Micki Nelson, MWH Named to CSIA Board

Micki Nelson, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, MWH is named to the CSIA, Board of Directors - January 13, 2010 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

Mobile Monday Chicago Kicks of 2010 with an Event on Protecting Intellectual Property

Mobile Monday (MoMo) Chicago today announced that it will kick off 2010 with an event this coming Monday, January 18th, on protecting intellectual property during all stages of mobile development. - January 13, 2010 - Mobile Monday - Chicago

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Hosts 2010 Inaugural Ball

Raymond Larcher, executive vice president of Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), announced that the association will host the 2010 Inaugural Ball on Friday, Jan. 15 at 6 p.m. at the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® offices located at 111 Realtor Way in... - January 13, 2010 - RRAR

Final Preparations on Track for IBBA Member Spitzer Ranch's Seventeenth Annual Performance Tested Brangus Bull Sale and Commercial Female Sale

All performance data from birth thru yearling, all gain test data and all Ultrasound Carcass scans have been reported to the Brangus Association on the 101 bulls being developed for the February 2010 bull sale. On January 4, 2010, the International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) sent the... - January 10, 2010 - International Brangus Breeders Association

Texas Insurance Agents Focus on the Future for 16th Annual Day at the Capitol

Texas Association of Health Underwriters Hosts Legislative Day in Austin - January 10, 2010 - Texas Association of Health Underwriters

NPSA Social Networking Group Gains Momentum

The National Portable Storage Association reports numerous benefits of building a branded social networking community with ThePort software. - January 10, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

CSIA Announces 2010 Board of Directors

CSIA, Colorado’s Technology Association, announces their 2010 Board of Directors. - January 09, 2010 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

NAWBO SAN DIEGO Announces January Networking Event/ Network with NAWBO to Make New Connections

The University Club will be the venue for Network with NAWBO on January 25, an informal networking event featuring complimentary wine and appetizers and a no-host bar. - January 08, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

CT REIA Announces The Apartment Owners Association of Connecticut January 2010 Quarterly Meeting

On January 13, 2010, the Apartment Owners Association of Connecticut will be hosting its quarterly meeting with Attorney Gary Lavigne and insurance Broker John Czel. - January 07, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Oregon Entrepreneur Network’s Monthly ‘PubTalk’ to Now be Held at Backspace in Old Town Portland

January 13th PubTalk to feature three Pacific Northwest businesses vying for one of the final spots of Seed Oregon—a completion of seed-stage companies seeking capital - January 06, 2010 - Oregon Entrepreneuer Network

Work-Life Balance for Small Businesses is Achievable, Finds ACCA New Enquiry Into Flexible Working

But employee and employer culture and attitudes need to change - January 05, 2010 - ACCA

Accountants Point to First Firm Evidence of Global Recovery – But Fear It Could All be an Illusion Says ACCA

Christmas fails to cheer UK finance professionals - January 05, 2010 - ACCA

Coffee and Contacts Women’s Power Networking Offers Monthly Power Lunch Series

"Effective Social Networking: Boosting Your Business and Brand Online Power Lunch” hosted by Raleigh-based Coffee and Contacts, features panelists Alice Osborn, Eileen Batson, Olalah Njenga and Marilyn Shannon, Jan. 8, 2010 at Brio Tuscan Grille in Raleigh. - January 03, 2010 - Women's Power Networking

Westchester Business Connection Urges Members to Become Champions in 2010

2010 promises to be another stellar year for the Westchester Business Connection and its members. The goal for 2010 is to make many more introductions to help benefit those who participate in the group. One of the things that set the WBC apart from the rest is the ability to connect with other business professionals, both in person and online. - January 01, 2010 - The Westchester Business Connection

NAWBO San Diego's January Meeting Focuses on Time Management/ Learn How to do More with Less Stress

The first meeting of 2010 for NAWBO San Diego will feature Sarita Maybin presenting, "How To Get More Done With Less Stress." The January 20 lunch event will be held at a new location, the Sheraton La Jolla. More information, including online registration, is available at nawbo-sd.org. - January 01, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Introduces Raleigh Associates Program

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), has announced that the association is introducing the Raleigh Associate Program (RAP). RAP, which will serve as a replacement for the Associate Membership Classification, will feature a decrease in... - December 30, 2009 - RRAR

Atlanta NSHMBA and ALPFA Chapters Present: An Economic Update by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - Is It Over?

