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Within Organizations & Institutions
Julia Kernochan Tama, Counsel, Venable LLP to Speak at KC’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule: Strengthening Kids Privacy Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Julia Kernochan Tama, Counsel, Venable LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Children’s Online Privacy Protection... - August 16, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
Raleigh-Based Business Leaders’ Club Hosts Networking Event with Raleigh’s InterAct
Raleigh’s Business Leaders’ Club is hosting a networking event, Thursday, August 21st from 6:00 pm until 9:00 PM. “Our organization has adopted a charity or non-profit organization each quarter,” said BLC organizer Andy Borter. “We believe in giving back to our... - August 16, 2014 - Business Leaders' Club
Norwalk Seaport Association 2014 Golf Classic
The Norwalk Seaport Association will hold a golf tournament on the Main Course at the Silvermine Golf Club in Norwalk, CT on Monday, October 6, 2014. Registration and check in will start at 11am. Lunch will be served from 11:30 until 12:45pm. Shot gun start at 1pm. Lunch and dinner will be served... - August 16, 2014 - Norwalk Seaport Association
6th Annual Richmond Walk Now for Autism Speaks Will Raise Awareness and Funds for Autism Advocacy, Research, and Services on Sept. 27th at Richmond International Raceway
The Richmond Walk Now for Autism Speaks will be September 27, 2014 at the Richmond International Raceway. More information on this year's Walk is available at: - August 16, 2014 - Autism Speaks National Capital Area
Mary Ellen Racz, President/CEO Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Mary Ellen Racz, President/CEO, of Easton, Pennsylvania has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for her outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of beverage distribution. About Mary Ellen Racz, President/CEO Mrs. Racz has 33 years experience in... - August 15, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide
Donald W. Guess Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Donald W. Guess of Madison, Georgia has been included in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the chemicals field. About Donald W. Guess Mr. Guess has over 30 years’ experience in the chemicals field. He is the... - August 15, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide
Less Talk, More Action: Call for Volunteers to Clean Up Beautiful Barnsdall Art Park in Los Angeles
Tomas O'Grady's nonprofit "green" organization, EnrichLA, seeks volunteers to clean up trash and for tagging at beautiful, historic Barnsdall Art Park located in the heart of Los Angeles (on the border of Los Feliz and East Hollywood neighborhoods) on Sat., Aug. 23 from 9am-3pm with lunch break. - August 15, 2014 - EnrichLA
2014 "Top 10 Public Accounting Professionals" Award Nomination Period Closed
The National Academy of Public Accounting Professionals has closed the 2014 nomination period for its Top 10 Public Accounting Professionals Awards. Review and selection of the 2014 award winners is underway, with winners to be announced in December 2014. The National Academy of Public Accounting... - August 15, 2014 - National Academy of Public Accounting Professionals
Register Now for Early Bird Discount to L2:Learn-Lead from The John Maxwell Company
Register early to hear international author/speaker John C. Maxwell via live simulcast on October 10th at the Embassy Suites Northwest Arkansas. The content-filled morning from 7:30am-12:00pm will also include time with Linda Kaplan Thaler (creator of the duck for Aflac) – “How Ordinary People Become Extraordinary,” and Tim Sanders (Yahoo executive) – “People Centric Tools for Success.” - August 15, 2014 - AFM
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County: Looking for Lunch Buddies
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County (BBSVC) is seeking Lunch Buddies to become school-based mentors to youth in the Ventura and Oxnard areas for the 2014-2015 school year. - August 15, 2014 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County
William Martin, Partner, Haight Brown and Bonesteel LLP to Speak at the Knowledge Group’s Legal Series: Product Liability for 2014 and Beyond Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that William Martin, Partner, Haight Brown and Bonesteel LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Legal Series: Product Liability... - August 15, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
Dorothy D. Mehta, Special Counsel, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP to Speak at the Knowledge Group’s Hot Topics in National Futures Association Audits 2014 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Dorothy D. Mehta, Special Counsel, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Hot Topics in... - August 15, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
New Inclusive, Experiential Social Skills Therapy Programs for Children with Autism
The first social skills therapy facility of its kind in Sandy Springs is offering new innovative Enrichment Preschool options for children with developmental and sensory delays, including children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as typically developing children. - August 15, 2014 - Learning on the Log
Friends of Karen Sends Kids Back to School with Smiles
Friends of Karen, a charity that provides vital, practical and comprehensive support to families caring for a child battling cancer or another life-threatening illness, needs help filling backpacks for 800 children with school supplies and a $25 gift card to get something new to wear to start the school year. - August 15, 2014 - Friends of Karen
Bitcoins the New Hope for Small Charities as Bitcoin-a-Thon for A Slice of Hope Kicks Off
On Monday, August 18th, 2014 at Satoshi Square, non-profit organization A Slice Of Hope will celebrate their commencement of digital currency donations during their very first “Bitcoin-A-Thon for Hope.” “Bitcoins are a mystery for most charities,” said Obaid Kadwani,... - August 15, 2014 - A Slice Of Hope
