Yamuna Expressway Authority : Plots Available

Yamuna Expressway authority Plots available in Resale : 1000 sqm, 2000 sqm, 4000 sqm ( instalment basis )on Yamuna Expressway Highway ( Taj Expressway ) near Greater Noida. “Sector 20” is a new Residential Sector, located on Yamuna Expressway just 17 km from Pari Chowk, Greater Noida. Night Safari, Asia’s Biggest University (Gautam Budha University ), Formula-One Racing Track, I.T. Sector and other esteemed projects under construction. - October 20, 2009 - Shri Krishan Estates

Indianapolis Real Estate Agent, Chanda Barrick Earns Real Estate Webographer Certification

Indianapolis Real Estate Agent, Chanda Barrick earned her Real Estate Webographer Certification today. - October 19, 2009 - Chanda Barrick

A Custom IDX Solution Improves and Advances the Real Estate Search on Jill McGovern's Website

IDX Broker uses its innovative IDX solution to display raw listing MLS data on realtors websites, giving them an advantage over their competitors. - October 18, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

Select New Homes, LLC Launches Its Blog to Stay More Connected with Its Customers

Select New Homes, LLC owner and operator of SaveOnANewHome.com, recently launched the newest addition to its website, the Save On A New Home Blog offering up-to-date information and tidbits for its real estate customers. - October 18, 2009 - Select New Homes, LLC

New Chicago Real Estate Agent Joins Dream Town Realty

Dream Town Realty welcomes new Chicago real estate agent Ethan Morgan to its team of residential specialists. Mr. Morgan is one of six Chicago real estate agents to join the Chicago-area brokerage in September. - October 18, 2009 - Dream Town Realty

Warren Palmer, Appalachian Underwriters, Inc., Earns Certified Marine Insurance Professional Designation (CMIP)

Warren Palmer, Appalachian Underwriters, Inc., recently earned the prestigious Certified Marine Insurance Professional Designation (CMIP), conferred by the International Institute for Marine Insurance Studies. The St. Petersburg, FL-based organization trains insurance professionals in Commercial... - October 18, 2009 - Appalachian Underwriters, Inc.

Anderson Construction Group Named #10th Fastest Growing Private Company in 2009

Anderson Construction Group, Inc. (ACG) was named the #10th Fastest Growing Private Company in Washington State by the Puget Sound Business Journal (PSBJ) in its annual Fastest Growing Private Company list in 2009. ACG was ranked in the 10th position for sales growth over 2006-2008 with an increase... - October 18, 2009 - Anderson Construction Group, Inc.

Davidson Realty's 25 Certified Distressed Property Experts® Help Northeast Florida Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

The current housing crisis and financial crisis in the U.S. have caused tremendous stress and heartache for families across the nation. Millions are affected by the prospect of foreclosure and a majority of those homeowners endure the process without the guidance, assistance or advice of real... - October 18, 2009 - Davidson Realty, Inc.

Free Home Buyer Workshop This Saturday in Las Vegas

Housing for Nevada and Prudential Americana Group Host Free Workshop to Teach Home Buyers The Elements of Buying a Home, Including Down Payment Assistance, in Conjunction with a Full Day Halloween Party for the Kids. - October 17, 2009 - Prudential Americana Group

Jennifer McFadyen Joins Royal Oaks Building Group, LLC

Rich Van Tassel, president of Royal Oaks Building Group, LLC (www.royaloaksbg.com), has announced that Jennifer McFadyen has joined the company as marketing coordinator. In addition to being responsible for creating and facilitating all corporate and community marketing efforts through print, web... - October 17, 2009 - Royal Oaks Homes LLC

Informative MLS Listing Data is Displayed on Realtor Todd Hill's Site Courtesy of IDX's Seamless Integration

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to speed up and simplify the online property search process, saving both real estate professionals and consumers time and hassle. - October 17, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