The NSHMBA and ALPFA Atlanta chapters have partnered to sponsor Michael Bryan, Vice President & Senior Economist, Research Department for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, who will give the keynote address on the state of the economy for 2010 on Wednesday, January 13th at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served. RSVP is required at nshmba.org/atlanta. - December 29, 2009 - NSHMBA Atlanta

NAWBO SD Supports Operation: December to Remember

NAWBO San Diego provided a donation to Optimal Nutrition to support Operation: December to Remember. As a result, a struggling military family will receive an all-organic holiday dinner for eight. - December 25, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

FRUITTRADE 2010 Has Already Set a Date

It will take place the 6th and 7th of October, 2010, alongside with the National Fruit and Vegetable Producers Convention in Santiago, Chile. Both events shape the most important meeting of the fruit industry in the Southern Hemisphere. - December 25, 2009 - FEDEFRUTA

Portable Storage Units Used to Develop Artist Housing

Architects design and develop innovative creative lofts from portable storage containers for artists in Scotland. - December 24, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

NAWBO San Diego January Seminar Focuses on Estate Planning

Marguerite Lorenz of Lorenz Fiduciary Services will present the first NAWBO San Diego seminar of 2010, Estate Planning and Your Business, on Friday, Jan. 8 from noon to 1 p.m. at Brandman University. - December 20, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

NPSA Offers Portable Storage Solution Finder

The National Portable Storage Association is offering a portable storage Solution Finder to help consumers and businesses find containerized storage at locations around the world. - December 20, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Supports Local Charities

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), announced that the REALTOR® Foundation of the Triangle made donations to three local nonprofits organizations, which were presented at the association’s December board of director’s... - December 19, 2009 - RRAR

Almost 4,000 Would-be Accountants Sit ACCA Exams at Excel Centre, London

Finance Professionals of the future take corporate reporting and tax exams as part of global eight-day exam session. - December 17, 2009 - ACCA

Corporate Carbon Footprints - Is the Corporate World Doing Enough? Asks the ACCA

Business is the ‘elephant in the room,’ say global sustainability experts. Crucially, companies in developing countries are among leaders in climate change reporting. It is vital to monitor what enterprises are doing to measure and reduce their carbon usage. - December 16, 2009 - ACCA

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) Announces Webinar with Robert Shemin

On December 15, 2009, the CT Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting a webinar with Robert Shemin, real estate investment specialist. - December 13, 2009 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

NPSA Announces 2010 Industry Events

he National Portable Storage Association, or NPSA, has announced two strategic events for 2010. Members and non-members alike are invited to attend these industry conventions to learn more about opportunities in portable storage. The NPSA will hold its Spring Seminar on April 26-27, 2010. - December 13, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Making Media Work Through Music: CCP at Asia Televison Forum

Digital Future Series Conference – “The Role of Music in Film and TV,” Dec 2. Masterclass and Workshop with China Directors Li Qiankuan and Xiao Guiyun, Dec 3. - December 12, 2009 - Centre for Content Promotion

IRN Payment Systems Announces Discover® Partnership in The Hope Process

IRN Payment Systems, a leader in the credit card processing industry, today announced a partnership with Discover Financial Services to benefit charitable organizations. The Hope Process, a charitable program created by Dino Sgueglia, President and Founder of IRN Payment Systems, was originally... - December 12, 2009 - The Hope Process

New Lead-Based Paint Regulations Require Special Certification by April 2010, Thirteen Remodeling Contractors Will be Certified to Work on Pre-1978 Renovations

13 Raleigh-area contractors passed the limited lead-based paint renovation class to renovate homes and child-occupied facilities built before 1978. These 13 soon to be certified lead renovators will meet the new lead paint regulations required for contractors by April 2010. - December 12, 2009 - Home Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake Co.

A Toast to the Achievements of Business Networking Group

Business on Toast celebrated a milestone in its development last Wednesday as its University of Derby mentoring scheme was publicly launched. The group welcomed the Mayor along with dignitaries from the University to celebrate the group’s achievements and its provision of 50 experienced... - December 11, 2009 - Business on Toast

Home Care Alliance to Lead State in National Quality Campaign

Organization Will Head Local Efforts for National Home Health Quality Improvement. - December 10, 2009 - Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts

NPSA Announces 2010 Chairman of the Board

The National Portable Storage Association has elected a new board of directors for 2010. - December 10, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Nationally Renowned Leaders Speak at 2nd Annual Leadership in Capital Projects (LinCP) Forum