Turn Page on Next Chapter in Regenerative Medicine at World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress
Panel discussion and workshop examines "Innovations in Stem Cell Treatments and Regenerative Medicine," Sunday, Sept. 20, 2014, in Washington, D.C. - August 15, 2014 - Medical Tourism Association™
United For Awakening Announces New Conference on Deliverance with Peter Michael Martinez
United For Awakening is hosting an event to be held at the Hayes Senior Center in Apple Valley, MN. which will feature detailed accounts of the growing phenomena which conference speaker Rev. Peter Michael Martinez characterizes as "the rise of the forces of darkness preceding what many Christians believe is the return of Jesus Christ." - August 14, 2014 - United For Awakening
IEEE ICC 2015 Dedicates Premier International Conference to “Smart City & Smart World” Innovations from June 8 – 12 in London, UK
“Call for Papers” Deadline Ends September 15, 2014 for Original Submissions Detailing The Next Wave of Communications Research, Applications & Services - August 14, 2014 - IEEE Communications Society
English for Everyone Now
Practice English online from your desk. Affordable, small classes to help people master English skills they need for a better life. - August 14, 2014 - ESL Helpers
GatewayLegal Official Software Launch to Broaden Diversity
GatewayLegal, a division of Gateway Software Development, will unveil its beta cloud based technology to the market on August 18, 2014. The division plans to connect corporate legal departments with law firms, which will allow them to diversify and expand their area of legal resources by growing... - August 14, 2014 - Gateway Software Development
Triangle Family Receives $20,000 Grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities to Support Supervised Visitation Program
Funds to Support Payment of Off-Duty Police Officers, Allowing Children to Have Safe, Healthy Contact with Absent Parents. - August 14, 2014 - Triangle Family Services
The Gateway Family YMCA Announces Senior Director of Child Development
The Gateway Family YMCA promotes Lisa Yanez to Senior Director of Child Development. - August 14, 2014 - The Gateway Family YMCA
The Knowledge Group Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Effective Use of Surveys in Trademark Litigation in 2014
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, announced today that it has scheduled a live webcast entitled: Effective Use of Surveys in Trademark Litigation in 2014. This two-hour event is scheduled on August 21, 2014 at 12:00... - August 14, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
Colin K. Kelly, Partner, Alston & Bird LLP to Speak at the Knowledge Group's Legal Series: Product Liability for 2014 and Beyond Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Colin K. Kelly, Partner, Alston & Bird LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Legal Series: Product Liability for 2014... - August 14, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
American Venous Forum - Registration Still Available: Vein Forum, Fellows Course
The American Venous Forum (AVF) will host the Vein Forum: Comprehensive Venous Management for the Practicing Clinician on September 5-6, 2014 in Boston, MA. The American College of Surgeons designates this live activity for a maximum of 14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM; 14 credits meet the requirements for Self- Assessment. The AVF will also host the Fall 2014 Fellows Course in Venous Disease on December 5-7, 2014 in Houston, TX. Grants are available to cover attendees' expenses. - August 14, 2014 - American Venous Forum
American Venous Forum - Call for Abstracts Open
The American Venous Forum (AVF) will hold its 27th Annual Meeting on February 25-27, 2015 in Palm Springs, CA. The AVF Annual Meeting offers high-quality scientific analysis to those physicians interested in research, education and clinical investigation in the field of venous diseases. AVF encourages all of its colleagues to participate in this growing educational program by submission of a formal abstract for standard oral, quick shot presentation, poster presentation or poster display. - August 14, 2014 - American Venous Forum
Paul W. Hespel, Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP to Speak at KC’s Global Trends in Leveraged Lending 2014 Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Paul W. Hespel, Partner, Pepper Hamilton LLP will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled: “Global Trends in Leveraged Lending 2014 Live... - August 14, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
George Morris Clinic Headlines Cincinnati Meeting
Legendary horseman and coach George Morris will conduct a 3-day clinic in Cincinnati this October. - August 14, 2014 - American Trakehner Association
Ann Arbor Community Radio Launches GoodVibe.FM Website
Ann Arbor Community Radio unveils new website and brand GoodVibe.FM. - August 14, 2014 - Ann Arbor Community Radio
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Relaunch Anniversary Party, Tuesday, August 26th
Celebrate NAPW Boston’s success at CommonCove overlooking Admiral’s Hill Marina. - August 14, 2014 - National Association for Professional Women
IJIS Institute Board and Committee Leadership Changes
Elected and appointed IT industry leaders will help guide the IJIS Institute and its programs - August 14, 2014 - IJIS Institute
Urban Group Properties Join DAE Portfolio
DAE, the leading worldwide holiday exchange provider, has expanded its rental portfolio by joining with Urban Group Properties, adding new accommodation options in capital cities around Australia. “There is a lot of interest from DAE members to explore their favourite cities with their DAE... - August 14, 2014 - Dial An Exchange
YourCause’s Client Growth Triggers the Addition of Odessa Jenkins to the Leadership Team
