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Kultur Announces Another Release The Great Conductors Series; Christoph von Dohnányi in Rehearsal on DVD Available June 28
The Great Conductors Series Christoph von Dohnányi in Rehearsal Available on DVD June 28th Kultur is proud to announce the release of another entertaining and informative program in The Great Conductors Series; Christoph von Dohnányi in Rehearsal on DVD available May 31, 2011 for a... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur Announces the Release of the DVD, The Story of Queen Elizabeth II, Perhaps the Most Famous Monarch in the World Available on June 28
The Story of Queen Elizabeth II Debuts on DVD June 28 Kultur is proud to announce the release of the DVD, The Story of Queen Elizabeth II. This biographical DVD of perhaps the most famous monarch in the world will be released on June 28, 2011 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Mention the... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Jacques d’Amboise, Available on DVD June 28th
Extraordinary Minds Series - Jacques d’Amboise With Host Dr. Howard Gardner Available on DVD June 28th Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Jacques d’Amboise, available on DVD June 28th for the retail price of $19.99 Recognized as one of the... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
On the Heels of the PBS Broadcast in April, Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of the DVD, John Muir in the New World on June 28th
John Muir in the New World Debuts on DVD June 28 On the heels of the PBS broadcast in April, Kultur is proud to announce the release of the DVD, John Muir in the New World. This biographical DVD of perhaps the most influential American naturalists will be released June 28, 2011, for a suggested... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur Announces the New Release from Sites of the World’s Cultures; Delphi: Center of the World. This DVD Will be Released June 28, 2011.
Delphi: Center of the World Debuts on DVD June 28 Kultur is proud to announce the new DVD release from the series Sites of the World’s Cultures; Delphi: Center of the World. This DVD of perhaps the most mysterious city of Ancient Greece will be released June 28, 2011, for a suggested retail... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of the DVD, a Heritage of British Monarchy. This Three-Program DVD Will be Released June 28, 2011
A Heritage of British Monarchy - 3 Programs: History, Romance & Scandals Debuts on DVD June 28 Kultur is proud to announce the release of the DVD, A Heritage of British Monarchy. This three-program DVD will be released June 28, 2011 for a suggested retail price of $24.99. British Royal... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release in The Great Conductors Series; John Eliot Gardiner in Rehearsal on DVD Available June 28, 2011
The Great Conductors Series: John Eliot Gardiner In Rehearsal Available on DVD June 28th Kultur is proud to announce the release of another entertaining and informative program in The Great Conductors Series; John Eliot Gardiner In Rehearsal on DVD available June 28, 2011 for a suggested retail... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur Announces the New DVD Release Sites of the World’s Cultures; Moscow and the Golden Ring. This DVD Will be Released June 28, 2011
Moscow and the Golden Ring Debuts on DVD June 28 Kultur is proud to announce the new DVD release from the series Sites of the World’s Cultures; Moscow and the Golden Ring. This DVD will be released June 28, 2011 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Suzdal – it could be a city from... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of the DVD, The Royal Jewels. This Informative DVD Program Will be Released June 28, 2011.
