2012 Social Media Outlook Webinar Series Slated to Begin in First Quarter

Colorado-area marketers can start their social media efforts on the right foot in 2012, thanks to a new webinar series being presented by Sallie Burnett, President of Customer Insight Group, a leading strategic marketing consulting firm that helps companies engage, keep and grow profitable customer... - January 18, 2012 - Customer Insight Group

Event Tenders, LLC, a Full Service Event Management and Staffing Company, Provides a Recap of New Business for 2011

Susan G. Cooper and Parham P. Baker of Event Tenders, LLC, a full service event staffing company, announce a recap of 2011, their first full year of operation. Event Tenders grew many times their projections for 2011, growing to be the largest dedicated event staffing company in Central Kentucky. - January 18, 2012 - Event Tenders, Full Service Hospitality Staffing

Physician Job Match Website Releases Informative Video

Earlier last week, leapdoctor.com released it's first professionally created video. Complete with advanced technological transitions and appealing audio, the video is set up on the home page of the company's website as well as on their YouTube channel. They are hoping the video will generate views and appeal to a broader crowd. - January 15, 2012 - leapdoctor.com

OrgVitality Chosen to Assist American Board of Internal Medicine to Improve Physician Evaluations

OrgVitality Vice President Dr. David W. Bracken has been invited by the American Board of Internal Medicine to help address shortcomings in physician evaluations and to bring a unique perspective to the issue by participating in a Multi-Source Feedback Expert Panel. - January 15, 2012 - OrgVitality, LLC

The 2012 Workplace Diet for Anyone Who Leads Others

Leadership expert shares weighty tips to get bosses and organizations in better health in 2012 - January 14, 2012 - The Grossman Group

Accuro Names Staffing and Recruitment Associate

Elizabeth Stahl Promoted at Staffing and Recruitment Firm - January 14, 2012 - The Accuro Group

Making New Year's Resolutions Stick - Queendom.com Releases Results of Their Research on Goal Setting and Achievement

Queendom reveals that successful resolutions require the right mental attitude and a willingness to be proactive. - January 13, 2012 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Medical Doctor Associates Celebrates 25 Years of Service And Launches Rebranding Initiative

Medical Doctor Associates announced the introduction of a new brand identity that will reinforce MDA’s long history in developing relationships with its physicians and healthcare clients and also its commitment to providing outstanding service. - January 13, 2012 - Medical Doctor Associates

National Black Church Initiative & Diversified Workplace Introduce NBCI's Diversity Recruiting Center to Connect Employers with Talent. Proceeds to Combat Hunger in USA.

The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a coalition of 34,000 African-American and Latino churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans dedicated to the eradication of racial disparities around the world, is working to connect employers with talent and turning the proceeds into meals to feed America’s hungry families. - January 13, 2012 - Diversified Workplace

RichmondBUILD Receives $20K in New Equipment  from Abatix Corp. at the Request of ehs International, Inc. to Support  Green Jobs Training for Richmond Residents

RichmondBUILD Receives $20K in New Equipment from Abatix Corp. at the Request of ehs International, Inc. to Support Green Jobs Training for Richmond Residents

Abatix provides new equipment and supplies valued over $20,000 to support the City of Richmond’s award-winning green jobs training program. Abatix is a full service distributor of quality products to safety, construction, environmental, marine, remediation, healthcare and energy... - January 11, 2012 - ehs International, Inc

An Open Mouth Requires an Open Mind and Open Heart - Queendom.com Releases Research on Self-Disclosure

Queendom's study on self-disclosure reveals that self-closing our thoughts and feelings to others takes a great deal of trust - in ourselves and in others. - January 11, 2012 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Brooke Chase Associates, Inc. Announces a 45% Increase in Revenue for 2011

Joseph McElmeel, Chairman & CEO of Brooke Chase Associates, Inc. announced a 45.26% increase in revenue for the year ending 2011. - January 11, 2012 - Brooke Chase Associates, Inc.

