American World Pictures Nabs New Films

Worldwide Sales Rights Seized for Savages Crossing and Kill Katie Malone - October 01, 2010 - American World Pictures (AWP)

Velázquez: The Painter of Painters Will be Available on DVD October 26, 2010

Velázquez: The Painter of Painters - A Film by Didier Baussy-Oulianoff Kultur announces the DVD release of Velázquez: The Painter of Painters will be available on DVD October 26, 2010 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. Although he left a legacy of little more than one hundred... - October 01, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Kultur is Proud to Announce the Release of The Treasures of Britain: The Ashmolean and the Fitzwilliam Museums on DVD October 26

The Treasures of Britain: The Ashmolean and The Fitzwilliam Museums on DVD October 26 Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of The Treasures of Britain: The Ashmolean and The Fitzwilliam Museums. This unique DVD reveals the stories of eight art treasures in the collections at the Ashmolean... - October 01, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Feature Film Fishnet Has World Premiere in Atlanta

Filmmaker Brian Pelletier's feature film debut premieres at Atlanta's Out on Film festival Monday, October 4, 2010 8:55pm at Ainsley Park Playhouse, one year after the project was pitched at the same festival. - September 30, 2010 - OutliciousTV

Tough Struggle Entertainment and Outspoken Media Announces the U.S. DVD Release of Ex$pendable

Tough Struggle Entertainment and Outspoken Media Announces the U.S. DVD Release of Ex$pendable

Tough Struggle Entertainment and Outspoken Media inks a distribution deal with Maverick Entertainment Group Incorporated (MEG) for the U.S. DVD release of Ex$pendable. The film will be in stores, on demand, and pay-per-view, October 12, 2010. Writer and Producer Sean Shurwil Langston takes... - September 29, 2010 - Outspoken Media

New Dance Music Video from Niva the Soul Diva and

New dance music video from Niva the soul diva. - September 29, 2010 - New Black

American World Pictures Teams Up with Bron Studios for Sci-Fi Trio

Jabberwocky, production begins October 2010, with Leviathan and Pandora's Box to follow. - September 29, 2010 - American World Pictures (AWP)

Tina Tyus-Shaw of WSAV TV to Host a “Conversation with Kimberly Ray” in Savannah

Kimberly Ray, co-author of critically acclaimed novel-to-film, "And Yet, You Still Chose Me," will make a book/movie promotion tour stop in Savannah, GA. The event is free to the public. Casting auditions for the upcoming movie will also be held. - September 24, 2010 - Onyx Pearl, Inc.

The Defiled - World Premiere at the Chicago International Film Festival: Oct 13-15-17. Bram Stoker (UK) Oct 14, Buffalo Screams (NY) Oct 22

For more information, please visit: - September 24, 2010 - Julian Grant Productions

Bd360 Launches New Interactive Website

Bd360 recently launched its new interactive website with enhanced features and dynamic design. - September 24, 2010 - Bundown360 Inc.

Film Adaptation of the Novel "And Yet, You Still Chose Me" to be Filmed in Savannah

Onyx Pearl is pleased to announce the feature film adaptation of the novel “And Yet, You Still Chose Me”, by co-author Kimberly Ray, will be filmed in Savannah next summer. The 1980s era drama will be directed by Perla Faye Humphrey. No stranger to dramatic material, Humphrey has... - September 23, 2010 - Onyx Pearl, Inc.

Dark Park Studios Set for the Online Premier of Their New Comedy Series, "The Agency," Starring Sally Kirkland and Dianna Renée

Shenanigans Galore at This Upscale Boutique Talent Agency. “The Agency” aims to poke fun at industry insiders with a hip and stellar cast headed by Academy Award Nominated Actress Sally Kirkland and a gang of young stars including Scott Lunsford, Michael Masini, Mary Bonner Baker and Dianna Renée. - September 23, 2010 - Dark Park Studios

Indie Comedy "Raging Hormones" Wins 2010 L-Dub Film Fest

"Raging Hormones," the independent film comedy, produced by Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc., ( won "Best Feature" in the First Annual L-Dub Film Festival in Lake Worth, Florida. The "coming-of-age" comedy faced extremely tough competition... - September 23, 2010 - Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc.