The Royal Jewels Debuts on DVD June 28 Kultur is proud to announce the release of the DVD, The Royal Jewels. This informative DVD program will be released June 28, 2011, for a suggested retail price of $19.99. The personal jewels belonging to HM Queen Elizabeth far outshine any other personal... - June 03, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Avid Impresses Audiences with 2011 Product Line Up at AlphaDogs Post Editors' Lounge
Avid rolls out their latest post production technology at AlphaDogs Post Editors' Lounge. - June 02, 2011 - Alpha Dogs Post Production
June 2011 DVDs from BayView Entertainment are Powered by Pure Barre, Bob Ross, Eva Bondar and More
June’s DVD releases from BayView Entertainment contain painting instruction from Bob Ross’ Joy of Painting Series, innovative workouts from four new Pure Barre titles, Pilates and even exotic dancing. - May 31, 2011 - BayView Entertainment
Cheyenne Marketing Presents Dream Vision Studios and Women In Film’s Grand Opening Celebration
June 4, 2011 | 8 p.m. to 1:30am Cheyenne Marketing is proud to announce the grand opening of Dream Vision Studios and Women In Film. The grand opening celebration will be an eclectic group of people from all over the United States and will include a variety of A-List celebrities, prominent... - May 28, 2011 - Dream Vision Studios
Adler Planetarium Chooses Global Immersion for 8K True Black Digital Dome Theater
International immersive experience designer and integrator, Global Immersion, has completed the technology integration for the Grainger Sky Theater at the Adler Planetarium, Chicago, USA. Global Immersion’s premium immersive solution, Fidelity Black 8K™, has been fully integrated into... - May 27, 2011 - Global Immersion
New Partnership with CineVideoTech Inc. Brings Professional Film Equipment and Experience to G-Star Studios and School of the Arts
CineVideoTech Inc., a leading provider of camera and lighting equipment to the motion picture industry in the Southeastern United States since 1968, and G-Star Studios and School of the Arts for Motion Pictures and Broadcasting, the largest Film, TV Production and Acting high school in the nation,... - May 20, 2011 - CineVideoTech Inc.
Reformed Whores and Therefore Productions Release “Punch Me in the Face” Music Video
NYC musical comedy duo Reformed Whores and video production company Therefore Productions premier comedic music video “Punch Me in the Face.” - May 19, 2011 - Therefore Productions, LLC
The White Tree Identifies Modern Australian Wedding Trends and an Endless Quest for Individuality
Celebrity weddings, digital media and the cultural trend towards uniqueness has lead to more and more couples opting for less traditional weddings, looking for modern ways to make their special day stylish, memorable, and a little bit different. James Tudball and Nick Reive caught on to this trend... - May 18, 2011 - The White Tree
As Aired on Discovery's Planet Green, Passion River Films Releases on DVD "Houston We Have A Problem," Documentary About the Future of Energy
Green film speaks with top oil companies and alternative energy leaders to examine our national and global environmental issues, now available on DVD. - May 18, 2011 - Passion River Films
New Album Release "Slide to eternity" by SimCut Music
SimCut Music is releasing a new trance album "Slide to eternity." - May 17, 2011 - SimCut Music
Charleston International Film Festival Announces World Premiere of Big Time Documentary
Kara Kurcz will be premiering her documentary, Big Time at the Charleston International Film Festival May 19th at 4 pm at Cinebarre. - May 13, 2011 - Charleston International Film Festival
Charlie Bravo Aviation to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of DMG Productions' Business Update TV Series
Profitability, Productivity, and Building a Better Business Presence: Private Aviation. - May 12, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
New Black Music Artist Niva the Soul Diva Featured in Arts and Entertainment Magazine
Urban music star Niva the Soul diva gets a full page feature in prestigious 002 magazine. - May 12, 2011 - New Black
3D Movie Without Glasses Featured at San Francisco International Arts Festival
The 2011 San Francisco International Arts Festival is featuring a stereoscopic movie, viewed without 3D glasses, called “Spaceforms: Homage to Home.r. The screening will take place on May 29th at Fort Mason’s South Side Theater. Showtime is 2:00pm. Bay Area artist Walter Funk of Hologlyphics created the stereoscopic movie. - May 12, 2011 - Hologlyphics
18 Year Old Filmmaker Raising Funds to Attend Seattle True Independent Film Festival
Indie short film The Saving has now moved into its next phase, that would be Seattle Or Bust. Seattle Or Bust is the next goal in her filmmaking career, or as MJ is known to call it, part of her of ten year plan for indie film world domination. - May 11, 2011 - Seattle True Independent Film Festival