Galveston Hotel–Hotel Galvez to Host Holiday Lighting Celebration November 27

Hotel Galvez will host its second annual Holiday Lighting Celebration on Friday, Nov. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. Due to popular response to last year’s event, the hotel owners decided to make this an ongoing event. This celebration will feature a special visit by Santa Claus, holiday entertainment... - October 17, 2009 - Mitchell Historic Properties

Cheval Equestrian Community Debuts New Professionally Designed Model Home in Mint Hill, North Carolina

Cheval Equestrian Community Debuts New Professionally Designed Model Home in Mint Hill, North Carolina

Cheval, located in beautiful Mint Hill, just outside of Charlotte, has just opened its first professionally decorated model home available for the public to tour. This stunning 4,897 square foot European-inspired home is built by award-winning builder Steve Schreiner, of Schreiner Custom Homes, a... - October 16, 2009 - Cheval

Central London Sales Market; Houses Making a Recovery

Research conducted by Winkworth shows that the Central London sales market is on the road to recovery. Winkworth Price Guides from April 2008 to September 2009 demonstrate the deceleration of decline and, in some cases, rise in prices. - October 16, 2009 - Winkworth

A Unique IDX Broker Software Integration Sets Realtor Brian Douglas Apart from and Above His Competition

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to speed up and simplify the online property search process for both real estate professionals and their clients. - October 16, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

Realtors Lacking Green Listings Can Now List Their Name and Website

Realtors Lacking Green Listings Can Now List Their Name and Website

As the green real estate market slowly grows, there's still many green Realtors and Brokers that don't have any green homes to list - yet many are still looking for the exposure their truly deserve for all their green commitment and added green education. - October 15, 2009 - Listed Green LLC

HomeRun Homes Celebrates 7 Years as the Marketplace for Rent to Own Homes

HomeRun Homes, which has revolutionized the Rent to Own Homes industry with their marketplace website (www.Lease2Buy.com), is celebrating their 7th Anniversary this month. This has been an extremely busy year for HomeRun Homes, with traffic to the site at record levels in this, their 7th year of... - October 15, 2009 - HomeRun Homes

William Vasana Earns Prestigious Designation to Help Homeowners in Danger of Foreclosure

William Vasana of Watson Realty Corp. in Jacksonville has earned the prestigious Certified Distressed Property Expert® (CDPE) designation, having completed extensive training in foreclosure avoidance, with a particular emphasis on short sales. At a time when millions of homeowners are... - October 15, 2009 - Watson Realty Corp., Will Vasana

Richard Cathey, President and CEO of American Pride Bank, Elected to Community Bankers Association of Georgia Board of Directors

Richard Cathey, President and CEO of Macon, Georgia-based financial institute American Pride Bank, is elected to a one year term as Member at Large for the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. - October 15, 2009 - American Pride Bank

Travelers Reveal Increasing Interest in Family Reunion Vacations

Among Them, More Than Two Million Choose Vacation Homes for Past Overnight Trips. - October 15, 2009 - Vacation Rental Managers Association

Chicago Real Estate Agent Becomes New Member of Dream Town Realty

Dream Town Realty announces Gordon Rosen has joined its Chicago-area brokerage. Rosen is one of six Chicago real estate agents welcomed to the company in September. - October 15, 2009 - Dream Town Realty

Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff P.C. Attorneys Hebert and Slank Named Among Top 50 Women in Michigan by Super Lawyers® Magazine

Deborah Hebert and Noreen Slank also were recognized by Super Lawyers® magazine as top Michigan attorneys in appellate law. Both earned distinction among Top 50 Women attorneys in the state based on their overall scores. - October 15, 2009 - Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff, P.C.

