NAWBO San Diego's March Meeting Focuses on Building Winning Teams

Jo Dee Jacob, CEO of Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, will speak on building and nurturing winning teams at the March 17 NAWBO San Diego lunch meeting. To learn more and register, visit - February 26, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

NPSA Announces Portable Storage Seminar in Virginia Beach

The National Portable Storage Association just announced its 2010 Spring Portable Storage Seminar in Virginia Beach, Va. on April 26-27. - February 26, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Downtown Street Jam Returns with Irish Bands and Rock 'n Roll Recording Artist - "Smile Empty Soul"

Downtown Street Jam is a free outdoor community event that has become a signature concert series in downtown Riverside. - February 25, 2010 - Riverside Downtown Partnership

Houston Jobseekers Benefit from a New Career Resource provides a comprehensive job search for jobseekers in Houston. - February 25, 2010 - LatPro Inc.

Trillium Charter School Now Accepting Applications

Trillium Charter School in Hunterdon County, NJ is now accepting applications for students in NJ. Sending districts are Flemington/Raritan, Delaware East Amwell. However, all students in NJ are welcome to apply. Information on applying will be available at an information night which is open to the public. It will be held on March 2 at the Hunterdon County Library Headquarters. - February 24, 2010 - Trillium Charter School

The DSM: Grassroots Campaign for Recognition of SPD Underway

SPD is one of twelve diagnoses submitted by "outside sources" still being considered by the APA for inclusion in the DSM-5. One of 12 from almost certainly hundreds of submissions. The SPD Foundation has been working for over 10 years trying to gain recognition by conducting some pretty amazing research into the disorder with groups from MIT, Yale and Duke. The Foundation is stepping up their advocacy campaign through some old fashioned grassroots organizing in order to support SPD. - February 24, 2010 - Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation

RNIB Appoints for GP Education Campaign

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has appointed, the UK’s largest and most active network of medical professionals, to launch its first ever online campaign especially for general practitioners. With 50 per cent of sight loss being avoidable*, RNIB is keen to... - February 24, 2010 -

NACUE National Varsity Pitch Competition

The premier national pitching competition for students. The NACUE National Varsity Pitch Competition is the UK’s premier start-up competition for student entrepreneurs, showcasing the brightest young minds and the exceptional start-ups coming out of universities today. The deadline for applications is 1st March 2010, and the finalists will be announced 1st April 2010. - February 24, 2010 - NACUE

NAWBO San Diego March Seminar Focuses on Protecting Your Business

"Protecting Your Business" is the topic for NAWBO San Diego's March 12 seminar, to be held at Brandman University. Learn more and register at - February 21, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

AIA Michigan and Michigan Department of Community Health to Co-Host Health Facilities Planning Seminar, Mar. 11-12

The seminar, which will be held in Traverse City, will provide attendees with the latest information that will assist them in planning, designing, constructing and maintaining the health facilities in Michigan. - February 20, 2010 - American Institute of Architects Michigan

Simply Referrals is Simply Networking

Local Businessman Seeks to Unite Other Local Businesses - February 19, 2010 - Simply Referrals

FEWJapan: Women's Executive Organization Holds Afghanistan Charity Benefit: Brownies and Books

On Saturday, February 20, 2010, bring and swap your unwanted books, DVDs & CDs and join members and friends of FEW (For Empowering Women in Japan) in a book/DVD/CD swap meet and brownies benefit for girls schools in Afghanistan. - February 19, 2010 - FEWJapan

FEWJapan: Women's Executive Organization Holds Entrepreneur Event: the Foreign Buyer's Club: Setting Up a Business in Japan, from the Beginning of the Story to Now

Join the members and guests of FEWJapan for the March 2010 meeting. The guest speaker is Chuck Grafft, Founder of the Foreign Buyers Club Japan. He will share key tips to entrepreneurial success in Japan. - February 19, 2010 - FEWJapan

