New Training Guide Helps Small Businesses Create Successful Advertising

In an era when the talk of the town is web advertising, the fact remains that print advertising still is a powerhouse of small business promotion. So knowing how to create, or judge, a good money making advertisement is crucial to every business owner’s success. - December 21, 2009 - National Mail Order Association

NAWBO San Diego January Seminar Focuses on Estate Planning

Marguerite Lorenz of Lorenz Fiduciary Services will present the first NAWBO San Diego seminar of 2010, Estate Planning and Your Business, on Friday, Jan. 8 from noon to 1 p.m. at Brandman University. - December 20, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

BBB Vice-President, Leila Perrin, Named One of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2009

Houston Woman Magazine has released a special edition featuring “Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2009.” Featured in that list is Better Business Bureau VP of Marketing, Leila Perrin. Perrin has been with the bureau for 10 years and has been an integral part in continuing... - December 20, 2009 - The Better Business Bureau of Greater Houston and South Texas

Ford's Executive Vice President to Deliver Keynote Address at NAFA's 2010 I&E

NAFA is proud to announce that Mark Fields, Executive Vice President of Ford Motor Company, will be one of three keynote speakers for the 2010 Institute & Expo in Detroit this April. - December 20, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

NPSA Offers Portable Storage Solution Finder

The National Portable Storage Association is offering a portable storage Solution Finder to help consumers and businesses find containerized storage at locations around the world. - December 20, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

LatPro Announces 2010 Career Fair Schedule for Hispanic and Bilingual Professionals

Cities across the nation to host LatPro 2010 career fair series for Hispanic and Bilingual professionals. - December 19, 2009 - LatPro Inc.

NSCS and KODA Announce Partnership

NSCS is pleased to announce its partnership with KODA.US, the premier online recruiting site for young professionals. “NSCS is an honors organization for high-achieving first- and second-year students, and we’re committed to helping our members throughout their lives,” said... - December 19, 2009 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Val Fujii of Fujii Fitness Proudly Announces New Trainer at Four Seasons of El Dorado Hills Fitness Camp

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, proudly announces new trainer at Four Seasons of El Dorado Hills Fitness Camp - December 19, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Supports Local Charities

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, announced that the REALTOR® Foundation of the Triangle made donations to three local nonprofits organizations, which were presented at the association’s December board of director’s... - December 19, 2009 - RRAR

Few Companies Have Employee Retention Strategies for an Economic Uptick

New i4cp study reveals employee retention issues are on the organizational radar, but not a priority now in most companies. - December 17, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

FLAGFA Endorses CAFM, CAFS Programs

NAFA is pleased to announce that FLAGA has joined a coalition of organization exclusively endorsing the CAFM/CAFS program. - December 17, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Association for Learning Technology Launches Open Access Repository

The Association for Learning Technology’s Open Access Repository was formally launched at ALT’s annual conference ALT-C in September and is now available. The repository represents a long-awaited development in ALT’s work and services as it allows users to contribute assets and make them available via the repository. - December 15, 2009 - Association for Learning Technology

NPSA Announces 2010 Industry Events

he National Portable Storage Association, or NPSA, has announced two strategic events for 2010. Members and non-members alike are invited to attend these industry conventions to learn more about opportunities in portable storage. The NPSA will hold its Spring Seminar on April 26-27, 2010. - December 13, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Making Media Work Through Music: CCP at Asia Televison Forum

Digital Future Series Conference – “The Role of Music in Film and TV,” Dec 2. Masterclass and Workshop with China Directors Li Qiankuan and Xiao Guiyun, Dec 3. - December 12, 2009 - Centre for Content Promotion

New Lead-Based Paint Regulations Require Special Certification by April 2010, Thirteen Remodeling Contractors Will be Certified to Work on Pre-1978 Renovations

13 Raleigh-area contractors passed the limited lead-based paint renovation class to renovate homes and child-occupied facilities built before 1978. These 13 soon to be certified lead renovators will meet the new lead paint regulations required for contractors by April 2010. - December 12, 2009 - Home Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake Co.

AIGA Miami Presents Parallels 01: the Modern Brew: Discussion with Local Leading Creatives

On December 17, AIGA Miami welcomes back its Parallels Series, where each month local guest speakers are invited to join in a roundtable discussion on a designated topic. For Parallels: The Modern Brew, AIGA Miami proudly welcomes: Tana Martin, Creative Principal for R+M Collaborative Joe... - December 11, 2009 - AIGA Miami

A Toast to the Achievements of Business Networking Group

Business on Toast celebrated a milestone in its development last Wednesday as its University of Derby mentoring scheme was publicly launched. The group welcomed the Mayor along with dignitaries from the University to celebrate the group’s achievements and its provision of 50 experienced... - December 11, 2009 - Business on Toast

IAPAM's Botox Training Includes a Discussion of DIY Botox and Illegally Imported Botox

As a part of this commitment to enduring physician education, the IAPAM recently surveyed several doctors with preeminent expertise in the administration of botox. These experts offer their peers these tips when considering adding cosmetic injectables to a practice. - December 11, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Home Care Alliance to Lead State in National Quality Campaign