IDX Broker Software is Used to Enhance and Simplify the Online Real Estate Search for David Gerlitz's Clients

A custom IDX solution sets real estate professionals websites apart from their competitors with its uniqueness and seamless integration. - October 15, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

The O’Neill Group Makes Crain’s 2009 List of Northeast Ohio Insurance Agencies

The O’Neill Group has been listed in the September 28th publication of Crain’s Cleveland Business as being one of Northeast Ohio’s top insurance agencies when ranked by number of licensed employees. The Wadsworth Ohio insurance agency, who ranked 26th according to Crain’s,... - October 15, 2009 - The O'Neill Group

New Luxury Spanish Property Competitions Website Launched for UK Residents

Being given the possibility of winning a luxury home on the Costa del Sol in Spain for just £30 may trigger alarm bells, but www.winspanishproperty.com is providing UK residents the opportunity of just that. - October 15, 2009 - Wapis Ltd

William Vasana Completes Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource Course for the Residential Specialist

William Vasana of Watson Realty Corp. has completed a highly specialized course in Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource (SFR) conducted by the Council of Residential Specialists of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. The Short Sales and Foreclosure Resource program recognizes the... - October 14, 2009 - Watson Realty Corp., Will Vasana

Steve Harrington Displays His Local MLS Listings on His Own Personal Website with the Help of Custom IDX Broker

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to speed up the online property search process, saving both real estate professionals and their clients time and hassle. - October 14, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

The Cypress of Raleigh Hosts Endeavor Charter School

Regina Driesbach, executive director of The Cypress of Raleigh (www.thecypressofraleigh.com), has announced that the community recently hosted a program of 54 students from the Endeavor Charter School to participate in group interviews with Cypress community members as part of a contribution to a... - October 14, 2009 - Cypress of Raleigh

Advertising a Room for Rent

Need to advertise a room for rent? PADZ.com can now provide all the features that landlords are looking for and best of all it's currently free. - October 13, 2009 - Padz Limited

Holladay Properties Celebrates Major Milestone: Developer Completes 3M Square Feet as It Welcomes 6 New Tenants to Its Park

Holladay Properties is celebrating a major milestone in its history, as it announces the completion of 3,000,000 total square feet of developed space in Northwest Indiana. Despite challenging economic times, the development, design, and construction firm has pushed forward with new... - October 11, 2009 - Holladay Properties

A Custom IDX Solution Simplifies and Speeds Up the Online Real Estate Search for Denny Woyak's Website Visitors

The highly customizable IDX Broker software enables realtors to display local MLS listings on their own personal websites. - October 11, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

Royal Oaks Building Group Offers $1,500 New Home Discount to Hometown Heroes

Rich Van Tassel, president of Royal Oaks Building Group, LLC (www.royaloaksbg.com), has announced that the company is offering a $1,500 discount on new homes in Braxton Village, Walnut Creek, Churchill, Southern Oaks and Whetstone West as part of its Hometown Heroes program. Braxton Village is... - October 11, 2009 - Royal Oaks Homes LLC

Transfer Smart, Inc to Help Timeshare Owners Discover Way to Get Out of Their Timeshares

Transfer Smart launches its website www.TransferSmartNow.com and offers a proven and hassle-free method of helping timeshare owners get rid of their timeshare. Founded by Linda and J.C. Skidmore, the company is backed by decades of timeshare industry experience and a commitment to customer service. - October 10, 2009 - Transfer Smart, Inc.

Class Teaches How to Invest in Real Estate for Profits

Upcoming Full Day Seminar Shows Real Estate Investors How to Buy and Sell for a Profit Selling to Retail Clients - October 09, 2009 - Get Real REI

Chicago Real Estate Agent Welcomed to Dream Town

Dream Town Realty welcomes Susan Nice to its team of Chicago real estate agents. Ms. Nice is one of six real estate agents to join the company in September. - October 09, 2009 - Dream Town Realty

Mosaic Contest for Alexandria, VA Students to Celebrate New “Green” Building in Del Ray Community

Del Ray Greens is having a contest to design and produce two large mosaics that will adorn this new building’s main entrance. The contest will celebrate the uniqueness of Del Ray’s first privately owned, LEED certified green building, which will break ground in late fall. - October 09, 2009 - Del Ray Greens

Sona Davidian Displays Up-to-date MLS Listing Information on her Website with the Help of Custom IDX Software

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to speed up and simplify the online real estate search process, saving both realtors and home seekers time. - October 09, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

