Lake Norman Home Builders Association to Address Housing Regulation Issues at Luncheon Presentation

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) will present a discussion on government housing regulations, and how those regulations affect the housing market and the current economy. - April 08, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces April 2011 All-Day Seminar with Wealth Expert Robert Shemin

On April 16, 2011 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting a seminar with Robert Shemin. Attendees will learn how to create wealth through real estate investing. - April 08, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

IAPAM Announces Expansion of Its Botox Training and Aesthetic Medicine Education Programs Into China

Today, the IAPAM announced that it is expanding its respected training programs, including its Aesthetic Medicine Symposium with Botox Training into China. - April 07, 2011 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition Announces Semifinalists

The Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) and Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) are today announcing the semifinalists for the GRA/TAG Business Launch 2011. Preliminary Application Judges have selected 11 semifinalists to compete for $50,000 in cash and over $400,000 in services. The semifinalists... - April 07, 2011 - TAG think

Junior League of Long Island Hosts Fourth Annual First Step Program: LI Women Receive New Business Apparel as They Prepare to Re-Enter the Workforce and Gain Independence

The Junior League of Long Island (JLLI), a nonprofit organization of women volunteers, hosted its Fourth Annual First Step Program on Sunday, April 3, and Monday, April 4, at its Roslyn Village headquarters. Over 40 Long Island women who are transitioning back into the workforce received... - April 06, 2011 - The Junior League of Long Island

SWACHA Gets Its Wheels Turning in Celebration of PayItGreen Month

SWACHA today unveiled its “Wheels on SWACHA Tour,” at NACHA’s PAYMENTS 2011 conference in Austin to help elevate consumers’ understanding on the environmental benefits of throwing away paper checks, bills and statements, and opting instead for online banking and electronic... - April 06, 2011 - SWACHA

Wisconsin Pediatricians Urge Vaccination Against Pertussis (“Whooping Cough”). Preventable Disease on the Rise and Potentially Deadly to Newborns and Infants.

The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (WIAAP) is expressing concern over the growing number of the vaccine-preventable pertussis ("whooping cough") outbreaks nationwide. Newborns and infants are especially vulnerable to serious disease and death, and vaccination of all family members and caregivers provides protection against the disease. - April 05, 2011 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

KNAECO Seeking Green Businesses to Represent in Southeast Asia

KNAECO International, Inc., a woman and minority-owned business, is taking the exporting plunge outside of the United States. It is attending the Access to Opportunity in Southeast Asia conference sponsored by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) to conduct meet and greet opportunities with Southeast Asian businesses. - April 04, 2011 - KNAECO International, Inc.

NAFDMA Celebrate Excellence Awards Highlight the Best of the Best at the Annual Convention.

North American Farmers’ Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) is pleased to announce the winners of its "Celebrate Excellence" Contests. Member farms submitted nearly one hundred items to be selected as the best in each of ten different categories. Winners were announced during the annual Celebrate Excellence Luncheon held on February 10, 2011. - April 03, 2011 - NAFDMA

Representative Dan Flynn Achieves Passage of Local Bills

Wednesday the Texas House of Representatives agreed to the passage of three pieces of legislation authored by Representative Dan Flynn in support of Van Zandt and Hunt Counties and in support of military members who die in the service of their country. History is made up of significant events... - April 03, 2011 - TX State Representative Dan Flynn

CEO of ISHR Group is GWBC’s 2011 Business Star

CEO Monique Honaman of ISHR Group has been selected as GWBC’s 2011 Business Star. This is the nation’s premier award for excellence among women’s business enterprises. Honaman is one of fourteen women business leaders who received this award at the Women's Business Enterprise... - April 02, 2011 - Greater Women's Business Council

Downtown Riverside to Host Easter-EggStravaganza

Celebrate Easter in downtown Riverside at the Easter Egg-Stravaganza with three blocks of fun festivities for the entire family. - April 02, 2011 - Riverside Downtown Partnership