Fleur De Lis Film Studios and Make-Believe Entertainment Celebrate the Launch of a TV Show "I Fight For My Life"

Producers of Make-Believe Entertainment and Fleur De Lis Film Studios, in association with Austin Feldman's "Who's Who In Arizona" are hosting an event to celebrate the launch of a TV Show "I Fight For My Life" and the release of an innovative self-defense tool, the Kitty Kat... - September 21, 2010 - Fleur De Lis Film Studios

Alien Abductions at Alpha Dogs Post Production

Aliens have landed at Alpha Dogs Post Production in the new horror film Grey Skies. Written and produced by husband and wife team Stacey Jorgenson and Mark Reilly at Little Engine Films, the story is about a group of friends reuniting at a rural lake cabin. Strange disappearances begin to happen,... - September 20, 2010 - Alpha Dogs Post Production

Cornelsen and LinguaTV Bring Language Courses to the Internet

Renowned video language courses by leading publisher Cornelsen are for the first time available on LinguaTV’s award-winning online learning platform at - September 17, 2010 - LinguaTV GmbH

November Fitness DVDs from BayView Entertainment Serve Up Programs for Beginners, Advanced Exercisers, and Senior Citizens

BayView Entertainment’s November 2010 fitness DVD releases include the exciting new Power Body ICE Workout with Jody Trierweiler, Dr. Teri Jory’s Poise Workouts, and the Older & Much Wiser Workout for Seniors. - September 16, 2010 - BayView Entertainment

International Movie Trailer Festival Announces Its "People's Choice Awards"

Max Speed, a Canadian daredevil and moviemaker, has won the International Movie Trailer Festival "People's Choice Award" for Beautiful Girl, a two-minute trailer for a movie not yet made. Max's entry received nearly 2,000 votes earning him the $1,000 prize. His horror trailer, produced in Nova Scotia, Canada, features a young girl with a feather that turns into something sinister. You can see the trailer at ( for short) along with other entries from 16 countries. - September 11, 2010 - International Movie Trailer

SIM2 Receives EISA Award for Best Product

SIM2 is pleased to announce the Grand Cinema™ MICO 50 LED-based video projector has been honored by the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) with a Best Product Award in the Video Projector category. The award ceremony was held during the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) Trade... - September 11, 2010 - SIM2

Rat Rod Rockers! (Go-Kustom Films Second Feature Film) World Premiere at Historic Everett Theater, November 13th 2010

Rat Rod Rockers! (Go-Kustom Films Second Feature Film) World Premiere at Historic Everett Theater, November 13th 2010

A rockin’ event with live music by The Wild Snohomians and Blacktop Deceiver, a meet and greet with the films director, cast and crew as well as actual hot rods and gassers from the movie. Doors open at 7:00PM. Film screens at 9:30PM. - September 09, 2010 - Go-Kustom Rekords & Films

DMG Productions is Proud to Announce the Broadcast of a New Episode of Health Heroes Airing This September

There are horrible diseases and conditions out there, our job is to get the facts, explore the possible solutions and provide uncut and unbiased information to both the general public and the industry professional. - September 09, 2010 - DMG Productions, LLC

Zonisphere Records Signs Recording Artist Roy’Al

Zonisphere Records has announced they have signed New York-based rapper Roy’al to an exclusive 3 album recording deal. His first album in the deal is expected to be released in 2011. - September 04, 2010 - Zonisphere Music Group

MediaTech Institute Presents a Student Short Film. Free Showing.