NPSA Congratulates Container City for Portable Storage Innovation

The National Portable Storage Association congratulates Container City on winning a prestigious award for its work on the Dunraven School Sports Hall in South West London. - February 18, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

JCT Builds Share of Construction Contracts

Almost 80 per cent of building projects use the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) standard forms of construction contract, according to the latest Contracts in use survey produced by Davis Langdon on behalf of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Published on Friday, the survey was... - February 18, 2010 - Joint Contracts Tribunal

Two Events to Bring Relief and Ideas for Challenged San Diego Nonprofits

San Diego's chapter of the American Fundraising Professionals (AFP) and the American Marketing Association (AMA) respond to outcry from area nonprofits. - February 18, 2010 - American Marketing Association, San Diego

Beauties on the Go, LLC is Offering a Three Tier Membership to Help Small Businesses Become the Number One Choice to Consumers in the Marketplace

Membership marketing is the backbone of driving client and organizational relationships. When businesses are active members of membership programs, they have access to supportive groups, a network of strong professional contacts, and resources that can increase any business. Beauties on the Go is... - February 17, 2010 - Beauties on the Go

Contractors Legal Group Joins JCT

The new Contractors Legal Group (CLG), which represents the common interests of main contractor trade associations, has joined the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT). - February 16, 2010 - Joint Contracts Tribunal

NPSA Applauds Clemson University for Portable Storage Research

The National Portable Storage Association applauds Clemson University's work to study how portable storage containers can be used to provide shelter in the face of disaster. - February 15, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Chicago Hosts LatPro’s Job Fair for Bilingual Professionals

LatPro’s national job fair series for bilingual professionals will be visiting Chicago’s Navy Pier on March 18. - February 14, 2010 - LatPro Inc.

Leonia American Legion Post #1 Host 2nd Poker Tournament for Vets and Troops

The first American Legion Post in New Jersey is thrilled to host another Casino Night to benefit Veterans' Charities and Scholarship funds. February 27, 2010 - the Casino Night will feature a Texas Hold'em Tournament and Black Jack Tournament. Buyin will be $50 when you pre-register at Free Food and Open Bar starts at 6pm. Check out their website or call Tony, (718) 755-2990 for more information or to register. Come on out and have some fun to support our Troops - February 14, 2010 - American Legion Post #1

“Cultivating Executive Presence To Get Your Next Job” is Subject of February 24 Experts Connection Teleseminar

Noted Psychologist and Executive Consultant Dr. Dean Herman Shares Tips for Removing Inner Roadblocks that Keep You from Career Success. - February 13, 2010 - NETSHARE

Florida Voters Now Have a Viable Third Party Option

With 5 Congressional Candidates, the Florida Whig Party may change the playing field in the 2010 mid-term elections. - February 13, 2010 - Florida Whig Party

TIA’s Smart Device Communications Standards Developing Engineering Committee Defines Scope, Elects Leaders

The Telecommunications Industry Association's newly launched Smart Device Communications (SDC) Engineering Committee (TR-50) met here last week, electing Dr. Jeff Smith, Chief Technology Officer at Numerex Corp (Nasdaq: NMRX) as Committee Chairman, and Jim Wert, Product Manager of deviceWISE... - February 13, 2010 - Telecommunications Industry Association

M.O.M. for America Announces Michelle Malkin Will Deliver the Keynote Address at Their First Annual Banquet

Conservative blogger, syndicated columnist, and New York Times bestselling author, Michelle Malkin, will be the keynote speaker at the M.O.M. for America Banquet on August 28, 2010 in Washington, DC. - February 13, 2010 - M.O.M. for America, Inc