International Brangus Breeders Association Installs New Board Members for 2011

The International Brangus Breeders Association introduced its newly elected Board Directors at its annual convention held March 2-6, 2011, in Houston, Texas, in conjunction with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The following directors will serve for three years. - April 02, 2011 - International Brangus Breeders Association

Herman Cain to Speak at Woodlands Area Tax Day Tea Party Hosted by the Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC

The Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC is hosting a Tax Day Tea Party on Saturday, April 16, 2011, at 6:00 p.m., at the Woodforest Stadium in the Woodlands, Texas. The theme for the event is “Restore America,” and will include speakers and musical entertainment. As one of the headlining... - April 01, 2011 - Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC

"The LDA: a Decade of Service to the Self-Help Litigant" is Theme of California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA) 24th Annual Conference

The California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA) will be hosting its 24th annual conference on October 14-16, 2011 at the Doubletree Hotel & Conference Center in Ontario, California. This year’s conference theme, “The LDA: A Decade of Service to the Self-Help... - March 31, 2011 - California Association of Legal Document Assistants

Billions of Dollars Set Aside for Women Owned Businesses

Thanks to the U.S. Small Business Administration, women business owners have a lot of opportunities to contract with the government starting in 2011. “There are potentially billions of dollars waiting for women in the federal government,” said Ana Harvey, the assistant administrator for... - March 31, 2011 - Greater Women's Business Council

Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce President Selected for Advocate Position with the United States Army

The Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce has announced that President and CEO Ike McLeese has been reappointed as a Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA). McLeese was selected by Secretary John M. McHugh to represent the state of South Carolina and will serve as the official advocate... - March 31, 2011 - Columbia Chamber of Commerce

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces April 2011 Meeting with Wealth Expert Robert Shemin

On April 11 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting its monthly meeting with Robert Shemin. Attendees will learn how to buy and sell real estate in today’s market. - March 29, 2011 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

2011 Board of Directors Named for ASTD South Central Wisconsin - Tracy Nelson of Summit Credit Union Serving as President, Kimberly Frederickson as President in Training

The American Society of Training & Development South Central Wisconsin has named Tracy Nelson of Summit Credit Union as 2011 President. Kimberly Frederickson will be serving as President Elect in training for 2012. - March 29, 2011 - American Society of Training & Development, South Central Wisconsin

TAG Unveils 2011 State of the Industry: Technology in Georgia Report

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), the state’s leading association dedicated to the promotion and economic advancement of Georgia’s technology industry, today unveiled results from its 2011 State of the Industry: Technology in Georgia Report. - March 27, 2011 - TAG think

Intro to Services Offered by Women's Business Development Center Scheduled for April 5 in Chicago

“Wisdom, Wine and Cheese: Introduction to WBDC Services,” an introductory session for prospective and established business owners to help clarify their needs, hosted by the Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC), will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, at the... - March 27, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship Seeks Experts in Entrepreneurship Education to Present at Conference in October

The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE) is asking experts in entrepreneurship to submit proposals for presentations to be presented at the organization’s 9th Annual Conference in Portland, OR, to be held October 9-12. NACCE is looking for engaging presenters... - March 26, 2011 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

African-American Business & Professional Network Partners with Small Business Administration to Improve ROI for Minority Business Owners

Business & Professional Network Connects Members with Organizations that Increase Their Bottom Lines Despite Unstable Economy - March 25, 2011 - AABPN

ICLEI USA Executive Director Martin Chávez Joins Renowned Polar Explorer, Sir Robert Swan; Global CEOs on Important Climate Change Expedition to Antarctica

Exceptional Voyage to Last Great Wilderness on Earth Will Explore the Preservation of Antarctica; Promote Recycling, Renewable Energy and Sustainability Efforts to Combat Climate Change - March 25, 2011 - ICLEI USA

AAUCM and iTriage Team Up to Help Growing Number of Mobile Users Quickly Find Urgent Care Centers

iTriage’s symptom-to-provider™ pathway is helping urgent care centers connect with patients at the exact moment a minor medical need arises. - March 25, 2011 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

The Nc Center for Women in Public Service Releases Podcast on Women in Office Institute