ApolloMD Releases ER Express 2.0 to Improve Patients' Experiences in the Emergency Room

ER Express improves the patient experience through SaaS-based technology. First launched in Q4 2011, this latest release (version 2.0) adds new functionality and a simpler, more intuitive interface for patients. - January 11, 2012 - ApolloMD

EmployIndy Awards More Than 100 Local Nursing Students Scholarship to Complete Degrees

Ivy Tech Community Community College nursing students will have one less stressor this semester. EmployIndy enrolled 90 students working toward their Associate of Science in nursing (ASN) at Ivy Tech Community College into training through the Health Care Careers Initiative. Students enrolled in... - January 11, 2012 - EmployIndy

AvantGardeUK.com Re-designed Job Board Focuses on Pharmacy Jobs, Registered Nurse and Clinical Vacancies

After conducting research and analysis from the users of their Job Board, Avant Garde UK have re-designed from the ground-up and launched their new website. They've developed a cleaner and easier to navigate site in order to find pharmacy jobs, registered nurse and clinical vacancies. - January 11, 2012 - Avant Garde UK

Medix Staffing Solutions, Inc. Celebrates 10 Years of Staffing Excellence

Medix Staffing Solutions, Inc., a national staffing organization specialized in recruiting skilled personnel for clients in the Professional Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare and Information Technology industries, celebrated its tenth anniversary in business on December 27th last week. Since its... - January 11, 2012 - Medix

LA Advance Center Announces New Education Service to Help Florida Baby Boomers Find Jobs

Training and guidance to help baby boomer adults navigate today's intricate job hunting process and develop 21st century job search strategies. The participants are taught the use of job boards, social media, networking methods, and resume building along with interviewing and communication skills to help land a job in the shortest time possible. The program also provides many other practical tools and instruction to help adults find employment in a complex job market. - January 09, 2012 - LA Advance Center

Diversity Recruiting Center Announces January Connecting Employers with Talent Sweepstakes Winner

Connecting Employers with Talent Sweepstakes – January Winner. - January 09, 2012 - Diversified Workplace

PlanIT Search Now Offering IT Recruitment Solutions for Clients’ Short-Term Assignments

As specialists for IT recruitment solutions, PlanIT Search has recently announced that they are now providing contract staffing services to clients across the US and Canada. These new services are designed to provide clientele with expert resources that can be deployed at short-term notice in order... - January 08, 2012 - PlanIT Search

Medical Doctor Associates Makes Inavero’s 2011 Best of StaffingTM List

Medical Doctor Associates has been named to Inavero's 2011 Best of Staffing™ Talent list. Best of Staffing, presented in partnership with CareerBuilder, is the nation's only satisfaction award that recognizes exceptional talent service in the staffing industry. Fewer than 1% of North American staffing firms were named as winners on the final list. - January 08, 2012 - Medical Doctor Associates

British Jobs: At Last a Local Jobs for Local People Series of Jobs Sites at a Cost Effective Rate

British Jobs is a series of 147 Local Jobs Sites based across the UK covering all of the main cities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Paul Wilson comments, "At last a great series of Job sites across the UK that offers Local Jobs for Local People." Equally business and recruitment agencies have a route to market that is cost effective and not a premium rate service. - January 07, 2012 - British Jobs

EmployIndy Appoints Chief Financial Officer

EmployIndy announced the appointment of Monty Combs as chief financial officer. Mr. Combs will oversee the budgetary, accounting and financial reporting practices of EmployIndy and direct the audit, financial monitoring, and resolution process of sub-recipients. Mr. Combs brings with him... - January 07, 2012 - EmployIndy

EmployIndy Appoints New Board Members

EmployIndy, Marion County’s local workforce development organization, is pleased to announce the addition of ten new members to the board of directors: Bridget Boyle, Kristy Cook, Andrew Elsener, Michael Huber, Christina Nash, Doug Poe, Yvonne Rice, Kaye Walter, Maureen Weber, and Dennis... - January 06, 2012 - EmployIndy

Management Training Systems, Inc. Announces New Coaching/Mentoring Workplace Report

Understanding strengths and weaknesses in each of the four areas of the report will lead to personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction. - January 05, 2012 - Management Training Systems, Inc.

