Heels Love Wheels - The Premiere Online Women's Car Club Now Recruiting Members

Heels Love Wheels, is the premiere, nationwide club for Women automobile enthusiasts with the purpose of philanthropy, camaraderie, networking, education and to share their enthusiasm for automobiles. It is not what one drives that is important, but rather their interest in automobiles, helping... - October 31, 2009 - Heels Love Wheels

"Colorado Culinary Inn-Spirations" Fourth Edition Recipe Collection from Bed & Breakfast Innkeepers of Colorado Hits Bookshelves - Innkeepers Meet for Annual Conference

"Inn-Spirational" recipes hot off the press in new B&B cookbook - B&B conference to be held November 8-9, 2009 in Golden, Colorado - October 31, 2009 - Bed & Breakfast Innkeepers of Colorado

NAFA Seeks Tax Credits for Fleets That Use Clean Fuel and Low-Emission Vehicles

NAFA Fleet Management Association is seeking tax credits on alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles to allow public service fleets the ability to do the right thing for the environment while remaining fiscally responsible. - October 31, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

New i4cp Report Provides Solutions to Key Integrated Talent Management Challenges

Organizations can’t rely on software to solve every talent management issue. - October 30, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

NAWBO San Diego's November Meeting Focuses on Networking

Rhonda Sher, author of The Two-Minute Networker, will be the featured speaker at the November 18 meeting of NAWBO San Diego. She will teach attendees how to turn contacts into sales, referrals and income. - October 30, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

NAFA Members Honored for Environmental Leadership

Twenty-four Members of NAFA Fleet Management Association were among those honored with the first annual "Fleet Environmental Leadership" Awards on October 19 in Chicago. - October 29, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Sponsors Project Angel Tree 2009

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), has announced that the Association’s Community Service Committee will be sponsoring Project Angel Tree 2009, a charity initiative that provides gifts to children of underprivileged families during... - October 29, 2009 - RRAR

Eagle Scout Networking Breakfast for Entrepreneurs Features Michael H. Holthouse

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael H. Holthouse will keynote an Eagle Scout Networking Breakfast for Entrepreneurs, Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 7:00 a.m. at the Cockrell Scout Center in Houston, speaking on “The Powerful Synergy of Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy.” - October 28, 2009 - The Gathering of Eagles-Houston

In Corporate Limbo: Peer Coaching Programs

Low Priority, Lack of Concept Clarity Hinder Program Development in Most Companies - October 28, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

The Public Launch of DFWforhire.com is Changing the Way Dallas Buys and Sells Services

Web startup is crowdsourcing transactions for Dallas, TX contractors and property owners. - October 28, 2009 - DFWforhire.com

ChanceOL Launches Its on Site Audit Service

As a part of its e-commerce integration plan, ChanceOL launches its on site audit service. - October 28, 2009 - ChanceOL Network Technology Co., Ltd.

NPSA Offers Mobile Self-Storage Magazine as New Member Benefit

The National Portable Storage Association is pleased to announce its members will now receive a digital copy of each quarterly issue of Mobile Self-Storage magazine. - October 28, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

MCC to Host Pathways to Entrepreneurial Success 2009 on Nov. 12

Aspiring entrepreneurs and current business owners are invited to explore programs and services to help grow their businesses at Pathways to Entrepreneurial Success 2009, a community resource forum hosted by Monroe Community College, a member of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE). The forum is slated for 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12, at MCC’s R. Thomas Flynn Campus Center, 1000 East Henrietta Road, Rochester. - October 28, 2009 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Oregon Restaurant Association Names Vice President of Strategic Communications

Oregon Restaurant Association (ORA) announced today that John Hamilton has been promoted to the newly developed position of Vice President of Strategic Communications and will report directly to ORA President & CEO Steve McCoid. He will be responsible for creating and managing communications... - October 26, 2009 - Oregon Restaurant Association

NAWBO San Diego November Seminar Focuses on Saving by Going Green

Christine McDannell, owner of Cleanology, will discuss how businesses can save money and help Mother Earth at the same time by making eco-friendly changes. - October 25, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

Folsom Personal Trainer Val Fujii Participating in Nationwide Halloween Charity Boot Camp Event

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, is proud to announce his participation in a nationwide charity boot camp event. - October 25, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Brangus Officers to Paraguay

Where’s the beef and who needs more of it? That was a question on the minds of three officers of the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) and others who traveled to Paraguay for the 5th World Brangus Congress. Making the trip was: Dale Kirkham, President from Eureka, KS, Don Cox,... - October 25, 2009 - International Brangus Breeders Association

4 Honored at 7th Annual NACCE Conference

Five awards presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE), held in Chicago, IL, last week, show the diversity of the organization and its mission to promote entrepreneurial education. Two entrepreneurs–both educated at... - October 24, 2009 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

Superwomen Boot Camp Owner Val Fujii Proudly Announces Pacific Islands Relief Boot Camp Benefiting the Children of American Samoa