Cecily Timmons Discusses Leadership Program, Calls for Applications by April 1 Deadline. - March 25, 2011 - NCCWPS

State Pediatricians Oppose Sale of “Raw Milk”: WIAAP Urges Defeat of AB 1531/2 and Senate Bill 306/2

The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (WIAAP) again voices its opposition to pending legislation that would legalize the sale of unpasteurized ("raw") milk. Raw milk is known to expose consumers to food-borne illnesses caused by bacteria capable of causing numerous illnesses and even death, and miscarriage in pregnant women. Numerous public, agricultural and veterinary health groups stand opposed to the sale of unpasteurized milk. - March 24, 2011 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Judges Chosen for the 2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) and the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) have finalized an all-star lineup of judges for the 2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition finals round on May 24, 2011. Announced today are the following finals judges: Bob Bozeman, General Partner, Angel... - March 24, 2011 - TAG think

CSPA Convenes Household & Institutional Products Industry Leaders in Chicago

The Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) – the voice for the household and institutional products industries – will host its annual Mid-Year Meeting on May 3-6, 2011 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown. CSPA began hosting the Mid-Year Meeting in Chicago in the late 1960s. - March 24, 2011 - Consumer Specialty Products Association

CAPAPA Appoints New Board Members

Distinguished members of Canada's Access and Privacy Community join Board of Directors of The Canadian Association of Professional Access and Privacy Administrators (CAPAPA) - March 24, 2011 - CAPAPA - The Canadian Association of Professional Access and Privacy Administrators

Home Care Alliance Opposes Recommendation of Co-Pays for Patients Cared for at Home

Industry Calls Co-payments an Inappropriate Burden and a Tax on Most Vulnerable Elders. - March 23, 2011 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

TAG Think, Tripp Rackley to be Inducted Into Technology Hall of Fame of Georgia

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) and the Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) have finalized an all-star lineup of judges for the 2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition finals round on May 24, 2011. - March 23, 2011 - TAG think

Gov. Bev Perdue Proclaims Veterinary Science Year as Part of World Veterinary Year Celebrations

Commemorative Events Will Take Place Worldwide Throughout 2011. - March 23, 2011 - NCVMA

American Student Dental Association House of Delegates Elects 2011-2012 Executive Committee and Speaker of the House of Delegates

During its Annual Session in Anaheim, CA, ASDA’s House of Delegates – 116 dental students from across the U.S. – elected its 2011-2012 Executive Committee and Speaker of the House. All leaders have been involved in organized dentistry on both national and local levels in past... - March 23, 2011 - American Student Dental Association

MBEConnect Profiles Magazine Releases Inaugural Issue

MBEConnect releases the first issue of a digital magazine highlighting the best and brightest women- and minority-owned businesses in conjunction with WBENC Summit & Salute. - March 23, 2011 - MBEConnect

PR Pros to Tackle Industry Issues at Vegas Conference

Public Relations Society of America Hosts Western District Conference in Las Vegas April 27-29. - March 23, 2011 - Public Relations Society of America-Las Vegas Valley chapter

Women's Business Development Center Sets Connection Points Exclusive Networking Event for March 31

Women business owners of construction businesses as well as architects, landscape architects, interior designers and realtors who want to connect with other women-owned industry peers, should plan to attend this Connection Points, an exclusive networking event presented by the Women’s... - March 23, 2011 - Women's Business Development Center

IEEE DySPAN 2011 to Explore Next Generation Smart Radio & Wireless System Technologies from May 3 – 6, 2011 in Aachen, Germany

The IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2011), the leading international conference dedicated to the advancement of cutting-edge wireless technologies, will hold its 5th annual meeting from May 3 – 6 in Aachen, Germany to drive the efficient and dynamic... - March 22, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

IAPAM's hCG Training for Physicians April 15, 2011

Consumer demand for hCG for weight loss is exploding. The International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) is helping physicians enter this lucrative market by offering their physician-led hCG Training in Scottsdale, Arizona on April 15, 2011. Physicians will learn everything they need to know to start safely offering hCG for weight loss to their patients. - March 21, 2011 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