BusinesSuites President Congratulates Team Members for Winning National Award

BusinesSuites President Congratulates Team Members for Winning National Award

Daily, John Jordan personally recognizes his team members’ contributions: Today, he's taking it national. - October 08, 2009 - BusinesSuites

Real Investor in the Trenches Shares How He Succeeds

Many are Running from the Current Real Estate Market but One Investor Tells How he Does While Working a Full Time Job. - October 08, 2009 - Get Real REI

Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff P.C. Attorney Sullivan Named Among Top 100 in Michigan by Super Lawyers® Magazine

Sullivan also earned the distinction from Super Lawyers as one of the state’s top attorneys in the area of professional liability for the fourth consecutive year. - October 08, 2009 - Collins, Einhorn, Farrell & Ulanoff, P.C.

North Star Charter Announces Partnership with ECC Life & Style

North Star Charter, one of the leading names in luxury travel services, announced a unique partnership with ECC Life & Style a leading lifestyle apparel company today. According to the agreement, North Star Charter and ECC Life & Style join forces in a long-term partnership to provide their... - October 08, 2009 - North Star Charter

Shay Hargus Incorporates IDX Into her Website, Increasing Efficiency During the Online Property Search

IDX Broker uses its custom IDX solution to speed up the online property search process, saving both real estate professionals and their clients time and hassle. - October 08, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

The Cypress of Raleigh Hires New Dining Manager

Regina Driesbach, executive director of The Cypress of Raleigh (www.thecypressofraleigh.com), has announced that Mike Clifton has joined the organization as the new dining manager. Making a recent return from retirement, Clifton takes on his new role having worked his entire career in the... - October 08, 2009 - Cypress of Raleigh

HCR Powers Its Way to an Atomic Win

HCR is pleased to announce that they have been appointed as the sole UK outbound relocation provider for UKAEA Ltd. UKAEA Ltd is a world leader in both decommissioning and regenerating nuclear sites and as a provider of nuclear consultancy services. With wide international interests, UKAEA Ltd... - October 08, 2009 - HCR Group

Costa Rica Real Estate Heating Up with Reve Orange

Reve Orange (www.Reve-Orange.com) is a luxury condo development located in Playa Naranjo (one of Costa Rica's most exclusive regions) and is now offering fractional and full real estate ownership. Despite the United State's real estate market crises, Costa Rica's real estate has been sustaining salels. - October 08, 2009 - Reve Orange Luxury Condos of Costa Rica

Uptown Realty Opens Exclusive Luxury Division of UT Real Estate

UT Luxury Apartments is the newest division of Uptown Realty that primarily focuses on establishing exclusive relationships with top level clients in order to get affordable rates for luxury real estate in the University of Texas area and central Austin. - October 07, 2009 - UT Luxury Apartments

A Custom IDX Solution Addition Speeds Up the Online Real Estate Search Process for Sharon Hall's Clients

IDX Broker software enables real estate professionals to display MLS listing information on their own personal websites. - October 07, 2009 - IDX, Inc.

Wise Choice Properties Donates Roofs to Beaches Habitat for Humanity's Haywood Estates

Wise Choice Properties, a multi-service company that buys, rehabs, manages, and sells homes in Florida and North Carolina, has donated roofs to two Beaches Habitat for Humanity houses in Jacksonville, FL. The company was pleased to have an exceptionally good year in such a poor economy and wanted to give back to the community. Habitat for Humanity fit in with the company's core mission of creating beautiful, but affordable housing, and in improving the communities they are in. - October 07, 2009 - Wise Choice Properties

Davidson Realty Launches Corporate Blog

Davidson Realty, Inc. is excited to announce the launch of its corporate blog. The blog, www.davidsonrealtyblog.com, will serve as an important source of information for sales agents, new home shoppers and sellers and real estate industry professionals. The Davidson Realty blog will be updated... - October 07, 2009 - Davidson Realty, Inc.

Checking Property and Landlord Reviews Online

PADZ, the property rentals website helps tenants to find out what properties and their landlords are really like by providing property and landlord reviews from previous tenants. - October 07, 2009 - Padz Limited

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