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, is proud to announce a charity boot camp benefiting the tsunami victims of American Samoa. - October 23, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Information and Data Security Summit to be Held in Rochester NY

The Rochester (NY) Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association ISSA) is pleased to announce the 4th Annual Security Summit will be held Wednesday October 28 and Thursday October 29, 2009 at Woodcliff Hotel and Spa Conference Center, Fairport, NY. The conference will be held 8:00 to 5:00... - October 23, 2009 - Rochester Chapter ISSA

AIA Grand Valley Among Collaborators for Joint Association Meeting

Presentation on Nov. 5 in Grand Rapids to discuss the legal issues of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and IDP (Integrated Project Delivery). - October 23, 2009 - American Institute of Architects Grand Valley

Dunn Capital Partner Withdraws Support on Emgold Mining Corp’s Gold Mining Project

After much research and deliberation, Dunn Capital Partners has decided to withdraw their support of the Idaho-Maryland Mine project in Grass Valley, California. Based on a unanimous vote, Dunn Capital Partners requires all extractive industry projects to support private equity firm’s social... - October 23, 2009 - Dunn Capital

New Counseling Skills Course Offered Online by the College of Mental Health Counseling

The College of Mental Health Counseling is pleased to announce the new online "Effective Counseling Skills" course as a gateway opportunity for members of the public to offer counseling services for people seeking help for depression, marriage and relationships, addiction, and much more. - October 23, 2009 - College of Mental Health Counseling

Moxxie Network Women Learn How to Dress with Business Moxxie - Lloyd Boston Shows Moxxie Network Women How to Look and Feel Their Best

Moxxie Network women visit Lord & Taylor, Garden City, NY, and JONES NEW YORK (JNY) for an evening of style on October 8, 2009 with JNY’s resident expert, tastemaker, , and illustrator extraordinaire—Lloyd Boston. - October 23, 2009 - Moxxie Network

German American Business Forum Launched in Washington DC Schedules First Event

Peter H. Dehnen, transatlantic business specialist and international tax attorney of Dehnen Lawyers, announces the launch of the German American Business Forum (GABF). The GABF is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. whose mission is to strengthen the transatlantic business bridge... - October 22, 2009 - GermanAmericanBusinessForum in Washington, D.C.

BioWest 2009 Registration Opens, Rolling Out a Stellar Lineup of National Speakers

Peter Sims, co-author of best selling business book “True North” and the forthcoming book “Little Bets” will provide the keynote for the 2009 BioWest Conference and Expo. In addition to Sims, nationally acclaimed speakers Ginger Graham, former CEO of Amylin Pharmaceuticals, and Eric Alexander - skier, climber, and mountaineer - will address the BioWest audience during the November 10th event at the Grand Hyatt Denver. - October 22, 2009 - Colorado BioScience Association

NAPO-NY Presents "Understanding the Secret World of Women with AD/HD" Seminar

Sari Solden, pioneer in field of women with AD/HD, to be the featured speaker at the November 7, 2009 event. - October 22, 2009 - NAPO-NY

IAPAM Announces 2010 Dates for Aesthetic Medicine Symposiums Showcasing Botox Training

Physicians continue to seek out comprehensive aesthetic medicine training programs, that include the most 'in-demand' aesthetic procedures: training in Botox, laser training, medical microdermabrasion training, chemical peel training and medical weight management programming. To meet this educational need, the IAPAM offers the most up-to date, hands-on, enduring medspa training program in the industry. Today, the IAPAM announces the dates for the Aesthetic Medicine Symposiums in 2010. - October 22, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Social Workers Receive National Honors for Dating Site for Adults with Mental Illness

Social workers Elizabeth Barrett of New Mexico and Michael Apgar of Colorado accepted a 2009 Reintegration Award from Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) for TrueAcceptance.com. The Reintegration Awards honor treatment teams, programs, and services for their outstanding contributions and achievements in the mental-health community. - October 22, 2009 - TrueAcceptance.com

CubeKicker.com- the Newest Professional Networking Resource for Entrepreneurs and Investors

CubeKicker.com- The nation's premier resource for entrepreneurs and investors. Link with investors to finance your start up or idea or simply network with like minded individuals. - October 21, 2009 - Cube Kicker

NPSA Las Vegas Conference Mixes Business with Pleasure

The National Portable Storage Association's 7th Annual Conference and Exposition at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas October 25-27, 2009 mixes business with pleasure. - October 21, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Holiday Family Fun. O'Tannenbaum - Festival of Trees.