TSBDC at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate and KOSBE to Host SBA Community Express Live Loan Event

The Tennessee Small Business Development Center at ETSU Kingsport Affiliate Office and KOSBE, in partnership with several small business economic development lenders, is hosting a live loan application clinic highlighting SBA's Community Express Loan and Patriot Express Loan Programs, the State of... - March 19, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

IMC Club Releases Android Application's First Webcast of IMC Report from IMC TV on Friday, March 25th

Aviation safety organization, IMC Club International, Inc. has announced the release of a new Android application. This application available also for an iPhone is designed to disseminate aviation related news to the pilot community. The newly released application delivers the IMC iNews, podcasts, and IMCTV Video and other aviation related content to a pilot’s Android wireless device in a format that is easy to read and browse. - March 19, 2011 -

Lake Norman Home Builder Named "Woman of the Year" by National Association of Home Builders Professional Women in Building

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) proudly announces that Nicole Goolsby was named Woman of the Year by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Professional Women in Building Council. She was awarded for her generous and enthusiastic support as a business mentor, and for her exceptional leadership in the council. NAHB also recognized Goolsby as a Life Director for her ten years of service on the Board of Directors. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

Lake Norman Home Builders Association Announces 2011 Leadership Posts

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) recently announced the members in leadership roles who are serving on the 2011 Board of Directors. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

The Lake Norman Home Builders Association (LNHBA) Recently Presented Its Annual Awards in Recognition of 2010 Excellence in Leadership

“Builder Member of the Year” was awarded to Geoff Bowen, founder and president of EFC Builders, based in Troutman, NC. Mary Ellen MacDonald, a mortgage loan originator with Peoples Bank in Cornelius, NC, was named “Associate Member of the Year.” The 2010 “Rookie Member of the Year” award went to Joan Inglis, owner and lead designer of Carolina Spaces, LLC, based in Lake Wylie, SC. - March 19, 2011 - Lake Norman Home Builders Association

IAPAM Announces Remaining 2011 Dates for Symposiums with Botox Training and hCG Training

The IAPAM is helping physicians enter this lucrative market by offering their dermatologist-led, 2-day Aesthetic Medicine Symposium with Botox Training. Physicians learn everything they need to start offering Botox and other in-demand aesthetic medicine procedures. Today, the IAPAM announces new fall dates for its respected Aesthetic Medicine Symposiums in 2011. - March 18, 2011 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Motorcoach Council Expands Board of Directors

2011 Election Results for Motorcoach Council Board of Directors - March 18, 2011 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

American Student Dental Association Presents Dr. Arthur Dugoni with First-Ever Paragon Award

The American Student Dental Association announced its first-ever recipient of the ASDA Paragon Award. Dr. Arthur A. Dugoni, dean emeritus, professor of orthodontic and senior executive of development, University of Pacific Dental School, was presented the Association’s highest honor at the ASDA Annual Session on March 3 in Anaheim, CA. - March 18, 2011 - American Student Dental Association

The NC Center for Women in Public Service Unveils 2011 Board of Directors

Board Guides Nonprofit Organization to Prepare Women for Elected and Appointed Offices Statewide - March 18, 2011 - NCCWPS

Krysztoforski Confirms He’ll Seek House Seat

Krysztoforski Confirms He’ll Seek House Seat

Joseph T. Krysztoforski confirmed what his supporters anticipated, he will to take advantage of the inroads made in 2010 and seek the republican nomination for House of Representatives for Maryland's 6th Congressional District. The Constitutional Republican made his formal announcement on Tuesday,... - March 17, 2011 - JTK for Congress

Notorious Check Forger Frank Abagnale to Discuss the "Art of the Steal" at the Financial Crime Day Hosted by SWACHA and the Houston FBI

SWACHA and the Houston office of the FBI have teamed up to host the 17th Financial Institution Crime Day in Houston on March 23, 2011, to help financial industry professionals reduce their exposure to fraud. Dallas-based SWACHA is one of the largest not-for-profit electronic payments associations... - March 17, 2011 - SWACHA

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