Increase in Botox Training Correlates with Increase in Botox Treatments

The IAPAM recently identified a correlation between the increase in physicians engaging in comprehensive, hands-on Botox Training, and the significant growth in the 4Q 2009 in botulinums and dermal filler procedures. In a recent survey, conducted by MEDACorp in January 2010, the 4Q year-to-year growth in the delivery of cosmetic injectables, grew by an encouraging 8.1%. - February 13, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Medevac Experts Release 10 Tips for Spring Break Safety

Medical evacuation membership program Air Ambulance Card is releasing its Spring Break 2010 Travel Safety Tips. The advice is compiled from years of transport of sick and injured travelers. “This is what we’d be telling our own kids if they were traveling for spring break this... - February 12, 2010 - Air Ambulance Card, LLC

Leading Spas of Canada Presents Webinar on Social Media for Spas

Leading Spas of Canada (LSC) is pleased to announce its upcoming webinar, “Triumph over Twitter and Flourish on Facebook in 12 Simple Steps” with spa marketer, Darlene Fiske of The Fiske Group. This webinar presentation is available free to LSC members and just $25 for... - February 12, 2010 - Leading Spas of Canada

Personal Trainer Val Fujii of Superwomen Boot Camp Reveals Key Strategies to Help You Stay Dedicated to Your Diet This Valentine’s Day

Folsom personal trainer and fitness boot camp instructor, Val Fujii, shares the key strategies to help you stay dedicated to your diet this Valentine’s Day. - February 12, 2010 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Zebra Restaurant and Charlotte-South Rotary Club Partner to Raise Money to End Polio Now

Rotary District 7680 is celebrating Rotary International’s 105th anniversary by partnering with local restaurants to raise money for The Rotary Foundation’s “End Polio Now” campaign. The Charlotte South Rotary Club is partnering with Zebra Restaurant on Tuesday, February 23,... - February 10, 2010 - Charlotte-South Rotary Club

Dinuba Chamber of Commerce to Host 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

The 2nd Annual Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament. Friday, April 16, 2010 at Dinuba Ridge Creek Golf Club. - February 10, 2010 - Dinuba Chamber of Commerce

Central New York Online Dating Service Announces First Baby

Couple Met Through Catchmakers in 2008; Baby Boy Due Around Valentine's Day - February 10, 2010 - Catchmakers, Inc.

Charlotte, NC IAHSP Chapter Members Announce New Business Partners

Charlotte IAHSP (CIRC) home staging professionals release new business affiliate members' names and contact information. - February 10, 2010 - Charlotte IAHSP

New Directors Appointed to the Board of the Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals

The Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals (ALDAP), a non-profit organization established in 2007 to serve the legal document assistant (LDA) and paralegal professions, has announced the appointment of three LDAs to its Board of Directors. Moira Boyle was appointed to the position of... - February 07, 2010 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals

Sixteen Canadian Spas Achieve National "Quality Assurance Approved" Designation

Leading Spas of Canada is pleased to announce 16 Canadian spas have received “Quality Assurance Approved” status, a national designation recognizing consistent safety and hygiene standards in the spa industry, offering reassurance and uncompromising quality for spa... - February 07, 2010 - Leading Spas of Canada

NPSA Featured in Mobile Self-Storage Magazine

The National Portable Storage Association is featured in a recent article in Mobile Self-Storage Magazine about the differences between portable storage and mobile storage. - February 07, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association Extends More Than $1000 Back to Members in First 4 Months of Operations, a growing social site with roots in the Boston area, is proud to announce that it has extended back more than $1000 to its members since launching in late October. "DollarSociety's mission is to help our members" said Founder and Director Jason Lowndes. "We are... - February 06, 2010 - Official Launch - Miami-Dade's Only Interactive Waterway and Social Networking Site for Miami Boaters

Boating enthusiasts in Miami can now learn more about local boating, fishing, yachting, sailing, connecting with others and how to find great Florida boater resources. - February 05, 2010 -

Marlborough 2010 Corp Renamed Marlborough Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)