Organization Will Head Local Efforts for National Home Health Quality Improvement. - December 10, 2009 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

Need Talent? 25% of Companies Are Contacting Competitor Employees Directly

Latest i4cp study reveals almost half of companies recruit from competitors, while a quarter contact competitor employees directly - December 10, 2009 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

NPSA Announces 2010 Chairman of the Board

The National Portable Storage Association has elected a new board of directors for 2010. - December 10, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Val Fujii and Superwomen Boot Camp Proud to Announce New Sacramento Location Opening in January

Val Fujii, a Folsom personal trainer and owner of Superwomen Boot Camp, proudly announces new location opening in Sacramento. - December 10, 2009 - Superwomen Boot Camp

Network for Investor Action and Protection Formed by Investment Fraud Victims

Network for Investor Action and Protection Formed by Investment Fraud Victims

A group of investment fraud victims has formed the Network for Investor Action and Protection (NIAP), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping investors and victims of investment fraud. The Network, a natural outgrowth of the group’s meetings, planning, advocacy, and extensive... - December 09, 2009 - Network for Investor Action and Protection

Medical Marijuana Patient Activist Cheryl Shuman Named Executive Director for Beverly Hills NORML

Public acceptance of pot is at an all-time high, and the fact that women have drastically changed their attitudes may be what is most fascinating about the sea change in public opinion -- and policy -- regarding marijuana. In 2005, only 32 percent of polled women told Gallup they approved legalizing pot, but this year 44 percent of them were for it, compared to 45 percent of men. In effect, women have narrowed what had been a 12-point gender gap. - December 09, 2009 - Beverly Hills

Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA Gets a Head Start on 2010 Resolutions

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA will unveil brand new, industry-leading equipment and a mobile training program on December 29, just in time to get a head start on fitness resolutions for 2010. - December 09, 2009 - Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA

Livonia Urgent Care Center Cleared by Accrediting Body

The Accredition Committee of the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine has reviewed the case of Livonia Urgent Care and determined that errors in administration of H1N1 nasal spray vaccines were caused by ambiguous instructions provided to the clinic. As a result, the affected center has... - December 09, 2009 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Names Hall of Fame Award Recipients

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (, announced the recipients of the 2009 Annual Hall of Fame Awards. The honorees this year include Raymond Larcher, Ed Willer, Carter Worthy, Parker Creech and the late Ray Stivers. The awards were... - December 09, 2009 - RRAR

FEWJapan: Women's Executive Organization Holds End of Year Event: FEW Jazzy Nights and Twinkling Lights

Date: Thursday December 10, 2009; Time: 7:00pm; Location: Stellato Restaurant Shirokanedai; Price: ¥5000 for members, ¥8000 for guests; It's FEWJapan's end of year celebration. FEW, was founded in 1981 by two foreign female entrepreneurs wishing to create a professional and social network empowering women in Tokyo. FEW has evolved tremendously since then. - December 09, 2009 - FEWJapan

Attention New York City Drinkers: Happy Hour is Now 24/7

A new business emerges in time to put some “Cheers” into the holiday season, turning every hour into Happy Hour with the I’m Not At Work Card. - December 08, 2009 - I'm Not At Work Inc.

Single Seniors Prove to be as Web Savvy as Everyone Else with

The team knew that their senior dating website would be a great place for single men and women to get to know one another, but they could never have predicted just how many would sign up. The team found quality of writing and honesty in senior dating members profiles is a... - December 07, 2009 - Senior Dating Network

Older Canadian Home Approaches New Standard of Energy Efficiency with Input from (we C.a.r.e.)

A 25-year-old home near Ottawa will soon surpass the concept of “net-zero” and become a carbon sink through the adoption of numerous energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy techniques. - December 07, 2009 - canadian association for renewable energies (we c.a.r.e.)

Shortage of 124,000 Physicians Imminent Without Swift Action

The United States is facing a rapidly escalating physician shortage. By 2025, the country will face a shortage of at least 124,000 physicians, which will be particularly acute in the primary care fields. In response to this shortage, the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) today... - December 06, 2009 - Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine

Stanton Lions Hold Speech Contest

Stanton Lions Host Speech Contest for students - December 06, 2009 - Stanton Lions Club

Nafa's New Jersey Chapter Holds Annual Holiday Meeting and Fleet Fair with Sports Announcer Michael Kay as Guest Speaker

NAFA's New Jersey Chapter to celebrate the holidays with Yankees announcer Michael Kay and a Fleet Fair on December 8th. - December 06, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

The Romanian Mediators Congress - "Mediation as a Lifestyle"

The National Union of mediators from Romania gathered important public personalities, cultural and professional magistrates, legal practitioners of the academic world, as well as mediators from all over the country, at the Romanian Parliament, on Saturday, the 28th of November 2009, in the first annual congress, having the theme "Mediation as a lifestyle." - December 06, 2009 - The National Union of mediators from Romania

