SWACHA Survey Reveals Consumers Likely to Avoid Debit Card Fees by Using Alternative Payment Methods or Switching Providers

Debit card Debit card fees are currently on the minds of many Americans, but according to a recent survey conducted by SWACHA, one of the largest not-for-profit regional electronic payments associations in the country, the majority of consumers faced with monthly debit card fees are likely to... - October 06, 2011 - SWACHA

Building Service Contractors Association International Elects 2012 Board of Directors

Building Service Contractors Association International (BSCAI) recently elected new members to leadership positions for the 2012 term of office. Serving as BSCAI President in 2012, Taylor Bruce, CBSE, is President of IH Services, Inc. In 1955, IH Services began as a small family owned business in... - October 06, 2011 - Building Service Contractors Association

CCA Pleased with Permanent Gas Tax Fund Transfers to Aid Municipalities with Infrastructure

The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) is pleased to see the government moving forward with its commitment to introduce legislation to make permanent the annual transfer of funds to municipalities under the Gas Tax Fund. - October 06, 2011 - Canadian Construction Association

Conservative Republican John S. Carroll Announces U.S. Senate Run

On September 21st, 2011, John Carroll announced this run for the U.S. Senate from Hawaii as a Republican. Carroll was elected 5 times to the Hawaii State Legislature, had an extensive military career as a jet fighter pilot, an airline captain with Hawaiian Airlines and now practices law in Honolulu. - October 05, 2011 - John S. Carroll

NAFDMA Convention in 2012, New Opinions from the Old Dominion

27th Annual NAFDMA Convention will be held at the Williamsburg Marriott in Williamsburg Virginia on February 10-16, 2012. - October 05, 2011 - NAFDMA

The 4th annual WMT&GHC Announces the Chicagoland Foreign Investment Group as a Bronze Sponsor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce the Chicagoland Foreign Investment Group as a bronze sponsor at the conference held in Chicago on October 25-28th, 2011. - October 05, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

SWACHA Survey Reveals High Consumer Confidence in the Security of Electronic Payments as Cyber Security Awareness Month Begins

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and while all consumers are encouraged to protect themselves online, most show strong confidence in the security of their electronic payments according to a recent survey by Dallas-based SWACHA, one of the largest not-for profit regional electronic... - October 05, 2011 - SWACHA

CT REIA Announces 2011 New England Real Estate Investors and Entrepreneur Conference and Trade Show in Connecticut

On October 29 and 30, 2011, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting the 8th Annual New England Real Estate and Entrepreneur Conference and Trade Show in Meriden, CT. This event is designed for new and experienced real estate entrepreneurs. - October 05, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Women's Business Development Center to Host Information Series About Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is designed to help small businesses create jobs and economic growth. - October 02, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center

PM Directed USF to Include Flood Stricken Districts of Sindh in the Proposed Telemedicine Network Immediately

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani chaired the 25th meeting of Board of Directors of Universal Service Fund (USF) as Minister-Information Technology, at Prime Minister’s House this morning. The meeting approved projects budget of Rs.9.9 billion for Financial Year 2001-12 including... - October 02, 2011 - Universal Service Fund - Pakistan

WIAAP Supports Concussion Legislation: Assembly Bill 259 Would Protect Child and Adolescent Athletes

The number of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs, or “concussions”) in youth athletes is on the rise and in the news. Complete and accurate education on prevention and identification of concussions is critical information for coaches, athletes, parents and guardians in order to best protect the athletes’ short- and long-term health. - October 01, 2011 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

IMC Radio Going Live

After the success of the pre-inaugural show on September 28th the WIMC-DB (IMC Radio project) is taking off the ground and is ready for its first worldwide live call-in Aviation Talk Show. The first transmission will take place on Wednesday, October 5th at 6 PM EST for one hour and it will continue as a weekly occurrence thereafter. - October 01, 2011 - IMCClubs.org

NACD-Minnesota Board Chair John Stout Appointed Chair of ABA Corporate Governance Committee

The Business Law Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) recently appointed John H. Stout, Board Chair of the National Association of Corporate Directors, Minnesota Regional Chapter as chair of its 2,400-plus member Corporate Governance Committee. Stout has been a vice chair of the committee... - October 01, 2011 - NACD - Minnesota Chapter

ASM’s GC Showcase Offers a Rare Opportunity to Meet the Area’s Premier General Contractors

Associated Subcontractors of Massachusetts will host the GC Showcase on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at The Westin Hotel in Waltham, MA. The GC Showcase will provide Boston-area subcontractors the opportunity to network with some of the area’s premier general contractors. The event is free and... - October 01, 2011 - Associated Subcontractors of Massachusetts

KOSBE Award Winner Cumberland Marketing Acquires The Bliss Agency

KOSBE Award winner Cumberland Marketing announced today the acquisition of Bristol’s The Bliss Agency. The deal combines Cumberland’s expertise in marketing, branding, promotions and interactive services with Bliss’ extensive background in web development and mobile... - September 30, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Inventro Announces New Public Discussion on Importance of Business Mentoring