Student Film “Forever, Never” to show at Studio Movie Grill Lewisville - September 04, 2010 - 4AM Pictures

Documentary on Actress Jean Seberg Awarded Grant from Humanities Iowa

Documentary on Actress Jean Seberg Awarded Grant from Humanities Iowa

"Seberg" documentary filmmaker receives Emmy® nomination - September 03, 2010 - Fourth Wall Films

Samantha Lockwood to Portray "Mary Pickford" in Biograph's "America’s Sweetheart"

Samantha Lockwood as screen legend "Mary Pickford" in Biograph's Docu-drama of a screen legend. - September 03, 2010 - American Mutoscope & Biograph Company

W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult Debuts on DVD September 28

Kultur announces the DVD release W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult will be available on DVD September 28, 2010 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. The war in the South Pacific, a country doctor in Colorado, victims of industrial pollution in a Japanese village—all were captured... - September 01, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Robert Motherwell and the New York School: Storming the Citadel Debuts on DVD September 28

Kultur announces the DVD release of Robert Motherwell And the New York School: Storming the Citadel a film by Catherine Tatge will be available on DVD September 28, 2010 for a suggested retail price of $19.99. This film profiles the American artist Robert Motherwell in the context of Modernism and... - September 01, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

The Great Epochs of European Art Filmed Entirely on Location

The Great Epochs of European Art 4 DVD Set Filmed Entirely on Location Debuts on DVD September 28 Kultur announces the DVD release of the first two episodes of the new ten-episode art series, The Great Epochs of European Art. The four DVD set will be $59.99. The Art of the Ancient Greeks The... - September 01, 2010 - Kultur International Films Ltd

Home Video Studio - Eagan Celebrates 17th International Win & 8-Year Business Anniversary

Home Video Studio - Eagan Celebrates 17th International Win & 8-Year Business Anniversary

Home Video Studio – Celebrated their 8th year in business with honors by receiving the Presidents Award “Best of Show” and four additional Hanley awards at the 10th annual Home Video Studio (HVS) Getaway in Las Vegas, NV. The Hanley Awards, HVS’ version of the Oscars,... - August 30, 2010 - Kirk Douglas Video Productions

Tree Home Media and WideGroup Interactive Partner Up to Launch New Green Brand

Tree Home Media and WideGroup Interactive, two environmentally aware organizations, partnered to introduce Tree Living, a green resource company aimed at providing information and promoting products related to environmental and social responsibility. The new brand will focus on providing information and products that help people build a green lifestyle. - August 29, 2010 - WideGroup :: Interactive

StoryLabs Launched to Create and Educate the Next Generation of Storytellers

Global transmedia experts join to launch story innovation lab in four countries. Support for the evolution of storytelling enabled by new technologies took a giant leap today with the founding of StoryLabs, an organisation of leading international multi-platform and transmedia creators dedicated to the education and mentoring of storytellers. - August 26, 2010 - StoryLabs

New Episode of Health Heroes Airing this September

The episode will be presented commercial free and will focus on a wide spectrum of areas, such as: Breath Testing and Gastroenterology, Advancements in Digital Dentistry, and Optical Health and Glaucoma. - August 21, 2010 - DMG Productions, LLC

DMG Productions is Proud to Announce the Broadcast of a New Episode of Health Heroes.

Broadcast is scheduled for Thursday 8/26 @ 7a EST/PST on a combination of National and International cable networks. - August 21, 2010 - DMG Productions, LLC

DVD Label The Weird World of Wibbell Releases Cult British Movie 'The Vampires of Bloody Island' in the USA and Canada

If you were thinking all vampire movies were either sparkly teenage fantasy or gruesome bloody gore, take note of the new vampire movie hitting the shelves this week which goes straight for the jugular of the classic vampire films of old. The Vampires of Bloody Island is a "hilarious... - August 20, 2010 - Wibbell Productions Ltd

New Black Singer Songwriter Niva Performing at the Best Buy Concert Series

Niva the Soul Diva will be headlining the best buy live free concert in Harlem, New York. - August 20, 2010 - New Black

Solve Debuts Affordable Streaming Video Packages to the "New TV" and Mobile Market

Solve, LLC Creates a Single-source Solution for Content Distribution to the "Best Available Screen." - August 19, 2010 - Solve, LLC