NAFA's Pacific Southwest Chapter Holds Annual Meeting at Los Angeles Auto Show

NAFA Members to take in Los Angeles Auto Show after a chapter luncheon meeting with presentations by OEM representatives. - December 05, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Actor Attempts to Repay Millions After Fulfilling Dream - Creates Talent Overload

Hoping to help others live out a dream is his goal. - December 05, 2009 - Talent Overload

Perspectives of Business Leaders in Washington, D.C. and Düsseldorf, Germany Highlighted in GermanAmericanBusinessForum Dialogue Sessions

The GermanAmericanBusinessForum in Washington, D.C. (GABF) held a dialogue session in Düsseldorf, Germany on November 30, 2009 entitled: “Germany in Change? – U.S. in Change? Outlook 2010: Where are the Transatlantic Business Potentials.” The Düsseldorf event was a... - December 04, 2009 - GermanAmericanBusinessForum in Washington, D.C.

Association of Computer Repair Business Owners Launches New Website

The Association of Computer Repair Business Owners has launched its new website as of 1 December. Due to the growth of the Association the old site was no longer able to accommodate the members. Founded in 2007, the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners members are committed to the... - December 04, 2009 - Association of Computer Repair Business Owners

Canyonlands Field Institute Announces Rainbow Bridge Trek in Southern Utah for Spring 2010

Hiking Trek through Native American Lands with Packstock Support April 27 - May 2, 2010 with Canyonlands Field Institute. Trek from Navajo Mountain to Rainbow Bridge with experienced Navajo Guides and CFI Naturalists. - December 04, 2009 - Canyonlands Field Institute

Jorum Learning and Teaching Competition with ALT – Championing Open Educational Resources

Jorum learning and teaching competition with ALT - prizes awarded at ALT-C. First prize was awarded to ‘Making Group-work work’, developed by LearnHigher, a collaboration between the Universities of Brunel, Bradford and Leeds. - December 03, 2009 - Association for Learning Technology

Canadian Entrepreneur Launches New Website That Could Re-Define the Meaning of ‘Girls Night Out’

Girlfriend Social is a networking site that is designed for women to socially meet new girl friends. Its objective is to bridge the gap between social media and real life, and cover a need that is mostly unattended in the current social scene. There are networking sites that let people meet just anybody, sites that let people date each other, sites for business purposes… but this one aims for a niche that is still unoccupied, Female Friendships. - December 03, 2009 - Girlfriend Social

Northern Arizona Student Receives $15,000 Scholarship

Northern Arizona University student Hesham Elnagar is the recipient of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) 15th Anniversary Commemorative Scholarship. Elnagar, a native of Henderson, Nev., graduated summa cum laude from Northern Arizona University in May 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts... - December 03, 2009 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Harnessing Social Media for Small Business and Entrepreneurs Subject of December Experts Connection Session

Neal Schaffer, Author of “Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn,” Shares Business-Grounded Advice on How to Profit from Social Media - December 02, 2009 - NETSHARE

BRAOA Now Offering Canadian Bathtub Refinishing Referral Services

In a statement released today, the Bathtub Refinishing Association of America has announced that it is expanding its bathtub refinishing referral services to bathtub refinishing service providers in Canada. - December 01, 2009 - Bathtub Refinishing Association of America

Bandwidth is Where Music Lovers and Music Makers Are Coming Together

Bandwidth, an exciting new social networking sites for bands and their fans. Bandwidth was built and designed to bridge the gap created by the recording industry and allowed to grow by terrestrial radio. - November 30, 2009 - Black Sky Radio

Learn About an Active Senior Retirement Co-Op Housing Community for Age-in-Place Urban Co-Housing Living in NW Portland, Oregon at the Sheldon: A Green Light Cooperative

Free Seminar: Green Light Cooperative event on Sunday, December 6th, 2009 from 3-5pm at 909 NW 19th Avenue to learn more about the Sheldon Cooperative-- an active senior retirement community to be built in NW Portland, taking new members now. Expert guest panel and wine tasting event. - November 29, 2009 - The Sheldon: A Green Light Cooperative

New Contact Button for Blogs that Hides Email & Shares Social Profiles Released by WikiWorldBook

New Contact Button for Blogs that Hides Email & Shares Social Profiles Released by WikiWorldBook

Do you need a free Contact Button for your blog, so that spammers can’t harvest your email address? Do you also want to share all your VOIP, IM and social media profiles with your visitors? WikiWorldBook's new Contact Button enables bloggers to both hide their email address and share all... - November 27, 2009 - WikiWorldBook

Colorado BioScience Association Moves Offices with Two Other Associations to Columbine Place at 216 16th Street, Suite 850, Denver

The Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) along with the Colorado Association for Manufacturing and Technology (CAMT) and the Colorado Software and Internet Association (CSIA) have moved together to a new office located in Downtown Denver. The announcement is made by John Collar, President and CEO... - November 27, 2009 - Colorado BioScience Association

NAFA Hires New Associate Director of Education

NAFA Fleet Management Association announces Hanaan Bedri has been hired as Associate Director of Education. - November 27, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

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