Announcing a new public discussion on why it is pivotal when starting a business to find a business mentor. - September 30, 2011 - Inventro

KOSBE Broadens Eligibility for 2011 Awards Competition

The Annual KOSBE Awards Committee has announced the only exception to the official rules, which pertains solely to the Innovation Award. According to KOSBE Executive Director Aundrea Wilcox, “This will be the only category in the new 2011 competition that allows a business that has not been... - September 30, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

What You Need to Know Now to Make Money (Safely) in Real Estate Sponsored by Ohio Real Estate Investors Association

Ohio real estate market is the most profitable, exciting, bargain-filled it's been in 25 yrs. - September 29, 2011 - OREIA

Secure Patient Portal Technology Proves Successful for Award-Winning Virginia Women’s Center

Richmond, Virginia’s independent women’s health practice and 2009 recipient of the Davies Award, Virginia Women’s Center, continues to prove its commitment to technology through an online portal that allows for better patient care, faster test reporting and improved patient experience. - September 29, 2011 - Virginia Women's Center

Professional Landcare Network Adopts NYC Park

The Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) announced today that it has officially adopted Capsouto Park in New York City. Located at the intersections of Laight, Canal, and Varick streets in Manhattan, the park opened two years ago and is where hundreds of firefighters and law enforcement officials... - September 29, 2011 - PLANET

The 4th Annual WMT&GHC Announces Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and Korea International Medical Association (KIMA) as a Silver Sponsor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) and Korea International Medical Association (KIMA) as a Silver Sponsor at the conference held on October 25-28, 2011. - September 29, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

Vistage Michigan Bestows Soaring Eagle Award to Corp! Publisher Jennifer Kluge

President and CEO of the Michigan Business & Professional Association (MBPA) and Michigan Food & Beverage Association (MFBA) recognized for Vistage Michigan's top award presented annually and recognizes one member’s overall success in business. - September 29, 2011 - Vistage Michigan

CT REIA Announces October 2011 Weekend Investing Seminar on Negotiating Strategies for Real Estate Investors

On October 1, 2011, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting a weekend seminar with Don DeRosa in Meriden, CT. Attendees of this seminar will learn strategies for negotiating deals. - September 28, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Recession-Proofing Your Business and Career- OPEN Atlanta Launch Event Saturday Oct. 8

The Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs is launching its Atlanta chapter with an event entitled "Recession-Proofing Your Business and Career," with keynote speakers Tariq Farid, CEO of Edible Arrangements and Anne-Marie Campbell, President of the Home Depot Southern Division. Come to the October 8, 2011 event held at the Westin Buckhead in Atlanta from 10am-3pm to take part in this exciting new organization. - September 28, 2011 - Organization of Pakistani Entrepreneurs Atlanta

MedicalTourism.com Launches New Language Translations in Spanish and Arabic for International Patients

MedicalTourism.com is the leading internet site rated by Google for Medical Tourism information. The Medical Tourism Association™ has the opportunity to launch a fresh look to the site with more information and user-friendly access for MTA members. - September 27, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

Ken Wallace Featured in New Personal Development Movie

Ken Wallace is a featured expert in the new film "Keeper of the Key's" starring Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff. - September 27, 2011 - Speakers International

IIABNJ Announces New Day Pass at the 2011 Annual Conference

IIABNJ announces the inclusion of a Day Pass for the October annual conference, allowing agents the option to attend only the Monday educational sessions. - September 24, 2011 - Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New Jersey (IIABNJ)

SWACHA to Educate Financial Professionals on Global Payments with Principles of International Payments Seminar

Dallas-based SWACHA, one of the largest not-for-profit regional electronic payments associations in the country, is set to host a two-day seminar in Dallas on Sept. 27 and 28 to teach financial professionals how to grow their business globally by implementing processes and procedures that allow... - September 23, 2011 - SWACHA

American Translators Association Launches ATA-Certified Translator Seal

The American Translators Association recently launched the ATA-certified translator seal which was developed for the exclusive use of ATA-certified members in good standing. The seal offers certified translators an opportunity to documents their certification for a client or translation job. It... - September 23, 2011 - American Translators Association

IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 Dedicated to the Advance of Real-World Telecommunications, Engineering Methods and IT Business Systems

More Than 2,000 Industry Professionals to Attend the Premier, International Communications Conference to be Held 5 – 9 December - September 22, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

The 4th Annual WMT&GHC Announces Spartan Bioscience as a Silver Sponsor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce Spartan Bioscience as a Silver Sponsor at the conference held on October 25-28, 2011. - September 22, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

Erin Barnette Joins IMI Association Executives as Administrative Manager

N.C.-based association management company, IMI Association Executives expands staff with the addition of Erin Barnette as Administrative Manager. - September 22, 2011 - IMI Association Executives

CT REIA Announces September 2011 Meeting and Dinner for Women Real Estate Investors in Connecticut

On September 27, 2011, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting the Women Real Estate Investors Association (WREIA) meeting and dinner in Wallingford, CT. Attendees of this seminar will receive powerful investment training. - September 22, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