Marlborough 2010 Corporation the state-chartered economic development corporation for the City of Marlborough has been renamed Marlborough Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). This was announced at the annual meeting held on January 27 at the Best Western Hotel. Mayor Nancy Stevens and the MEDC... - February 05, 2010 - Marlborough Economic Development Corporation

Florida Whig Party Announces Congressional Candidate for the 8th District

The Florida Whig Party today announced Steven Gerritzen would run against Alan Grayson for Florida’s 8th Congressional District. - February 05, 2010 - Florida Whig Party

Iowans for Consumer Fuel Choice Coalition Announcement

Iowans for Consumer Fuel Choice is a coalition of public, private, business and labor organizations that wholeheartedly supports renewable fuels but vehemently opposes product mandates that manipulate our free market system and increase fuel costs for Iowans. - February 04, 2010 - Iowans for Consumer Fuel Choice

Physicians Learn IAPAM's hCG Protocol for Medical Weight Loss

A successful medspa doctor needs more than just botox training to grow his/her practice. The most profitable medical spas today offer medically supervised weight-loss programs to their patients. Therefore, in response to this market need, the IAPAM has developed an hCG training program as part of its medically supervised weight loss training program, to educate physicians in the IAPAM's exclusive NEW hCG Protocol. - February 04, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Business Network International (BNI) New Hampshire Appoints Thomas Green as New Area Director

Encouraging members to reach their goals and grow their region in 2010. - February 04, 2010 - BNI, Orlando

Author, Speaker, and Business Consultant of The Human Factor, Holly G. Green, is Once Again Back in Print with Her Latest Book Contribution

Holly G. Green’s third book, A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur’s Spirit, Vol. II is hot off the press and is already stirring up praises. Featuring fifty-five entrepreneurs' true stories written to inspire, energize, and teach the reader, Green’s contribution has definitely helped set this book apart. With her own entrepreneurial spirit inspiring all she comes in contact with, it is no wonder that she was invited to be a part of this fascinating compilation. - February 04, 2010 - The Human Factor, Inc.

The 2010 HRPS Global Conference: New Rules, New Realities – April 25-28; Strategic Human Resources Professionals Have Ability to Shape People and Profit Strategies

The Human Resource Planning Society (HRPS) will host its 33rd Annual Global Conference, April 25-28, 2010 at the Loews Coronado Bay, San Diego, CA. Executives and strategists from the world’s leading companies will present their approaches to meet emerging customer requirements, rebuild an organization’s value chain, develop new business strategies and engage and retain top talent. More than 300 attendees, representing a diverse group of senior-level HR professionals, are expected. - February 04, 2010 - HR People & Strategy (HRPS)

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Announces 2010 Board of Directors

Theresa Clark, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) ( has announced the members of the 2010 board of directors for the organization. Members will provide feedback and support to the Association regarding its strategic plan and future direction. For more... - February 03, 2010 - RRAR

Green Collar Association Research Director Says Copenhagen a Success

Green Collar Association’s January newsletter features an article by Director of Research and Communications, Dr. Michael O. Dayan, explaining his optimism about the climate conference in Copenhagen. - February 03, 2010 - Green Collar Association

NAFA Opens Submissions for Goill Awards

NAFA Fleet Management Association is now accepting submissions for the 2010 Goill Awards - one of the fleet management industry's most prestigious honors. - February 03, 2010 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

NEUROSURGERY® Launches Neurosurgery Report

NEUROSURGERY®, the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, is pleased to announce the unveiling of Neurosurgery Report (, an online compendium of topical news, editorial content and supplemental multimedia. Neurosurgery Report is part of a... - February 03, 2010 - Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Nominations Being Accepted for NAWBO San Diego's BRAVO! Awards

NAWBO San Diego is accepting nominations for six BRAVO! Awards, which will be presented to women business owners at its annual dinner event on Wednesday, May 19. The nomination form, which includes award criteria, is available at Submission deadline is April 9. - February 02, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

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