YourCause LLC, provider of CSRconnect Employee Engagement Platform, is excited to announce the addition of Odessa Jenkins as the director of client services. The Director of Client Services will be responsible for providing existing clients with enhanced support, as well as, ongoing guidance to all... - August 14, 2014 - YourCause, LLC
Renovations of Marlborough Downtown Park Completed
MEDC’s downtown pocket park now has a playground and shaded picnic tables. - August 14, 2014 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation
Gideon Putnam Resort & Spa Retains Designation as a Silver Certified Green Lodging Property
Delaware North Companies, Parks & Resorts, at Gideon Putnam Resort & Spa in Saratoga Springs, NY was recently re-designated a Silver Certified Green Lodging Property by environmental nonprofit Audubon International. The hotel first achieved certification in 2009 with a silver rating. - August 14, 2014 - Audubon International
Church of Scientology Hosts Regi Wooten’s Upcoming Seminar on Becoming a Full-Time Musician
In April this year, the Church of Scientology hosted the oldest of the Wooten Brothers, Regi, for a seminar about his approach to delivering a great performance. Now he returns for part two. - August 14, 2014 - Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre Nashville
Ventura College Foundation Adds Staff to Help with Major and Planned Gifts
Anne Paul King, a fundraiser who helped raise over $20 million for nonprofit organizations, joined the Ventura College Foundation as its new director of major and planned gifts. In this position, King will be responsible for managing the Foundation’s fundraising program and building a solid... - August 14, 2014 - Ventura College Foundation
Kandi Parsons, Senior Attorney - Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Federal Trade Commission to Speak at KC’s Event
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Kandi Parsons, Senior Attorney - Division of Privacy and Identity Protection will speak at the Knowledge Group’s webcast entitled:... - August 14, 2014 - The Knowledge Group
Diane Sillan Isaacs Joins The League of Adventurous Women ®
Diane Sillan Isaacs joins Advisory Board of The League of Adventurous Women, a new national women's adventure organization. - August 14, 2014 - The League of Adventurous Women, Inc.
Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Hal Sanders as Professional of the Year
Hal Sanders, of Austin, Texas, has recently been recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Legal Mediation. - August 13, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who
Strathmore’s Who’s Who Honors Irvin E. Richter as Professional of the Year
Irvin E. Richter, of Marlton, New Jersey, has recently been recognized as a Professional of the Year by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Registry for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of Architecture Construction Services. - August 13, 2014 - Strathmore Who's Who
Stratbeans Launches Complete Training, Certification and Licensing of Articulate Storyline at Your Doorstep Service in Delhi, Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai
Articulate Storyline is an e-learning authoring tool on which complete training, certification and learning is now available conveniently in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. - August 13, 2014 - Stratbeans Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
June Hunt Has Agreed to Join Hands with the Liberty Quest Foundation to Add Support to the Streaming Faith Initiative
Liberty Quest Foundation is happy to announce the new association with Hope For The Heart ministry of June Hunt. This partnership will help enhance the Streaming Faith Initiative which is seeking to bring free religious programs to those incarcerated in the Federal BOP. - August 13, 2014 - Liberty Quest Foundation Ltd
Mary Davis Recently Honored in the Field of Environmental Education. Who Better to Teach About Sharing Nature with Children at Sheldrake Environmental Center?
This fall, recently honored Mary Davis will start teaching Sheldrake's Volunteer Environmental Education Training Program. - August 13, 2014 - Sheldrake Environmental Center
"Ten Ways to a Great School Year" on August 13th
NJCTS Wednesday Webinar series continues with tips for a smooth transition from summer. - August 13, 2014 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
i4cp Study: Focus Performance Management on Customer Metrics
Performance management is generally considered one of the most unpopular and contentious practices in human resources management. And although the consensus has long been that performance management is a drag, it is not going anywhere—most companies continue to use it in some form or... - August 13, 2014 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)
The Gateway Family YMCA - Five Points Branch Announces Membership Engagement Director
The Gateway Family YMCA – Five Points Branch welcomes Ariel Lev, Membership Engagement Director. - August 13, 2014 - The Gateway Family YMCA
Westchester Networking for Professionals Hosts Annual End of Summer Business Networking Event
Entrepreneurs, small business owners and executives attend the event to socialize, meet, exchange business cards and generate long lasing professional relationships. - August 13, 2014 - Westchester Networking for Professionals
Jeffrey L. Greenacre, CAM, CMCA, CPM Recognized by Strathmore's Who's Who Worldwide Publication
Jeffrey L. Greenacre, CAM, CMCA, CPM of Odessa, Florida has been recognized as a Professional of the Year in the Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide Edition for his outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of real estate. About Jeffrey L. Greenacre, CAM, CMCA, CPM Jeffrey L. - August 12, 2014 - Strathmore Worldwide
AIDS Research Alliance Now Providing Leukopaks to Research and Pharmaceutical Institutions
AIDS Research Alliance (ARA) is pleased to announce an expansion of its services to include the ability to conduct leukapheresis, and to provide blood products to research and pharmaceutical institutions. - August 12, 2014 - AIDS Research Alliance