Leadership in Capital Projects (LinCP) Forum announces nationally renowned keynote speakers Barbara White Bryson and Jack Lowe Jr for the February 2010 event. - December 10, 2009 - LinCP Forum/Synergy Builders

Is Business "Getting It?," Asks ACCA and GRI

Mixed perspectives from experts on the corporate response to climate change. - December 09, 2009 - ACCA

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® Names Hall of Fame Award Recipients

John Wood, president of the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® (RRAR) (www.rrar.com), announced the recipients of the 2009 Annual Hall of Fame Awards. The honorees this year include Raymond Larcher, Ed Willer, Carter Worthy, Parker Creech and the late Ray Stivers. The awards were... - December 09, 2009 - RRAR

The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council Presents 2009 Partnership Awards

Turner Construction Corporation, Bank of New York Mellon, Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) and The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Win Top Honors - December 07, 2009 - New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council

NEEP Launches Northeast CHPS 2.0: Premier High Performance School Protocol Meets Demand for Greening Existing Buildings

Northeast-CHPS 2.0 is a set of building and design standards for the construction or renovation of energy efficient, environmentally friendly, healthy school facilities from pre-K through community colleges. - December 06, 2009 - Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships

Association of Computer Repair Business Owners Launches New Website

The Association of Computer Repair Business Owners has launched its new website as of 1 December. Due to the growth of the Association the old site was no longer able to accommodate the members. Founded in 2007, the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners members are committed to the... - December 04, 2009 - Association of Computer Repair Business Owners

Lead Sheet - No Weatherproof Product is as Efficient or Sustainable as Lead Sheet

Builders, architects and craftsmen can now take advantage of the falling cost of raw materials. The price of lead sheet has not been so low for years. This new price level has reinforced the competitiveness of lead sheet in comparison to synthetic alternatives available in the market. Choosing to... - December 03, 2009 - European Lead Sheet Industry Association

ACCA Pakistan Hosts Islamic Finance Debate

WebEx seminars consider opportunities provided by economic conditions - December 03, 2009 - ACCA

Global Reporting Initiative: A Call to Action

Sustainability reporters invited to participate in survey. - December 02, 2009 - ACCA

BRAOA Now Offering Canadian Bathtub Refinishing Referral Services

In a statement released today, the Bathtub Refinishing Association of America has announced that it is expanding its bathtub refinishing referral services to bathtub refinishing service providers in Canada. - December 01, 2009 - Bathtub Refinishing Association of America

Another Breakfast Seminar @ NYIGF

Another Breakfast With The Day Spa Association @ NYIGF The Beauty of Green The Day Spa Association is pleased to announce its continued collaboration with EX·TRACTS® at the New York International Gift Fair® (NYIGF®) this coming winter. After an extremely well received and... - November 29, 2009 - The Day Spa Association

Luton’s Budding Business Entrepreneurs

Luton sixth formers were introduced to the world of business this week. - November 28, 2009 - ACCA

Access to Finance (and Lunch) in Birmingham

On Friday 27 November, the West Midlands Members’ Network of ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) will be holding its 3rd annual business lunch and presentation at Opus Restaurant in Birmingham. - November 28, 2009 - ACCA

IERG Boston Chapter Inside Look - the Human Element of Social Media Networking - an International Gateway for Collaborative Business Connections

The fundamentals of traditional business processes and the theoretical applications to conduct business operations have been in effect for the last 100 + years. With the wide spread use of the Internet in the late 1990’s businesses began to explore new ways of conducting and connecting with... - November 26, 2009 - International Executive Resources Group, Inc., Boston

Arizona Self-Storage Association Initiates Statewide Toys for Tots Campaign

Member Facilities Supporting Program By Serving As Drop-Off Locations - November 25, 2009 - Arizona Self Storage Association

UK’s Tax System Faces New Year Upheaval

· VAT up from 15 to 17.5 per cent on 1 January 2010 · Loss of personal allowance (tax free allowance) for 40% tax payers earning over £100,000 · Higher rate tax of 50 per cent for those paid £150,000 or more · A general election which means probably a spring budget followed by another after the election · ACCA wants a tax New Year Resolution – transparency, no more stealth taxes - November 25, 2009 - ACCA

The Liaisons Chapter of BNI Holds Visitors’ Day on Dec 3rd

Business Network International (BNI), an international networking organization specializing in business referrals among members, is holding a Visitors’ Day for its Liaisons Chapter on December 3rd from 7:30 am to 9:00 am at the Anaheim Plaza Hotel, Anaheim. The Visitors’ Day event is an... - November 24, 2009 - Business Networking International

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