasing an English Translation of a Short Novel by a Turkmen Writer in Exile
Ak Welsapar is still a proscribed writer in Turkmenistan and his name has been in the list of black-listed writers since 1990. - July 03, 2016 - Glagoslav Publications
Cancer Patient Creates Adult Coloring Book with Images of Real Pets & People to Help Fellow Patients
A fresh, new take on the adult coloring craze. Artist and cancer patient, Rebecca Burg, created hand-drawn images from photos sent by her readers for her new coloring book. - July 02, 2016 - Rebecca Burg
Statue of Liberty Meets with Girl for Secret Mission
New book reveals brave girl with secret mission. Plan requires help from Lady Liberty and Angel of Central Park. - June 29, 2016 - Dunton Publishing
Author Event at Atlanta's Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore, July 17
Two of the contributors of the Southern coming out anthology to read, sign and discuss "Crooked Letter i" - June 22, 2016 - NewSouth Books
Entrepreneur Gene Nalbandian Finds Meaning in His Life's Journey
Gene Nalbandian's first book, "Lamentations of a Dad: How Takeaways Led to Comebacks" allows the reader to enjoy an intimate conversation with Gene; who openly and honesty shares the lessons he has learned from the roller coaster of his life. - June 22, 2016 - Halo Publishing International
Performance Evaluation Wins All-Star Treatment in Management Consultant’s Award-Winning Book
Properly evaluating performance can be challenging, but Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new award-winning book that offers new ways to think about and evaluate both individual and corporate performances. - June 22, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Explore World Through Philosophy of Dual Morality Presented in New Book by Martin Fritz
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a new book that integrates the study of history, politics, philosophy, and science, which was described in a Kirkus book review as "dazzlingly bright," "engrossing" and "mind-expanding." - June 22, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Debut Thriller Earns Publishing Company’s Award of Literary Excellence
A successful medical researcher and philanthropist learns first-hand if the ends always justify the means. This new novel by Dr. Phalgun Prativadi has earned a Dog Ear Publishing Award of Literary Excellence. - June 21, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
New Novel Serves as Warning for Those Unprepared for End Times
Dale F. Shaffer’s latest novel centers on the disastrous events that happen when a war in the Middle East escalates into World War III, destroying all in its path. Those interested in studying the prophecies of the end times can follow biblical references at the end of the book released by Dog Ear Publishing. - June 21, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Award-Winning Educator David F. Lauer Shares Tips for Career Success in New Book
Dog Ear Publishing reviews an informative new book that shares information about one man’s four decades in education and how others, whether new or experienced, can succeed as leaders in any field of endeavor. - June 20, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing
Leaf Press Launches Author Promotion Campaign
Leaf Press promotes authors to catapult their writing career by providing attractive services including Self-Publishing, Print-on-Demand, Distribution and Marketing, and Consultancy. - June 20, 2016 - Leaf Press
Kim Coles to Host the Groundbreaking Inaugural Indie Author Legacy Awards (IALA)
On Saturday, June 18, 2016, Purposely Created Publishing Group will present its inaugural Indie Author Legacy Awards (IALA) at the DoubleTree Hotel – Baltimore North in Pikesville, MD at 6:00 p.m. (EST) sponsored by Black Enterprise, Women of Power Summit. Comedian/actress/author/motivational... - June 17, 2016 - Purposely Created Publishing Group
Next Level Dad: Bringing Faith and Fun to Fatherhood is the Latest Book Released by Author Derek Polen and Publisher by Goal Line Group LLC
Next Level Dad: Bringing Faith and Fun to Fatherhood is the latest book released by author, Derek Polen and published by Goal Line Group LLC. Whether you are a soon-to-be father, father of young kids, or a veteran father, it is always helpful to have more ideas to help us become the best father we... - June 16, 2016 - Goal Line Group LLC
New Thriller by Phalgun Prativadi Stars Physician Driven by the Past
Dog Ear Publishing reviews a novel in which a successful medical researcher and philanthropist learns first-hand if the ends always justify the means. It has received the Award of Literary Excellence by Dog Ear Publishing. - June 16, 2016 - Dog Ear Publishing