Film on Obama Film Stolen, Mardis Uses Internet for Solution

Bobby Mardis, Producer / director, and original member of Robert Townsend’s “Hollywood Shuffle,” had almost competed editing his film, “Obama: Tears of Joy,” when his home was burglarized. All his valuables were stolen including his prized possession which was the film. Mardis uses internet technology and to help replace edit bay. - August 19, 2010 - Fat Chance Films

Recording Artist Janid to Release Her Fourth CD, "Alias"

Zonisphere Records has announced Electronica recording artist Janid’s fourth studio album, “Alias,” will be released on December 14, 2010, one day before her birthday. - August 17, 2010 - Zonisphere Music Group

REGI Books Announces the Official Book Trailer for Crossing Color Lines

“I am very excited to release this new book trailer. Readers get a visual picture of what Crossing Color Lines is all about. It is more than a fiction novel; it transpires race issues that still need to be discussed openly today,” states d. E. Rogers. - August 16, 2010 - Rogers Entertainment Group International

REGI Books Announces the Latest Novel by d. E. Rogers, Crossing Color Lines

Author d. E. Rogers announces the release of his sixth novel, “Crossing Color Lines.” The book, which focuses on racial relations, comes at a good time, as people around the country have a renewed sense of hope regarding this issue since President Obama’s election. “Now... - August 14, 2010 - Rogers Entertainment Group International

Dark Myth Publications Pulls Books from Shelves

Dark Myth Publications removes titles from big book chains. - August 13, 2010 - Dark Myth Production Studios

Reliance Big Pictures All Set for a Worldwide Release of Simerjit Singh’s"Chak Jawana" Starring Gurdas Mann on August 27th , 2010

Reliance Big Pictures is all set for a worldwide release of Punjabi film Chak Jawana on August 27, 2010. The film stars of one of Punjabi cinema’s legendary actors Gurdas Mann in a pivotal role. - August 13, 2010 - Reliance ADA

Steve Bolin Returns as Editor in Chief for the World of Myth Magazine

Bolin returns as the Editor in Chief for popular online magazine!. - August 12, 2010 - Dark Myth Production Studios

Little Soldier Premiere and Benefit at the Writer's Guild Theater in Beverly Hills on August 12th

On August 12th 2010 independent filmmaker, Dallas King of Onyx Entertainment in association with ARC Talent Management will premiere his film "Little Soldier." The premiere will take place at the Writer’s Guild Theater in Beverly Hills. The premiere will feature the first showing of... - August 12, 2010 - Onyx Entertainment

V1 Entertainment Films Casting Advertisers to Star in NASCAR-Themed TV Series, "The Ride"

V1 Entertainment Films Casting Advertisers to Star in NASCAR-Themed TV Series, "The Ride"

Veteran Screenwriter Tony Sommo Crafting Parts for Brands as Characters. - August 10, 2010 - V1 Entertainment Films

World Television Nabs Four Nominations in Streaming Media Bible’s Readers’ Choice Awards

World Television nominated for 'best streaming services provider', 'best online video platform', 'best webcast platform' and 'best live webcast of 2010' in annual European competition. - August 08, 2010 - World Television

Christoper Glumm Named New Dark Myth President

New Blood's Executive Assistant Promoted as Dark Myth's New President. - August 07, 2010 - Dark Myth Production Studios

New Business Gives Estate Agents a Distinctive Edge

Property Videos are changing the way in which property is viewed - August 07, 2010 - Property Videos

Music Industry Veteran Kaydean Launches New Internet Radio Show

After 20 years in the music industry, renowned record producer Kaydean is helping a new generation of recording artists by making his debut as a radio show host. His first Internet radio show, Indie Artist v2.0, is scheduled to air Tuesdays at 11 p.m. on Blog Talk Radio beginning August 17. - August 06, 2010 - Zonisphere Music Group

Live Streaming Support for iPhone Boosts World Television’s Webcasting Capabilities

World Television, the leading video communications company for corporations and governments, today announces its new live streaming service to mobile devices. World Television can now broadcast events in real-time via iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and other hand-held devices – either directly... - August 06, 2010 - World Television

Press Releases 2,451 - 2,500 of 3,703