Community Workforce Solutions Announces New Board Members

CWS announces new Board Members for 2012. - January 04, 2012 - Community Workforce Solutions, Inc.

Telecom Swiss Team New Web Site Launched

Telecom Swiss Team, a Swiss based innovative HR staffing company serving the telecom job market, launched www.tsteam.ch its new web site for clients and collaborators. - January 02, 2012 - Telecom Swiss Team

Medical Assistant Jobs Site Launched

Medical Assistant Jobs Site Launched

Site Connects Medical Assistants with Jobs Across America, Providing Job Search, Resume and Interviewing Tips. - January 01, 2012 - Medical Assistant Jobs

New Job Aggregator Allows Job Seekers to Apply Directly

Company releases job aggregator to public which allows 1 click applications directly to employer. - December 30, 2011 - ZillionJobs

"Unemployment as an Opportunity" by Marcus Valentiner

Overwhelmed by the challenges of looking for a job? Some usual and unusual steps to guide you through the process of job-search and life. - December 29, 2011 - Marcus Valentiner

JobCred Releases Two New and Free CV Templates

On 26 December 2011, JobCred.com has released two new CV templates. Now JobCred users also have the choice to select a modern chronological template or a standard functional template for their CV. These options allow users to select the right CV template for a particular career opportunity. Using... - December 28, 2011 - JobCred

Humbugs Vs. Ho Ho Ho's - Queendom.com Releases Results of Their Egoists Vs. Altruists Research

Queendom reveals how altruistic we really are, and how, unlike Santa Claus, giving for some of us is quid pro quo. - December 24, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

CAI Names Janice Clemons Account Manager for Triad Market

Human Resource Management Firm Welcomes Newest Account Manager to Triad Staff - December 23, 2011 - CAI

The Rise of the Cloud: Launching Cloud Computing Imperative 2012 by Fleming Gulf Conferences

Cloud Computing Imperative 2012 - December 23, 2011 - Fleming Gulf

Pacific Timesheet Announces New SaaS Cloud Crew Timesheet Pricing for Construction and Field Services Customers

Pacific Timesheet Announces New SaaS Cloud Crew Timesheet Pricing for Construction and Field Services Customers

Cloud Crew Timesheets will allow for various licensing packages and lower costs. - December 22, 2011 - Pacific Timesheet

Best of 2011: Web and App Development Are the Top Skills of the Year

twago reveals the results of a study detailing the most requested IT skills in 2011. - December 22, 2011 - twago

Vaco Raleigh Announces New Triangle Headquarters

Executive Placement and Consulting Firm Relocates to New Offices in Raleigh. - December 22, 2011 - VACO Raleigh

AcuteCare Telemedicine Thrives in 2011, Poised for Continued Growth in 2012

AcuteCare Telemedicine (ACT), an Atlanta-based leader in telemedicine services, approaches the end of 2011 having made significant strides during the year. Overall, the business saw more than 300% growth, with its telemedicine model proving to be an effective solution for client hospitals. The... - December 22, 2011 - AcuteCare Telemedicine

Insight Global Gives Back to Children

Employees hold second annual childrens' toy drive for Toys for Tots. - December 21, 2011 - Insight Global

Brand Republic Sees 33% Uptake in Mobile Jobsite Traffic

Figures from specialist recruitment job board Brand Republic Jobs show big gains in mobile adoption, as those in the jobs market seek ever more to search and apply to media, advertising and marketing jobs whilst on the move. In September 2011 alone, mobile traffic to the Brand Republic jobs site... - December 21, 2011 - Haymarket Business Media

What do You do if Santa Brings You a Pink Slip for Christmas? Job Seeker and Author Shares His Holiday Surprise and Recommendations.