IBC and Canadian Construction Association Seeking Input on BIM Use in Canada

The Institute for BIM in Canada (IBC) is conducting a survey to assess the BIM environment in Canada. They are asking designers, constructors, operators, and owners of vertical and horizontal infrastructure to take part. - September 22, 2011 - Canadian Construction Association

Chair of NY MWBE Task Force, William Thompson to Lead Panel Discussion - 8th Annual Harlem Business Economic Summit

Expanding procurement opportunities for small business owners within New York state. - September 21, 2011 - The Harlem Business Alliance

“Small Businesses, Big Ideas”: The 8th Annual Harlem Business Economic Summit

Compelling business experts and thriving entrepreneurs provide cost-effective techniques and advice on how to grow a small business in this economy - September 21, 2011 - The Harlem Business Alliance

Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC Hosts a Wine & Cheese Reception to Celebrate the Organization’s Growth Into a New Office

The Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC is hosting an Open House and Wine & Cheese Reception to celebrate the political action committee’s growth leading to the opening of a new office in The Woodlands. The PAC’s growth continues to fuel the organization’s successes in electing more... - September 21, 2011 - Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC

CT REIA Announces September 2011 Seminar for Real Estate Investors and Professionals in Fairfield County, Connecticut

On September 26, 2011 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting a meeting for the Fairfield County Real Estate Investors Association in Fairfield, CT. - September 21, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

The 4th Annual WMT&GHC Announces Allegro Nursing Specialty Education as an Exhibitor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce Allegro Nursing Specialty Education as an Exhibitor at the conference held on October 25-28, 2011. - September 21, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

The 4th Annual WMT&GHC Announces Jordan Hospital as an Exhibitor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce Jordan Hospital as an Exhibitor at the conference held on October 25-28, 2011. - September 20, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute to Host their First Sovereign Fund Forum in Switzerland

The Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute, the leading research institution on sovereign funds is hosting their first sovereign fund forum in Montreux, Switzerland. The Fairmont Le Montreux Palace will be the scene of the event titled Sovereign Wealth Fund Forum Europe 2011. The forum will be held on October 23 through 25, 2011. This is following the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute’s successful inaugural sovereign wealth event in Southern California. - September 20, 2011 - Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute

"Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota" Presentation 10/7/11 12:00-2:00, Campus Club, Coffman Union, University of Minnesota

Presentation by Nationally Known Expert on University Finances, Dr. Howard Bunsis: “Is There Really a Financial Crisis at the University of Minnesota” Presentation 10/7/11 12:00-2:00, Campus Club, Coffman Union, University of Minnesota. Sponsored by the University of Minnesota Chapter, American Association of University Professors. - September 20, 2011 - American Association of University Professors, University of Minnesota

LA Superior Court Judge Mark Juhas from the Elkins Implementation Task Force Will be the Keynote Speaker at the California Association of Legal Document Assistants

This conference will highlight the first decade of the Legal Document Assistant profession after Senate Bill 1418 authorized LDAs to prepare legal documents. - September 19, 2011 - California Association of Legal Document Assistants

NAMWOLF Gold Level Sponsor Support Continues to Expand

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) adds two Gold Level Sponsors to its 2011 Commemorative Sponsor list: NBC Universal and Visa. - September 18, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

MBEConnect Named as a Media Sponsor for United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2011 National Convention

MBEConnect, the diverse supplier and vendor network, will serve as a Media Sponsor for the largest gathering of Hispanic business leaders. - September 18, 2011 - MBEConnect

Construction Industry Leaders Forum Gathers Top Companies in Toronto

The CCA Construction Industry Leaders Forum features roundtable and panel discussions about the construction industry and how to prepare for the future. The event also features a keynote address from Robert Herjavec, CEO of the Herjavec Group. - September 17, 2011 - Canadian Construction Association

Freddie Mac, General Motors, and Walmart Sponsor NAMWOLF in Commemorative Year.

The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) adds three Silver Level Sponsors to its 2011 Commemorative Sponsor List: Freddie Mac, General Motors, and Walmart. - September 17, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

The 4th Annual WMT&GHC Announces the Tourism Authority of Thailand as a Silver Sponsor

The 4th Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress is pleased to announce the Tourism Authority of Thailand as a silver sponsor at the conference held in Chicago on October 25-28th, 2011. - September 17, 2011 - Medical Tourism Association™

BNI Partners for Success Chapter to Host Open House

The Partners for Success chapter of BNI (Business Network International) New Hampshire will host an open house on September 21, 2011 at 8:00am at the New Hampshire Audubon Society, 84 Silk Farm Road in Concord. The event is an opportunity for small business owners and entrepreneurs to experience... - September 17, 2011 - BNI, New Hampshire

Tips on Hiring for Backyard Storm Cleanup

The Professional Landcare Network reminds consumers how to select a landscape, lawn care, or tree care company to help with prevention and after-storm cleanup. - September 16, 2011 - PLANET

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