Testa Produce to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer
The Segment will Focus on Green Initiatives in the Produce and Food Production Industry - May 09, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
Potandon Produce to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer
Debunking the Nutrition Myths of the Potato - May 09, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
Windhorse Entertainment, LLC. in Development on Icelandgirl
WindHorse Entertainment and Allasigga Jonsdottir entered into a joint venture agreement, to develop, produce, and arrange for the financing, exploitation, and distribution of the Project and all rights therein. The childrens program has multiple ancillary opportunities and once fully developed will include a screenplay or screenplays, television series, additional characters, books and other merchandising derivative products. - May 08, 2011 - WindHorse Entertainment Asks Mothers Their Favorite Films
Moms like more than romance movies, action and war stories too. - May 07, 2011 -
AraCeliLive™ Announces VidMarca™, a Video Program Dedicated to Helping Businesses Market Their Products and Services
Newly released VidMarca is a unique video marketing program created by AraCeliLive in San Antonio to allow businesses to enhance their online presence at a lower cost. - May 06, 2011 - AraCeliLive, LLC
Denver Production Company Under Fire Studios to Release Grindhouse Slasher Killer Ink, Which Features Iconic Actor Peter Mayhew in 2011
Denver production company Under Fire Studios to release grindhouse slasher Killer Ink. Killer Ink features iconic actor Peter Mayhew, who is best known for his role as Chewbacca in Star Wars. - May 05, 2011 - Under Fire Studios
BLU-JET Announces Participation in American Farmer Television Series
The episode will concentrate on the role of precision agriculture within modern farming practices. - May 04, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
Fresh Quest Inc. to be Featured on Upcoming Episode of American Farmer
Supplying the U.S. with Quality and Consistency: Offshore Production - May 04, 2011 - DMG Productions, LLC
"Predator" Executive Producer Takes on "Hallow Pointe"
Laurence Pereira joins HP producing team as movie gets new approach, new cast - May 01, 2011 - Church Hill Productions
Vivid Imaging Studio – Designs and Develops Multimedia Project for "Leadership Institute for Women" an Initiative of CEED (Center of Empowerment and Economic Development
Vivid Imaging Studio designed and developed the website and branding for the “Leadership Institute for Women” strategic business planning seminar for CEED (Center of Empowerment and Economic Development). Along with designing the event graphics, Vivid Imaging Studio developed a custom website for the event. The website and marketing material have contributed to publicity for this event. - April 30, 2011 - Vivid Imaging Studio
Kultur is Proud to Announce Another New Release in The Great Conductors Series; Pierre Boulez in Rehearsal, on DVD Available May 31
The Great Conductors Series Pierre Boulez in Rehearsal Available on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce another new release in The Great Conductors Series; Pierre Boulez in Rehearsal, on DVD available May 31, 2011, for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Composer, conductor, teacher and... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur announces the DVD Release of Darwin’s Lost Paradise. This DVD Will be Available May 31, 2011
Darwin’s Lost Paradise Debuts on DVD May 31st Kultur announces the DVD release of Darwin’s Lost Paradise. This DVD will be available May 31, 2011 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Charles Darwin is one of the greatest thinkers of all time. His extensive scientific research,... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of Christine Schäfer: My Art of Singing on DVD Available May 31, 2011
Christine Schäfer: My Art of Singing Kultur is proud to announce the release of Christine Schäfer: My Art of Singing on DVD available May 31, 2011, for a suggested retail price of $19.99. In this light-hearted documentary portrait, Christine Schäfer reveals how she has come to... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of Giovanni Pergolesi’s Livietta e Tracollo on Dvd May 31 2011
Giovanni Pergolesi’s Livietta e Tracollo Debuts on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of Giovanni Pergolesi’s Livietta e Tracollo on DVD May 31 2011 for a suggested retail price of $29.99. The Intermezzi (interludes) presented here were premiered in combination... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release from the Sites of the World’s Culture Series; Jerusalem: City Between Religions. On DVD Available May 31, 2011.