Yusuf Wilson, 20 year financial services executive, author, and career coach shares advice about overcoming downsizing, lay-offs and economic set-backs in this tough economy. He tells his personal and revealing story in the article, "Laid Off Again But Determined..... a Job Seekers Private... - December 17, 2011 - Wilson Consulting & Training Systems

K Marketing Group Promotes New Executive with Further Plans to Expand the Company Into Multiple Markets by 2012

On November 21st, the announcement of Jillian Pekel’s promotion to the management team is the second leadership addition K Marketing has made this year, helping the company come even closer to its plans to expand into multiple markets by the end of 2012. - December 16, 2011 - K Marketing Group, Inc.

Affintus Shares Metrics CEO's Should be Using in Talent Management

Austin based Affintus, the job chemistry company, was recently published in Texas CEO Magazine providing thought leadership about recruiting and hiring trends. The article “The Talent Show” discusses the talent management metrics CEO’s should be using to improve their bottom line. - December 16, 2011 - Affintus

K Marketing Group, Inc. Promotes New Executive Increasing Company Leadership and Paving the Way for Upcoming Expansion

K Marketing Group plans to expand the company into four markets in the next 24 months. The company focuses on developing their management team through internal training that starts every employee at the entry level. In order to reach their expansion goals, the company plans to grow its leadership from within. This newest promotion puts K Marketing one step closer to expansion. - December 15, 2011 - K Marketing Group, Inc.

Rural America OnShore Outsourcing Wants U.S. to Prepare for Influx of Millions of Online Workers in Rural U.S. as a Result of Broadband Access

CEO Christopher Hytry Derrington points to National Rural America Jobs Creation Plan to provide capital for entrepreneurs as government commits $7.2 billion to broadband expansion. - December 15, 2011 - Rural America OnShore Outsourcing

CAI Conducts 2011-2012 North Carolina Healthcare Benefits & Cost Survey

Human Resource Management Firm Collects Data for a Localized Analysis on Healthcare Market Trends - December 15, 2011 - CAI

The Leadership Circle Receives Distinction

Leadership Excellence magazine recently announced that The Leadership Circle received placement in two of their 2011 Leadership 500 lists. - December 14, 2011 - The Leadership Circle

Toronto IT Recruitment Company PlanIT Search Now Offering Additional Pre-Employment Services for Candidates

Leading Toronto experts for IT recruitment solutions, PlanIT Search have recently announced that they will be providing candidates, who choose to work with the company in order to succeed in completing their career goals, with an additional suite of pre-employment services. The company’s new... - December 14, 2011 - PlanIT Search

Back Of The House (BOTH) Challenges Undue Villainization of Independent Contracting and Freelancing: 10 Myths Exposed

Back Of The House (BOTH) Challenges Undue Villainization of Independent Contracting and Freelancing: 10 Myths Exposed

Back of the House - BOTH - is launching an information campaign designed to provide facts, debunk myths and aid in raising awareness of the merits of flexible work arrangements. - December 13, 2011 - Back Of The House - BOTH

SVS Group Inc. Named One of the Bay Area’s Top 100 Fastest-Growing Private Companies

SVS Group Inc, a full service staffing company, is pleased to announce it has been named one of the Bay Area’s Top 100 Fastest Growing Private Companies by the San Francisco Business Times for the second consecutive year. Ranked 55th this year, SVS Group was ranked 70th last year. - December 13, 2011 - SVS Group

Roberta Matuson Announces the 2012 Profitability Accelerator Teleconference Series for Executives and Business Owners

Renowned expert Roberta Matuson presents the 2012 Profitability Accelerator Teleconference Series for Business Leaders and Owners interested in business growth in the New Year and beyond. - December 11, 2011 - Human Resource Solutions

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