The 16th Annual O’Tannenbaum ~ A Festival of Trees will be held on November 20th – November 21st and proceeds will once again support the various programs, such as summer reading and children’s story hour, at the Bennington Public Library. Event Details: Who: Friends of... - October 20, 2009 - Festival of Trees

Nebraska PTA Holds 86th Annual Convention

The 86th Annual Convention of the Nebraska Parent Teacher Association was held in Bellevue, Nebraska on October 10th, 2009. In attendance were delegates representing 100 PTA units, the Nebraska PTA State Board and the National PTA President Elect, Betsy Landers. Attendees heard from Betsy Landers... - October 20, 2009 - Nebraska PTA

Despite Shaky Support and Murky ROI Impact, Employee Volunteerism Programs Can Deliver in Big Ways

New i4cp study and report reveal how employee volunteerism increases recruitment, retention and engagement - October 16, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Two Becomes One - Finding a Match

Two Becomes One - Finding a Match

Two Becomes One is truly "Where Two Souls Become Mates!" As a top notch professional introduction service, Two Becomes One has created proven processes to making dating fun, easy, and enjoyable. - October 15, 2009 - Two Becomes One

Travelers Reveal Increasing Interest in Family Reunion Vacations

Among Them, More Than Two Million Choose Vacation Homes for Past Overnight Trips. - October 15, 2009 - Vacation Rental Managers Association

LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis (LTSSTL) Announces the Debut of the LTS inTouch™ Social Media Marketing Services

Greg Busch of LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis announces the debut of the LTS inTouch™ Social Media Marketing services to assist with the development and implementation of online marketing strategies in order to create influence. LTS inTouch™ specializes in helping small businesses use... - October 15, 2009 - LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis

NPSA Honors Former Association President Dale Payne

The National Portable Storage Association offers its deepest sympathies to the family of Dale Payne, president of A Aamerican Container and Trailer Leasing Corp. - October 15, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Registration Opens for Product Management Educational Conference (PMEC)

Exclusive Gathering of Product and Brand Managers in the Heart of Silicon Valley. - October 14, 2009 - Association of International Product Marketing & Management

Two Students Experience Trips of a Lifetime

This summer, Project: Trip of a Lifetime, a newly formed 501(c)(3) organization sent two students on summer teen tours. Both of the students selected had amazing experiences and gained a new perspective of the country. In addition, this organization is fully operated by a group of High School Seniors from Scarsdale, NY. - October 13, 2009 - Project: Trip of a Lifetime

New Study Reveals How Firms Are Preparing to Retain Workers as Economy Improves

i4cp study shows communication, cost-cutting and engagement issues play a role in talent retention. - October 12, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

LatPro to Host Phoenix Diversity Job Fair Event in November

The final installment of LatPro’s National Diversity Job Fair Series will visit the Crowne Plaza Hotel at Phoenix Airport November 3. - October 11, 2009 - LatPro Inc.

LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis (LTSSTL) Announces the Hiring of Bill Hippert to the Position of Manager, Business Development

Greg Busch of LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis announces the hiring of Bill Hippert to the position of Manager, Business Development. His duties will include increased growth in the areas of fundraising golf tournaments and special events, as well as the corporate event industry. “We are excited... - October 11, 2009 - LTS LeaderBoard of St. Louis

NAFA Announces the First Information Technology Guide Written by Fleet Managers for Fleet Managers

NAFA's new Information Technology Guide provides fleet managers with the tools they need to function in a data-rich, information-poor work environment by better using technology tools they most likely already have at their disposal. - October 10, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Offers Investment and Financial Analysis Course

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), has announced that RRAR along with the Triangle International Council of REALTORS® (TICOR) will be hosting a Certified International Property Specialist designation course titled “Investment... - October 10, 2009 - RRAR

Gov. Bev Perdue Among Women Leaders on Steering Committee for Women on Board Launch Event

Women on Board (www.nccwps.org), a program of the North Carolina Center for Women in Public Service, has announced the steering committee for the upcoming launch event to be held Thursday, Oct. 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Meredith College Massey House. The steering committee includes Gov. Bev... - October 10, 2009 - Women On Board

America's Team is Looking for Coaches

America's Team is looking for Coaches to take baseball and softball teams of High School age players overseas next summer 2010 - October 09, 2009 - America's Team

The 7th Annual Midwest ACG Capital Connection, Presented by ACG Chicago Happening Oct. 20 at McCormick Place

The Association for Corporate Growth, Chicago Chapter (ACG Chicago), will host the 2009 Midwest ACG Capital Connection, a premier gathering of middle-market M&A professionals from across North America, including executives from leading private equity firms, preeminent investment banks,... - October 09, 2009 - Association for Corporate Growth Chicago (ACG Chicago)

Las Vegas Shriners Pair Up with Team Smile

The Zelzah Shrine Center at 2222 West Mesquite Avenue, Las Vegas will be turned into a dental clinic for one day on October 13, 2009. They are bringing together a combination of 14 local and TeamSmile™ dentists and 36 support personnel to provide free care to approximately 200 children, many... - October 09, 2009 - Zelzah Shriners

Gospel Music Goes Social at Gospelville.com

Autumn marks the beginning of the holiday season and calls us all to give thanks for everything we have and all of God’s blessings. To coincide with the coming celebrations,Gospelville.com has updated and re-launched its unique social network with new features that make it easier to share the gifts God has given us through music and praises. - October 09, 2009 - Gospelville.com

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