Sites of the World’s Culture Series Jerusalem: City Between Religions Available on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release from the Sites of the World’s Culture Series; Jerusalem: City Between Religions. on DVD available May 31, 2011, for a suggested retail price of... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of Johannes Calvin: Reformer and Man of Controversy. One of History’s Extraordinary Personalities, Available on DVD on May 31.
Johannes Calvin: Reformer and Man of Controversy Available on DVD May 31 Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of Johannes Calvin: Reformer and Man of Controversy. This unique in-depth portrait of one of history’s most extraordinary personalities will be available on DVD on May 31,... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of, the Joy of Sharing: Leonard Bernstein in Japan on DVD Available May 31
The Joy of Sharing: Leonard Bernstein in Japan Bernstein's Final Video Recording on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the release of, The Joy of Sharing: Leonard Bernstein in Japan on DVD available May 31, 2011, for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Just before the Pacific Music... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Noam Chomsky, Available on DVD May 31st
Extraordinary Minds Series Noam Chomsky with Host Dr. Howard Gardner Available on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Noam Chomsky, available on DVD May 31st for the retail price of $19.99 Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor at the... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur Proudly Announces the DVD Release from the Sites of the World’s Culture Series; Teotihuacán: City of the Gods on DVD May 31
Sites of the World’s Culture Series Teotihuacán: City of the Gods Available on DVD May 31, 2011 Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release from the Sites of the World’s Culture Series; Teotihuacán: City of the Gods on DVD available May 31, 2011. As with many of the... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Yo-Yo Ma, Available on DVD May 31st
Extraordinary Minds Series Yo-Yo Ma with Host Dr. Howard Gardner Available on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release from the Extraordinary Minds Series; Yo-Yo Ma, available on DVD May 31st for the retail price of $19.99. Dr. Howard Gardner sits down with featured guest Yo-Yo Ma... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of Another Entertaining and Informative Program in The Great Conductors Series; Zubin Mehta in Rehearsal on DVD Available May 31
The Great Conductors Series Zubin Mehta: In Rehearsal Available on DVD May 31st Kultur is proud to announce the release of another entertaining and informative program in The Great Conductors Series; Zubin Mehta In Rehearsal on DVD available May 31, 2011, for a suggested retail price of... - April 29, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Hitting the Nuts Movie Wins Over Poker World
The recently released independent comedy film, Hitting the Nuts: The True Story of the Scott County Series of Poker, is on the verge of becoming a cult hit within the ever-growing international poker community. - April 28, 2011 - Hitting The Nuts - The Movie, LLC
AlphaDogs Post-NAB Editors' Lounge to Feature Avid's 2011 Product Line Up
Friday the 13th will prove to be lucky this May as Avid showcases their 2011 product line up at AlphaDogs Post Editors' Lounge. - April 28, 2011 - Alpha Dogs Post Production
Adams Morgan: The Movie to Screen at the Avalon Theatre
A new independent film takes a quirky glance at romance in our Nations's Capitol. - April 28, 2011 - Adams Morgan: The
Young Filmmaker to Screen Film at Seattle True Independent Film Festival
A Father's Gift, a short film by award winning teenage filmmaker Bunee Tomlinson of Edmond, Oklahoma, will debut in the Seattle True Independent Film Festival in Seattle on Friday, June 10. The showing will be at 7:00 PM at the Northwest Film Forum. The film centers around a young mother who,... - April 25, 2011 - Seattle True Independent Film Festival
Young Female Filmmaker to Screen Film at Seattle True Independent Film Festival
"THE SAVING" making its west coast premiere at Seattle True Independent is a story of an accountant who through sharing the dreams of the dead must try to prevent a young woman from committing suicide to escape the guilt of her mother's death. - April 25, 2011 - Seattle True Independent Film Festival
Always Alice Launches the Love Land Tour at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore
Always Alice ( a leading inspirational media company announced today the kick off of the “Love Land tour” at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore in West Hollywood, CA. Wednesday, April 27th at 7:30 pm to support the upcoming release of Melanie Lutz presents Love Land. Filmmaker... - April 24, 2011 - Always Alice